Forest Fire (5952 ha) in Brazil 18 Jun 2022

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 6
Articles about casualties: 0 (0%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter based on specific events and keywords

All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 17 Jun 2022

Da martedì 5 a Bari (e poi nel parco del Gargano) l'assemblea generale del progetto internazionale a cui aderiscono 49 partner provenienti da Unione Europea, Brasile, Indonesia e Australia tra cui l'Asset, l'agenzia della Regione Puglia per lo sviluppo ecosostenibile

2022-07-04T09:34+0200repubblica (it)

Per quattro giorni la Puglia ospiterà un gruppo internazionale di esperti in incendi boschivi. Da martedì 5 a giuovedì 7 luglio, tra Bari e il parco del Gargano, si terrà l'assemblea generale del progetto internazionale Silvanus - Integrated Technological and Information Platform for Wildfire Management.

The Best New Skincare Products For Summer 2022

2022-06-30T17:01+0200forbes (en)

Pat McGrath Labs Divine Skin Rose 001 The Essence Pat McGrath Labs. Summer might seem like an easy skin season, but the harsh sun and air conditioning reveal otherwise. That’s why it’s important to keep up a skincare routine all year round. Luckily, the latest launches make it easy to do so.

Govt, JICA to turn to AI in effort to preserve Amazon rain...

2022-06-22T21:25+0200elevenmyanmar (en)

The government and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) plan to develop a system utilizing artificial intelligence to protect the tropical rain forests in South America’s Amazon region. AI will be used to predict areas where the risks of illegal logging and forest fires are high.

Explained: What’s causing the record high temperatures and devastating wildfires in Europe so early this summer?

2022-06-21T17:33+0200expressindia (en)

The second major wildfire in two years is burning in Evia, the second largest island of Greece. The mountainside in Gaia is aflame less than a kilometre from human habitation, and firefighting aircraft are battling the blaze. How do forests catch fire? A wildfire is a major fire that breaks out....

The undeniable shift in our heat and rain cycles

2022-06-19T21:52+0200livemint (en)

It was a gorgeous morning in Kausani, Uttrakhand’s most picturesque hill station. When I woke up, I noticed that the sun had begun its ascent. I got ready quickly and went for a long stroll. The ambience was full of paradoxes. On one hand, the cool, clean breeze flowing through the dense foliage....

The undeniable shift in our heat and rain cycles

2022-06-19T19:06+0200HindustanTimes (en)

It was a gorgeous morning in Kausani, Uttrakhand’s most picturesque hill station. When I woke up, I noticed that the sun had begun its ascent. I got ready quickly and went for a long stroll. The ambience was full of paradoxes. On the one hand, the cool, clean breeze flowing through the dense foliage....

How tree species adapt to climate change

2022-06-14T16:37+0200phys (en)

by Leiden University Trait correlations and functional clusters. a Trait clusters with high average intra-group correlation. The upper triangle gives the species-weighted correlations incorporating intraspecific variation. The lower triangle gives the corresponding correlations among phylogenetic....

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