Forest Fire (6988 ha) in Indonesia 07 Aug 2022

Media coverage of this event

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Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Articles after 06 Aug 2022

L’Onu avverte: moriremo tutti di sete, non solo i Paesi più poveri

2022-08-24T19:39+0200nanopress (it)

L’umanità deve affrontare siccità sempre più gravi e dannose a causa del cambiamento climatico e del degrado del suolo, afferma un rapporto dell’Onu pubblicato mercoledì 11 maggio scorso. La Terra – Le nazioni devono intraprendere azioni urgenti per ridurre la minaccia della scarsità....

La mega erupción volcánica que podría acabar con el mundo en este siglo

2022-08-18T22:56+0200clarin (es)

El mundo ya está sufriendo la guerra en Ucrania, incendios en todo el planeta, un cambio climático que está haciendo inhabitables algunas zonas del planeta y, por si fuera poco, una enorme e rupción volcánica podría oscurecer aún más el panorama en todo sentido.

Forest fires are getting worse, 20 years of data confirm

2022-08-17T23:56+0200mongabay (en)

Fires are now causing 3 million more hectares (741,3160 acres) of tree cover loss per year than they did in 2001, according to a newly released Global Forest Watch analysis which examined fires that burn all or most of a forest’s living overstory trees.

Forest fires are getting worse, 20 years of data confirm

2022-08-17T22:45+0200wn (en)

Across Russia, Europe, Indonesia , the Amazon Basin, North America, Australia, and beyond, we have watched fires blaze across landscapes, causing immense damage to life and land. Now, a new analysis confirms what many have witnessed firsthand and in the news — forest fires are getting worse.

Tackling air pollution at a global scale

2022-08-15T01:16+0200europesun (en)

Air pollution has no respect for borders. Regional agreements can only go so far. The world needs a global agreement. In the 1960s, scientists across Europe began to notice that the rain was unusually acidic, denuding forests and poisoning lakes. They traced the problem to the sulphur-dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.

Singapore schools, F1 race on edge as bad haze persists

2022-08-12T11:38+0200digitpatrox (en)

Billowing smoke from Indonesia n forest fires has worsened Singapore’s air air pollution, elevating concern amongst organizers of this weekend’s extensively anticipated Components One evening race, in addition to in faculties that reopened Monday after a weeklong time period break.

Tackling air pollution at a global scale

2022-08-12T05:16+0200JakartaPost (en)

In the 1960s, scientists across Europe began to notice that the rain was unusually acidic, denuding forests and poisoning lakes. They traced the problem to the sulphur-dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. And not just their own for example, sulphur emissions from the UK were causing the forests in Scandinavia to suffer.

Thick haze from forest fires engulfs Malaysia, Singapore; schools shut

2022-08-10T16:42+0200digitpatrox (en)

A thick haze from enormous forest fires in Indonesia has unfold to neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore resulting in closure of faculties as authorities listed below are set to start cloud-seeding operations to induce rain to assist clear the air. The forest fires, which occur yearly, are brought on....

Indonesia to experience temperature rise by 3 degrees Celsius: BMKG

2022-08-08T13:53+0200antaranews-en (en)

Screenshot of Head of the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati, during the 2022 BMKG national coordinating meeting in Jakarta, Monday, August 8, 2022. (ANTARA/Devi Nindy/rst) The BMKG analyzes and projects that the air temperature at the end of the 21st....

The Impact of Wildfires on Biodiversity and the Environment

2022-08-05T12:54+0200earth-org (en)

Climate change has led to the large-scale burning of our forests, with human, plant, and animal life being directly and indirectly affected. Forest fires are important for proper land management. However, if the fires keep raging for longer durations, encompassing more land and life with them, then....

BPBD should anticipate peak of dry season: MPR

2022-08-02T14:25+0200antaranews-en (en)

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency must take preventive measures in addition to coordinating with the local district or municipal Regional Disaster Mitigation Agencies with regard to the threat of disasters during the dry season, especially drou Jakarta (ANTARA) - Chairman of the People's....

Controlled burning, forest thinning likely future of fire management: Study

2022-08-02T12:22+0200turkishpress (en)

ANKARA. Following a decade-long burst, wildfires around the world may start to decline as trees are wiped out by blazes or extreme drought, according to a recent US study. By employing a model that focuses on the eastern California forests of Sierra Nevada, the scientists at the University of....

A utopia of clean air and wet peat amid Sumatra’s forest fire ‘hell’

2022-08-02T07:32+0200mongabay (en)

BENGKALIS, Indonesia — On the east coast of the island of Sumatra lies a grove of timber, fruit and native trees known as the Marsawa Peat Arboretum. This shady grove, spread across 1.1 hectares (2.7 acres), is a labor of love for local land and air — one that originated in a place of loss.

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