Forest Fire (7238 ha) in Mexico 23 May 2022

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 22 May 2022

How Satellites are Managing Wildfires

2022-06-04T21:16+0200groundstation (en)

Reading Time: 3 min. Spring and summer are the peak seasons for wildfires. Its consequences can be devastating, ranging from significant loss of forest areas and risks to residential areas, to animal deaths and severe air pollution. One of the best tools to monitor these wildfires are satellites. Observing Fire from Space.

UH researchers seek to learn whether soot and smoke cause...

2022-06-03T20:39+0200houstonchronicle (en)

“The summertime in Houston we have the warm, moist conditions that are conducive to getting lots of clouds and storms,” said Michael Jensen, principal investigator for the experiment and a meteorologist with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. “So we’re ramping up our operations.

Weather Alert and Warning Systems Market Size Reach USD 3.35 Billion in 2030 | Comapnies Eton, Sangean, Midland Radio

2022-06-02T16:21+0200einnews (en)

/ -- The global weather alert/warning systems market size reached USD 1.74 Billion in 2021 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Initiatives being undertaken by international bodies such as the United Nations....


2022-05-30T18:29+0200elpais (es)

Un tercio de la población mundial vive en zonas que carecen de estos servicios fundamentales para salvar vidas El investigador se lleva el Premio Abel, dotado con 775.000 euros, tras revolucionar la topología, la rama matemática que estudia las características constantes de los objetos que se....

New Mexico’s largest wildfire was found in a forest fire

2022-05-28T19:37+0200printveela (en)

The largest wildfire in New Mexico ’s history has been found in a planned fire set by the US Forest Service. The agency said Friday that one of the two fires, the Calf Canyon Fire, had been burning since January with a pile of burn holdovers that had been dormant under the surface before re-emerging in April.

As the weather changes, fires in New Mexico are near 50%...

2022-05-27T19:58+0200printveela (en)

New Mexico fire officials say 50% of the largest active forest fires in the U.S. have been contained. The U.S. Forest Service has warned that severe fires will return on Friday and continue for the rest of the week. Rain, mountain snows slow down fires in New Mexico.

‘Unthinkable’ Firefighting cows could be new weapon against fires ravaging Spain FIREFIGHTING cows could be Spain's latest weapon in its battle against forest fires.

2022-05-25T18:48+0200express (en)

SUBSCRIBE Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Spanish authorities evacuated almost 1,000....

Siccità negli Stati Uniti: il 30% del Texas in condizioni di siccità eccezionale

2022-05-24T13:53+0200iconaclima (it)

Una pesante siccità sta attanagliando il sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti dove la situazione è davvero complicata. Il Texas ha un disperato bisogno di soccorso: quasi il 30% dello stato si trova in condizioni di siccità eccezionale , vale a dire la percentuale più alta dal 2012. A inizio anno era allo 0% di siccità .

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