Forest Fire (13757 ha) in Spain 15 Jul 2022

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 483
Articles about casualties: 26 (5.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 14 Jul 2022

Forest fires rage in Turkey - tourist hotels were evacuated

2022-07-29T21:45+0200tellerreport (en)

After extreme temperatures of around 40 degrees, Muğla province in Turkey has been hit by extensive fires. During Friday, forest fires spread in the popular resort of Marmaris in southwestern Turkey. Turkish authorities have now evacuated about a dozen homes in the area as well as a training hotel that was located next to the edge of the forest.

EU solidarity to combat wildfires across the continent

2022-07-29T11:48+0200EC (en)

Europe is facing a very intense wildfire season this summer, with greater number of fires and larger areas burnt compared to previous years. Major fires have spread in Portugal and Spain , southern France, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Czechia, and many other European countries.

After days of battle, northern Tunisia forest fires almost under control: Official

2022-07-28T20:10+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Forest fires raging for days in northern Tunisia are now "90 per cent under control," an official said on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports. Blazes have been spreading in forests in Bargou, located around 110 kilometres (68 miles) south of the capital, Tunis, for some five days.

After Days Of Battle, Northern Tunisia Forest Fires Almost Under Control: Official

2022-07-28T17:19+0200haberler-en (en)

Forest fires raging for days in northern Tunisia are now "90% under control," an official said on Thursday. Blazes have been spreading in forests in Bargou, located around 110 kilometers (68 miles) south of the capital Tunis, for some five days. "The wildfires erupted on Sunday and grew in intensity....

EUROPE WILDFIRES - Spanish land lost to wildfires nears 40% of European total this year

2022-07-27T15:24+0200efe (en)

In the teeth of a hot and dry summer, wildfires in Spain this season have scorched an area that accounts for around 38.5% of the total burned by forest fires in the European region monitored by Copernicus satellite imagery. The European Forest Fire Information System, which collects information on....

What’s behind Europe’s hellish summer? | In Focus podcast

2022-07-26T13:14+0200thehindu (en)

Europe is reeling under a severe heat wave, with temperatures soaring past the 40-degree mark in many parts of the continent. One major side-effect has been a sharp spike in incidents of wildfires. Countries such as France, Spain , Portugal and Greece have reported hundreds of fires.

L'Europa brucia: responsabili le temperature torride

2022-07-26T09:17+0200247libero (it)

L’Europa brucia e la causa è le temperature torride e la mancanza di piogge che hanno caratterizzato questo 2022. Interi ettari di bosco andati in fiamme tra Italia Ungheria, Romania, Bulgheria, Francia e Spagna da inizio anni. Ma vediamo nel dettaglio il report dei dati.

How climate crisis is driving heatwaves and wildfires

2022-07-26T07:53+0200gulfnews (en)

This year, heatwaves have broken their earlier record in many continents. Last week, an extreme heatwave created havoc in most of the Western parts of Europe. Several countries declared a state of emergency; intense heat caused deadly wildfires, melted roads, and runways, and triggered widespread power outages.

La ola de calor también ahoga a África

2022-07-26T06:20+0200lavanguardia (es)

En Europa, arden España, Francia y Portugal y el Reino Unido se derrite; al sur del Mediterráneo, África se abrasa. Desde hace diez días, cientos de bomberos marroquíes luchan con hasta seis incendios que han quemado 7.000 hectáreas y han obligado a desalojar de sus casas a 1325 familias y Túnez,....

Latest world news brief today, July 25

2022-07-25T19:03+0200d1softballnews (en)

“Very extreme fire danger” is forecast in parts of Spain , Portugal, Italy and Greece on Monday, according to the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). “Very Extreme Hazard” is the highest level of risk on the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)/Fire Weather Index (FWI) scale.

Both countries have suffered from major wildfires

2022-07-25T18:12+0200tamworthherald (en)

In Greece, more than 450 people being evacuated on Lesbos which prompted authorities to call for the evacuation of the Vatera resort on the island's southern side. The fire came very close to the resort and at least one house was engulfed by the flames.

Spain and Greece warning to UK holidaymakers as people are evacuated

2022-07-25T18:02+0200birminghammail (en)

In Greece, more than 450 people being evacuated on Lesbos which prompted authorities to call for the evacuation of the Vatera resort on the island's southern side. The fire came very close to the resort and at least one house was engulfed by the flames.

Mallorca police arrest man on suspicion of arson amid fire alert

2022-07-25T16:40+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / DPA. Madrid (dpa) - Police in Mallorca arrested a German man on suspicion of arson, amid growing concerns as Spain remains on high alert about the danger of wildfires. The man is accused of lighting fires in seven places on Saturday and Sunday, including near forests near Calvià , west of Palma, the police said on Monday.

Reforestation company in Spain causes forest fire

2022-07-25T12:32+0200wn (en)

The company, which plants trees in the wake of wildfires, was accused of starting another fire in Spain last month As dozens of wildfires burn across Spain in the most destructive year for forest fires ever, one international reforestation company has inadvertently been the cause of one of the fires....

Los estragos de la ola de calor y los incendios en Europa y Estados Unidos La gran ola de calor se ha extendido por el continente europeo y por Norteamérica, dejando numerosos incendios forestales y su consiguiente destrucción en el paisaje de muchos países.

2022-07-25T09:56+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Terror en la isla turística. Las Islas Canarias, en España, frente a las costas de Marruecos, se han visto particularmente afectadas por la ola de calor y los incendios. El domingo 24 de julio el fuego se extendió por Tenerife. Las llamas ya han destruido más de 2.

WHO: More than 1,700 people in Spain and Portugal have died due to the heat

2022-07-25T08:20+0200thetimeshub (en)

The abnormal heat has hit Europe and Portugal and Spain are suffering the most from high temperatures, more than 1,700 people have already died there. Europe is experiencing a heatwave that has sparked massive forest fires and killed thousands of people. Spain and Portugal suffer the most from high temperatures.

What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires? 4 minutes ago

2022-07-25T03:40+0200newstalkzb (en)

Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken. A mass migration of Europeans from the....

En España hay más de 85.000 especies de animales, hongos y plantas

2022-07-25T03:36+0200ecoavant (es)

España cuenta con un capital natural único y uno de los mayores niveles de biodiversidad a nivel europeo , que se plasma en la gran variedad de hábitats (el 56% de los tipos identificados en la Directiva Hábitats) y más de 85.000 especies de animales, hongos y plantas, según el primer Informe....

Explainer: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-24T22:40+0200nzherald (en)

Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken. A mass migration of Europeans from the....

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T16:48+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T16:19+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – MADRID, 24 LUG – L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T16:14+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – MADRID, 24 LUG – L’ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l’anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T16:03+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T15:58+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T15:54+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

In fiamme a Tenerife 2.156 ettari bosco, evacuate 600 persone

2022-07-24T15:52+0200lasicilia (it)

MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T15:51+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Spagna: previsti fino a 45 gradi nel sud, rischio incendi

2022-07-24T15:48+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

MADRID, 24 LUG - L'ondata di caldo che colpisce la Spagna dal 9 luglio non allenta la propria morsa e si attendono temperature estreme nel sud del Paese, dove il termometro potrebbe raggiungere i 45 gradi nella regione di Cordova, in Andalusia, che l'anno scorso ha fatto registrare il record di 47,4 gradi a Montero.

Nell'isola di Lesbo, residenti e turisti costretti a evacuare dopo un incendio boschivo scoppiato sabato mattina. Paura a Tenerife, in Spagna, dove le fiamme hanno già bruciato 2.000 ettari

2022-07-24T09:05+0200euronews-it (it)

incendio a Tenerife, in Spagna Diritti d'autore MANOLIS LAGOUTARIS/AFP L'Europa continua a bruciare. Divampano gli incendi a Tenerife, in Spagna, e nell'isola di Lesbo in Grecia. Domato uno dei due incendi scoppiati nella regione francese di Gironda "Abbiamo paura per la nostra sicurezza" Sospiro di sollievo in Francia.

California wildfire forces thousands to evacuate | News | DW

2022-07-24T03:18+0200digitpatrox (en)

1000’s of evacuation orders had been issued within the US state of California on Saturday as a fast-moving brush hearth close to Yosemite Nationwide Park started to develop quickly. Evacuation orders had been issued for over 6,000 folks, Sierra Nationwide Forest spokesman Daniel Patterson stated.

La Spagna, la crisi migratoria e il conflitto dimenticato in Sahara Occidentale

2022-07-23T13:36+0200orizzontipolitici (it)

Le tensioni nel Sahara Occidentale sono spesso una delle cause delle crisi migratorie che colpiscono la Spagna. A maggio 2021 più di 8.000 migranti hanno attraversato le acque del Mediterraneo per arrivare sulla spiaggia di Tarajal a Ceuta, enclave spagnola sulle coste nord dell’Africa.

WHO says heat-related deaths top 1,700 in Spain, Portugal

2022-07-23T13:33+0200timesofoman (en)

Brussels: An extreme heat wave that brought record temperatures to parts of Europe has caused over 1,700 deaths on the Iberian peninsula alone, the World Health Organization's European office said on Friday. "This year, we have already witnessed more than 1,700 needless deaths in the present heat....

Explained | What’s Causing Europe’s Spate Of Deadly Wildfires?

2022-07-23T13:08+0200india (en)

Lisbon: Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. Scientists say, they’re probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken.

Heat-related deaths top 1,700 in Spain, Portugal: WHO

2022-07-23T10:40+0200dailyfinland-fi (en)

An extreme heat wave that brought record temperatures to parts of Europe has caused over 1,700 deaths on the Iberian peninsula alone, the World Health Organization's European office said on Friday, reported DW, quoting news agencies AFP and dpa. "This year, we have already witnessed more than 1,700....

Major 14,000 hectares fire in Spain caused by reforestation company

2022-07-23T10:14+0200almayadeen-en (en)

Reforestation company ‘devastated’ after causing wildfire in Spain . An international reforestation company has expressed "devastation" after one of its contractors accidentally started a massive fire in Spain, where dozens of catastrophic wildfires have raged this week.

Graphs: See how recent French wildfires compare to previous years

2022-07-23T08:09+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The two wildfires which began in Gironde on July 12 are now “contained” but not completely under control, having burnt nearly 21,000 hectares of land and caused the evacuation of 36,750 people from campsites and homes around La Teste-de-Buch and Landiras.

Over 100 mil. under heat warnings in U.S. as country swelters

2022-07-23T06:58+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

After suffering from sweltering weather conditions lately, Europe has got some much-needed relief from a deadly heatwave this week. In the U.S., though, more than a hundred million people are under heat warnings. Kim Hyo-sun has more. As Europe grapples with its own deadly heatwave, in the U.S.

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-23T04:10+0200timesfreepress (en)

A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse....

Carbon Offset Company Replanting Trees Accidentally Burns 35,000 Acres in SECOND Forest Fire They Caused This Summer

2022-07-22T23:23+0200mediaite (en)

A carbon offset company that was planting trees in Spain accidentally started a massive wildfire that has consumed about 35,000 acres — and it wasn’t even the first forest fire they caused this summer. “The fire started in Bubierca, a province of Zaragoza, the capital of autonomous community Aragon,....

WHO says heat-related deaths top 1,700 in Spain, Portugal

2022-07-22T23:06+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

An extreme heat wave that brought record temperatures to parts of Europe has caused over 1,700 deaths on the Iberian peninsula alone, the World Health Organization's European office said on Friday. "This year, we have already witnessed more than 1,700 needless deaths in the present heat wave in....

WHO says heat-related deaths top 1,700 in Spain, Portugal

2022-07-22T23:05+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

An extreme heat wave that brought record temperatures to parts of Europe has caused over 1,700 deaths on the Iberian peninsula alone, the World Health Organization's European office said on Friday. "This year, we have already witnessed more than 1,700 needless deaths in the present heat wave in....

Spain records worst year for forest fires as southern Europe sizzles

2022-07-22T20:33+0200wn (en)

Posted 2022-07-22, Marietta Daily Journal Madrid — Spanish media reported on Friday that the country is having the worst year for forest fires since records began, as much of southern Europe remained in the grip of a heat wave.In the first seven months of this ......

MADRID, 22nd July, 2022 (WAM) -- Spanish media reported on Friday that the country is having the worst year for forest fires since records began, as much of southern Europe remained in the grip of a heat wave, German press agency (dpa) reported. In the first seven months of this year, flames....

2022-07-22T20:32+0200wam-en (en)

MADRID, 22nd July, 2022 (WAM) -- Spanish media reported on Friday that the country is having the worst year for forest fires since records began, as much of southern Europe remained in the grip of a heat wave, German press agency (dpa) reported. In the first seven months of this year, flames....

WWF: “Gli incendi di domani vanno spenti oggi, nei paesi euromediterranei aumento del 20-30% ogni dieci anni”

2022-07-22T18:31+0200positanonews (it)

Nel 2021 più di 600.000 ettari sono andati in fumo nei sei paesi euromediterranei di Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, Grecia e Turchia, una superficie ben superiore alla media dei decenni precedenti, come già era accaduto nel 2017 e nel 2020. In Italia sono stati percorsi dalle fiamme circa 170.

Reforestation company ‘devastated’ after causing wildfire in Spain

2022-07-22T17:30+0200guardian (en)

An international reforestation company has said it is “devastated” after one of its contractors accidentally caused a massive fire in Spain , which has been battling dozens of calamitous wildfires this week. Land Life, a Netherlands-based company with offices in Spain and the US, said the fire broke....

L’azienda che fornisce compensazioni di carbonio provoca accidentalmente un grande incendio boschivo.

2022-07-22T16:10+0200notizieglobali (it)

Vice riferisce che Land Life, una società olandese che offre compensazioni di carbonio alle industrie inquinanti piantando alberi, ha accidentalmente innescato un enorme incendio boschivo in Spagna. Ci sono almeno 20 incendi che stanno bruciando senza controllo in tutta Europa in questo momento a....

Shocking image of man escaping flames highlights threat of Spanish wildfires

2022-07-22T15:22+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

The shocking image of a man running to escape a wildfire in Spain has highlighted the threat the country is currently facing. A wave of forest fires have been fanned by a heatwave that has seen temperatures pass 40 degrees Celsius for over a week.

29 times more destruction than on La Palma

2022-07-22T15:11+0200bullfrag (en)

Sad news occupy the front pages of all newspapers these days. In less than a month, the flames of several fires have devastated more than 60,000 hectares in the province of Zamora. To give you an idea: the burned area is 29 times larger than the one that covered the volcano of La Palma . And four times bigger than the entire island itself.

Several factors behind Europe’s spate of wildfires

2022-07-22T15:11+0200africa-cgtn (en)

Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they’re probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken. FILE – Firefighters work at the scene of a....

Forests, Vol. 13, Pages 1161: Influence of the Declaration of Protected Natural Areas on the Evolution of Forest Fires in Collective Lands in Galicia (Spain)

2022-07-22T14:32+0200mdpi (en)

Since the adoption of European Union Council Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, some opposition has arisen among owners and managers of land affected by the directive. Some studies have indicated that some of this opposition has found expression in subsequent arson fires in these areas.

What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T13:43+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken. A mass migration of Europeans from the....

EU News | Official News Release | EU solidarity with Slovenia in combating wildfires

2022-07-22T12:49+0200wired-gov (en)

EU solidarity with Slovenia in combating wildfires. Slovenia recently (20 July 2022) requested assistance to tackle unprecedented forest fires in the Karst of Gorica region of the Miren Kostanjevica municipality. Various firefighting assets have been already deployed or are on their way to help the local responders.

GRAPHS: See how recent French wildfires compare to previous years

2022-07-22T12:28+0200connexionfrance (en)

The two wildfires which began in Gironde on July 12 are now “contained” but not completely under control, having burnt nearly 21,000 hectares of land and caused the evacuation of 36,750 people from campsites and homes around La Teste-de-Buch and Landiras.

WWF, Oltre il 97% dei roghi in Europa è causato da attività umane

2022-07-22T12:25+0200247libero (it)

, il nuovo report Italiano “Spegnere oggi gli incendi di domani WWF, Oltre il 97% dei roghi in Europa è causato da attività umane. Dalla gestione dell’emergenza a gestione e prevenzione del rischio”Nel 2021 più di 600.000 ettari sono andati in fumo nei sei paesi euromediterranei di Italia, Spagna,....

WWF, Oltre il 97% dei roghi in Europa è causato da attività umane

2022-07-22T12:10+0200ligurianotizie (it)

, il nuovo report Italiano “Spegnere oggi gli incendi di domani WWF, Oltre il 97% dei roghi in Europa è causato da attività umane. Dalla gestione dell’emergenza a gestione e prevenzione del rischio”Nel 2021 più di 600.000 ettari sono andati in fumo nei sei paesi euromediterranei di Italia, Spagna,....


2022-07-22T11:09+0200nelcuore (it)

Nel 2021 più di 600.000 ettari sono andati in fumo nei sei paesi euromediterranei di Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, Grecia e Turchia, una superficie ben superiore alla media dei decenni precedenti, come già era accaduto nel 2017 e nel 2020. In Italia sono stati percorsi dalle fiamme circa 170.

EU solidarity with Slovenia in combating wildfires

2022-07-22T11:05+0200europeansting (en)

(Credit: Unsplash) This article is brought to you in association with the Yesterday, 20 June, Slovenia requested assistance to tackle unprecedented forest fires in the Karst of Gorica region of the Miren Kostanjevica municipality. Various firefighting assets have been already deployed or are on their way to help the local responders.

What's behind Europe's spate of major deadly wildfires? | Explainer

2022-07-22T10:50+0200business-standard (en)

Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken. A mass migration of Europeans from the....

Europe’s heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T10:03+0200euractiv-en (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday (21 July), forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar....

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T09:50+0200timesofindia (en)

LISBON (PORTUGAL): Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they're probably going to get worse as climate change intensifies unless countermeasures are taken.

Heatwave reaches Poland and Greece

2022-07-22T09:36+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

ATHENS: The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards yesterday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firemen battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

Extreme heat continues assault on North Hemisphere

2022-07-22T09:09+0200famagusta-gazette (en)

Heatwave has brought record high temperatures to several continents, making the Northern Hemisphere sweltering in extreme heat and fueling wildfire across Europe and the United States. A recent modeling study, published in Nature Geoscience on July 4, shows that an expanding high-pressure system....

EXPLAINER: What’s behind Europe’s spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:43+0200metro-us (en)

Posted on July 22, 2022 FILE – A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:32+0200wsoctv (en)

Europe Wildfires Explainer FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:32+0200clickondetroit (en)

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

Perché con la siccità dovremmo pensare anche alle alluvioni

2022-07-22T08:30+0200247libero (it)

L'Europa sta bruciando: le alte temperature non danno tregua e nelle ultime settimane diversi roghi si sono sviluppati in Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, e Grecia. In vari Paesi europei sono migliaia gli ettari andati a fuoco e migliaia le persone evacuate.

EXPLAINER: What’s behind Europe’s spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:29+0200fresnobee (en)

FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they’re probably going to....

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:29+0200wftv (en)

Europe Wildfires Explainer FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:26+0200news4jax (en)

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

EXPLAINER: What's behind Europe's spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:24+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Europe Wildfires Explainer FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop.

EXPLAINER: What’s behind Europe’s spate of deadly wildfires?

2022-07-22T08:22+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

FILE - A local resident fights a forest fire with a shovel during a wildfire in Tabara, north-west Spain , July 19, 2022. Major wildfires in Europe are starting earlier in the year, becoming more frequent, doing more damage and getting harder to stop. And, scientists say, they’re probably going to....

Perché con la siccità dovremmo pensare anche alle alluvioni

2022-07-22T07:31+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

L'Europa sta bruciando: le alte temperature non danno tregua e nelle ultime settimane diversi roghi si sono sviluppati in Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, e Grecia. In vari Paesi europei sono migliaia gli ettari andati a fuoco e migliaia le persone evacuate.

Perché con la siccità dovremmo pensare anche alle alluvioni

2022-07-22T07:31+0200lasentinella (it)

L'Europa sta bruciando: le alte temperature non danno tregua e nelle ultime settimane diversi roghi si sono sviluppati in Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, e Grecia. In vari Paesi europei sono migliaia gli ettari andati a fuoco e migliaia le persone evacuate.

Perché con la siccità dovremmo pensare anche alle alluvioni

2022-07-22T07:23+0200nuovavenezia (it)

L'Europa sta bruciando: le alte temperature non danno tregua e nelle ultime settimane diversi roghi si sono sviluppati in Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, e Grecia. In vari Paesi europei sono migliaia gli ettari andati a fuoco e migliaia le persone evacuate.

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T06:35+0200thestandard-hk (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

Europe’s heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T06:21+0200rappler (en)

ATHENS/MILAN – The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards, forcing countries including Italy, Poland, and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T03:25+0200ibtimes-uk (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T03:09+0200euronews-en (en)

ATHENS MILAN – The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-22T03:00+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni. ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Europe’s heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings...

2022-07-22T01:37+0200pakobserver (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

France and Spain take advantage of a lull in the fire...

2022-07-22T00:18+0200thesaxon (en)

Wildfires have ravaged many campsites in the French department of Gironde. Weighed down by extreme heat and wildfires of a rare scale, the France and Spain noted on Thursday a marked improvement in the situation in terms of fires. In the French department of Gironde, located in the south-west, the....

Wildfires raging in Europe: What, where and why? - Al Jazeera English

2022-07-22T00:11+0200google-top-stories (en)

Once a rare occurrence, extreme fires are now becoming more frequent and lasting longer worldwide. The destructive blazes are driven at least in part by climate change, which exacerbates their scale and intensity, even in the northern winter months. With temperatures spiking above 40 degrees Celsius....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T23:24+0200channelnewsasia (en)

ATHENS/MILAN: The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday (Jul 21), forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Europe’s heatwave moves east, reaching Poland and Greece

2022-07-21T23:18+0200gulf-times (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards yesterday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T21:41+0200brecorder (en)

MILAN: The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier....

1,600 Dead, Temperature Records Broken as European Heat Wave Expands

2022-07-21T20:33+0200haaretz (en)

In recent days, heat records were smashed in France, Britain and Germany, while almost 100 million Americans were issued warnings about extreme heat. The heat wave in Europe has so far claimed the lives of about 1,600 people in Spain and Portugal, according to estimates published Thursday by officials in both countries.

As Fires Ease in Southern Europe, Blaze Hits Greek Capital

2022-07-21T19:27+0200claimsjournal (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

Europa, fiamme in calo tranne che in Slovenia, temporali in Gb

2022-07-21T19:01+0200kmetro0 (it)

K metro 0 – Madrid – L’ondata furiosa di incendi in Europa si è leggermente attenuata grazie alle temperature leggermente in calo, con i vigili del fuoco francesi che hanno iniziato ad avere la meglio su due grandi roghi; la Spagna che ha domato un incendio con due vittime, e nessun nuovo focolaio segnalato in Portogallo.

Europe’s heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T18:57+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

ATHENS/MILAN, July 21 (Reuters) – The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

U of T researcher on the threat posed to cities by extreme heat – and how to respond

2022-07-21T18:57+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Extreme weather events have dominated the headlines this week as dangerous heat waves hit the United Kingdom, central United States and parts of Canada while fires rage in Spain , Portugal and Greece. The severe weather events that climate scientists have long predicted are now here and it will only....

Europe’s heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T18:37+0200kathimerini-en (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

Europe's Heatwave Reaches Poland, Greece As It Moves Eastwards, Brings Wildfires

2022-07-21T18:35+0200ibtimes (en)

The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent. Since temperatures in southern Europe began to soar earlier this....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, fo... 41m ago

2022-07-21T18:24+0200wsau (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni. ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) – The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T18:21+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni. ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, fo... 28m ago

2022-07-21T18:10+0200kelo (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Federico Maccioni. ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) – The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Roundup: Extreme heat continues assault on North Hemisphere

2022-07-21T18:00+0200europesun (en)

by Xinhua Zhang Yinuo. BEIJING, July 21 (Xinhua) -- Heatwave has brought record high temperatures to several continents, making the Northern Hemisphere sweltering in extreme heat and fueling wildfire across Europe and the United States. A recent modeling study, published in Nature Geoscience on July....

Europe's Heatwave Reaches Poland, Greece as It Moves Eastwards, Brings Wildfires

2022-07-21T17:59+0200usnews (en)

ATHENS/MILAN (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T17:55+0200straitstimesSG (en)

Countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia issue their highest heatwave alerts. ATHENS/MILAN (REUTERS) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday (July 21), forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as....

Europe's heatwave reaches Poland, Greece as it moves eastwards, brings wildfires

2022-07-21T17:47+0200reuters (en)

ATHENS/MILAN, July 21 (Reuters) - The vast heatwave covering swathes of Europe moved steadily eastwards on Thursday, forcing countries including Italy, Poland and Slovenia to issue their highest heatwave alerts as firefighters battled wildfires across the continent.

EU Civil Protection Mechanism: Solidarity with Slovenia in combating wildfires

2022-07-21T17:34+0200ieu-monitoring (en)

Yesterday, 20 June, Slovenia requested assistance to tackle unprecedented forest fires in the Karst of Gorica region of the Miren Kostanjevica municipality. Various firefighting assets have been already deployed or are on their way to help the local responders.

Global heatwave to drive up food prices as crops WITHER from scorching heat

2022-07-21T16:45+0200express (en)

Scorching heatwaves are currently ravaging countries around the world, as threats of wildfires, droughts and dehydration hit nations from the UK and Western Europe to China . There have been over 30 forest fires around Spain , forcing thousands of people to evacuate and around 173,00 acres scorched.

‘Climate change has nothing to do with ideologies’: Europe battles wildfires

2022-07-21T15:21+0200downtoearth (en)

The 10-day heatwave that hit Spain left more than 500 people dead, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a public statement. Sanchez cited the figures of heat-related deaths, released by Madrid's Carlos III Health Institute July 18, 2022. More people have died of heat-related causes in Spain from May....

France wildfires displace 37,000; air quality dips

2022-07-21T15:21+0200downtoearth (en)

Effects of global warming are cuurently on display in Europe, especially France. Spreading fires amid a heatwave has forced thousands to flee their homes even as the air quality has worsened. French cities have broken temperature records as the searing heatwave continues. Western Nantes, for instance, recorded 42 degrees Celsius, surpassing 40.

Why are wildfires raging in Europe?

2022-07-21T15:07+0200aljazeera-en (en)

Once a rare occurrence, extreme fires are now becoming more frequent and lasting longer worldwide. The destructive blazes are driven at least in part by climate change, which exacerbates their scale and intensity, even in the northern winter months. With temperatures spiking above 40 degrees Celsius....

Turkey bans entry to some forests to prevent wildfires

2022-07-21T14:35+0200dailysabah (en)

With the high season for forest fires underway, the Interior Ministry has issued instructions to the governorates of Turkey's 81 provinces, ordering them to ban visitors to the forests in places at risk of catching fire. Setting up fires for recreation and campfires have also been banned in areas near forests.

Spain’s firefighters gain upper hand on some wildfires

2022-07-21T13:30+0200thewall (en)

Not solely is Spain struggling scorching summer season temperatures this yr, however document breaking forest fires are raging throughout the nation. (EFFIS) as of Wednesday twentieth July 193,247 hectares of land – and rising – have burned in simply seven and a half months, with two or maybe three....

Heathrow and Gatwick: Latest foreign office travel advice for France, Spain, Greece, Italy and Croatia as thousands flee homes due to forest fires

2022-07-21T12:08+0200getwestlondon (en)

In Portugal, more than than 1,000 deaths have been recorded due to the heat, while in Spain there's been at least 500. On Wednesday (July 20) emergency services battled a wildfire in Tuscany, Italy which had been raging for two days. Hundreds of residents were evacuated near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-21T11:11+0200euronews-en (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Kate Holton. ATHENS LONDON – Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up.

Brutal heat wave in Europe descends lighter in Türkiye, says expert

2022-07-21T10:05+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

in the region will spread across Türkiye as of July 22, a prominent Turkish meteorologist has warned, underlining that it will not be as detrimental as in Europe, increasing temperatures by 3 to 6 degrees Celsius. class='cf'> “The temperature in Istanbul, which is currently 28C, will rise up to....

High temperature weather in many European countries has led to frequent wildfires in many countries – yqqlm

2022-07-21T08:38+0200breakinglatest (en)

Recently, many European countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain , Portugal, and Germany, have encountered rare high temperature weather, with the local maximum temperature reaching 45 degrees Celsius. The hot weather has led to continuous forest fires in many countries.

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-21T06:55+0200inquirer (en)

In Spain , where emergency crews were fighting fires in five regions, national weather service AEMET also forecast higher temperatures. Wildfires burned in several areas of Italy, including one that threatened to leave part of the northeastern city of Trieste without power and water, and 14....

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-21T06:37+0200vindy (en)

Jordi Villalta, 62, stands next to his house burnt during a wildfire in River Park village, near the town of El Pont de Vilomara, Spain , Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Hundreds of residents evacuated by a wildfire in Bages, in northeastern Spain were anxious to get back to their homes and assess the extent of the damage.

Greece tames wildfire near Athens, new blazes rage amidst strong winds

2022-07-21T06:06+0200in-cyprus (en)

A wildfire in mountains near Athens that forced hundreds of people to flee and damaged property has been brought under control Greek authorities said as they battled new blazes in what they called one of the toughest M editerranean summers. The wildfire broke out on Tuesday some 27 km (16 miles)....

Where wildfires are raging across Europe

2022-07-21T03:41+0200mycentraloregon (en)

JURE MAKOVEC/AFP via Getty Images. (LONDON) — Wildfires continue to rage across Europe, as an unprecedented heat wave and drought conditions threaten efforts to combat flames in some regions. In Greece, 56 forest fires occurred in the last 24 hours, the national fire service said Wednesday.

Europe scorched by heat wave as global warming wreaks havoc

2022-07-21T02:53+0200ecns (en)

The United Nations' World Meteorological Organization has warned that extreme heat waves in Europe will become more frequent due to climate change after high temperatures scorched western parts of the continent. Thousands of people were forced to evacuate areas of France and Spain as tinder-dry....

Europe scorched by heat wave as global warming wreaks havoc

2022-07-21T01:36+0200chinadaily (en)

A man uses a small fan to cool off while waiting for a train at Liverpool Street Station in London on Tuesday. The United Kingdom is languishing in extremely hot weather, with temperatures in London reaching 40.2 C, the highest on record, according to Met Office figures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-21T01:25+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

ATHENS, Greece >> Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

Why are there historical heat waves?

2022-07-21T01:06+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — From the United States to China, passing through Europe, the world is burning: high temperatures are already claiming hundreds of lives and the flames are devouring thousands of hectares. Why have heat waves reached these historic dimensions? The answer was long anticipated by scientists: the climate change factor.

More than 1,500 dead in Spain and Portugal.. a heat wave hits Europe and North Africa and threatens 100 million in America

2022-07-21T01:06+0200tellerreport (en)

More than a thousand people died in Portugal as a result of the consequences of the severe heat wave that has hit the country for more than 10 days, while the authorities in Spain announced that the wave caused the deaths of more than 500 people. The Directorate of Public Health in Portugal....

Climate alarm as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:44+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Emergency services have battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Climate alarm as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:40+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Emergency services have battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Climate alarm as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:34+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Emergency services have battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Climate alarm as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:32+0200illawarramercury (en)

Emergency services have battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Climate alarm as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:28+0200bordermail (en)

Emergency services have battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

Climate fight urged as Europe wildfires rage

2022-07-21T00:14+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

ATHENS/LONDON: Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations yesterday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T23:24+0200timesfreepress (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T22:36+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

ATHENS: Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires on Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T21:57+0200channelnewsasia (en)

ATHENS/LONDON: Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday (Jul 20), as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks....

Wildfires rage across Europe amid record temperatures

2022-07-20T21:09+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Fire brigades in Tuscany battled a wildfire on Wednesday that forced hundreds to evacuate as gas tanks caught in the flames exploded, while smoke from a blaze in northeast Italy forced shipbuilder Fincantieri to shut down a plant employing 3,000. Wildfires have broken out in several parts of Italy this week as temperatures keep rising.

Greece tames wildfire near Athens, new blazes rage in 'tough' Mediterranean summer

2022-07-20T21:04+0200channelnewsasia (en)

ATHENS: A wildfire in mountains near Athens that forced hundreds of people to flee and damaged property has been brought under control, Greek authorities said as they battled new blazes in what they called one of the toughest Mediterranean summers. (Jul 19) some 27km north of the capital and, fanned....

Wildfires slow in southern Europe, but blaze now threatens Athens

2022-07-20T20:30+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T20:26+0200hjnews (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T20:03+0200idahostatesman (en)

ATHENS, Greece. Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:57+0200charlotteobserver (en)

ATHENS, Greece. Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

Greece tames wildfire near Athens, new blazes rage in 'tough' Mediterranean summer

2022-07-20T19:55+0200reuters (en)

ATHENS, July 20 (Reuters) - A wildfire in mountains near Athens that forced hundreds of people to flee and damaged property has been brought under control, Greek authorities said as they battled new blazes inwhat they called one of the toughest Mediterranean summers.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:54+0200myrtlebeachonline (en)

ATHENS, Greece. Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:54+0200islandpacket (en)

PALINI, Greece. Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

WRAPUP 5-Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T19:52+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire....

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:51+0200bnd (en)

ATHENS, Greece. Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:46+0200wral (en)

By DEREK GATOPOULOS and BARBARA SURK. ATHENS, Greece Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:44+0200news-gazette (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:37+0200whig (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:36+0200mynews13 (en)

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Battered by heavy winds, firefighters in Greece struggled to contain new fires Wednesday around the capital of Athens while other countries in southern Europe took stock of the damage caused during the latest severe heat wave and prepared for the return of scorching temperatures.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:25+0200wsoctv (en)

APTOPIX Spain Wildfires Jordi Villalta, 62, stands next to his house burnt during a wildfire in River Park village, near the town of El Pont de Vilomara, Spain, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Hundreds of residents evacuated by a wildfire in Bages, in northeastern Spain were anxious to get back to their homes and assess the extent of the damage.

Wildfires Slow in Southern Europe, but Blaze Now Threatens Athens More..

2022-07-20T19:23+0200almanar-en (en)

Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all reported improved conditions with a respite from severe heat wave conditions. At least two people were hospitalized in the Greek capital with breathing problems and minor burns, while local officials....

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:22+0200actionnewsjax (en)

APTOPIX Spain Wildfires Jordi Villalta, 62, stands next to his house burnt during a wildfire in River Park village, near the town of El Pont de Vilomara, Spain, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Hundreds of residents evacuated by a wildfire in Bages, in northeastern Spain were anxious to get back to their homes and assess the extent of the damage.

New wildfires in Greece as Europe braces for more heat

2022-07-20T19:20+0200wftv (en)

APTOPIX Spain Wildfires Jordi Villalta, 62, stands next to his house burnt during a wildfire in River Park village, near the town of El Pont de Vilomara, Spain, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Hundreds of residents evacuated by a wildfire in Bages, in northeastern Spain were anxious to get back to their homes and assess the extent of the damage.

Spain weather: Latest heatwave forecast, where the wildfires are and travel advice for UK tourists

2022-07-20T19:10+0200inews-co-uk (en)

Large parts of London woke up to ash and destruction on Wednesday after fires ripped through homes on Britain’s hottest day ever. On the Continent, which has also experienced a heatwave, fires have been more widespread , tearing through parched areas of France, Italy, Greece and Spain . In Spain, where temperatures have reached as high as 45.

Emergency services battle wildfires across southern Europe

2022-07-20T18:46+0200thedailystarBD (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. Hundreds fled in central Italy as gas tanks exploded in a forest fire....

Satellite images show heat and fire crises from space

2022-07-20T18:33+0200whatsnew2day (en)

With scorching temperatures and a string of record highs being broken across Western Europe, the current heat wave is all too apparent. Extreme heat warnings have been issued in several countries, including France, Spain and Portugal, and deadly wildfires have forced thousands of people to flee their homes.

Wildfires rage across Europe as record temperatures soar

2022-07-20T18:27+0200thecattlesite (en)

UK breaks record high temperature by 1.6°C. Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up, A blaze fuelled by....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T18:06+0200wsvn (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T17:52+0200ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 3-4 minutes. PALINI, Greece — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T17:27+0200dawn (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens,....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T17:14+0200kathmandupost (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens,....

‘More than 500 died’ from heat wave in Spain, says PM

2022-07-20T17:04+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

A woman reacts as she watches the flames from a fire in the village of San Martin de Tabara (Zamora), Spain , July 18, 2022. The heat wave sweeping across Spain is fueling forest fires in five Spanish regions. Mariam A. Montesinos, EPA-EFE. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Wednesday that "more than....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T16:44+0200naharnet-ar (en)

Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all reported....

Wildfires All Over Europe Temperatures Hit 40 Degrees Celsius

2022-07-20T16:43+0200bay (en)

Numerous countries all over Europe are currently battling wild forest fires! Countries including Portugal, Spain , France and Greece are battling forest fires as this week’s heatwaves continue to cause extremely high temperatures. These wildfires are also causing hundreds of deaths all across south-western Europe.

Wildfires rage across Europe as record temperatures soar

2022-07-20T16:41+0200thepigsite (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up, A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens,....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T16:23+0200economictimes (en)

ATHENS/LONDON: Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T16:22+0200ctvnews (en)

PALINI, Greece - Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

Macron tours blaze devastation as firefighters battle…

2022-07-20T16:20+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Issued on: 20/07/2022 – 16:05. French President Emmanuel Macron visited firefighters fighting two fires near Bordeaux on Wednesday, as Europe counted the costs of a record heat wave and protesters against climate change pointed to the blistering weather as a wake-up call for the continent.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T16:14+0200news-gazette (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

Wed. 10:09 a.m.: As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T16:11+0200vindy (en)

Fire burns next to houses in the area of Drafi east of Athens today. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes late Tuesday as a wildfire threatened mountainside suburbs northeast of Athens. Firefighters battled through the night, struggling to contain the blaze which was being intensified by strong gusts of wind.

SPAIN WILDFIRES - Spanish wildfires break annual record just 7 months into 2022

2022-07-20T16:07+0200efe (en)

Spain has registered its worst year of wildfires in terms of total area lost annually in the last decade just seven months into 2022, according to the latest estimates from the European Forest Fire Information System Wednesday. Forest fires have engulfed 193,268 hectares (around 476,000 acres) of....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T15:54+0200wftv (en)

APTOPIX Greece Wildfires A firefighting Helicopter throws water in the area of Panorama Palinis, eastern Athens, on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight.

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T15:44+0200timesofindia (en)

ATHENS/LONDON: Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains....

Wildfires Burn Over 22,000 Hectares Across North-West Spain

2022-07-20T15:25+0200news_com_au (en)

Wildfires have burned a combined 22,260 hectares across the community of Galicia in North-West Spain , according to local authorities. The two largest wildfires are those in O Courel, where 7,500 hectares were burned and 900 people were forced to evacuate, and in Valdeorras, where 7,500 hectares have....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounds

2022-07-20T15:12+0200dailysabah (en)

needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, and similar numbers fled in central Italy as gas tanks caught in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca exploded.

Blaze hits Athens as fires ease elsewhere in Southern Europe

2022-07-20T15:07+0200latimes (en)

PALINI, Greece — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across Southern Europe , but authorities in France, Spain and....

Wildfires Rage Across Southern Europe as Climate Alarm Sounded

2022-07-20T14:55+0200news18 (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens,....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T14:53+0200straitstimesSG (en)

ATHENS/LONDON (REUTERS) - Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday (July 20). In London, warnings were sounded after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needs to be stepped up.

In pictures: Punishing heat wave sweeps Europe, sparks wildfires

2022-07-20T14:45+0200trtworld (en)

The UN has warned that the number of extreme wildfires is expected to increase 30 percent within the next 28 years. (AP) Record July temperatures have sparked wildfires across Europe with thousands of firefighters battling destructive and deadly blazes in countries from Portugal to the UK.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T14:44+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

L'Europa che brucia, viaggio tra boschi e città assediati dalle fiamme

2022-07-20T14:24+0200lasentinella (it)

Treni bloccati in Spagna a causa degli incendi che minacciano i binari, 14mila ettari di foresta andati in fumo nella Gironda, a sud di Bordeaux, centinaia di piccoli roghi scoppiati nella Germania dell'est. Un viaggio per immagini dell'Europa in fiamme. di Alessandra Del Zotto.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T14:21+0200fresnobee (en)

People work to extinguish a fire as wildfires get close to a house in Tabara, north-west Spain , Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Wildfires also kept emergency crews busy in England, Germany, Portugal and Spain. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) Bernat Armangue AP PALINI, Greece.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T14:17+0200apnews (en)

PALINI, Greece (AP) — Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and....

Crews struggle to contain Greece wildfire for second day as blazes ease in southern Europe

2022-07-20T14:17+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all reported....

Spagna: roghi, ripristinate linee alta velocità interrotte

2022-07-20T14:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 20 luglio 2022) È stata ripristinata nelle ultime ore in Spagna la circolazione dei treni sui tratti delle linee ad alta velocità interrotti a causa di incendi attivi nelle vicinanze. Lo ha reso noto Renfe, la ... : Un'ondata di calore eccezionale continua a infiammare l'Europa occidentale.

Crews struggle to contain Greece wildfire for second day as blazes ease in southern Europe 4 minutes ago

2022-07-20T14:05+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all reported....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as...

2022-07-20T14:04+0200thefinancialexpress (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up, news agency Reuters reported.

20 jul 10:30 Massive fires raging in Western Europe amid abnormal heatwave

2022-07-20T13:48+0200rubryka (en)

Most of Western Europe is suffering from the sweltering heat, many countries have broken temperature records, and large-scale fires are raging. The BBC The publication reported that record high temperatures were recorded in 64 areas in France on Monday.

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T13:37+0200bdnews24 (en)

A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, and similar numbers fled in central Italy as gas tanks caught in a forest fire near the Tuscan town of Lucca exploded. A record-breaking heatwave, widely blamed on global....

Southern Europe battles wildfires amid record-breaking heatwave

2022-07-20T13:35+0200businessday (en)

Athens/London — Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain’s hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains....

Wildfires Rage Across Europe As Climate Alarm Sounded

2022-07-20T13:11+0200ibtimes (en)

Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up. A blaze fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains north of Athens,....

Europe is suffocating from the heat: heat waves are visible from space (photo)

2022-07-20T13:09+0200thesaxon (en)

In many countries, monthly average temperature records have already been broken and satellites record an increase in the risk of forest fires in Europe. Heat in Europe this summer only exacerbates the spread of droughts, which appeared as a result of a decrease in the amount of rains in winter and spring.

SPAIN WILDFIRES - Spain on track for record-breaking year of wildfires

2022-07-20T13:06+0200efe (en)

Spain is well on track for its worst year of wildfires in terms of total area lost in over a decade, according to the latest data from the European Forest Fire Information System Wednesday. Forest fires have engulfed 182,497 hectares (around 451,000 acres) of Spanish land, an area more than double....

Wildfires rage across Europe as climate alarm sounded

2022-07-20T12:59+0200gazette (en)

By Renee Maltezou and Kate Holton. ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) - Emergency services battled wildfires across swathes of southern Europe amid mass evacuations on Wednesday, as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up.

Western Europe, a Climate Leader, Still Suffers From Global Warming

2022-07-20T12:52+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Many British homes not only have no air conditioning, but are built with materials that retain heat. Most parts of the London Underground system also do not have air conditioning. On Monday, an airport had to suspend flights for hours after heat damaged a runway.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T12:50+0200news4jax (en)

PALINI – Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all....

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T12:49+0200wsoctv (en)

Greece Wildfires Residents spray water with a hose as fire burns near houses in the area of Drafi east of Athens on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes late Tuesday as a wildfire threatened mountainside suburbs northeast of Athens.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T12:49+0200metro-us (en)

Posted on July 20, 2022 Residents spray water with a hose as fire burns near houses in the area of Drafi east of Athens on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes late Tuesday as a wildfire threatened mountainside suburbs northeast of Athens.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T12:46+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Greece Wildfires Residents spray water with a hose as fire burns near houses in the area of Drafi east of Athens on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes late Tuesday as a wildfire threatened mountainside suburbs northeast of Athens.

As fires ease in southern Europe, blaze hits Greek capital

2022-07-20T12:41+0200clickondetroit (en)

PALINI – Nearly 500 firefighters struggled to contain a large wildfire that threatened hillside suburbs outside Athens for a second day Wednesday, after hundreds of residents were evacuated overnight. Fires continued to burn across southern Europe, but authorities in France, Spain and Portugal all....

L'Europa che brucia, viaggio tra boschi e città assediati dalle fiamme

2022-07-20T12:29+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Treni bloccati in Spagna a causa degli incendi che minacciano i binari, 14mila ettari di foresta andati in fumo nella Gironda, a sud di Bordeaux, centinaia di piccoli roghi scoppiati nella Germania dell'est. Un viaggio per immagini dell'Europa in fiamme. di Alessandra Del Zotto. Via Ernesto Lugaro n.

The mushroom that appears kicked after a forest fire

2022-07-20T11:51+0200bullfrag (en)

Every new summer Spain faces the increasingly common threat of devastating forest fires. We are experiencing it in our territory these days with the many active fires fueled by the extreme heat wave, devastating in a few days about 30,000 hectares. The images are dramatic and extend to other countries, not only in Europe.

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day

2022-07-20T11:44+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

ATHENS/LONDON: A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece, France, Spain , Turkey,....

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day By Renee Maltezou ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds inclu... 47m ago

2022-07-20T11:38+0200kelo (en)

By Renee Maltezou. ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) – A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in....

(TAP) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate,...

2022-07-20T11:36+0200ATAP-en (en)

(TAP) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece, France, Spain , Turkey, Italy....

Brits warned of wildfires and droughts in European countries popular with tourists

2022-07-20T11:27+0200chroniclelive (en)

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has issued alerts about blazes in Spain , Portugal, France and Greece. Meanwhile, parts of Italy are suffering a drought that could lead to water shortages. The UK Government is not advising people against travelling to the countries.

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day

2022-07-20T11:17+0200gazette (en)

By Renee Maltezou. ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in....

Wildfire Rages Near Athens As Britain Faces Aftermath Of Hottest Day

2022-07-20T11:07+0200ibtimes (en)

A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece, France, Spain , Turkey, Italy and....

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day

2022-07-20T11:04+0200timesofindia (en)

ATHENS/LONODN: A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece, France, Spain , Turkey,....

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day

2022-07-20T10:53+0200reuters (en)

ATHENS/LONDON, July 20 (Reuters) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece,....

Wildfire rages near Athens as Britain faces aftermath of hottest day

2022-07-20T10:47+02004-traders (en)

ATHENS/LONDON, July 20 (Reuters) - A wildfire fuelled by gale-force winds raged in mountains near Athens on Wednesday, forcing hundreds including hospital patients to evacuate, as Britain counted the cost of its hottest ever day. Wildfires have ravaged Europe this month, breaking out in Greece,....

European infrastructure tested as temperatures surpass record highs

2022-07-20T09:33+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Critical infrastructure across Europe was tested to the brink this week as the heatwave continued, bringing record temperatures and once again bringing the climate crisis debate into sharp focus. London’s Heathrow airport hit 40.2 degrees Celsius on Tuesday afternoon (19 July), according to the UK’s....

Warnings of the phenomenon's recurrence until 2060... Record temperatures and huge fires sweeping America and Europe

2022-07-20T08:51+0200tellerreport (en)

The intense heat wave continued to sweep through many regions of the world, with record temperatures recorded in Europe and the United States and the outbreak of huge fires that spread to North Africa, while the United Nations warned of the frequency of the phenomenon until 2060 due to climate change.

A Large Part Of Southwestern Europe Is Burning – With Over A Thousand Deaths Caused By The ‘Heat Apocalypse’

2022-07-20T07:17+0200wonderfulengineering (en)

Regions across southwest Europe are experiencing a severe heat wave without any indication of decline. Countries including France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain are on the verge of setting new temperature records this week. Thousands of residents are compelled to drive to other locations as thousands....

Western Europe facing unprecedented heat wave

2022-07-20T07:07+0200uniindia (en)

Brussels, July 20 (UNI) Western Europe is reeling under unprecedented heat wave with record temperatures across the continent accompanied by forest fires, BBC reported on Wednesday. The UK, which usually faces milder climates, saw temperatures of more than 40C (104F) for the first time. Germany saw its hottest day of the year so far.

Europe heat wave causes record temperatures in UK

2022-07-20T05:06+0200bullfrag (en)

The DGS previously reported 238 excess deaths due to the July 7-13 heat wave, but Freitas said the death toll has risen to 1,063 for the period through July 18. High temperatures, drought and poor forest management have been the causes of several fires that have affected Portugal.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-20T02:48+0200nation (en)

LONDON – A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain’s warmest night on record, the country’s Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

World on fire: abnormal heat and fires in Europe and the…

2022-07-20T01:18+0200thesaxon (en)

Prosecutors said a man suspected of arson that destroyed 13,000 hectares of pine forest in France was being questioned about a similar alleged crime a decade ago when heatwaves broke temperature records across Europe, according to TheGuardian. Photo: Shutterstock.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-20T00:13+0200citizen (en)

A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain’s warmest night on record, the country’s Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

Heat waves in Britain, Europe are shattering records and forcing public service cancellations. Here’s what to know

2022-07-19T23:48+0200theglobeandmail (en)

A heat wave is blazing through the United Kingdom and several European countries, sending temperatures soaring above 40 degrees in some cities. In the U.K. the extreme heat has closed schools, halted rail services, melted airport runways, and even forced some hospitals to cancel surgeries because operating rooms were too hot.

The Association of Tour Operators of Russia dissuades from going to hot Europe from the heat

2022-07-19T23:26+0200247newsbulletin (en)

Asphalt melts in England, forest fires rage in Portugal, Italy, France and Greece. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) made a recommendation not to plan, if possible, trips to Europe now. Due to the record heat there, it is not only uncomfortable for a tourist, but also dangerous.

Wildfires rip through Europe amid scorching heatwave

2022-07-19T23:13+02004-traders (en)

STORY: More than 30 wildfires continued to ravage parts of Spain , numerous wildfires were reported in Italy and firefighters in southwestern France battled to contain massive forest fires. Smoke also rose over the horizon in London, and Athens hillsides were ablaze.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T22:24+0200jordantimes (en)

LONDON — A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Spagna, Francia e Portogallo vanno a fuoco, gli incendi sono spaventosi, leggi articolo completo

2022-07-19T22:18+0200ilmeteo (it)

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Spagna, Francia e Portogallo vanno a fuoco, gli incendi sono spaventosi. Spagna, 17 luglio 2022. La Spagna va a fuoco. Nel piccolo comune di Morasverdes (414 abitanti) un grosso incendio ha e sta bruciano il bosco circostante.

Además varios barrios costeros se vieron afectados por el intenso oleaje. ¿Tiene que ver el cambio climático? Mirá las imágenes.

2022-07-19T22:11+0200economiasustentable (es)

Lo que debió ser un festejo único y célebre, quedó bajo el agua. Una ola gigante interrumpió un casamiento al sur de la Isla Grande de Hawaii y barrió con varias mesas del evento. //Mirá también: Ola de calor en Europa: miles de evacuados por incendios en España y Francia En las imágenes, capturadas....

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Spagna, Francia e Portogallo vanno a fuoco, gli incendi sono spaventosi Sono intervenuti i vigili del fuoco anche con elicotteri che trasportavano grossi recipienti pieni d'acqua. Situazione critica anche tra Francia e Portogallo Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Spagna,....

2022-07-19T21:47+0200informazione (it)

Sono intervenuti i vigili del fuoco anche con elicotteri che trasportavano grossi recipienti pieni d'acqua. Situazione critica anche tra Francia e Portogallo. Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Spagna , Francia e Portogallo vanno a fuoco, gli incendi sono spaventosi. TLE&width=650&height=365"]. Spagna, 17 luglio 2022.

Heatwave kills hundreds in Spain and Portugal

2022-07-19T21:33+0200europesun (en)

Europe is battling temperatures of over 40C with the UK setting an all-time record. Hundreds of people have died due to heat in Spain and Portugal over the past week as Europe continues to battle temperatures of above 40C. In Spain, 510 people fell victim to the heatwave between July 10 and July 16, Spain's Carlos III Institute's numbers show.

‘Marker of climate change’: Europe swelters in record-breaking June heatwave

2022-07-19T21:11+0200digitpatrox (en)

Many components of Europe are going by way of scorching warmth with quickly growing temperatures. Spain , France and different western European nations are beneath the extreme June heatwave, that has sparked forest fires and lots of different considerations. This weekend’s temperatures had been on the peak of the June heatwave.

UK breaks all-time temperature record, with 39.1C reading (video)

2022-07-19T20:34+0200extra-cw (en)

A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Monday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain’s warmest night on record, the country’s Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

Fire crisis in Europe seems far from over

2022-07-19T20:13+0200weeklyblitz (en)

European Union demands environmental protection in emerging countries but “allows” fires in Europe. Writes Lucas Leiroz. Europe is in a situation of humanitarian catastrophe. The fires that have erupted across the continent this summer have already killed more than a thousand people, in addition to....

Europe Broils in Heat Wave that Fuels Fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T19:23+0200claimsjournal (en)

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent in recent days and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkan region. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts.

The United Kingdom records an all-time heat record: more than 40…

2022-07-19T19:23+0200thesaxon (en)

Extreme heat, wave of fires and droughts: this was the climate crisis The record temperatures < /strong> They are not just in southern Europe. Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom face extreme heat . In fact, the United Kingdom has registered an all-time record over 40C, announced British....

MIL-OSI United Kingdom: expert reaction to UK wildfires

2022-07-19T18:52+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United Kingdom – Executive Government & Departments July 19, 2022. Wildfires have been recorded in the UK amid high temperatures. Prof Guillermo Rein, Professor of Fire Science, Imperial College London, said: “Higher temperatures lead to more and larger wildfires.

Western Europe broils in wildfire-causing heat wave

2022-07-19T18:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France: A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward on Monday to the United Kingdom and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

SPAIN WILDFIRES - Dangerous fires remain out of control in parts of Spain

2022-07-19T18:13+0200efe (en)

Deadly wildfires continue to burn out of control across Spain Tuesday. Firefighting efforts were focused on a blaze in the Zamora province of western Spain that has so far claimed two lives a firefighter and a local shepherd and in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain.

'Major incident' in London, as wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-19T18:11+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Smoke pours from a blaze in Wennington, east London, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Copyright Yui Mok/PA London is facing a "major incident" caused by fires amid record-breaking temperatures, as wildfires continue to rage and claim lives across large parts of Europe.

Europe burns in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T18:11+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

July 19, 2022 10:57 AM CDT By And John Leicester A firefighter walks among flames at a forest fire near Louchats, 35 kms (22 miles) from Landiras in Gironde, southwestern France, Monday, July 18, 2022. France scrambled more water-bombing planes and hundreds more firefighters to combat spreading....

Western Europe broils in wildfire-causing heat wave

2022-07-19T18:09+0200manilatimes (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France: A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward on Monday to the United Kingdom and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions

2022-07-19T17:58+0200wn (en)

BRUSSELS, July 19 (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern Europe and....

'Major incident' in London, as wildfires rage across Europe

2022-07-19T17:50+0200euronews-en (en)

Smoke pours from a blaze in Wennington, east London, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Copyright Yui Mok/PA London is facing a "major incident" caused by fires amid record-breaking temperatures, as wildfires continue to rage and claim lives across large parts of Europe.

Europe Broils in Heat Wave That Fuels Fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T17:41+0200khaosodenglish (en)

This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows a firefighter stands next to wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Monday morning, July 18, 2022. Photo: SDIS 33 via AP. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe and fueled ferocious wildfires in....

Search engine: these are the forest fires that devastate Spain

2022-07-19T17:33+0200tellerreport (en)

Spain is burning. NASA satellites have detected in the last 24 hours dozens of forest fires that devastate half of Spain and that remain active in these... GABRIELA GALARZA. Updated Tuesday, July 19, 2022-17:21 Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; send by email. Comment. Spain is burning. NASA satellites.

Wildfires in Morocco, Spain produce record-breaking carbon emissions

2022-07-19T17:17+0200middle-east-online_en (en)

BRUSSELS - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern Europe and Northern Africa,....

Morocco confirms 70% of the country's fires are under control

2022-07-19T17:17+0200atalayar (en)

The Moroccan authorities continue to fight the five fires that are active in the north of the country, in the areas of Arash, Wazzan, Tetouan, Taza and Schachwan . Five days of operations have been underway since 14 July and firefighters are working to extinguish these simultaneous fires. Everything points in the right direction.

6 forest fires burning in N.L. as fire ban implemented in St. John's area

2022-07-19T17:10+0200CBC (en)

A water bomber flies low towards Conception Bay South, battling a fire burning near homes in the community. (Henrike WIlhelm/CBC) There is a smaller 2.5 hectare fire burning near Trinity that remains out of control, even though there are no open flames.

Temperature in UK exceeds 40C for first time in recorded history

2022-07-19T16:46+0200buzz (en)

Impacts of the heat. As Britain experiences a sweltering heatwave, the government has triggered a 'national emergency' alert. Some schools have closed and train services have been cancelled. Officials have urged the public to stay at home. Flights were suspended at Luton Airport after staff found a 'runway defect'.

L'Europa che brucia, viaggio tra boschi e città assediati dalle fiamme

2022-07-19T16:46+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Treni bloccati in Spagna a causa degli incendi che minacciano i binari, 14mila ettari di foresta andati in fumo nella Gironda, a sud di Bordeaux, centinaia di piccoli roghi scoppiati nella Germania dell'est. Un viaggio per immagini dell'Europa in fiamme. di Alessandra Del Zotto. Via Ernesto Lugaro n.

UK hits hottest temperature on record as western Europe sizzles

2022-07-19T16:46+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

"A lot of our infrastructure is just not built for this temperature," said UK's Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, as some rail lines were closed as a precaution against the extreme heat. (AP) The United Kingdom has recorded its highest ever temperature as a fierce heatwave leaves much of western....

Photos: Extreme heat leaves parts of Europe engulfed in forest fires, no respite expected today

2022-07-19T16:46+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Topline. A severe heatwave is spanning parts of western Europe and the British Isles, sparking several destructive forest fires in some regions that have caused at least two deaths in Spain —experts say it highlights the impact of climate change on the region which is likely to get no respite on Tuesday.

Europe in historic heatwave as heat blazes across parts, kills hundreds

2022-07-19T16:39+0200eminetra (en)

© Provided by Xinhua. The latest report from the European Commission’s Joint Research Center has shown that almost half of the European Union (EU) area and Britain are at risk of drought in July. The rare heat wave and drought have also caused devastating wildfires in countries including France, Spain , Portugal, Italy and Greece.

UK hits hottest temperature on record as western Europe sizzles

2022-07-19T16:37+0200trtworld (en)

"A lot of our infrastructure is just not built for this temperature," said UK's Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, as some rail lines were closed as a precaution against the extreme heat. (AP) The United Kingdom has recorded its highest ever temperature as a fierce heatwave leaves much of western....

Watch: Spanish passengers spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T16:29+0200moneycontrol (en)

Video of the unscheduled — and unnerving — stop shows about a dozen passengers in Seoane’s railcar becoming alarmed as they look out of the windows. Passengers take photos at a wildfire while traveling on a train in Zamora, Spain , Monday, July 18. Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T16:20+0200saudigazette (en)

PARIS — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain....

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T16:20+0200businesstelegraph (en)

A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain’s warmest night on record, the country’s Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

Spagna e Francia assediate dal fuoco

2022-07-19T16:15+0200euronews-it (it)

Incendi boschivi in Spagna Diritti d'autore AFP L'attuale ondata di roghi che colpisce la Spagna è la maggiore emergenza nazionale di questo genere mai vista. Sei i fronti di fiamme attivi. Uno di questi investe la provincia di Zamora (nell'ovest iberico): secondo gli ultimi dati, a causa delle fiamme sono state evacuate circa 5.

Fires, in France the Gironde burns: 14 thousand hectares in smoke. No respite for Spain, Sanchez: “Climate change kills”

2022-07-19T16:12+0200italy24news (en)

The French region of Gironde is in the grip of two huge ones forest fires which so far have burned more than 14 thousand hectares of vegetation, also reaching the Atlantic coast and forced to evacuation from their homes over 5 thousand people . But, under the pressure of the great hot and of Drought....

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T16:07+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

LONDON, United Kingdom (AFP)— A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

Europe is on fire, Britain and France are about to receive a...

2022-07-19T16:06+0200morningexpress (en)

France has braced for a record-breaking heatwave that could exceed 40 degrees Celsius in coastal regions popular with tourists, as wildfires intensify in the west and south. Meanwhile, Britain is also braced for the first time temperatures hit 40 degrees Celsius this week.

Saudi embassies in Morocco, Spain and Portugal warn citizens of forest fires

2022-07-19T15:55+0200saudigazette (en)

Saudi Gazette report RABAT/ MADRID/LISBON — Saudi Arabia’s embassies in Morocco, Spain and Portugal have warned Saudi citizens residing there against forest fires. The Saudi embassy in Rabat warned all citizens residing in Morocco to be careful and ensure their safety from wildfires.

Ferocious wildfires rage in Europe as thousands of homes evacuated

2022-07-19T15:38+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Firefighters and water-bombing planes continued to battle ferocious wildfires in Europe on Tuesday as tens of thousands fled homes. Two of the worst fires, which broke out on July 12 in tinder-dry pine forests in the Gironde region of France, have forced almost 40,000 people to flee homes and summer vacation spots.

Heatwave: A visual guide to the UK and Europe's record temperatures

2022-07-19T15:37+0200bbc (en)

Emley Moor in West Yorkshire had a minimum overnight temperature of 25.9C, while Kenley in south London was almost as hot with a minimum of 25.8C. Aberporth in Ceredigion recorded a lowest overnight temperature of 24.5C. The temperatures also bring a greatly increased risk of fires, as can be seen....

Heatwave stifles Europe: Britain hits record-breaking 40° C, forest fires in Spain, France

2022-07-19T15:33+0200expressindia (en)

For a week, Spain has recorded more than 30 wildfires with its Castile and Leon and Galicia towns being hard hit, news agency Reuters reported. Over 6,000 people from 32 villages of Zamora province have been evacuated by the Spanish authorities and nearly 70,000 hectares of land were destroyed in the blazes.

UK Breaks All-Time Temperature Record At 39.1 Degrees

2022-07-19T15:32+0200ndtvnews (en)

London: A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Monday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

Fires in France, Spain as heatwave cooks Europe

2022-07-19T15:28+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Spain , meanwhile, reported a second fatality in two days in its own blazes. The body of a 69yearold sheep farmer was found Monday in the same hilly area where a 62yearold firefighter died a day earlier when he was trapped by flames in the northwestern Zamora province.

Wildfires In Spain, Morocco Produce Record-breaking Carbon Emissions

2022-07-19T15:23+0200ibtimes (en)

Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern Europe and Northern Africa, killing....

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions By Kate Abnett BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same per... 38m ago

2022-07-19T15:19+0200wsau (en)

By Kate Abnett. BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern....

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions By Kate Abnett BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same per... 37m ago

2022-07-19T15:17+0200kelo (en)

By Kate Abnett. BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern....

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T15:08+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

LONDON, United Kingdom (AFP)— A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

L'Europa che brucia, viaggio tra boschi e città assediati dalle fiamme

2022-07-19T15:07+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

Treni bloccati in Spagna a causa degli incendi che minacciano i binari, 14mila ettari di foresta andati in fumo nella Gironda, a sud di Bordeaux, centinaia di piccoli roghi scoppiati nella Germania dell'est. Un viaggio per immagini dell'Europa in fiamme. di Alessandra Del Zotto <iframe src="https://www.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T15:05+0200thesundaily (en)

LONDON : A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T15:03+0200economictimes (en)

A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Tuesday, fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.1 Celsius (102.

‘Monster’ wildfires rip through Europe as heatwave set to spread further

2022-07-19T15:03+0200independent-UK (en)

The widespread heatwave has also crept toward Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. In France , meteorologists have issued extreme heat warnings. The western city of Nantes recorded a high of 42C on Monday for the first time since 1949 and Paris has been expected to swelter in 39C on Tuesday.

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions Kate Abnett |Updated 9 minutes ago |2 min read By Kate Abnett BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the....

2022-07-19T14:58+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Kate Abnett. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T14:55+0200bna-en (en)

Paris, July 19 (BNA): A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions

2022-07-19T14:51+0200saltwire (en)

By Kate Abnett. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern....

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T14:48+0200inquirer (en)

“A lot of our infrastructure is just not built for this temperature,” Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told Sky News. “Let record-breaking UK temperatures and tragic deaths in Europe be the wake-up call the world needs to stop climate change from claiming any more lives,” said Tim Wainwright, chief executive of the charity WaterAid.

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco Produce Record-Breaking Carbon Emissions

2022-07-19T14:46+0200usnews (en)

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern Europe and....

Firefighters and Air Corps battling ‘extensive’ forest fire near Enniskerry in Wicklow

2022-07-19T14:45+0200independent-ie (en)

The Wicklow Fire Service is currently battling a significant forest fire at Crone Woods near Enniskerry. C rews from Bray and Greystones have been attempting to get the blaze under control since 1am this morning. Footage circulating online shows large plumes of smoke rising as the fire spreads across the woodland.

Wildfires in Spain, Morocco produce record-breaking carbon emissions

2022-07-19T14:43+0200reuters (en)

BRUSSELS, July 19 (Reuters) - Wildfires in Spain and Morocco have produced more carbon emissions in June and July this year than in the same period of any year since 2003, the European Union's Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service said. Forest fires have swept through parts of Southern Europe and....

Forest fires: EU mobilises further assistance to Portugal, France and Albania

2022-07-19T14:42+0200reliefWeb (en)

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism continues to channel support to help combat severe forest fires in Portugal, France and Albania. Following requests for assistance, the EU has helped mobilise 2 firefighting planes from Italy to Portugal operating in the country since 13 July.

‘National Emergency’ in UK, 20+ active fires in Spain – an overview

2022-07-19T14:40+0200california18 (en)

The hottest summer days since weather records began are expected in some parts of Europe these days. A large part of the area of ​​the European Union is said to be directly threatened by a persistent drought, according to a report by the joint research center of the EU Commission.

Forest fires continue in Europe and Britain records 40 degrees Celsius for the first time

2022-07-19T14:28+0200tellerreport (en)

European countries are still suffering from unprecedented high temperatures, the latest of which is Britain, where the temperature is expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius, and forest fires are still widespread in several countries. Temperatures are expected to rise in the United Kingdom today,....

Heatwave: Ferocious European heat heads north

2022-07-19T13:45+0200radio-pk (en)

Western Europe faces more sweltering temperatures today as a ferocious heatwave heads north. In France and the UK extreme heat warnings were issued. Deadly wildfires in France, Portugal, Spain and Greece have forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes.

UK breaks all-time temperature record as heatwave batters Europe

2022-07-19T13:40+0200channelnewsasia (en)

LONDON: A fierce heatwave left much of western Europe sweltering on Monday (Jul 18), fuelling ferocious wildfires and stretching emergency services, as it pushed north and took temperatures to record levels. After Britain's warmest night on record, the country's Met Office said 39.

Heat-related deaths top 1,100 in Spain, Portugal amid heat wave and wildfires

2022-07-19T13:23+0200mycentraloregon (en)

Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliance via Getty Images. (NEW YORK) — As Western Europe experiences a record-breaking heat wave, Spain and Portugal have reported at least 1,169 heat-related deaths, according to each country’s ministry of health. At least 510 people died from heat-related issues in Spain....

L'Europa che brucia, viaggio tra boschi e città assediati dalle fiamme

2022-07-19T13:23+0200247libero (it)

di Alessandra Del Zotto. Treni bloccati in Spagna a causa degli incendi che minacciano i binari, 14mila ettari di foresta andati in fumo nella Gironda, a sud di Bordeaux, centinaia di piccoli roghi scoppiati nella Germania dell'est. Ecco quali sono i Paesi e i boschi d'Europa assediati dalle fiamme....

Abbiamo un solo modo per salvare l’Europa dagli incendi: dire addio a gas e petrolio

2022-07-19T13:10+0200fanpage (it)

Perché l’Europa sta bruciando? La Spagna e il Portogallo stanno attraversando il periodo più secco degli ultimi 1200 anni: è quanto emerge da uno studio pubblicato in questi giorni su Nature Geoscience. A quanto pare, la colpa è dell’anticiclone delle Azzorre, lo stesso che molti oggi invocano a....

African nations meet on 'critical' nature conservation

2022-07-19T13:06+0200terradaily (en)

Delegates from across Africa launched Monday in Rwanda the first continent-wide gathering about the role of protected areas in ensuring the future of our planet. The IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) is being held just a few months before the COP15 summit in December when global leaders....

Irish News BLAZE | Firefighters continue to battle forest fire in Co Wicklow woods

2022-07-19T13:03+0200sundayworld (en)

Pictures of the blaze in Enniskerry show flames and billowing smoke at the popular walking spot. A video shared by Wicklow Fire Service shows smoke rolling out of the village and over the rest of the county. Firefighters on the scene are awaiting water drops via helicopter to help tackle to fire.

Wildfires have been spreading in Spain, France and Portugal

2022-07-19T13:02+0200tamworthherald (en)

British tourists have even been evacuated from one resort in Portugal due to the wildfires. Firefighters were called in to tackle a blaze which affected some private villas and part of a golf course near Faro, with some holidaymakers evacuated as a precaution.

Video: With clothes on fire, man narrowly escapes death as he flees from Spanish wildfire

2022-07-19T12:53+0200moneycontrol (en)

Angel Martin Arjona had been digging a trench in a field to stop the approaching fire reaching the town of Tabara when the sea of flames closed in on him. A Spanish man trying to protect his town from a wildfire had a close brush with death on Monday when the blaze engulfed his digger, forcing him....

UK travellers told to 'stay alert' as wildfires spread in three countries

2022-07-19T12:44+0200birminghammail (en)

British tourists have even been evacuated from one resort in Portugal due to the wildfires. Firefighters were called in to tackle a blaze which affected some private villas and part of a golf course near Faro, with some holidaymakers evacuated as a precaution.

Severe drought could cancel out gains in EU food production

2022-07-19T12:33+0200europeanbusinessreview (en)

by Natasha Foote. Just under half of the EU’s territory is at risk of severe and prolonged drought, according to a new European Commission report, coming amid warnings this unprecedented heatwave may negate gains in food production supposed to help plug the gap left by the Ukraine war.

2 people die in Spanish wildfires

2022-07-19T12:31+0200arkansasonline (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France -- A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Passengers spooked when train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T12:27+0200wwlp (en)

MADRID (AP) — Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers spooked when train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T12:26+0200yourerie (en)

MADRID (AP) — Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers spooked when train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T12:25+0200cbs17 (en)

MADRID (AP) — Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers spooked when train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T12:23+0200wkrn (en)

MADRID (AP) — Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers spooked when train stops in wildfire

2022-07-19T12:19+0200krqe (en)

MADRID (AP) — Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Gran parte de Europa está literalmente ardiendo, y el calor no parece aflojar pronto

2022-07-19T12:16+0200noticierouniversal (es)

El fin de semana pasado, los bomberos lucharon para contener los incendios forestales que arrasaron el suroeste de Europa, con una ola de calor que no muestra signos de amainar y Gran Bretaña a punto de establecer nuevos récords de temperatura los próximos días.

L’Europa brucia per “l’apocalisse di caldo”: alto rischio incendi in Italia, Spagna, Francia e Gb

2022-07-19T11:55+0200fanpage (it)

Per questo lo European forest fire information system (Effis), cioè il sistema di informazione istituito dalla Commissione europeo, ha affermato che per la giornata di oggi, martedì 19 luglio, c'è pericolo estremo di incendi in Spagna, Francia, Italia e Inghilterra, che sono al momento i Paesi col più alto livello di rischio.

MAP: Where are wildfires raging in Spain?

2022-07-19T11:53+0200thewall (en)

Europe’s more and more frequent heatwaves are again below the highlight over devastating wildfires and with sweltering temperatures forecast to hit file highs in Britain and France this week. On Monday July 18th the European Commission warned that greater than half of the EU territory was a danger....

Global heatwave: NASA reveals image showing alarming rise in temperature in Europe, Asia, Africa

2022-07-19T11:51+0200dnaindia (en)

As temperatures soared to above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in various parts of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia in June and July 2022, several long-standing records were shatteringly broken. Also, READ: Solar storm alert! Direct hit on Earth expected, may cause radio,....

‘Europe is burning’: How a heatwave engulfed a continent

2022-07-19T11:49+0200watoday (en)

Tens of millions of people in Europe are suffering through the continent’s worst heatwave, which shattered records and sparked fires across the south before striking France, Germany and the United Kingdom where a national emergency has been declared. “In certain zones in the south-west [of France],....

Spagna, sfugge per un soffio all’incendio nei campi: le fiamme gli bruciano i vestiti

2022-07-19T11:47+0200fanpage (it)

Stava cercando di proteggere il suo villaggio da uno degli incendi che stanno martoriando la Spagna in questi giorni. Si chiama Angel Martin Arjona , l'"eroe" che ha rischiato di bruciare vivo quando l'incendio ha inghiottito il suo escavatore, costringendolo a scappare per salvarsi la vita mentre....

‘Europe is burning’: How a heatwave engulfed a continent

2022-07-19T11:45+0200theage (en)

Tens of millions of people in Europe are suffering through the continent’s worst heatwave, which shattered records and sparked fires across the south before striking France, Germany and the United Kingdom where a national emergency has been declared. “In certain zones in the south-west [of France],....

‘Europe is burning’: How a heatwave engulfed a continent

2022-07-19T11:43+0200theherald-au (en)

Tens of millions of people in Europe are suffering through the continent’s worst heatwave, which shattered records and sparked fires across the south before striking France, Germany and the United Kingdom where a national emergency has been declared. “In certain zones in the south-west [of France],....

'Monster octopus' fires rage in France as Europe heat wave heads north

2022-07-19T11:43+0200telegraph (en)

"Monster octopus" fires in France are “no longer controllable” as experts warn only a break in heatwave and change in weather can stop an inferno that has scorched an area four times the entire size of Bordeaux. In Gironde, 47,000 acres have been burnt in a blaze that has raged since last week and....

‘Europe is burning’: How a heatwave engulfed a continent

2022-07-19T11:34+0200brisbanetimes (en)

Tens of millions of people in Europe are suffering through the continent’s worst heatwave, which shattered records and sparked fires across the south before striking France, Germany and the United Kingdom where a national emergency has been declared. “In certain zones in the south-west [of France],....

‘Europe is burning’: How a heatwave engulfed a continent

2022-07-19T11:34+0200smh (en)

Tens of millions of people in Europe are suffering through the continent’s worst heatwave, which shattered records and sparked fires across the south before striking France, Germany and the United Kingdom where a national emergency has been declared. “In certain zones in the south-west [of France],....

Europe heatwave: Man barely escapes Spain wildfire with his life

2022-07-19T11:22+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Temperatures have eased today, particularly in south-west France, though strong winds bringing colder air have fanned the flames of wildfires burning there. Some relief will come overnight tonight with rain forecast, but even that could fail to tamp out the flames completely.

Re: Morocco tackles wildfires as Algeria placed on ‘high alert’ – Middle East Monitor

2022-07-19T11:06+0200middleeastmonitor (en)

Morocco faces forest fires every year. Around 12 per cent of the country is forest, and there have been 165 wildfires between the start of the year and 13 July. According to the Moroccan News Agency , the firefighting teams in the province of Ouazzane managed to contain the fire on Sunday afternoon that had broken out in the Jabal Amaziz forest.

In Pics: Europe boils in heatwave fuelling fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T11:05+0200moneycontrol (en)

A heatwave boiling Europe spilled northward on July 18 to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward on....

Wicklow Fire Service battling forest fire since early hours at popular hiking spot

2022-07-19T11:02+0200thejournal (en)

A crew from Bray first responded to the fire at 1am in the early hours of this morning. Due to the scale of the fire, crews from Greystones and Baltinglass were later mobilised to further support the response, according to Chief Fire Officer Aidan Dempsey. Coillte, the state agency that owns the forest, also has staff on site.

Wildfires in France, Spain, Portugal - Europe braces for worst heatwave | Photos

2022-07-19T10:55+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Wildfires in France, Spain , Portugal - Europe braces for worst heatwave | In photos. Almost all of Europe is on alert over an impending heatwave as temperatures touch record levels and forestlands turn into a pool of fire. Widespread wildfires have been ripping across southwest Europe and heading....

France, Spain Fight Spreading Wildfires as Europe Swelters

2022-07-19T10:51+0200theepochtimes (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France —France scrambled more water-bombing planes and hundreds more firefighters to combat spreading wildfires that were being fed Monday by hot swirling winds from a searing heat wave broiling much of Europe. In Spain , two people have been killed in blazes there.

Brits have already been evacuated due to forest fires

2022-07-19T10:41+0200tamworthherald (en)

Last week, Brits at a exclusive resort were forced to evacuate due to being too close to a wildfire. Firefighters were called in to tackle a blaze which affected some private villas and part of a golf course near Faro, with some holidaymakers evacuated as a precuation.

Photos: Extreme Heat Leaves Parts Of Europe Engulfed In Forest Fires, No Respite Expected Today

2022-07-19T10:37+0200wn (en)

Forest fires have continued to rage across parts of France, Spain and Portugal as Europe faces a devastating heatwave. ......

Europe heatwave: Man barely escapes Spain wildfire with his life

2022-07-19T10:32+0200todayheadline (en)

A heroic man trying to save his village from wildfires ravaging northern Spain was forced to flee the flames after they engulfed his digger and left him with serious burns. Terrifying video shows the moment Angel Martin Arjona – who was using a digger to carve out a trench around his village – gets....

UK holidaymakers issued 'dangerous' warning about travelling to Spain

2022-07-19T10:28+0200birminghammail (en)

Last week, Brits at a exclusive resort were forced to evacuate due to being too close to a wildfire. Firefighters were called in to tackle a blaze which affected some private villas and part of a golf course near Faro, with some holidaymakers evacuated as a precuation.

Photos: Extreme Heat Leaves Parts Of Europe Engulfed In Forest Fires, No Respite Expected Today

2022-07-19T10:17+0200forbes (en)

Topline. A severe heatwave is spanning parts of western Europe and the British Isles, sparking several destructive forest fires in some regions that have caused at least two deaths in Spain —experts say it highlights the impact of climate change on the region which is likely to get no respite on Tuesday.

Wildfires in France, Spain, Portugal - Europe braces for worst heatwave | Photos

2022-07-19T10:06+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Wildfires in France, Spain , Portugal - Europe braces for worst heatwave | In photos. Almost all of Europe is on alert over an impending heatwave as temperatures touch record levels and forestlands turn into a pool of fire. Widespread wildfires have been ripping across southwest Europe and heading....

40 Firefighters Put Out Upper S短re Lake Wildfire... The Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS) ...

2022-07-19T09:42+0200chronicle-lu (en)

Upper S短re Lake (Staus辿i) in 2017; Credit: Jazmin Campbell. The Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps ( Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS) has reported that a wildfire broke out (and has since been brought under control) at Upper Sûre Lake on Monday evening.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T09:35+0200naharnet-ar (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its....

Spanish ‘hero’ flees wildfire patting out flames on clothes as blazes rages across southern Europe

2022-07-19T09:31+0200standard (en)

As raged across parts of southern Europe , shocking video emerged showing Angel Martin Arjona’s lucky escape from a huge blaze threatening the northwestern village of Tabara. Mr Arjona been digging a trench in a field to stop the approaching fire when the sea of flames closed in on him.

Europe heatwave: Man barely escapes Spain wildfire with his life

2022-07-19T09:24+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

It comes as Europe swelters through a heatwave that has smashed temperature records across the continent and is still sweeping its way north - with the UK almost certain to see its all-time temperature record broken today. Western France baked in the heat yesterday, with records broken up and down....

Europe boils in heatwave fuelling fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T08:58+0200moneycontrol (en)

In Pics: Europe boils in heatwave fuelling fires in France, Spain A heatwave boiling Europe spilled northward on July 18 to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe heatwave: Man barely escapes Spain wildfire with his life

2022-07-19T08:51+0200dailymail (en)

It comes as Europe swelters through a heatwave that has smashed temperature records across the continent and is still sweeping its way north - with the UK almost certain to see its all-time temperature record broken today. Western France baked in the heat yesterday, with records broken up and down....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain July 19, 2022 NEW

2022-07-19T08:48+0200ajw (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France--A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T08:25+0200hurriyetdailynews (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T08:15+0200alarabiya-en (en)

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent in recent days and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkans. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T08:11+0200MaltaIndipendent (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its....

Europe Broils In Heat Wave That Fuels Fires In France, Spain

2022-07-19T08:07+0200india (en)

La Teste-De-Buch: A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain –

2022-07-19T07:41+0200unravelmalta (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T07:38+0200timesofindia (en)

PARIS: A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T07:36+0200economictimes (en)

PARIS: A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain....

Ondata di calore senza precedenti travolge l'Europa occidentale: oggi caldo estremo nel Regno Unito, migliaia di persone in fuga per gli incendi tra Francia, Portogallo, Spagna e Grecia

2022-07-19T07:24+0200meteoweb (it)

Un'ondata di calore senza precedenti sta travolgendo l' Europa occidentale : oggi dovrà affrontare temperature ancora più alte mentre si sposta verso Nord. In Francia e nel Regno Unito sono stati emessi avvisi di caldo estremo, mentre la Spagna settentrionale ha registrato ieri temperature di +43°C .

Europe broils in heatwave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T07:15+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heatwave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe Broils in a Heat Wave That is Fueling Wildfires in France and Spain

2022-07-19T07:05+0200time (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

'Really scary' - Spanish train stops in wildfire Passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the burning Spanish countryside.

2022-07-19T06:58+0200tvnz (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. Passengers take photos at a wildfire while traveling on a train in Zamora, Spain .

Europe broils amid a heat wave and wildfires

2022-07-19T06:06+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

L 13% Center 37% Right 50% Passengers alarmed as train surrounded by flamesFlames licked at vegetation, and smoke darkened the blue skies as the train drew to a halt on Monday morning in the province of Zamora. More than 30 forest fires around Spain have forced the evacuation of thousands of people....

2022-07-19T05:52+0200ground-news (en)

Spain heatwave: passengers stuck on train surrounded by wildfires – video. Passengers on a train in Spain watched warily as a wildfire tore through vegetation near the track in the north-western province of Zamora. The train was travelling between Madrid and Ferrol in the Galicia region, but the....

Gran parte de Europa está literalmente ardiendo, y el calor no parece aflojar pronto

2022-07-19T04:51+0200mysteryplanet (es)

El fin de semana pasado, los bomberos lucharon para contener los incendios forestales que arrasaron el suroeste de Europa, con una ola de calor que no muestra signos de amainar y Gran Bretaña a punto de establecer nuevos récords de temperatura los próximos días.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T03:34+0200thehindu (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its....

EU drought report says nearly half of EU and UK face drought threat

2022-07-19T02:58+0200tellerreport (en)

China News Agency, Brussels, July 18 (Reporter De Yongjian) The recent heat wave has further exacerbated the drought in Europe. The drought report released by the European Union on the 18th shows that in July this year, nearly half of the EU and the United Kingdom faced the threat of drought.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T02:47+0200yorkdispatch (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

DNA Special: The ticking time bomb of climate change scorches Europe

2022-07-19T02:37+0200dnaindia (en)

Today, we will tell you how the time bomb of climate change is ticking. On one hand, lakhs of people are being affected by heavy rains and floods in India. On the other hand, people are losing their lives due to heat in Europe. The Meteorological Department has issued an alert of heavy rain in Uttar....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T02:34+0200macaudailytimes (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward yesterday to Britain, where authorities warned of possible record temperatures, and fueled ferocious wildfires in France, which scrambled water-bombing planes and hundreds of firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Europe Broils In Heat Wave That Fuels Fires In France And Spain

2022-07-19T02:17+0200dailymaverick (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

The fire devastates southern Europe in the heat of the "apocalypse" of heat

2022-07-19T02:13+0200tellerreport (en)

The look of the correspondent Hell in Portugal: wave of fires and extreme heat; Climate Southern Europe, on fire: fires spread in Portugal and France. "This looks like the end of the world." The residents of Pombal, in the Leiría region, had never seen a similar fire.

Europe broils in deadly heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France.

2022-07-19T01:37+0200ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 4-5 minutes. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

“46% of the territory in Europe is at risk of drought”

2022-07-19T01:29+0200italy24news (en)

“Climate change is increasing the risk of severe droughts and forest fires around the world. The Joint Research Center uses science and technology to monitor climate change. With this report, we have a better understanding of the situation to protect our forests, crops and water “, explained the EU commissioner Mariya Gabriel.

Europe broils as heatwave shatters temperature records

2022-07-19T01:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Teresa Ribera, Spain 's minister for ecological transition, describes her country as "literally under fire". (AP) A heatwave broiling Europe has spilled northward to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and....

Europe Broils In Heat Wave That Fuels Fires In France And Spain

2022-07-19T01:05+0200huffingtonpost-uk-en (en)

This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows firefighters working against a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in France and Spain as Europe wilts under an unusually extreme heat wave....

Europe broils as heatwave shatters temperature records

2022-07-19T01:01+0200trtworld (en)

Teresa Ribera, Spain 's minister for ecological transition, describes her country as "literally under fire". (AP) A heatwave broiling Europe has spilled northward to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and....

Europe broils in heatwave that fuels fires in France and Spain

2022-07-19T00:54+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

This photo provided by the fire brigade of the Gironde region (SDIS 33) shows firefighters working against a wildfire near Landiras, southwestern France, Saturday July 16, 2022. Firefighters are struggling to contain wildfires in France and Spain as Europe wilts under an unusually extreme heat wave....

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-19T00:09+0200twincities (en)

By BOB EDME and JOHN LEICESTER. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Britain, France brace for temperature records as Europe fires rage

2022-07-19T00:08+0200jordantimes (en)

PARIS — Britain and France went on high alert on Monday, bracing for record temperatures from a punishing heatwave as deadly wildfires raging in parts of southwest Europe showed no sign of abating. Forecasters have put 15 French departments on the highest state of alert for extreme temperatures....

Wildfires kill 2 in Spain, force thousands more to flee homes in France

2022-07-18T23:42+0200CBC (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires on Monday in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, "Climate change kills.

Fires in Spain. The man runs away from the flames. registration

2022-07-18T23:22+0200randrlife (en)

Dozens of large forest fires destroyed Spain Especially the northern and western parts. The element intensified due to strong winds, and on Monday it approached the borders of the city of Tabara in the Zamora province. There, several groups of firefighters, propped up by the air, encounter raging flames.

Thousands flee raging wildfires in France, Spain amid extreme heat wave

2022-07-18T22:53+0200marketwatch (en)

In France, heat records were broken and swirling hot winds complicated firefighting in the country’s southwest. “The fire is literally exploding,” said Marc Vermeulen, the regional fire service chief who described tree trunks shattering as flames consumed them, sending burning embers into the air and further spreading the blazes.

Europe’s heat wave continues to fuel fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T22:41+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

‘Heat apocalypse’: Europe in the grip of record-breaking heatwave

2022-07-18T22:41+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A heatwave broiling Europe has moved northward to the United Kingdom and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, where more than a dozen local temperature records were broken. On Monday, two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “climate change kills”.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T22:39+0200news-herald (en)

By BOB EDME and JOHN LEICESTER. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

‘Heat apocalypse’: Europe in the grip of record-breaking heatwave

2022-07-18T22:31+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A heatwave broiling Europe has moved northward to the United Kingdom and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, where more than a dozen local temperature records were broken. On Monday, two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “climate change kills”.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T22:29+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

MADRID: Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Heatwave sows destruction across Europe, with ‘terrifying prospects’ still to come

2022-07-18T22:27+0200timesofisrael (en)

Europe’s record-breaking heatwave fueled fires across the continent and melted runways in the UK on Monday, with the extreme weather set to persist throughout the week. Two people were killed in blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T22:23+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

Terrifying moment train stops in wildfire as Europe burns

2022-07-18T22:18+02009news (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. Flames licked at the vegetation, and smoke darkened the blue skies as the train drew to a halt....

Forest fires contained in Morocco: authorities

2022-07-18T22:03+0200english-alaraby (en)

Devastating forest fires that broke out last week in forested areas of northern Morocco have been contained, authorities said Monday. One of the last fires, which destroyed some 500 hectares (1,200 acres) - half of it forested - was tamed on Monday in Tetouan province, local authorities said.

Train in Spain stops mid wildfires

2022-07-18T22:02+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Train in Spain stops mid wildfires

2022-07-18T22:01+0200bordermail (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T21:57+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent in recent days and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkans. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts.

Train in Spain stops mid wildfires

2022-07-18T21:57+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Train in Spain stops mid wildfires

2022-07-18T21:56+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Train in Spain stops mid wildfires

2022-07-18T21:55+0200illawarramercury (en)

Francisco Seoane and his fellow passengers got a fright when their train stopped in the Spanish countryside and they looked out the window: Wildfires were encroaching on them from both sides of the track. "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T21:55+0200tvnz (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward overnight to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. A firefighter walks among flames at a forest fire near Louchats.

Forest Fires Contained In Morocco: Authorities

2022-07-18T21:46+0200barrons (en)

Devastating forest fires that broke out last week in forested areas of northern Morocco have been contained, authorities said Monday. One of the last fires, which destroyed some 500 hectares (1,200 acres) -- half of it forested -- was tamed on Monday in Tetouan province, local authorities said.

Incendi, in Spagna 510 morti in 7 giorni. Sanchez: “Il cambiamento climatico uccide”. In Francia brucia la Gironda

2022-07-18T21:37+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Caldo record e allerta massima anche in Portogallo. Sui social network, foto e video, ripresi dal mare, mostrano l'enorme fronte del rogo, alto diverse decine di metri, che divora le spiagge della Laguna e della Salie, a pochi chilometri a sud della Dune du Pilat.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T21:03+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

Sizzling Europe: Several countries face high temperatures, wildfires

2022-07-18T20:55+0200downtoearth (en)

Southern and western Europe are witnessing unsually high temperatures since the past week. Spain , Portugal, France, Italy, Greece and the United Kingdom have recorded highs that have caused wildfires. This photo was tweeted by the official account of the General Directorate of Civil Protection and....

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:54+0200thecourier (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

Passengers’ fear as train stops in middle of wildfire in Spain

2022-07-18T20:54+0200independent-ie (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. F rancisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: "It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:54+0200independent-ie (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. T wo people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:51+0200irishexaminer (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:51+0200pressandjournal (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:49+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

France and Spain fight wildfires as Europe swelters

2022-07-18T20:47+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Heatwaves across parts of Europe fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests. T wo people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.

Forest fires scorch Spanish countryside

2022-07-18T20:45+0200wn (en)

Dozens of wildfires in Spain have forced the evacuation of thousands of people. In Sanabria, Francisco Seoane's train was stopped as flames approached.

European Union warns about the danger of drought

2022-07-18T20:38+0200plenglish (en)

According to a research published by the European Commission (EC), Spain has one of the most affected areas whose water volumes are lower than 31 percent of the avergae of the past ten years. The report, drafted by the EC’s Common Research Center indicated that, in Portugal, hydropower in reservoirs....

L’Europa in fiamme

2022-07-18T20:32+0200ispionline (it)

Francia, Spagna, Portogallo e Grecia sono alle prese con numerosi incendi e ondate di caldo senza precedenti. Per gli scienziati, è l’effetto dei comportamenti umani sul clima. Sarebbero almeno mille le morti in Portogallo e Spagna causate dal grande caldo che sta colpendo la penisola iberica e il....

Thousands forced to flee homes as wildfires spread across heatwave-hit Europe

2022-07-18T20:31+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian Peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkan region. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T20:30+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. Francisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Heat wave drives massive fires in Spain, France

2022-07-18T20:09+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

By Bob Edma and John Leicester | Associated Press. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Forest fires rage as climate change hits South Europe

2022-07-18T20:05+0200gulf-times (en)

Authorities across southern Europe battled yesterday to control huge wildfires in countries including Spain , Greece and France, with hundreds of deaths blamed on soaring temperatures that scientists say are consistent with climate change. In Spain, helicopters dropped water on the flames as heat....

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T20:04+0200metro-us (en)

By Posted on July 18, 2022 Passengers take photos at a wildfire while traveling on a train in Zamora, Spain , Monday, July 18, 2022. When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in Spanish countryside that was being engulfed by a wildfire, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked....

Heat wave drives massive fires in Spain, France

2022-07-18T20:00+0200mercurynews (en)

By Bob Edma and John Leicester | Associated Press. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Heat wave drives massive fires in Spain, France

2022-07-18T19:58+0200eastbaytimes (en)

By Bob Edma and John Leicester | Associated Press. LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Severe drought could cancel out gains in EU food production

2022-07-18T19:44+0200euractiv-en (en)

Just under half of the EU’s territory is at risk of severe and prolonged drought, according to a new European Commission report, coming amid warnings this unprecedented heatwave may negate gains in food production supposed to help plug the gap left by the Ukraine war.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T19:42+0200stripes (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T19:35+0200washtimes (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

2022-07-18T19:18+0200bostonglobe (en)

In France, heat records were broken and swirling hot winds complicated firefighting in the country's southwest. “The fire is literally exploding,” said Marc Vermeulen, the regional fire service chief who described tree trunks shattering as flames consumed them, sending burning embers into the air and further spreading the blazes.

Forest fires scorch Spanish countryside

2022-07-18T19:17+0200azcentral (en)

Dozens of wildfires in Spain have forced the evacuation of thousands of people. In Sanabria, Francisco Seoane's train was stopped as flames approached.

How bad are Europe’s wildfires?

2022-07-18T19:16+0200economist (en)

For a look behind the scenes of our data journalism, sign up to , our weekly newsletter. A devastating concoction of record-breaking temperatures and severe droughts have helped ignite wildfires across Europe. Hundreds of hectares of Spain ’s Monfragüe National Park, known for its extensive wildlife including rare birds, have been scorched.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T19:13+0200expressindia (en)

“It suddenly become night,” he added. “And we could even smell the smoke” inside the railcar. Video of the unscheduled — and unnerving — stop shows about a dozen passengers in Seoane’s railcar becoming alarmed as they look out of the windows. Flames licked at the vegetation, and smoke darkened the....

Thousands forced to flee homes as wildfires spread across heatwave-hit Europe

2022-07-18T19:12+0200skynews (en)

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian Peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkan region. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T19:10+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France >> A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward today to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Watch: Forest fires scorch Spanish countryside

2022-07-18T19:09+0200economictimes (en)

Dozens of wildfires in Spain have forced the evacuation of thousands of people. In Sanabria, Francisco Seoane's train was stopped as flames approached.

PAC, le nuove sfide geopolitiche

2022-07-18T19:01+0200247libero (it)

Francia, Spagna, Portogallo e Grecia sono alle prese con numerosi incendi e ondate di caldo senza precedenti. Per gli scienziati, è l’effetto dei comportamenti umani sul clima. Sarebbero almeno mille le morti in Portogallo e Spagna causate dal grande caldo che sta colpendo la penisola iberica e il....

‘Heat apocalypse’ warning in France as wildfires spread

2022-07-18T19:00+0200standard (en)

T. housands of people were evacuated from their homes in south-western France on Monday as emergency services battled a ferocious wildfire. Some 5,000 residents of the town of Les Miquelots, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, were evacuated as firefighters attempted to control the blaze near the Dune de Pilat, Europe's highest sand dune.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:22+0200TorontoStar (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Unprecedented heat wave scorches Britain as scientists warn extreme temperatures could become the norm

2022-07-18T18:21+0200theglobeandmail (en)

The highest temperature ever recorded in the U.K. was 38.7 on July 25, 2019, in Cambridge. Several schools closed on Monday and train services across the country faced cancellations and delays after Network Rail warned that the heat wave could cause tracks to bend or buckle.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:15+0200independent-ie (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. F rancisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Incendi, in Francia brucia la Gironda: in fumo 14mila ettari. Nessuna tregua per la Spagna, Sanchez: “Il cambiamento climatico uccide”

2022-07-18T18:14+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 18 luglio 2022) La regione francese della Gironda è nella morsa di due enormi Incendi boschivi che finora hanno brucia to più di 14mila ettari di vegetazione, raggiungendo anche la costa atlantica, e costretto all’evacuazione dalle proprie case oltre 5mila persone.

Incendi, in Francia brucia la Gironda: in fumo 14mila ettari. Nessuna tregua per la Spagna, Sanchez: 'Il cambiamento climatico uccide'

2022-07-18T18:13+0200247libero (it)

Sui social network, foto e video, ripresi dal mare, mostrano l'enorme fronte del rogo, alto diverse decine di metri, che divora le spiagge della Laguna e della Salie, a pochi chilometri a sud della Dune du Pilat. Quindici dipartimenti in allerta rossa per il caldo. Caldo record e allerta massima anche in Portogallo.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:09+0200irishexaminer (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. Francisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:08+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. F rancisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:05+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. Francisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:05+0200pressandjournal (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. Francisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Passengers in Spain get a fright as train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T18:04+0200thecourier (en)

Passengers on a train that stopped unexpectedly in the Spanish countryside got a fright when they looked out of the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. Francisco Seoane, from Spain , told The Associated Press: “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Wildfires rage in France, Spain as Europe bakes in heatwave

2022-07-18T18:01+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Forest fires in Europe force thousands to flee

2022-07-18T17:54+0200bullfrag (en)

The head of the French firefighters federation warned about the impact that global warming is having on civil protection. “It is the firefighters, the civil security who deal with the effects on a daily basis, and these effects are not in 2030, they are now,” said Grégory Allione.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:48+0200clickondetroit (en)

Passengers take photos at a wildfire while traveling on a train in Zamora, Spain , Monday, July 18, 2022. When Francisco Seoane's train unexpectedly stopped in Spanish countryside that was being engulfed by a wildfire, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out at flames encroaching on both sides of the track.

Europe broils in heat wave that fuels fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T17:47+0200ctvnews (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France - A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:44+0200independent-UK (en)

When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:42+0200news4jax (en)

Passengers take photos at a wildfire while traveling on a train in Zamora, Spain , Monday, July 18, 2022. When Francisco Seoane's train unexpectedly stopped in Spanish countryside that was being engulfed by a wildfire, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out at flames encroaching on both sides of the track.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:36+0200whig (en)

Video of the unscheduled — and unnerving — stop shows about a dozen passengers in Seoane’s railcar becoming alarmed as they look out of the windows. Flames licked at the vegetation, and smoke darkened the blue skies as the train drew to a halt on Monday morning in the province of Zamora, where....

Europe Broils In Heat Wave That Fuels Fires In France, Spain

2022-07-18T17:31+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Incendi, in Francia brucia la Gironda: in fumo 14mila ettari. Nessuna tregua per la Spagna, Sanchez: “Il cambiamento climatico uccide”

2022-07-18T17:25+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Sui social network, foto e video, ripresi dal mare, mostrano l'enorme fronte del rogo, alto diverse decine di metri, che divora le spiagge della Laguna e della Salie, a pochi chilometri a sud della Dune du Pilat. Quindici dipartimenti in allerta rossa per il caldo. Caldo record e allerta massima anche in Portogallo.

France on alert as forest fires rage in scorching southwest Europe

2022-07-18T17:23+0200northernirelandnews (en)

France was on high alert on Monday as the peak of a punishing heatwave gripped the country, while wildfires raging in parts of southwest Europe showed no sign of abating. Forecasters have put 15 French departments on the highest state of alert for extreme temperatures as neighboring Britain was poised to set new heat records this coming week.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in …

2022-07-18T17:23+0200cbs17 (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in …

2022-07-18T17:22+0200wowktv (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

The warning comes as Europe faces a heatwave in several countries.

2022-07-18T17:21+0200euronews-en (en)

Boats dock at a tourist harbor long the Po river in Torricella, northern Italy, Thursday, July 14, 2022. Copyright AP Photo/Antonio Calanni Nearly half of the European Union is exposed to warning levels of drought, according to a new July report from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.

Europe Broils In Heat Wave That Fuels Fires In France, Spain

2022-07-18T17:20+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:18+0200sfgate (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:18+0200apnews (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards Spooked When Their Train Stops in Wildfire

2022-07-18T17:18+0200usnews (en)

MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:17+0200wsoctv (en)

July 18, 2022 at 11:09 am EDT MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:16+0200actionnewsjax (en)

July 18, 2022 at 11:09 am EDT MADRID (AP) — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:16+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MADRID — When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

Help! Spaniards spooked when their train stops in wildfire

2022-07-18T17:14+0200ABCnews (en)

MADRID -- When Francisco Seoane’s train unexpectedly stopped in the Spanish countryside, he and other passengers got a fright when they looked out the window at wildfires encroaching on both sides of the track. “It was really scary to see how quickly the fire spread. Just in the blink of an eye, a new bush began burning.

World News | Europe Broils in Heat Wave That Fuels Fires in France, Spain

2022-07-18T16:57+0200latestly (en)

La Teste-De-Buch (France), Jul 18 (AP) A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fuelled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames spreading through tinder-dry forests.

Europe heat wave: U.K. on course for hottest day, wildfires rip through France, Spain 29 mins

2022-07-18T16:43+0200cknw (en)

Spain , meanwhile, reported a second fatality in two days as it battled its own blazes. The body of a 69-year-old sheep farmer was found Monday in the same hilly area where a 62-year-old firefighter died a day earlier when he was trapped by flames in the northwestern Zamora province.

Europe heat wave: U.K. on course for hottest day, wildfires rip through France, Spain

2022-07-18T16:25+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Spain , meanwhile, reported a second fatality in two days as it battled its own blazes. The body of a 69-year-old sheep farmer was found Monday in the same hilly area where a 62-year-old firefighter died a day earlier when he was trapped by flames in the northwestern Zamora province.

Europe heat wave: U.K. on course for hottest day, wildfires rip through France, Spain

2022-07-18T16:15+0200globalnews (en)

Spain , meanwhile, reported a second fatality in two days as it battled its own blazes. The body of a 69-year-old sheep farmer was found Monday in the same hilly area where a 62-year-old firefighter died a day earlier when he was trapped by flames in the northwestern Zamora province.

Map shows devastating scale of wildfires across Europe

2022-07-18T16:07+0200metro-uk (en)

Blazes across Europe have been reported amid high temperatures and strong winds (Picture: Swathes of mainland Europe continue to be hit by wildfires, as exhausted firefighters continue to work to protect communities. The destruction caused has been likened to ‘Dante’s inferno’.

Caldo, l'Europa soffoca: il giorno più caldo della storia in Gran Bretagna (42 gradi). Due vittime in Spagna

2022-07-18T12:58+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Continua l'onda di caldo record che sta mettendo in ginocchio l' Europa . Da un capo all'altro del continente si registrano picchi di temperature mai visti, anche oltre i 40C. Come se non bastasse questa incredibile bolla di calore incrementa il propagarsi di incendi che stanno devastando i Paesi che affacciano sul Mediterraneo.

Dalla Spagna all’Inghilterra, l’Europa nella morsa di caldo e incendi

2022-07-18T12:24+0200lifegate (it)

Al contempo, in Andalusia , ovvero nella porzione meridionale della Spagna, un grave incendio si è sviluppato nei pressi della città di Malaga . Le autorità sono state costrette ad evacuare più di tremila persone. Portogallo, due morti e 60 feriti per gli incendi.

L’Europa brucia, panico in Francia, Spagna e Gb: in Italia gli incendi hanno bruciato 23mila ettari di bosco

2022-07-18T11:05+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 18 luglio 2022) Sarà più calda dei Caraibi oggi la Gran Bretagna, mentre le temperature record previste in Francia continuano ad alimentare gli incendi . E’ allerta rossa per la Francia occidentale, m’allarme rosso” ma anche per la Gran Bretagna dove il Met office ha diramato un ‘per temperature che potrebbero mettere a rischio la vita.

L’Europa brucia, panico in Francia, Spagna e Gb: in Italia gli incendi hanno bruciato 23mila ettari di bosco

2022-07-18T10:45+0200secoloditalia (it)

Sarà più calda dei Caraibi oggi la Gran Bretagna, mentre le temperature record previste in Francia continuano ad alimentare gli incendi. E’ allerta rossa per la Francia occidentale, m’allarme rosso” ma anche per la Gran Bretagna dove il Met office ha diramato un ‘per temperature che potrebbero mettere a rischio la vita .

Siccità, è allarme incendi in tutta Europa: da gennaio oltre 340 mila ettari di bosco bruciati

2022-07-18T10:42+0200lavocedeltrentino (it)

Gran parte de l sud ovest dell’Europa è assediato da muri di fiamme. In Spagna sarebbero almeno 30 gli incendi scoppianti nelle ultime ore, mentre in Portogallo il Governo starebbe valutando di estendere lo stato di emergenza per una settimana, proprio a causa dei roghi nel nord del Paese.

Incendi devastanti divampano in Spagna: le immagini dall’Andalusia [VIDEO] La colonna di fumo scaturita dal vasto incendio va a formare una vera e propria nube chiamata pirocumulonembo. La Spagna sta vivendo giornate estremamente difficili sul fronte incendi.

2022-07-18T10:17+0200informazione (it)

La colonna di fumo scaturita dal vasto incendio va a formare una vera e propria nube chiamata pirocumulonembo. La Spagna sta vivendo giornate estremamente difficili sul fronte incendi. Immagini a cura di nasta22bombe, video pubblicato dalla pagina facebook “Tornado in Italia”. A cura di Francesco Ladisa.

Incendi e temperature record: la settimana più calda in Europa

2022-07-18T09:45+0200vanityfair (it)

Francia, Portogallo, Spagna e tutto il Mediterraneo. Ci sono incendi enormi nei Paesi dell'Europa del Sud, brucia tutto il Mediterraneo . Il caldo estremo e la mancanza di pioggia portano al propagarsi delle fiamme che sono, come sempre alimentate dal vento. In questi mesi sono bruciati 346.

L’Europa occidentale brucia per le alte temperature: migliaia di ettari di boschi devastati dagli incendi, un morto in Spagna

2022-07-18T07:24+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Gli incendi continuano a devastare il sud-ovest dell'Europa, mentre l'ondata di calore non accenna a diminuire e la Gran Bretagna si prepara a battere nuovi record di alte temperature questa settimana. Le fiamme infuriano in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna dove sono andati distrutti migliaia di....

L’Europa occidentale brucia per le alte temperature: migliaia di ettari di boschi devastati dagli incendi, un morto in Spagna

2022-07-18T07:21+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Gli incendi continuano a devastare il sud-ovest dell'Europa, mentre l'ondata di calore non accenna a diminuire e la Gran Bretagna si prepara a battere nuovi record di alte temperature questa settimana. Le fiamme infuriano in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna dove sono andati distrutti migliaia di....

L’Europa occidentale brucia per le alte temperature: migliaia di ettari di boschi devastati dagli incendi, un morto in Spagna

2022-07-18T07:16+0200lasentinella (it)

Gli incendi continuano a devastare il sud-ovest dell'Europa, mentre l'ondata di calore non accenna a diminuire e la Gran Bretagna si prepara a battere nuovi record di alte temperature questa settimana. Le fiamme infuriano in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna dove sono andati distrutti migliaia di....

L’Europa occidentale brucia per le alte temperature: migliaia di ettari di boschi devastati dagli incendi, un morto in Spagna

2022-07-18T07:15+0200lastampa (it)

Gli incendi continuano a devastare il sud-ovest dell'Europa, mentre l'ondata di calore non accenna a diminuire e la Gran Bretagna si prepara a battere nuovi record di alte temperature questa settimana. Le fiamme infuriano in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna dove sono andati distrutti migliaia di....

L’Europa occidentale brucia per le alte temperature: migliaia di ettari di boschi devastati dagli incendi, un morto in Spagna

2022-07-18T07:12+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Gli incendi continuano a devastare il sud-ovest dell'Europa, mentre l'ondata di calore non accenna a diminuire e la Gran Bretagna si prepara a battere nuovi record di alte temperature questa settimana. Le fiamme infuriano in Francia, Grecia, Portogallo e Spagna dove sono andati distrutti migliaia di....

Siete años después del fuego de Quesada, a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza

2022-07-18T00:14+0200ideal (es)

Siete años del incendio de Quesada, uno de los de mayor superficie afectada de España y el más grave en la provincia de Jaén en el último siglo tras verse arrasadas por las llamas 9.761 hectáreas, la Junta de Andalucía sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza tras las últimas acciones que se han llevado a cabo en la zona.

Incendi in Spagna: la lotta tra le fiamme dei vigili del fuoco Oltre 30 roghi stanno divorando ettari ed ettari di territorio. I vigili del fuoco di tutta la Spagna sono impegnati a domare oltre 30 incendi che stanno divorando le foreste del Paese. Nelle immagini alcuni pompieri con motoseghe e....

2022-07-17T20:21+0200informazione (it)

Oltre 30 roghi stanno divorando ettari ed ettari di territorio. I vigili del fuoco di tutta la Spagna sono impegnati a domare oltre 30 incendi che stanno divorando le foreste del Paese. Nelle immagini alcuni pompieri con motoseghe e zappe lottano tra le fiamme per impedire che i roghi si propaghino....

Europa in fiamme: migliaia i cittadini evacuati e centinaia i morti

2022-07-17T15:05+0200citynews (it)

L'Europa brucia. Le alte temperature e il caldo torrido stanno mettendo a rischio i boschi di Portogallo, Spagna, Francia, Grecia e Marocco. E' un record quello dei roghi nel Vecchio continente, dove da gennaio ad oggi sono bruciati 346mila ettari di boschi, più dell'intera Val d'Aosta. Il triplo della media degli ultimi 16 anni.

Europa in fiamme: migliaia i cittadini evacuati e centinaia i morti

2022-07-17T15:03+0200europa-today (it)

L'Europa brucia. Le alte temperature e il caldo torrido stanno mettendo a rischio i boschi di Portogallo, Spagna, Francia, Grecia e Marocco. E' un record quello dei roghi nel Vecchio continente, dove da gennaio ad oggi sono bruciati 346mila ettari di boschi, più dell'intera Val d'Aosta. Il triplo della media degli ultimi 16 anni.

Siete años después del incendio de Quesada se sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza

2022-07-17T12:53+0200noticiasde (es)

QUESADA (JAÉN), 17 (EUROPA PRESS) Siete años del incendio de Quesada (Jaén), uno de los de mayor superficie afectada de España y el más grave en la provincia de Jaén en el último siglo tras verse arrasadas por las llamas 9.761 hectáreas, la Junta de Andalucía sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la....

Siete años después del incendio de Quesada (Jaén) se sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza

2022-07-17T12:38+0200lavozdigital (es)

Siete años del incendio de Quesada (Jaén), uno de los de mayor superficie afectada de España y el más grave en la provincia de Jaén en el último siglo tras verse arrasadas por las llamas 9.761 hectáreas, la Junta de Andalucía sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza tras las últimas acciones que se han llevado a cabo en la zona.

Siete años después del incendio de Quesada (Jaén) se sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza

2022-07-17T12:34+0200sevilla-abc (es)

Siete años del incendio de Quesada (Jaén), uno de los de mayor superficie afectada de España y el más grave en la provincia de Jaén en el último siglo tras verse arrasadas por las llamas 9.761 hectáreas, la Junta de Andalucía sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza tras las últimas acciones que se han llevado a cabo en la zona.

Migliaia di persone sono state evacuate tra gli incendi in Francia, Portogallo e Spagna quando le temperature raggiungono il record di 117F.

2022-07-17T12:24+0200notizieglobali (it)

Migliaia di persone sono state costrette a lasciare le loro case in Francia, Portogallo e Spagna quando le temperature hanno raggiunto livelli record venerdì, causando incendi devastanti e rovinando le vacanze. In Francia, Portogallo e Spagna, eserciti di vigili del fuoco hanno combattuto gli....

Siete años después del incendio de Quesada se sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la naturaleza

2022-07-17T12:01+0200gentedigital (es)

QUESADA (JAÉN), 17 (EUROPA PRESS) Siete años del incendio de Quesada (Jaén), uno de los de mayor superficie afectada de España y el más grave en la provincia de Jaén en el último siglo tras verse arrasadas por las llamas 9.761 hectáreas, la Junta de Andalucía sigue a la espera de la respuesta de la....

Fuoco sull'Europa sud-occidentale, morto un pilota portoghese

2022-07-17T10:37+0200informazione (it)

Ilqui sopra Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste. Ondata di caldo senza precedenti tra; nella penisola iberica il 14 Luglio si sono toccate punte di 47 gradi.

In Europa continuano il caldo e gli incendi

2022-07-17T10:28+0200ilpost (it)

In Francia e in Marocco i boschi in cui si sono sviluppati i grandi incendi dell’ultima settimana continuano a bruciare, in Spagna ce ne sono di nuovi e così in Grecia: le alte temperature dovute all’ondata di calore che sta interessando l’Europa occidentale e meridionale favoriscono le fiamme.

Gli incendi divampano nel soffocante sud-ovest dell’Europa.

2022-07-17T10:09+0200notizieglobali (it)

Nell’Europa sudoccidentale, i vigili del fuoco hanno combattuto gli incendi in Francia, Portogallo e Spagna mentre la Gran Bretagna si preparava al “caldo estremo”, costringendo l’evacuazione di migliaia di persone e rovinando le vacanze. In Francia, Portogallo e Spagna i vigili del fuoco hanno....

In Europa continuano il caldo e gli incendi

2022-07-17T10:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 17 luglio 2022) In Francia, in Spagna, in Portogallo e in Grecia bruciano i boschi, mentre le temperature superano i 40 °C. : In Europa continuano il caldo e gli incendi - : @AngeloBonelli1 Nonostante ciò in #europa oltre 250milioni di #auto continuano a inquinare ogni giorno solo per....

In Europa continua continuano il caldo e gli incendi

2022-07-17T10:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 17 luglio 2022) In Francia, in Spagna, in Portogallo e in Grecia bruciano i boschi, mentre le temperature superano i i 40 °C. : L’approvazione del ddl autocoltivazione #cannabis sancirebbe la presa d’atto del fallimento del proibizionismo.

Caldo e vento, l’Europa brucia Milano verso massime record

2022-07-17T09:02+0200informazione (it)

Fra le tante emergenze provocate dalla torrida estate, quella degli incendi è arrivata ad aggravare una situazione già pesante per la siccità record. Il caldo non risparmia neppure il… Ilqui sopra Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste.

Europa nella morsa dell'afa e del fuoco. In cenere un'area come la Val d'Aosta

2022-07-17T06:16+0200247libero (it)

L'Europa brucia. Bruciano le temperature. E brucia la terra. Il Regno Unito, la Germania e la Danimarca sono in allerta e attendono i 40 gradi già da oggi, e lo stesso accade in Francia, Parigi compresa; l'Italia li supererà di nuovo a giorni in diverse città; in Spagna si è andati già oltre i 50 al....

Leggi Europa nella morsa dell’afa e del fuoco. In cenere un’area come la Val d’Aosta

2022-07-17T04:40+0200ecomy-it (it)

L’Europa brucia. Bruciano le temperature. E brucia la terra. Il Regno Unito, la Germania e la Danimarca sono in allerta e attendono i 40 gradi già da oggi, e lo stesso accade in Francia, Parigi compresa; l’Italia li supererà di nuovo a giorni in diverse città; in Spagna si è andati già oltre i 50 al....

Da gennaio bruciati 346mila ettari. Il triplo rispetto alla media. E ora incendi accesi dalla Francia al Portogallo. Al Nord regna il caldo. In Gran Bretagna temperature da record fino a 40 gradi. E in Spagna si sfiorano i 50

2022-07-17T04:06+0200repubblica (it)

L'Europa brucia. Bruciano le temperature. E brucia la terra. Il Regno Unito, la Germania e la Danimarca sono in allerta e attendono i 40 gradi già da oggi, e lo stesso accade in Francia, Parigi compresa; l'Italia li supererà di nuovo a giorni in diverse città; in Spagna si è andati già oltre i 50 al....

Incendi e caldo record: dalla Grecia alla Spagna, brucia l’Europa affacciata sul Mediteranneo

2022-07-16T21:49+0200ilfaroonline (it)

Atene – La Penisola Iberica brucia. Così come anche il sud della Francia e la Grecia. E’ l’Europa del Sud, affacciata sul Mar Mediterraneo ma non solo, a soffrire maggiormente le conseguenze del caldo e della siccità, Italia compresa, con incendi diffusi.

Incendi, dalla Spagna alla Croazia fino alla Francia: record di incendi in tutta Europa. E l’Ue attiva la flotta di emergenza

2022-07-16T19:55+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Negli Stati membri sono andati in fiamme circa 346mila ettari di aree boschive, una superficie più grande dell’intera Valle d’Aosta, il triplo rispetto alla media degli ultimi 16 anni, che nello stesso arco di tempo è pari a 110.350 ettari L’Europa brucia.

Incendios forestales causan severos daños en Europa

2022-07-16T16:15+0200espanol-almayadeen (es)

España, Portugal, Francia, Grecia, Croacia y Turquía reportaron incendios forestales durante esta semana. En medio de la segunda ola de calor, el fuego quemó casas y amenazó medios de subsistencia. En el distrito de Leiria, en el centro de Portugal, el comandante de Emergencia Nacional y Protección....

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste Ilqui sopra Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste. Ondata di caldo senza precedenti tra; nella penisola iberica il 14 Luglio si sono toccate punte di 47 gradi.

2022-07-16T16:00+0200informazione (it)

Ilqui sopra. Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste. Ondata di caldo senza precedenti tra; nella penisola iberica il 14 Luglio si sono toccate punte di 47 gradi. A causa dell'assenza di piogge e delle temperature roventi,hanno bruciato intere foreste nei due Paesi europei.

Meteo cronaca diretta: (video) Francia e Spagna travolte da caldo record, incendi bruciano intere foreste

2022-07-16T15:49+0200ilmeteo (it)

Ondata di caldo senza precedenti tra Francia e Spagna ; nella penisola iberica il 14 Luglio si sono toccate punte di 47 gradi. A causa dell'assenza di piogge e delle temperature roventi, grossi incendi hanno bruciato intere foreste nei due Paesi europei. Il video qui sopra.

Spagna, incendio a Morasverdes: pompieri al lavoro per domare le fiamme

2022-07-16T15:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 16 luglio 2022) Vigili del fuoco spagnoli al lavoro per domare le fiamme di un incendio boschivo che e' scoppiato a Morasverdes , non lontano dal confine con il Portogallo, mentre diversi roghi divampano in tutta l'... : ???? #Spagna, almeno 84 morti attribuibili all'eccesso di....

Caldo record e incendi, dalla Spagna alla Grecia brucia l'Europa del Sud

2022-07-16T11:23+0200ilroma (it)

La Penisola Iberica brucia. Così come anche il sud della Francia e la Grecia. E' l'Europa del Sud, affacciata sul Mar Mediterraneo ma non solo, a soffrire maggiormente le conseguenze del caldo e della siccità, Italia compresa, con incendi diffusi. Migliaia sono i vigili del fuoco che stanno....

Nazionali Oggi alle 10:15 Caldo record e incendi, dalla Spagna alla Grecia brucia l’Europa del Sud

2022-07-16T11:14+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – La Penisola Iberica brucia. Così come anche il sud della Francia e la Grecia. E’ l’Europa del Sud, affacciata sul Mar Mediterraneo ma non solo, a soffrire maggiormente le conseguenze del caldo e della siccità, Italia compresa, con incendi diffusi.

Dalla Spagna alla Grecia, brucia l'Europa del Sud

2022-07-16T10:26+0200adnkronos (it)

La Penisola Iberica brucia. Così come anche il sud della Francia e la Grecia. E' l'Europa del Sud, affacciata sul Mar Mediterraneo ma non solo, a soffrire maggiormente le conseguenze del caldo e della siccità, Italia compresa, con incendi diffusi. Migliaia sono i vigili del fuoco che stanno....

Ondata di caldo in Spagna, 84 morti in 3 giorni e decine di incendi: “Livello estremo di rischio”

2022-07-15T21:11+0200fanpage (it)

È di 84 morti in 3 giorni il bilancio tutto provvisorio dell' ondata di calore che si sta registrando in Spagna , tra i paesi europei più colpiti dalle alte temperature. È quanto emerge dal monitoraggio della mortalità giornaliera (MoMo) dell'Istituto di Sanità Carlos III (dipendente dal Ministero....

Francia: Macron, 'lo Stato è mobilitato contro gli incendi'

2022-07-15T16:28+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

PARIGI, 15 LUG - Lo Stato francese è "mobilitato" contro gli incendi boschivi che hanno colpito alcune zone del Paese, in particolare, il dipartimento della Gironda, vicino Bordeaux: lo ha detto Emmanuel Macron, ringraziando il lavoro dei pompieri in lotta contro le fiamme ma anche i partner europei per l'aiuto giunto da Grecia, Spagna e Italia.

Presidente ringrazia Grecia, Italia e Spagna per aiuto europeo

2022-07-15T16:26+0200lasicilia (it)

PARIGI, 15 LUG - Lo Stato francese è "mobilitato" contro gli incendi boschivi che hanno colpito alcune zone del Paese, in particolare, il dipartimento della Gironda, vicino Bordeaux: lo ha detto Emmanuel Macron, ringraziando il lavoro dei pompieri in lotta contro le fiamme ma anche i partner europei per l'aiuto giunto da Grecia, Spagna e Italia.

Il Sud Europa in fiamme. Migliaia di evacuati in Portogallo, Spagna e Francia

2022-07-15T16:00+0200huffingtonpost-Italia (it)

Spagna, Portogallo, Francia bruciano e le persone sfollate sono migliaia. Al caldo che tocca picchi al di sopra delle medie stagionali e non accenna a diminuire, si aggiunge quindi un'emergenza incendi. Non solo a Roma, in cui centinaia di roghi sono stati spenti in queste settimane. Il problema tocca diversi paesi del Mediterraneo.

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