Forest Fire (6620 ha) in Argentina 29 Dec 2021

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 50
Articles about casualties: 6 (12%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Articles after 28 Dec 2021

La nociva actividad humana vista desde el espacio

2022-01-26T12:01+0100univision (es)

El humo de los incendios sobre cultivos en California (Estados Unidos) “Las llamas en California, cerca del parque Sequoia, se ve muy apocalíptico. Mis pensamientos están con todas las personas y hogares afectados, y los bomberos que están combatiendo los incendios”, comentó sobre a esta fotografía....

Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update (17-23 January 2022) As of 24 January 2022

2022-01-25T02:53+0100reliefWeb (en)

KEY FIGURES. 6K BARRELS OF OIL SPILLED IN OPEN WATERS OFF THE NORTHERN COAST OF PERU. 8.9M SQUARE METERS OF OCEAN AND COASTLINE AFFECTED AS OF 23 JANUARY. Sources: Government of Peru; UN System Peru. PERU: OIL SPILL. The Government of Peru has formally declared an environmental emergency following....

Incolpa il maltempo per le bollette più grandi del 2021.

2022-01-24T12:20+0100notizieglobali (it)

I prezzi per tutto, dall’elettricità e il riscaldamento alle case e ai cereali per la colazione, sono aumentati a causa del clima selvaggio in tutto il mondo. I prezzi di gas naturale, legname, mais, soia, grano e altri elementi costitutivi del commercio moderno sono saliti ai massimi pluriennali,....

Corrientes cercada por los incendios forestales y la sequía: piden a Valdés con urgencia la creación de un Comité de Crisis

2022-01-24T00:09+0100misionesonline (es)

Los pronósticos climáticos no son alentadores para el 2022 y desde organizaciones, asociaciones y consorcios productivos pidieron al gobierno de Gustavo Valdés la declaración de la Emergencia Agropecuaria, por un lado, y seguido la creación de un Comité de Crisis Central.

Unprecedented storm in Montevideo: the city was under water after heavy rains

2022-01-18T03:06+0100today24 (en)

This Monday Uruguay woke up with intense rains that generated floods at various points such as Malvín and Canelones. From the Municipality of Montevideo, they reported that the crews are working “to address an issue without precedents. In two hours they fell about 100 millimeters of water , which means the average of one month.

They do not give truce, forest fires in Argentina occur in eight provinces

2022-01-17T10:39+0100today24 (en)

Argentina .- At least eight provinces in Argentina face forest fires in part of their territories, while others present partially contained claims, reported this Sunday the National Fire Management Service. According to the daily report, the provinces of Salta, Catamarca, Córdoba, Santa Fe, San Luis,....

Forest fires rage across Argentina

2022-01-16T16:29+0100independent-UK (en)

Wildfires in Patagonia have devastated huge areas of a forest in the remote Argentine region as strong winds and high temperatures fuel them further. Firefighters have been deployed to forest fires raging in nine out of the country's 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month.

Guatemala busca incorporar como patrimonio de la humanidad la devoción a un Cristo

2022-01-15T20:59+0100hoy-PY (es)

"La inclusión de esta expresión de fe a la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad busca su salvaguarda, respeto, sensibilización y reconocimiento a nivel internacional", consideró el ministerio de Cultura en un comunicado. El anuncio coincidió con la celebración del Día del....

Estados Unidos Costa oeste de EE. UU. emite alerta de tsunami tras erupción de volcán en el Pacífico El volcán Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai hizo erupción este viernes y ha activado la alerta de varios países cercanos

2022-01-15T17:44+0100ntn24 (es)

Costa oeste de EE. UU. emite alerta de tsunami tras erupción de volcán en el Pacífico El volcán Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai hizo erupción este viernes y ha activado la alerta de varios países cercanos. Tras la erupción del volcán submarino en el Pacífico, algunas alertas de tsunami fueron emitidas....

Erupción de volcán submarino en el Pacífico creó olas de tsunami que golpean la isla de Tonga

2022-01-15T16:14+0100ntn24 (es)

Habitantes de las islas Tonga huían este sábado hacia las alturas ante el tsunami provocado por una nueva erupción oída a cientos de kilómetros del volcán Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai. "Se observó un tsunami de 1,20 m en Nuku'alofa", la capital del pequeño archipiélago del océano Pacífico, anunció la oficina australiana de meteorología.

Forest fires rage in nine of Argentina's 23 provinces

2022-01-15T14:07+0100euronews-en (en)

Copyright Cristian Kovadloff/Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Strong winds and unseasonably high temperatures have reignited wildfires in Patagonia which have devastated huge areas of forest in the remote Argentine region. And with temperatures climbing upwards,....

Firefighters battle forest blazes in Argentina

2022-01-15T13:34+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

Sao Paulo (AFP): With temperatures climbing upwards, firefighters were deployed ahead of the weekend to forest fires in nine of Argentina ’s 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month. Nearly 100 firefighters and support staff, reinforced by planes and helicopters,....

Firefighters battle forest blazes in Argentina

2022-01-15T09:50+0100terradaily (en)

With temperatures climbing upwards, firefighters were deployed ahead of the weekend to forest fires in nine of Argentina 's 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month. Nearly 100 firefighters and support staff, reinforced by planes and helicopters, were fighting the....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell’emisfero sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T09:36+0100ecomy-it (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T08:09+0100lasentinella (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T08:07+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T07:40+0100lastampa (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

Per la Nasa il 2021 è tra i più caldi di sempre. Nell'emisfero Sud il 2022 è già da record

2022-01-15T07:29+0100repubblica (it)

Dopo un 2021 fra i sette anni più caldi della storia, dove oltre 400 stazioni meteo hanno registrato nuovi record e dove si contano purtroppo numerose vittime in tutto il mondo fra alluvioni, incendi, tempeste, siccità e ondate di calore, il 2022 è iniziato con nuovi segnali non buoni per il clima,....

scorching temperatures and intense wildfires engulf southern Argentina

2022-01-15T06:48+0100archyde (en)

With temperatures approaching 40 degrees, firefighters were, this weekend, mobilized on forest fires in nine of the 23 provinces of Argentina . One of them has been active for more than a month and has destroyed nearly 6,000 hectares of vegetation, with no injuries or evacuations to date.

Firefighters battle forest blazes in Argentina

2022-01-15T06:14+0100enca (en)

BUENOS AIRES - With temperatures climbing upwards, firefighters were deployed ahead of the weekend to forest fires in nine of Argentina 's 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month. Nearly 100 firefighters and support staff, reinforced by planes and helicopters,....

Firefighters battle forest blazes in Argentina

2022-01-15T00:10+0100digitaljournal (en)

With temperatures climbing upwards, firefighters were deployed ahead of the weekend to forest fires in nine of Argentina ’s 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month. Nearly 100 firefighters and support staff, reinforced by planes and helicopters, were fighting the....

Firefighters Battle Forest Blazes In Argentina

2022-01-15T00:03+0100ibtimes (en)

With temperatures climbing upwards, firefighters were deployed ahead of the weekend to forest fires in nine of Argentina 's 23 provinces, including one blaze that has been active for more than a month. Nearly 100 firefighters and support staff, reinforced by planes and helicopters, were fighting the....

Firefighters Battle Forest Blazes In Argentina

2022-01-14T23:50+0100barrons (en)

The park is located near the tourist city of Bariloche, about 1,500 kilometers (950 miles) southwest of Buenos Aires. "This is one of the most serious fires we have had in the region," SNMF director of operations Lorena Ojeda told AFP. She spoke at the scene of the blaze, which was sparked by a lightning strike on December 6.

Caldo, l'Australia eguaglia il suo record: 50,7C

2022-01-14T01:48+0100italiaoggi (it)

La colonnina di mercurio prima d'ora aveva superato solo tre volte la soglia dei 50C in Australia, nel gennaio del 1960 e per alcuni giorni consecutivi. Ora Onslow, una remota cittadina nella parte occidentale del paese, ha eguagliato il record di sessantadue anni fa: 50,7C.

bosques nativos No es calor, es desmonte

2022-01-12T05:52+0100aimdigital (es)

Los eventos para escapar del agobio ardiente demuestran una realidad que se impone desde hace unos años ante el incremento en las temperaturas, en donde las medidas de adaptación van demostrando cambios en el comportamiento laboral. “No es calor. Es desmonte”.

No es calor, es desmonte: el vínculo de la deforestación con el cambio climático

2022-01-09T19:58+0100pagina12 (es)

“No es calor. Es desmonte”. La consigna largada en las redes sociales ante la última ola de calor que se vivió en el país al iniciar 2022, y particularmente en Salta por al menos tres días, puso de nuevo en el tapete la incidencia del cambio climático en la cotidianeidad .

OroraTech Develops the First Global Wildfire Intelligence Service Using Satellites

2022-01-07T23:08+0100aerialfiremag (en)

The 2021 wildfire season on the West Coast of the United States was another season that pushed first responders and fire resources to their limit. High temperatures and dry vegetation fueled record-breaking fire spreads, causing damage to millions of acres in forests and communities.

Forest Fires Damage Large Areas in Argentina

2022-01-05T09:41+0100albawaba-en (en)

Authorities revealed that Argentine fires have destroyed "between 80,000 and 90,000 hectares" in the southern province of Chubut which started four days ago, the Telam news agency reported Tuesday. Firefighters working in the area of the most affected town of Puerto Madryn are trying to prevent the....

Forest Fires Creating Large Scale Damage In Argentina

2022-01-04T22:04+0100haberler-en (en)

Argentine authorities said fires have destroyed "between 80,000 and 90,000 hectares" in the southern province of Chubut which started four days ago, the Telam news agency reported Tuesday. Firefighters working in the area of the most affected town of Puerto Madryn are trying to prevent the fire from....

Argentina, Chile and Uruguay affected by massive forest fires

2022-01-04T17:48+0100riotimesonline (en)

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As 2022 begins, wildfires have consolidated as the main threat to three South American countries, having already affected more than ten provinces in Argentina and devastated more than 20,000 hectares on average the coast of Uruguay and another 31,000 hectares in Chile.

¡Sembremos agua en el 2022!

2022-01-04T05:28+0100acento (es)

(WRI-2019) , para el año 2,035 la escasez de agua afectará a 3,500 millones de personas a nivel mundial. Son diversas las causas que producen la escasez de agua en el mundo, entre las ellas, la deforestación, la desertificación, la erosión y la contaminación de los suelos, así como la sequía y el....

Quali (e quanti) danni provocano i fulmini?.

2022-01-03T15:18+0100notizieglobali (it)

Una persona su quattro verrà uccisa da un fulmine e il danno che lascia al suolo è impressionante. Molti aspetti del comportamento dei fulmini non sono stati completamente compresi, nonostante anni di studi approfonditi. Le grandi nuvole temporalesche sono l’habitat del fulmine, che è una potente scarica elettrica con luce e suono.

Quali (e quanti) danni provocano i fulmini?

2022-01-03T07:30+0100247libero (it)

Sono anni che i fulmini sono oggetto di studi approfonditi ma molti aspetti del loro comportamento non sono ancora stati chiariti del tutto. Sta di fatto che quando si scatenano nel cielo, procurano spettacoli di luce eccezionali. Il fulmine è infatti una potente scarica elettrica, con luce (il....

Scienze Quali (e quanti) danni provocano i fulmini?

2022-01-03T06:36+0100focus-it (it)

Sono anni che i fulmini sono oggetto di studi approfonditi ma molti aspetti del loro comportamento non sono ancora stati chiariti del tutto. Sta di fatto che quando si scatenano nel cielo, procurano spettacoli di luce eccezionali. Il fulmine è infatti una potente scarica elettrica, con luce (il....

Firefighters battle blaze in rural Argentina

2021-12-31T07:17+0100yahoo-sg (en)

Firefighters battle a forest fire near Bariloche in Argentina 's Patagonia region. The battle against forest fires in five Argentine provinces has been going on for almost a month, in the midst of high temperatures and droughts.

Firefighters battle blaze in rural Argentina

2021-12-31T05:50+0100news-yahoo (en)

Firefighters battle a forest fire near Bariloche in Argentina 's Patagonia region. The battle against forest fires in five Argentine provinces has been going on for almost a month, in the midst of high temperatures and droughts.

Argentina battles to contain Patagonia wildfires

2021-12-31T00:31+0100wacotrib (en)

Bad weather conditions have intensified forest fires in Argentina 's Patagonia region, as firefighters and residents continue to tackle the flames. Strong winds, with gusts surpassing 45 miles per hour, have fanned the flames across a road connecting the city of Bariloche with western Patagonia.

Argentina battles to contain Patagonia wildfires

2021-12-31T00:20+0100lacrossetribune (en)

Bad weather conditions have intensified forest fires in Argentina 's Patagonia region, as firefighters and residents continue to tackle the flames. Strong winds, with gusts surpassing 45 miles per hour, have fanned the flames across a road connecting the city of Bariloche with western Patagonia.

Argentina battles to contain Patagonia wildfires

2021-12-31T00:19+0100missoulian (en)

Bad weather conditions have intensified forest fires in Argentina 's Patagonia region, as firefighters and residents continue to tackle the flames. Strong winds, with gusts surpassing 45 miles per hour, have fanned the flames across a road connecting the city of Bariloche with western Patagonia.

Argentina battles to contain Patagonia wildfires

2021-12-31T00:06+0100muscatinejournal (en)

Bad weather conditions have intensified forest fires in Argentina 's Patagonia region, as firefighters and residents continue to tackle the flames. Strong winds, with gusts surpassing 45 miles per hour, have fanned the flames across a road connecting the city of Bariloche with western Patagonia.

Argentina battles to contain Patagonia wildfires

2021-12-30T23:57+0100fremonttribune (en)

Bad weather conditions have intensified forest fires in Argentina 's Patagonia region, as firefighters and residents continue to tackle the flames. Strong winds, with gusts surpassing 45 miles per hour, have fanned the flames across a road connecting the city of Bariloche with western Patagonia.

Fire-fighting helicopter crashes in W. Argentina, killing 2

2021-12-30T13:29+0100mb-com-ph (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – At least two people were killed on Wednesday when a helicopter fighting a forest fire crashed in the town of Alumine, in western Argentina’s Neuquen province, emergency brigades confirmed. According to the report, the aircraft’s pilot and mechanic, who worked for the Chilean....

Fire Fighting Helicopter Crashes in Argentina’s Patagonia, Killing Two

2021-12-30T12:43+0100sunstkitts (en)

Fire brigades look at a helicopter taking off before fighting forest fires in Alumine, Neuquen, Argentina December 27, 2021. Picture taken December 27, 2021. REUTERS/Fabian Ceballos BUENOS AIRES, Dec 29 (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of....

Why deforestation in Brazil's Amazon has soared to its highest level in 15 years

2021-12-30T07:48+0100cnbc (en)

Gatti said illegal activity in the Amazon was driving the current rate of deforestation, but argued that many countries were participating in the destruction of the rainforest by importing certain products, like wood and beef, from Brazil. "If you're importing beef from Brazil, 40% of it comes from....

MIL-OSI China: Fire-fighting helicopter crashes in Argentina, killing 2

2021-12-30T04:15+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: China State Council Information Office. At least two people were killed on Wednesday when a helicopter fighting a forest fire crashed in the town of Alumine, in western Argentina ’s Neuquen province, emergency brigades confirmed. According to the report, the aircraft’s pilot and mechanic, who....

Fire-fighting helicopter crashes in Argentina, killing 2 (en)

At least two people were killed on Wednesday when a helicopter fighting a forest fire crashed in the town of Alumine, in western Argentina 's Neuquen province, emergency brigades confirmed. According to the report, the aircraft's pilot and mechanic, who worked for the Chilean company Helicopteros del....

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina's Patagonia, killing two - A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killing two crew members, according to local press reports. The aircraft, which had been contracted by the....

2021-12-29T21:07+0100ground-news (en)

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina 's Patagonia, killing two. A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killing two crew members, according to local press reports. The aircraft, which had been contracted by the....

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina’s Patagonia, killing two

2021-12-29T20:32+0100oann (en)

Fire brigades look at a helicopter taking off before fighting forest fires in Alumine, Neuquen, Argentina December 27, 2021. Picture taken December 27, 2021. REUTERS/Fabian Ceballos. December 29, 2021. BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia....

Helicopter fighting fire crashes in Argentina's Patagonia, killing two BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killin... 25m ago

2021-12-29T18:40+0100kelo (en)

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – A helicopter that was fighting forest fires in the rugged Patagonia region of southern Argentina crashed on Wednesday, killing two crew members, according to local press reports. The aircraft, which had been contracted by the government to fight the fires, fell in the area....

They declare the igneous emergency for a year in Argentina while they try to control the fires in Patagonia

2021-12-29T14:40+0100california18 (en)

The Government of Argentina declared this Tuesday the igneous emergency throughout the country for a period of one year, while some 300 brigade members and 17 air means were put to the task of controlling the fires that are registered in Patagonia, in the southern provinces of Río Negro, Neuquén and Chubut.

Incolpa il maltempo per le bollette più grandi del 2021.

2021-12-28T20:24+0100notizieglobali (it)

I prezzi per tutto, dall’elettricità e il riscaldamento alle case e ai cereali per la colazione, sono aumentati a causa del clima selvaggio in tutto il mondo. I prezzi di gas naturale, legname, mais, soia, grano e altri elementi costitutivi del commercio moderno sono saliti ai massimi pluriennali,....

L'Argentina combatte gli incendi boschivi della Patagonia

2021-12-25T17:00+0100ilSole24ore (it)

L' Argentina combatte gli incendi boschivi della Patagonia Un rogo a Bariloche manda in cielo pennacchi di fumo e costringe l'evacuazione delle famiglie.

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