Forest Fire (8250 ha) in United States 12 May 2022

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 9
Articles about casualties: 1 (11.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 11 May 2022

New Mexico’s largest wildfire was found in a forest fire

2022-05-28T19:37+0200printveela (en)

The largest wildfire in New Mexico’s history has been found in a planned fire set by the US Forest Service. The agency said Friday that one of the two fires, the Calf Canyon Fire, had been burning since January with a pile of burn holdovers that had been dormant under the surface before re-emerging in April.

Siccità negli Stati Uniti: il 30% del Texas in condizioni di siccità eccezionale

2022-05-24T13:53+0200iconaclima (it)

Una pesante siccità sta attanagliando il sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti dove la situazione è davvero complicata. Il Texas ha un disperato bisogno di soccorso: quasi il 30% dello stato si trova in condizioni di siccità eccezionale , vale a dire la percentuale più alta dal 2012. A inizio anno era allo 0% di siccità .

No relief in sight: Northwest India to swelter till July, say experts

2022-05-19T20:48+0200downtoearth (en)

The north-western parts of India, which have suffered the most due to heatwaves in the past three months, may not get respite from the sweltering heat till July, according to experts. One reason for this would be the ongoing westerly desert winds coming in from the Arabian Peninsula that usually....

Sherry takes notice of bushfire incident at Margallah Hills

2022-05-19T03:24+0200dailytimesPK (en)

The Federal Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman took strong notice of the news on social media about people setting or using and implicitly endorsing, even glamourizing bushfires as vanity backdrops for fashion photo shoots in what was claimed to be the Margallah Hills.

Tormentas generadoras de tornados amenazan la ciudad de Nueva York y Washington

2022-05-16T20:41+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — Vientos dañinos, granizo de gran tamaño e incluso tornados azotarán la región más densamente poblada de Estados Unidos en la tarde de este lunes y podrían causar estragos en los trayectos nocturnos. Un meteorólogo de la oficina del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) de Washington dijo por....

Chinook helicopters bolster Turkish defense against wildfires

2022-05-16T14:55+0200dailysabah (en)

As it braces for a season of forest fires this summer, Turkey hopes more aerial vehicles will help in its fight against the potential disaster. More recently, four Chinook helicopters were delivered to Turkey from the United States and six others are on the way to the country, hoping to be ready for....

Cleaner Air Leads to More Atlantic Hurricanes, NOAA Study Finds

2022-05-15T18:34+0200theepochtimes (en)

A new study suggests that the successful efforts in North America and Europe to reduce air pollution have led to an unintended consequence—more The “surprising result” was found by Hiroyuki Murakami, a physical scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Vento e siccità per incendi inarrestabili negli USA occidentali | FOTO

2022-05-12T22:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Dal New Mexico al Colorado e parti del Midwest, oggi sono stati emesse allerte rosse per pericolo estremo di incendi a causa di bassi livelli di umidità, venti irregolari e alte temperature. La stessa combinazione di condizioni meteorologiche ha contribuito nell’ultimo mese a incendi primaverili molto più gravi del normale negli Stati Uniti.

Tree death contributes to climate change more than you’d think

2022-05-12T14:45+0200openaccessgovernment (en)

Trees hold an important place in global climate change efforts, but with tree deaths increasing, could they do more harm than good? Trees have the ability to absorb some of the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, however, all that carbon has the ability to be cast back out into the atmosphere when trees burn up in forest fires.

La siccità alimenta “incendi catastrofici” in New Mexico | FOTO

2022-05-11T21:05+0200meteoweb (it)

Imponenti pennacchi di fumo e nuvole di pirocumuli si levano dagli incendi che stanno devastando il New Mexico (USA) e mentre la siccità peggiora, molti temono che questa stagione degli incendi sarà diversa dalle altre. “ Siamo già in modalità disastro climatico in tutto il pianeta, ma negli Stati....

Video meteo cronaca diretta: Stati Uniti, grossi incendi devastano lo stato del New Mexico, leggi articolo completo

2022-05-08T18:31+0200ilmeteo (it)

Stati Uniti, 8 maggio 2022. Vasti incendi si sono sviluppati, per colpa dell'uomo, nello Stato del New Mexico, con capitale Santa Fe. Il fuoco ormai ha bruciato parecchi ettari di foresta e terreno e i vigili del fuoco trovano estrema difficoltà a domarlo. Sono intervenuti anche i Canadair.

“Working ahead of the curve”: a representative of Avialesookhrana talks about the situation with forest fires in Russia

2022-05-07T08:46+0200tellerreport (en)

The Russian method of fighting forest fires is more effective than that used by a number of other countries. Alexey Naryshkin, head of the public relations department of the FBU Avialesookhrana, spoke about this in an interview with RT. According to him, in order to reduce the number of fires in the....

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