Forest Fire (5983 ha) in United States 11 Aug 2022

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Articles after 10 Aug 2022

Posible ‘súper tormenta’ amenaza a California, la ciencia da detalles

2022-08-20T20:41+0200tvn-2 (es)

Investigadores analizaron en un estudio científico, las consecuencias de una gran inundación, de millones de desplazados y pérdidas masivas de dinero. California, ubicado en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos, es un territorio propenso a terremotos, sequías y abundantes incendios forestales todos los años, desde hace ya varias generaciones.

What is one of the most effective forms of public fire prevention education carried out

2022-08-19T13:48+0200frojeostern (en)

Until after World War I little official attention was given to fire prevention, because most fire departments were concerned only with extinguishing fires. Since then most urban areas have established some form of a fire-prevention unit, the staff of which concentrates on such measures as....

Serra da Estrela tourism hit by ‘wave of cancellations’ post-wildfire

2022-08-18T17:27+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Hotels particularly call for ‘recovery plan’, underlining “none of this needed to have happened…” As tourism and hoteliers in Serra da Estrela suffer a wave of cancellations as a result of this month’s devastating wildfire, criticism has again honed in on ‘serious mistakes in firefighting strategy’....

Even astronauts can see it: the current drought in Europe as seen from satellite data

2022-08-17T23:01+0200zmescience (en)

Western Europe as seen by the Sentinel-3 mission. Image credits European Union / Copernicus Sentinel-3. The Old World is experiencing one of the most severe bouts of drought it has seen in centuries — five centuries, according to expert estimates. These dramatic conditions, which are most prevalent....

Cómo será la megatormenta que amenaza a California, según la ciencia

2022-08-17T16:49+0200lapagina (es)

California, ubicada en el extremo oeste de Estados Unidos es proclive a terremotos, sequías y abundantes incendios forestales cada año desde hace varias generaciones. Pero varios científicos han alertado en los últimos días que se avecina una gran tormenta que pude desencadenar un diluvio....

What science says will be the megastorm that threatens California

2022-08-17T01:59+0200worldakkam (en)

Located on the west coast of the United States , California has been hit by earthquakes, droughts and massive wildfires every year for generations. But some scientists have recently warned that a major storm is coming that could cause devastating floods like the one that happened in 1862.

Cómo será la megatormenta que amenaza a California, según la ciencia

2022-08-17T01:48+0200hoybolivia (es)

16/08/2022 - 19:36:49 Infobae.- California, ubicada en el extremo oeste de Estados Unidos es proclive a terremotos, sequías y abundantes incendios forestales cada año desde hace varias generaciones. Pero varios científicos han alertado en los últimos días que se avecina una gran tormenta que pude....

A heat wave is rising across the prairies, and climate change means we can expect more

2022-08-16T10:24+0200printveela (en)

CBC Alberta and Saskatchewan have teamed up for a new pilot series about prairie weather and climate change. Meteorologist Kristi Klimenhaga will bring her expert voice to the conversation to help explain weather and climate change and how it affects everyday life.

Climate change: we need to adapt our forests in the face of wildfires

2022-08-15T19:30+0200atalayar (en)

This summer, in a depressingly familiar scenario, the world has had to deal with devastating wildfires, a highly visible and damaging illustration of the climate crisis. In the United States , several states are battling wildfires, including in Alaska, where more than 1.2 million hectares of land were destroyed by fire in mid-July.

NATO aircraft work together to fight fires across alliance

2022-08-15T17:52+0200ukdefencejournal (en)

NATO air forces are integrating their equipment and assisting national efforts to extinguish wildfires raging in many Alliance countries. According to the Alliance “Climate change has created natural disasters in countries worldwide from floods to catastrophic wild fires.

Europe, USA, Australia are burning: What can we do to prevent wildfire?

2022-08-15T17:28+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

, partly due to climate change. Declining rainfall and longer droughts are making forests so dry that localized lightening can spark a small fire that transforms into an inferno before firefighters can limit the damage. Such was the scale of the Australian Black Summer megafires of 2019-20 that....

'More and more urgent': Governments unprepared for effects of climate change, study finds

2022-08-15T03:49+0200barrie (en)

National governments are unprepared to adapt to the consequences of the climate crisis, according to a While natural disasters are becoming more frequent, the analysis states that the majority of actions documented in the scientific literature have been taken at the local level, by households or individuals.

Forest fires: When goats lend a hand to firefighters

2022-08-13T03:37+0200malaymail (en)

PARIS, Aug 13 — Goats are being called upon to graze in specific areas of vegetation in order to reduce the risk of forest fires or, if not to prevent them from starting to reduce their ancestry. It’s a traditional technique that has been recently revived by countries such as Portugal and France, which are increasingly exposed to megafires.

Forest fires: When goats lend a hand to firefighters

2022-08-13T03:34+0200themalaymailonline (en)

PARIS, Aug 13 — Goats are being called upon to graze in specific areas of vegetation in order to reduce the risk of forest fires or, if not to prevent them from starting to reduce their ancestry. It’s a traditional technique that has been recently revived by countries such as Portugal and France, which are increasingly exposed to megafires.

Experts suggest using large ungulates to prevent wildfires

2022-08-12T15:56+0200radio-cz-en (en)

The unprecedented forest fire in Bohemian Switzerland, which ravaged more than 1,000 hectares of the park and took more than two weeks to get under control, has drawn fresh attention to the issue of climate change and the dangers it brings, including more widespread and intense forest fires.

Video: Se forma extraño tornado de fuego durante incendios en California

2022-08-12T03:01+0200crhoy (es)

( internacionales).-En medio de los incendios que afectan a California, Estados Unidos, se formó un extraño fenómeno: un tornado de fuego. El hecho se produjo este miércoles en el Gorman , en el estado californiano. Las imágenes captadas por el medio KTLA grabaron el momento en que....

Tornado de fuego se forma en medio de devastador incendio en California

2022-08-12T02:10+0200biobiochile (es)

Un impactante tornado de fuego se formó en medio del combate al devastador incendio que afecta al noroeste de Los Ángeles, California, en Estados Unidos. Según constató el medio KTLA, los bomberos estadounidenses lucharon contra el incendio forestal que se movía rápidamente en un terreno abierto y montañoso la tarde de este pasado miércoles.

VIDEO: Captan aterrador tornado de fuego e...

2022-08-12T01:01+0200zocalo (es)

Estados Unidos.- Un tornado de fuego fue captado por cámaras de televisoras locales que cubrían un incendio en California, Estados Unidos. En las imágenes se puede ver la gran llamarada formando un remolino provocada por el fuerte viento que se registró en la zona del incendio forestal en el sur del estado.

Why is Brazil's Amazon rainforest burning?

2022-08-11T20:18+02004-traders (en)

The number of fires burning in Brazil's rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Meanwhile the rate of deforestation has also surged to record levels. (Manoela Machado, Wildfire and Deforestation researcher at Oxford University) "We have a combination of a drier climate with more motivation to deforest.

Pennsylvania has so far been able to avoid wildfires.…

2022-08-11T18:57+0200samacharcentral (en)

Wildfires could make their way into the keystone state and possibly into your backyard, climate, fire and forestry scientists say. As wildfires become increasingly common across the western United States , Pennsylvania and its residents have so far remained insulated from the flames destroying communities worldwide.

El tsunami de 2011 en Japón arrastró especies marinas a las costas de Estados Unidos

2022-08-11T14:57+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Científicos detectaron cientas de especies marinas provenientes de Japón en costas estadounidenses que recorrieron el Pacífico tras el tsunami de 2011. Mejillones, estrellas de mar y decenas de otras especies viajaron una enorme distancia a través del océano, algunos a bordo de distintos objetos de plástico.

Causes, Consequences of Amazon Fires and Deforestation

2022-08-10T14:49+0200sunstkitts (en)

and Gloria Dickie Aug 10 (Reuters) – Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country’s Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high.

Explainer: Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation

2022-08-10T11:20+0200inquirer (en)

What causes the fires? Unlike wildfires in Europe or the United States , fires do not occur naturally in the humid, tropical Amazon rainforest. Instead, farmers cut down the forests and set trees on fire to clear land, and sometimes these fires run out of control.

What are the causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation?

2022-08-10T10:47+0200straitstimesSG (en)

SAO PAULO (REUTERS) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high. Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September.

Explainer: Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation

2022-08-10T10:34+0200channelnewsasia (en)

Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high. Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September.

Explainer-Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation By Jake Spring and Gloria Dickie (Reuters) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Am... 49m ago

2022-08-10T09:58+0200kelo (en)

By Jake Spring and Gloria Dickie. (Reuters) – Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country’s Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high.

Explainer-Causes And Consequences Of Amazon Fires And Deforestation

2022-08-10T09:37+0200ibtimes (en)

Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high. Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September.

Explainer-Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation Gloria Dickie, Jake Spring |Updated just now |3 min read By Jake Spring and Gloria Dickie (Reuters) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June.

2022-08-10T09:27+0200thechronicleherald (en)

By Jake Spring and Gloria Dickie. (Reuters) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high.

Explainer-Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation

2022-08-10T09:13+02004-traders (en)

Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September. Here are some factors driving destruction of the world's largest rainforest. WHAT CAUSES THE FIRES? Unlike wildfires in Europe or the United States , fires do not occur naturally in the humid, tropical Amazon rainforest.

Explainer-Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation

2022-08-10T09:10+0200reuters (en)

Aug 10 (Reuters) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high. read more Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September.

Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation

2022-08-10T09:02+02004-traders (en)

Aug 10 (Reuters) - Brazil vowed last year to halt deforestation by 2030, yet the number of fires burning in the country's Amazon rainforest hit a 15-year high in June. Burning season began last month and the rate of forest clearing remains high. Things could worsen this month, as Brazil's fires traditionally peak in August and September.

Can Fire Smoke Cause Lung Cancer?

2022-08-09T17:41+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Q: How does wildfire smoke affect lung cancer risk? And how does this compare to things like secondhand cigarette smoke? When smoke from wildfires in the summer of 2020 turned the sky of the San Francisco Bay Area red, Dr. Kari Nadeau, a physician and scientist at Stanford University, to the people who were most vulnerable.

Can Fire Smoke Cause Lung Cancer?

2022-08-09T15:43+0200nytimes (en)

Q: How does wildfire smoke affect the risk of lung cancer? And how does this compare to things like secondhand cigarette smoke? When wildfire smoke turned the skies of the San Francisco Bay Area red in the summer of 2020, Dr. Kari Nadeau, a physician and scientist at Stanford University, thought about the people who were most vulnerable.

How do we fight fire as temperatures rise? As wildfires again burn out of control, strategies to limit climate-fuelled infernos include fighting fire with fire.

2022-08-08T11:17+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Fire has burnt through forests for hundreds of millions of years, but now unprecedented wildfires are burning hotter and longer partly due to climate change. Declining rainfall and longer droughts are making forests so dry that localized lightening can spark a small fire that transforms into a mega-blaze before firefighters can limit the damage.

Several dead after lightning strikes in front of White House

2022-08-08T07:58+0200vikendi (en)

Natural disasters are currently occurring across the board in the United States : while the east coast is hit particularly hard by hurricanes, floods and severe thunderstorms, forest fires and heat waves are spreading for kilometers on the west coast. The current place of residence of US President....

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