Forest Fire (10884 ha) in United States 15 Jun 2022

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Articles after 14 Jun 2022

Inyo National Forest wishes visitors a safe Independence Day

2022-06-30T17:38+0200sierrawave (en)

Reminder to Recreate Responsibly Independence Day weekend. BISHOP, Calif. – Celebrating July 4 festivities outdoors is a time-honored tradition throughout the United States , and the Inyo National Forest is happy to welcome so many outdoor enthusiasts this upcoming weekend.

Beware: It's time to care about wildfires in Turkey

2022-06-30T08:24+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Just dial 112. First and foremost, if you happen to see a potential fire arising, or any emergency for that matter, simply dial 112. The 112 number, similar to dialing 911 in the United States , is now the go-to phone number for any emergency, including wildfires.

Beware: It's time to care about wildfires in Turkey!

2022-06-29T12:13+0200dailysabah (en)

Just dial 112. First and foremost, if you happen to see a potential fire arising, or any emergency for that matter, simply dial 112. The 112 number, similar to dialing 911 in the United States , is now the go-to phone number for any emergency, including wildfires.

Cos'è La Niña e perché il raffreddamento anomalo dell'Oceano Pacifico è pericoloso

2022-06-25T07:12+0200247libero (it)

AGI - La Niña potrebbe persistere nel 2023. Il fenomeno di raffreddamento anomalo dell’Oceano Pacifico che ha contribuito a provocare forti inondazioni nell’Australia orientale e ha esacerbato la siccità negli Stati Uniti e nell’Africa orientale potrebbe arrivare a ben tre anni consecutivi. A riferirlo, alcuni ricercatori in un articolo su Nature.

“Tripletta” La Niña: il fenomeno climatico potrebbe durare fino al 2023

2022-06-24T14:44+0200meteoweb (it)

La Niña potrebbe persistere anche il prossimo anno: il fenomeno climatico di raffreddamento anomalo dell’Oceano Pacifico che ha generato inondazioni in Australia orientale e aggravato la siccità negli Stati Uniti e nell’Africa orientale potrebbe perdurare per 3 anni consecutivi, secondo uno studio pubblicato su Nature.

Half-capacity agricultural aircraft leased from Australia: THK aircraft capacity was not enough

2022-06-23T07:53+0200247newsbulletin (en)

THK aircraft with a capacity of 4,900 liters could not participate in the tender and could not be used in forest fires last year, because the condition “of at least 5,000 liters of water carrying capacity” was stipulated. This year, the ministry leased half-capacity planes known as “air tractors” from Australia.

Marmaris is on fire: where are the 1962 model helicopters rented in the United States?

2022-06-23T01:47+0200247newsbulletin (en)

It has been revealed that CMC Defense Industry Inc., which brought in firefighting planes from Russia, which became the center of criticism after Turkey’s lungs were burned and the planes were insufficient in the large forest fires, did not operate in this area and had no experience in its business history.

In the United States, the test fire got out of hand

2022-06-22T23:16+0200247newsbulletin (en)

Officials said the ongoing wildfires in the southwestern U.S. state of New Mexico have spread over 1,380 square kilometers to date, making it the largest blaze ever. of this year’s fire season in the country. In a statement, the US Forest Service said its employees made multiple errors in planned....

How Climate Change Affects Our Forests

2022-06-22T18:42+0200digitpatrox (en)

Chances are you’ll bear in mind from science class that crops take up water and carbon dioxide throughout photosynthesis to make glucose for meals, releasing oxygen within the course of. Since timber can develop to be very massive and reside for a very long time, they’re nice at absorbing and....

Wildfires continue in many regions of the United States

2022-06-22T01:26+0200morningexpress (en)

Due to hot and dry weather in the United States , wildfires continue in many regions. The relentless wildfires in the southwestern US state of New Mexico have spread over 1,380 square kilometers to date, making it the nation’s largest wildfire this year. The U.S.

Registrato il più antico incendio boschivo sulla Terra. Risale al Siluriano

2022-06-21T17:46+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Oltre 430 milioni di anni un incendio distrusse le antiche foreste di piccole piante e giganteschi funghi del Siluriano. Gli incendi boschivi che in questi giorni stanno devastando diverse aree della Spagna e degli USA rappresentano un pericolo per le popolazioni e la fauna selvatica, ma il fuoco fa....

Wildfire in New Jersey Could Become the State’s Largest in Years

2022-06-21T15:23+0200nytimes (en)

A fast-moving wildfire in a remote section of a state forest in New Jersey was threatening to become the state’s largest fire in 15 years, officials warned on Monday. The blaze, called the Mullica River fire, had burned about 12,000 acres in Wharton State Forest and was 70 percent contained as of Monday night, officials said .

La ola de calor en el hemisferio norte anticipa que el clima extremo será más frecuente, según la OMM El organismo de Naciones Unidas pronosticó que los fenómenos meteorológicos excesivos debido al calentamiento global serán habituales. Europa y Estados Unidos sufren incendios y sequías

2022-06-20T17:23+0200infobae (es)

En este último país, este mes se registraron temperaturas récord en Denver, Las Vegas y Phoenix, mientras en todo el país, los estadounidenses se están preparando para un verano abrasador. Sin embargo, a pesar de que se avecinan olas de calor más frecuentes e intensas, las ciudades no están....

International Space Agencies mark 50 years of collaboration on meteorological satellites

2022-06-20T16:09+0200africanewswire (en)

A global consortium of major space agencies is celebrating 50 years of collaboration in the provision of meteorological satellites vital for weather forecasts, life-saving early warning services and – increasingly – climate change monitoring and other application areas.

International Space Agencies mark 50 years of collaboration on meteorological satellites

2022-06-19T07:45+0200reliefWeb (en)

A global consortium of major space agencies is celebrating 50 years of collaboration in the provision of meteorological satellites vital for weather forecasts, life-saving early warning services and - increasingly - climate change monitoring and other application areas.

Una ola de calor se apodera de Europa y Estados Unidos antes del inicio del verano

2022-06-18T06:42+0200infobae (es)

Actualiza con temperatura máxima alcanzada en España y nuevos datos sobre quema y evacuados en incendio de la Culebra ///París, 17 Jun 2022 (AFP) - Una ola de calor prematura para esta época del año siguió azotando el viernes a varios países europeos, alcanzando los 44ºC en España, donde los....

Así ha influido el cambio climático en estos desastres meteorológicos del 2021

2022-06-18T01:42+0200noticiasambientales (es)

“El peligroso cambio climático ya está aquí. Es una dura realidad que debemos reconocer”, afirma Michael Wehner, investigador de climas extremos en el Laboratorio Nacional Lawrence Berkeley (Estados Unidos). El clima extremo ya se está llevando casas, negocios y vidas.

Record early heatwave sweeps France as fires flare in Spain

2022-06-17T15:31+0200terradaily (en)

French officials urged caution Thursday as a record pre-summer heatwave spread across the country from Spain, where authorities were fighting forest fires on a sixth day of sweltering temperatures. The Meteo France weather service said it was the earliest hot spell ever to hit the country, worsening....

International Space Agencies mark 50 years of collaboration on meteorological satellites

2022-06-17T13:45+0200wmo (en)

for the 50th anniversary ceremony on 17 June at WMO headquarters. The event will showcase the benefits of coordinated space-based observations based on the principal of working together. Participants will also look ahead to challenges in an era of threats of disruption from solar related “space....

MIL-OSI United Nations: International Space Agencies mark 50 years of collaboration on meteorological satellites

2022-06-17T12:19+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: World Meteorological Organization. A global consortium of major space agencies is celebrating 50 years of collaboration in the provision of meteorological satellites vital for weather forecasts, life-saving early warning services and – increasingly – climate change monitoring and other application areas.

International Space Agencies mark 50 years of collaboration on meteorological satellites

2022-06-17T12:05+0200miragenews (en)

CGMS was established in 1972 by satellite agencies from Europe, Japan and the United States in order to coordinate the operation and use of fledgling geostationary satellites. Over the years, the membership and remit have expanded to cover an ever-growing number of weather, climate, ocean and environmental monitoring applications.

How Does climate change affect the deciduous forest

2022-06-15T22:35+0200frojeostern (en)

But according to a recent report released by the United Nations, climate change is expected to worsen over the next century as greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, a trend that experts say will have consequences for the health of forests worldwide.

Piogge record, frane e inondazioni fanno chiudere il parco di Yellowstone: non accadeva dal 1988

2022-06-14T15:09+0200greenme (it)

Inondazioni record e smottamenti a seguito dei forti temporali degli ultimi giorni stanno minacciando uno dei parchi naturali più famosi e visitati degli Stati Uniti – quello di Yellowstone , che copre un’area di oltre 9.000 chilometri quadrati comprendente tre Stati (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) e che....

Piogge record, frane e inondazioni fanno chiudere il parco di Yellowstone: non accadeva dal 1988

2022-06-14T15:04+0200zerounotv (it)

Tempo di Lettura: 2 minuti. Inondazioni record e smottamenti a seguito dei forti temporali degli ultimi giorni stanno minacciando uno dei parchi naturali più famosi e visitati degli Stati Uniti – quello di Yellowstone , che copre un’area di oltre 9.000 chilometri quadrati comprendente tre Stati....

Algeria: autorita' guardano agli Stati Uniti per l'acquisto di aerei antincendio

2022-06-14T13:34+0200agenzianova (it)

Algeri, 14 giu 13:27 - (Agenzia Nova) - Il presidente dell'Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, ha espresso l’intenzione di acquistare in modo urgente aerei antincendio di produzione statunitense. Secondo quanto riportano i media algerini, Tebboune, durante la visita al padiglione degli Stati Uniti alla....

Más de 125 millones de personas están bajo alerta de calor en Estados Unidos

2022-06-14T11:37+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — El tiempo está excepcionalmente cálido y húmedo para cualquier época del año. Eso es mucho calor. Punto. «No cambiamos nuestros criterios según la época del año», dijo Matt Beitscher, meteorólogo del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) en St. Louis, a CNN Clima.

Más de 125 millones de personas están bajo alerta de calor en EE.UU.

2022-06-14T11:14+0200cnnMexico (es)

"No cambiamos nuestros criterios según la época del año", dijo Matt Beitscher, meteorólogo del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) en St. Louis, a CNN Clima. Un domo de calor que comenzó la semana pasada en el suroeste se ha desplazado sobre el centro de Estados Unidos, donde el calor y la humedad....

Más de 125 millones de personas están bajo alerta de calor en Estados Unidos

2022-06-14T11:11+0200cnnespanol (es)

"No cambiamos nuestros criterios según la época del año", dijo Matt Beitscher, meteorólogo del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) en St. Louis, a CNN Clima. Un domo de calor que comenzó la semana pasada en el suroeste se ha desplazado sobre el centro de Estados Unidos, donde el calor y la humedad....

The western United States again on fire

2022-06-14T04:57+0200california18 (en)

Hundreds of homes on the outskirts of Flagstaff, Arizona had to be evacuated, and a ski resort had to close, while a massive fire in a forest near Los Angeles is out of control. This weekend, the temperature has been record high for the season, and meteorologists warn of a great fire danger throughout the drought-stricken western United States .

Due to climate change, the La Niña phenomenon could last until 2023

2022-06-11T19:34+0200247newsbulletin (en)

USA8028. MIAMI (FL, USA), 05/24/2022.- Satellite photograph provided today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States through the National Hurricane Center (NHC) where the state of the climate in the Atlantic, at 12:50 local time (16:50 GMT).

This is what Nova Scotians can expect for the weather this summer

2022-06-10T11:24+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

With summer on the horizon – and warm temperatures arriving earlier and lasting longer across Canada – many are hoping to avoid a repeat of last year’s devastating extreme weather. Dave Phillips, a senior climatologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, spoke with CBC Radio’s Information....

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