Forest Fire (21925 ha) in Chile 04 Feb 2023

Media coverage of this event

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Articles about casualties: 111 (32.3%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Articles after 03 Feb 2023

Programa Invierno

2023-02-21T13:47+0100onemi (es)

CERT es un programa de capacitación y entrenamiento básico de equipos comunitarios que propicia la prevención, preparación y respuesta de la comunidad frente a la ocurrencia de emergencias y desastres. Su objetivo es fortalecer las capacidades de la comunidad a nivel local para responder....

Emergency for forest fires continues in center-south of Chile

2023-02-20T15:56+0100plenglish (en)

Santiago de Chile , Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) Firefighters from several countries continue battling against forest fires in the center-south of Chile, mainly in the regions of Biobio, Ñuble, and Araucania, where there are still 260 active sources, 77 of which the firefighters are trying to put out.

Incendios en Chile vuelven cenizas el sueño de un sommelier bogotano / Una copa

2023-02-19T16:55+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Los feroces incendios forestales que golpean el centro-sur de Chile desde inicios de este mes, y que han arrasado más de 400.000 hectáreas, destruido más de 1.500 viviendas y causado 25 muertos y 7.000 damnificados, han afectado al sector vitivinícola chileno en varios puntos, pero sobre todo en el....

Chile: Fires - Operational Update Appeal: MDRCL015

2023-02-18T19:14+0100reliefWeb (en)

What happened, where and when? On the afternoon of 22 December, a fire started in areas of native forest in the upper part of the city of Viña del Mar (Valparaíso Region), 120 km from Santiago, Chile . The flames quickly reached high sectors of the ravines and hills where there are lighthouses and....

Chile: Forest Fires, 2023 - United Nations System, Situation Report No. 2 (as of February 13, 2023)

2023-02-17T18:25+0100reliefWeb (en)

Attachments This report is produced by the Resident Coordinator's Office in Chile with the collaboration of the UNDAC Team and with the contributions of the Agencies, Funds and Programs of the United Nations System that make up UN Chile. The report covers the period from February 9 to 14, 2023, the....

Forests, Vol. 14, Pages 403: Improving the Combustion Factor to Estimate GHG Emissions Associated with Fire in Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp. Plantations in Chile

2023-02-16T09:24+0100mdpi (en)

Forest plantations can substantially contribute to carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation at the country and global scales. Forest fires (especially when combined with droughts) may remarkably reduce such carbon sequestration capability.

Delegados presidenciales en épocas de catástrofes: los enlaces de las otras crisis

2023-02-15T09:39+0100LaTercera (es)

El viernes pasado, el Presidente de la República, Gabriel Boric, , quien inició este martes su despliegue por las zonas afectadas. A la exministra de Vivienda del segundo gobierno de Michelle Bachelet, quien es trabajadora social, le tocó liderar la reconstrucción en diferentes catástrofes que azotaron al país en ese periodo.

Visor Chile Preparado

2023-02-15T09:09+0100onemi (es)

El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres (SENAPRED), ha puesto a disposición una aplicación gráfica e interactiva denominada “Visor Chile Preparado”, a través de ella cualquier persona que lo requiera podrá conocer por medio de su ubicación la exposición frente a tres de las....

Chilean Government Delivers Assistance to Fire Victims

2023-02-15T03:10+0100telesurenglish (en)

The Chile an government has begun to provide aid to those affected by the forest fires in the central-southern part of the country. This includes a bonus of about 1 890 dollars and the delivery of temporary houses. The "recovery bonus" of "free disposal" will be delivered via direct transfer or....

Satelliti Copernicus per monitoraggio ambientale degli incendi in Cile

2023-02-15T00:07+0100geosmartmagazine (it)

I satelliti Copernicus per il monitoraggio ambientale delle dozzine di incendi che hanno imperversato nel Cile centrale e meridionale negli ultimi giorni. Gli incendi hanno provocato almeno 26 morti e quasi 1.000 feriti, con oltre 270.000 ettari di territorio colpiti, secondo i funzionari locali.

Chile wildfires: No end in sight after weeks of firefighting

2023-02-14T22:05+0100wacotrib (en)

Forest fires in Chile have destroyed nearly half a million hectares of forests and farmland, as well as hundreds of homes.

Chile wildfires: No end in sight after weeks of firefighting

2023-02-14T22:04+0100missoulian (en)

Forest fires in Chile have destroyed nearly half a million hectares of forests and farmland, as well as hundreds of homes.

Incendi in Cile, inviati dall'Italia due Vigili del Fuoco esperti

2023-02-14T21:30+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

I due Vigili del Fuoco sono stati selezionati per far parte della squadra europea che darà supporto tecnico alle autorità locali cilene. La missione rientra nell’ambito del Meccanismo Europeo di Protezione Civile. Due esperti del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco sono stati selezionati per far....

The Government of Chile reported that there are about 300 active fires in the country

2023-02-14T04:43+0100thetimeshub (en)

The authorities indicated that 82 are “in combat”, that is, not controlled. The adverse weather conditions accelerated the tragedy, the most serious of its nature in the country. Several volunteers carry supplies for firefighters near burning trees on Saturday, February 4, 2023, in Puren, Chile (AP....

Chile: Wildfires Destroy Schools in Biobio and La Araucania

2023-02-13T17:34+0100telesurenglish (en)

On Sunday, Education Minister Marco Antonio Avila presented a preliminary assessment of the consequences of the wildfires that have struck south-central Chile over the last month. RELATED: So far, the fires have affected 19 elementary schools and two kindergartens, leaving some 920 students without....

Chile: Poll shows Boric's popularity slightly improving from worse to just bad

2023-02-13T12:28+0100mercopress (en)

31 people have been arrested for arson. The Government of Chile failed to make timely decisions to fight the forest fires that broke out in the southern and central parts of the country, according to 68% of respondents to a survey by pollsters Cadem released on Sunday, which also showed the....

Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Chile in Response to the Forest Fires

2023-02-13T04:40+0100japan-foreign-office (en)

On February 10, upon the request of the Government of the Republic of Chile , the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (PPE for firefighting, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the Republic of Chile in response to the damages caused by the forest fires.

Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Chile in Response to the Forest Fires

2023-02-13T02:34+0100reliefWeb (en)

On February 10, upon the request of the Government of the Republic of Chile , the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (PPE for firefighting, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the Republic of Chile in response to the damages caused by the forest fires.

Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Chile in Response to the Forest Fires

2023-02-13T02:17+0100mofa-go-jp (en)

On February 10, upon the request of the Government of the Republic of Chile , the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (PPE for firefighting, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the Republic of Chile in response to the damages caused by the forest fires.

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Cile, incendi boschivi continuano a devastare intere foreste da settimane

2023-02-12T21:50+0100ilmeteo (it)

Decine di incendi stanno distruggendo i boschi del Cile, con centinaia di case avvolte tra le fiamme. Sono almeno un centinaio gli edifici bruciati in questi primi giorni di Febbraio. Il VIDEO in alto. Secondo la National Forestry Corporation, un incendio scoppiato nei pressi della città di Chillan,....

Cronaca meteo. Gli incendi devastano il Cile: 24 vittime da dicembre, più di mille case distrutte - Video

2023-02-12T12:53+01003bmeteo (it)

Cronaca mondo - Incendi devastano il Cile, decine di vittime. Una vasta porzione del Cile centrale, poco a sud della Capitale Santiago, sta continuando a bruciare almeno da dicembre. Il primo incendio è scoppiato nel pomeriggio del 22 dicembre a circa 120km a sud di Santiago e da allora è stato un susseguirsi di focolai che non hanno dato tregua.

The Government of Chile estimates that the fires will not be extinguished before March

2023-02-12T10:47+0100thetimeshub (en)

While the flames have been brought under control in some areas, they have not yet been fully extinguished. They also govern alerts for possible new outbreaks. The Government of Chile estimates that the fires will not be extinguished before March (REUTERS) The minister spokesperson for the Government....

"Incendi in Cile, bruciata la nostra casa"

2023-02-12T08:14+0100ilrestodelcarlino (it)

È rientrato a Pavullo dal Cile da pochi giorni Jacme Giacomozzi (foto), lasciandosi alle spalle una situazione diventata drammatica a causa di incendi che interessano una vasta area delle regioni di Araucanía, Bío Bío e Nuble, dove vivono alcune migliaia di discendenti di emigranti della montagna modenese.

Chile sees improved wildfires outlook

2023-02-12T03:14+0100iraqinews (en)

Forest fires have raged for more than a week in south-central Chile , leaving at least 24 people dead. A DC-10 fire plane drops water over a forest fire in Ninhue, in the Nuble region. Santiago – Chile’s wildfire emergency, which has left 24 people dead and destroyed vast tracts of forest, is beginning to ease, authorities said Saturday.

MIL-OSI Asia-Pac: Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Chile in Response to the Forest...

2023-02-11T05:45+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency. The Japan International Cooperation Agency will provide emergency relief goods as below in response to the serious damages mainly caused by forest fires in Republic of Chile , upon the request from the Government of Republic of Chile. 1.

Il sud del Cile sta vivendo la peggior siccità degli ultimi 50 anni

2023-02-11T05:15+0100citynews (it)

(Adnkronos) - Nel remoto sud cileno, porta d'accesso all'Antartide, le popolazioni locali stanno vivendo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Per il Cile, in realtà, la siccità di quest’anno non è una totale novità: non in modo così grave, ma sono anni che il paese affronta carenze di....

Il sud del Cile sta vivendo la peggior siccità degli ultimi 50 anni

2023-02-11T05:08+0100europa-today (it)

(Adnkronos) - Nel remoto sud cileno, porta d'accesso all'Antartide, le popolazioni locali stanno vivendo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Per il Cile, in realtà, la siccità di quest’anno non è una totale novità: non in modo così grave, ma sono anni che il paese affronta carenze di....

A Chilean deputy affirmed that “the forest fires are intentional” and pointed to Mapuche groups

2023-02-11T01:25+0100thetimeshub (en)

The legislator and former mayor of La Araucanía Andrés Jouannet denounced that there is “strong information” to affirm that the catastrophe that has devastated thousands of hectares was caused intentionally by groups linked to the indigenous claim. By.

CIVIL PROTECTION: EU helps Chile fight forest fires

2023-02-10T21:32+0100agenceurope-en (en)

The EU is assisting Chile in tackling forest fires. France, Portugal and Spain are deploying firefighters in response to a request for assistance from the Chilean authorities to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, the European Commission announced on Friday 10 February, at a time when the EU’s....

¡Falso! No hubo un tornado de fuego en Chile

2023-02-10T19:01+0100telegrafo (es)

En redes sociales circuló una fotografía en la cual se observa un tornado de fuego. Este fenómeno se habría dado en Chile , país afectado por los incendios forestales. Sin embargo, este viernes, 10 de febrero de 2023, el portal de verificación Ecuador Chequea desmintió esta publicación. “Es falso que existió un tornado en Chile.

Chile declares curfew in fire-ravaged regions

2023-02-10T18:05+0100newagebd (en)

A forest fire approaches the town of Chiguayante, in the province of Concepcion, Chile , early on February 9, 2023. — AFP photo. Chile on Thursday announced a nighttime curfew in south-central regions where forest fires have raged for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead. The midnight-to-5.

En algunos casos los operativos de búsqueda son abandonados una semana después de un terremoto. Pero hay casos de víctimas que han aguantado más.

2023-02-10T16:48+0100portafolio (es)

El tiempo se agota para aquellas personas que continúan atrapadas bajo los escombros en Turquía y Siria tras el terremoto de 7,8 de magnitud que sacudió regiones de ambos países el lunes. Equipos de rescate nacionales e internacionales están trabajando incansablemente para remover desechos dondequiera que haya un indicio de vida.

Il sud del Cile sta vivendo la peggior siccità degli ultimi 50 anni

2023-02-10T16:01+0100olbianotizie (it)

(Adnkronos) - Nel remoto sud cileno, porta d'accesso all'Antartide, le popolazioni locali stanno vivendo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Per il Cile, in realtà, la siccità di quest’anno non è una totale novità: non in modo così grave, ma sono anni che il paese affronta carenze di....

Italy messages support for Chile over forest fires

2023-02-10T15:56+0100adnkronos (en)

Foreign minister Antonio Tajani on Friday tweeted support for Chile , where forest fires have been raging for over a week amid a heatweave. At least 24 people have died in the blazes and thousands have been left homeless in several regions of the country. "Italy is close to Chile's government and people, who have been hit hard by devastating fires.

Il sud del Cile sta vivendo la peggior siccità degli ultimi 50 anni

2023-02-10T15:56+0100adnkronos (it)

Nel remoto sud cileno, porta d'accesso all'Antartide, le popolazioni locali stanno vivendo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinquant'anni. Per il Cile, in realtà, la siccità di quest’anno non è una totale novità: non in modo così grave, ma sono anni che il paese affronta carenze di precipitazioni,....

Il sud del Cile sta vivendo la peggior siccità degli ultimi 50 anni

2023-02-10T15:56+0100laragione (it)

(Adnkronos) – Nel remoto sud cileno, porta d’accesso all’Antartide, le popolazioni locali stanno vivendo la peggiore siccità degli ultimi cinquant’anni. Per il Cile, in realtà, la siccità di quest’anno non è una totale novità: non in modo così grave, ma sono anni che il paese affronta carenze di....

Qin sends condolences to Chilean counterpart over forest fires

2023-02-10T13:42+0100chinadailyhk (en)

A fire burns close to a lumber yard belonging to Forestal Arauco in Santa Juana, Chile , Feb 6, 2023. (PHOTO / AP) BEIJING - Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang recently sent a message of condolence to Chilean Foreign Minister Antonia Urrejola, over the massive forest fires in her country.

Chile fights raging wildfires with curfews and gasoline permits

2023-02-10T12:08+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Chile will impose curfews in parts of the central-south region to maintain order after the worst forest fires in six years scorched about 350,000 hectares (860,000 acres) and killed 24 people. Curfews are expected to be enforced in the most affected areas of Nuble, Biobio and Araucania from midnight....

There are more than 90 fires out of control in Chile as concern grows over rising temperatures in Santiago

2023-02-10T08:02+0100thetimeshub (en)

The fires broke out eight days ago in the Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía regions, in the south-central part of the country, and have claimed the lives of 24 people. The fires broke out eight days ago in the regions of Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía (REUTERS/Ivan Alvarado) A increase in humidity in....

Chile Forest Fires: Curfew Declared, 24 Dead as Large Areas Reduced to Ash, Evacuated

2023-02-10T04:04+0100news18 (en)

Chile on Thursday announced a nighttime curfew in south-central regions where forest fires have raged for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead. The midnight-to-5.00 am curfew will come into effect on Friday in 28 municipalities in the hard-hit regions of Biobio, Nuble and La Araucania, said Biobio military chief Jorge Keitel.

Chile imposes a curfew in the regions hardest hit by forest fires

2023-02-10T02:23+0100archyde (en)

--55-81"> The movement restriction, which will come into force at midnight on Friday and will be in force until 05:00 a.m., concerns 28 municipalities in three regions where President Gabriel Boric declared a state of catastrophe: Biobío, Ñuble and La Araucanía.

Chile declares curfew in two regions affected by forest fires

2023-02-10T02:01+0100thenews-pk (en)

CONCEPCIAN, Chile : Chile has announced a nighttime curfew in regions where forest fires have been blazing for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead, a military chief said on Thursday. The curfew will come into effect on Friday and last from midnight until 5:00 am in at least 20....

Chile declares curfew in fire-ravaged regions

2023-02-10T00:44+0100mb-com-ph (en)

A forest fire approaches the town of Chiguayante, in the province of Concepcion, Chile , early on February 9, 2023. Forecasts of persistent high temperatures and strong winds bode ill Wednesday, February 8, 2023, for drought-stricken Chile as dozens of forest fires — several of them deadly — showed no signs of abating.

Terremoto en Turquía y Siria: ¿cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-10T00:12+0100prensalibre (es)

Eso depende de varios factores , según expertos que hablaron con la BBC. La postura en la que el sobreviviente se encuentre tras el desplome, el acceso a aire y agua, el clima, las condiciones meteorológicas y el estado físico de la persona atrapada influyen en un todo sobre cuánto pueden seguir con vida.

Terremoto en Turquía y Siria: ¿cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-10T00:10+0100eluniverso (es)

Oxígeno y agua. Hay diferentes factores que juegan un papel crucial para que una persona pueda sobrevivir. “En edificios colapsados entre las planchas de cemento o concreto habrá huecos , espacios en los que la gente pueda sobrevivir, y eso explica que los equipos de rescate continúen con su....

Fires in Chile: A curfew decreed in the most affected areas

2023-02-09T23:46+0100archyde (en)

The fire approaches the town of Chiguayante, in the province of Concepcion. AFP. Chile has decreed a night curfew in the areas most affected by the forest fires that have ravaged the center of the country for a week, a measure intended to prevent theft and looting, a military chief announced on Thursday.

¿Cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-09T21:22+0100ElComercio (es)

Eso depende de varios factores , según expertos que hablaron con la BBC. La postura en la que el sobreviviente se encuentre tras el desplome, el acceso a aire y agua, el clima, las condiciones meteorológicas y el estado físico de la persona atrapada influyen en un todo sobre cuánto pueden seguir con vida.

Terremoto en Turquía y Siria: ¿cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-09T21:10+0100mdzol (es)

Las Naciones Unidas suelen concluir sus esfuerzos de búsqueda y rescate entre cinco y siete días después de la catástrofe. Esa decisión se toma si han transcurrido dos días sin ningún rescate. La mayoría de los rescates exitosos suceden en las primeras 24 horas del desastre , pero ha habido casos en....

The Chilean government decreed a curfew in the area affected by the forest fires

2023-02-09T19:48+0100thetimeshub (en)

President Gabriel Boric instructed that the measure take effect as of this Thursday between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. By. Cristián Torresfrom Santiago, Chile Boric also reported on a decree that will allow ''to requisition water if necessary'' to fight the flames.

Chile wildfires threaten animals

2023-02-09T19:27+0100bbc (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in central and southern Chile have also threatened the lives of animals. Domestic animals and those native to the woodland have been injured. An emergency clinic was set up in Santa Juana to treat them. Click to watch.

Terremoto en Turquía y Siria: ¿cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-09T19:17+0100elobservador (es)

Equipos de rescate nacionales e internacionales están trabajando incansablemente para remover desechos dondequiera que haya un indicio de vida. Pero, ¿cuánto tiempo se puede sobrevivir bajo los escombros? Eso depende de varios factores , según expertos que hablaron con la BBC.

Chile declares curfew in two regions affected by forest fires

2023-02-09T19:07+0100iraqinews (en)

Concepción – Chile has announced a nighttime curfew in regions where forest fires have been blazing for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead, a military chief said on Thursday. The curfew will come into effect on Friday and last from midnight until 5:00 am in at least 20 municipalities....

Terremoto en Turquía y Siria: ¿cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-09T17:36+0100laprensagrafica (es)

Abdulalim Muaini fue rescatado debajo de los escombros en Hatay, Turquía. El tiempo se agota para aquellas personas que continúan atrapadas bajo los escombros en Turquía y Siria tras el terremoto de 7,8 de magnitud que sacudió regiones de ambos países el lunes.

Chile declares curfew in two regions affected by forest fires

2023-02-09T17:12+0100digitaljournal (en)

Chile has announced a nighttime curfew in regions where forest fires have been blazing for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead, a military chief said on Thursday. The curfew will come into effect on Friday and last from midnight until 5:00 am in at least 20 municipalities in the....

Incendi in Cile: 180 roghi sotto controllo, 122 aerei in azione. Il video

2023-02-09T17:12+0100teleambiente (it)

La situazione nelle tre regioni più colpite del Cile inizia a migliorare, ma emergono nuove difficoltà. Il peggio è quasi passato in Cile . Diverse regioni del Paese sudamericano, da una settimana, sono alle prese con incendi di proporzioni devastanti, che hanno già bruciato una superficie impressionante di foreste.

¿Cuánto tiempo puede sobrevivir una persona bajo los escombros?

2023-02-09T17:04+0100eltiempo-CO (es)

Equipos de rescate nacionales e internacionales están trabajando incansablemente para remover desechos dondequiera que haya un indicio de vida. Pero, ¿cuánto tiempo se puede sobrevivir bajo los escombros? Eso depende de varios factores, según expertos que hablaron con la BBC.

Chile Declares Curfew In Two Regions Affected By Forest Fires

2023-02-09T16:58+0100barrons (en)

Chile has announced a nighttime curfew in regions where forest fires have been blazing for more than a week, leaving at least 24 people dead, a military chief said on Thursday. The curfew will come into effect on Friday and last from midnight until 5:00 am in at least 20 municipalities in the....

Chile Decrees Curfew in Epicenter of Wildfires

2023-02-09T15:12+0100telesurenglish (en)

On Thursday, Rear Admiral Jorge Keitel, head of the Defense for the central Chile an region of Biobio, announced the start of a curfew in eight communes starting Friday to prevent possible assaults and looting. RELATED: Starting at midnight on Thursday, the curfew will affect the Arauco and Contulmo....

Evacuations ordered in Chile as wildfires run amok

2023-02-09T11:02+0100mercopress (en)

Eight people have been arrested for their possible involvement in the intentional lighting of the fires, Dresdner explained. Chile 's National Service for Disaster Prevention and Response (Senapred) Wednesday ordered the evacuation of 14 communes in the regions of Ñuble, Biobío, and La Araucanía,....

Chile Forest Fires: Heatwave Puts New Regions at Risk

2023-02-09T10:47+0100sunstkitts (en)

The Chile an government has put three central regions of the country on high alert of forest fires amid a heatwave. while thousands of firefighters continue to battle blazes in the south. Twenty-four people are confirmed to have died in the fires which have been raging for more than a week.

(TAP) - Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead and swallowed up hundreds of houses spread into new areas on Wednesday...

2023-02-09T09:30+0100ATAP-en (en)

Chile an wildfires destroy hundreds of homes, endanger world's smallest deer (TAP) - Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead and swallowed up hundreds of houses spread into new areas on Wednesday after raging overnight, burning up the habitats of vulnerable woodland animals.

Wildfires ravage south-central Chile; homes and wildlife threatened

2023-02-09T09:02+0100wn (en)

Chillan — Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead and swallowed up hundreds of houses spread into new areas on Wednesday after raging overnight, burning up the habitats of vulnerable woodland animals. “We call on everyone who can to take care of the forests, which are....

Veterinarians in the Town of Chillan Treat Animals That Were Injured in Forest Fires ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-02-09T06:25+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Veterinarians in the town of Chillan treat animals that were injured in forest fires across south-central Chile . The facility is a joint effort between Concepcion University's veterinary faculty and the Nuble Wildlife Rehab Centre ...

A week of forest fires in Chile: there are 84 active sources that are out of control

2023-02-09T04:44+0100thetimeshub (en)

They affect the central south of the country and represent an imminent threat to people's lives because they are expanding. A firefighter runs to fight the flames caused by forest fires in Santa Juana, Chile (AP Photo/Matías Delacroix) Weather conditions on Wednesday made it difficult to fight 84....

Fires: Chile's specificity is its pine and eucalyptus crops

2023-02-09T04:39+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-09T03:39:12.868Z. At least 24 dead, 2,180 injured and nearly 300,000 hectares burned. This is the still provisional assessment of the fires that continue to ravage central-southern Chile . This surface already represents,… Fires: Chile's specificity is its pine and eucalyptus crops. Audio 01:19.

Fire-Fighting Brigades From Mexico and Colombia Arrive in Chile

2023-02-09T04:30+0100telesurenglish (en)

by Manish Rai New groups of specialists from Mexico and Colombia arrived today in Chile to help contain the wildfires in the center-south of the country, which have already devastated more than 290,000 hectares. The Mexican contingent of the National Forestry Commission, with experience in dealing....

Forest Fires Across South-central Chile That Have Left 24 People Dead and Swallowed Up ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-02-09T03:58+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead and swallowed up hundreds of houses spread into new areas after raging overnight, burning up the habitats of vulnerable woodland animals ...' Forest fires across south-central Chile that have....

Chilean wildfires destroy hundreds of homes, endanger world's smallest deer

2023-02-09T03:24+0100wn (en)

CHILLAN, Chile , Feb 8 (Reuters) - Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead and swallowed up hundreds of houses spread into new areas on Wednesday after raging overnight, burning up the habitats of vulnerable woodland animals.

Animals Injured in Forest Fires Across South-central Chile Are Getting Treatment by a Team ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-02-09T02:24+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Animals injured in forest fires across south-central Chile are getting treatment by a team of veterinarians in the town of Chillan ...' Animals injured in forest fires across south-central Chile are getting treatment by a team of veterinarians in the town of....

Battle rages against Chile forest fires one week in

2023-02-09T00:42+0100malaymail (en)

CONCEPCIÓN, Feb 9 — Forecasts of persistent high temperatures and strong winds bode ill Wednesday for drought-stricken Chile as dozens of forest fires — several of them deadly — showed no signs of abating. More than 5,600 local firefighters, with backup from personnel flown in from Mexico, Colombia....

Battle rages against Chile forest fires one week in

2023-02-09T00:39+0100themalaymailonline (en)

CONCEPCIÓN, Feb 9 — Forecasts of persistent high temperatures and strong winds bode ill Wednesday for drought-stricken Chile as dozens of forest fires — several of them deadly — showed no signs of abating. More than 5,600 local firefighters, with backup from personnel flown in from Mexico, Colombia....

Battle Rages Against Chile Forest Fires One Week In

2023-02-08T22:35+0100barrons (en)

"We have an alert for high temperatures for today, tomorrow and the next day in several regions of the country, requiring the mobilisation of a very large effort... to prevent the fires from spreading," she told reporters. Fires have razed more than 309,000 hectares (763,000 acres) in the Maule,....

Chilean wildfires spread overnight, burning up hundreds of homes

2023-02-08T21:45+0100wn (en)

(Reuters) - Forest fires across south-central Chile that have left 24 people dead, swallowed up hundreds of houses and left thousands injured in their wake spread into new areas on Wednesday after raging overnight. Read full story ......

Fire-fighting brigades from Mexico and Colombia arrive in Chile

2023-02-08T20:00+0100plenglish (en)

Santiago de Chile , Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) New groups of specialists from Mexico and Colombia arrived today in Chile to help contain the wildfires in the center-south of the country, which have already devastated more than 290,000 hectares. The Mexican contingent of the National Forestry Commission,....

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-08T19:55+0100azernews (en)

Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday, reports.

Terremoto en Turquía dará pistas sobre el próximo Gran Terremoto en San Andreas

2023-02-08T19:51+0100101noticias (es)

Rescatistas y civiles buscan supervivientes bajo los escombros de edificios derrumbados en Kahramanmaras, el 8 de febrero de 2023, dos días después de que un fuerte terremoto azotara la región. Los investigadores estudiarán el sitio para obtener más información sobre un posible terremoto en la falla de San Andrés.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-08T19:47+0100today-az (en)

08 February 2023 [22:43] - TODAY.AZ Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday, reports.

El pontífice llamó a la solidaridad mundial frente a la catástrofe que enluta a Turquía y Siria. - Foto: AP Foto/Gregorio Borgia

2023-02-08T19:46+0100semana (es)

En medio de la preocupación y consternación mundial que ha despertado internacionalmente la tragedia derivada del terremoto en Siria y Turquía , el pasado 6 de febrero, este miércoles, el papa Francisco, máximo jerarca dela iglesia Católica en el mundo se ha unido a la ola de llamados de solidaridad para con las víctimas.

New areas under threat as fires in Chile continue 2023-02-09 ANSWERING THE CALL: Hundreds of volunteer firefighters took leave from their jobs to battle blazes, some continuing even after their own homes burnt down Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central....

2023-02-08T17:13+0100taipeitimes (en)

The temperature in many places was likely to exceed 37°C until the end of the week, forecasts showed. “A very complex climate situation can arise,” Chile an Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security Manuel Monsalve said, urging teams to be “prepared for any eventuality.

In pictures Photos of the devastating forest fire in Chile Major fires have been ravaging the southern part of the country's center for the past week, covering about 290,000 hectares and killing 26 people. International aid is pouring in to support the country.

2023-02-08T17:01+0100LeMonde-en (en)

The forest fires in Chile have killed at least 26 people and injured at least 2,180 since February 2, according to an official report. Firefighters were fighting 82 fires on Tuesday, February 7, out of the 309 active ones in the whole country. The regions of Biobio, Ñuble and Araucania, in the....

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage, mercury rises

2023-02-08T16:41+0100newagebd (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

Chile forest fires: Heatwave puts new regions at risk

2023-02-08T13:21+0100bbc (en)

The Chile an government has put three central regions of the country on high alert of forest fires amid a heatwave. while thousands of firefighters continue to battle blazes in the south. Twenty-four people are confirmed to have died in the fires which have been raging for more than a week.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T11:22+0100techcodex (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T05:21+0100bssnews (en)

CONCEPCIÓN, Chile , Feb 8, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-08T04:54+0100inquirer (en)

QUILLON, Chile — Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a “very complex” situation as a new heat wave in the country’s south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 24 dead. Over 293,000 hectares (724,000 acres) have been ravaged by....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-08T04:14+0100fijitimes (en)

QUILLON, Chile (Reuters) – Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a “very complex” situation as a new heat wave in the country’s south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead. Over 290,000 hectares (716,606 acres) have been....

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T03:31+0100thesundaily (en)

CONCEPCIÓN : Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-08T03:28+0100trendnews-az (en)

Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday, The communes, or communities, have been placed on....

Makeshift clinic saves pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-08T02:50+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Veterinary staff treat a cat that suffered burns during the forest fire, at an improvised medical care center for animals in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on February 5, 2023. Forest fires in south-central Chile have killed at least 24 people, injured 997 and completely destroyed 800 homes....

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T02:11+0100thenews-pk (en)

CONCEPCIAN, Chile : Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions as temperatures soared on Tuesday. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes countrywide out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T01:48+0100themalaymailonline (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 8 ― Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions yesterday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T00:51+0100malaymail (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 8 ― Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions yesterday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T00:38+0100tribuneonline (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T00:23+0100straitstimesSG (en)

CONCEPCION, Chile - Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-08T00:11+0100digitaljournal (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions Tuesday as temperatures soared. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

Wildfires burning in Chile are among the deadliest in country's record

2023-02-08T00:11+0100newscientist (en)

By Residents work to extinguish a wildfire in Chile . REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo/Ailen Diaz. Forest fires burning in central and southern Chile have led to at least 26 deaths and nearly 2000 injuries in what is among the deadliest wildfire on record in the country.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-07T23:51+0100wn (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-07T23:40+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-07T23:24+0100japantoday (en)

Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions as temperatures soared Tuesday. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes countrywide out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

Chile declares 26 communes wildfire risk areas

2023-02-07T23:16+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SANTIAGO, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chile has declared 26 communes in the country's south-central region to be wildfire risk areas as forest fires continue to rage, which have claimed 26 lives and burning 286,198 hectares so far, the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) said Tuesday.

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T21:17+0100channelnewsasia (en)

QUILLON, Chile : Chilean authorities on Tuesday (Feb 7) warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead. Over 290,000 hectares (716,606 acres) have been ravaged....

Flames from raging wildfire surround house and swimming pool in Chile

2023-02-07T21:07+0100independent-UK (en)

Terrifying footage shows flames from a raging surrounding a home and in Forest fires, which have spread over 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres) of land, have killed at least 24 people in south-central regions of the country. In videos shared from the city of Arauco, raging flames can be seen lighting....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T21:00+0100wn (en)

QUILLON, Chile , Feb 7 (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-07T20:58+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Concepción: Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central Chile in the past week threatened new regions as temperatures soared on Tuesday. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are actively battling 81 priority blazes countrywide out of 301 still burning, according to authorities.

New areas under threat as Chile fires rage and mercury rises

2023-02-07T20:46+0100urdupoint (en)

Concepci�n, Chile , Feb 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Feb, 2023 ) :Forest fires that have killed 26 people and left thousands homeless in south-central in the past week threatened new regions as temperatures soared on Tuesday. Some 5,600 firefighters, the majority of them volunteers, are....

Estos han sido los 10 terremotos más fuertes que han ocurrido en los últimos años

2023-02-07T20:12+0100elcolombiano (es)

1) Dos terremotos en menos de un mes en México en 2017. En septiembre de 2017 ocurrieron dos fuertes terremotos en territorio mexicano. El primero sucedió el día 7 de ese mes y afectó principalmente los estados de Chiapas, Oxaca, y Tabasco , ubicados en la zona sur oeste del país, cerca del Océano Pacífico.

This was the first day of work of the “super plane” to control forest fires in Chile

2023-02-07T19:51+0100thetimeshub (en)

The “Ten tanker” dumped tons of water on some of the most voracious floodlights in the south of the country. By >Cristián Torresfrom Santiago, Chile The US aircraft ''Ten Tanker'' made its first discharge in the communes of Santa Juana and Nacimiento. The American aircraft “Ten Tanker” that arrived....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T19:46+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

QUILLON, Chile (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead. Over 290,000 hectares (716,606 acres) have been....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T19:29+01004-traders (en)

QUILLON, Chile (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead. Over 290,000 hectares (716,606 acres) have been....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T19:08+0100saltwire (en)

By Ivan Alvarado. QUILLON, Chile (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead.

Chile Heat Wave Could Further Fan the Flames of Deadly Wildfires

2023-02-07T19:07+0100usnews (en)

QUILLON, Chile (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead. Over 290,000 hectares (716,606 acres) have been....

Chile heat wave could further fan the flames of deadly wildfires

2023-02-07T19:07+0100reuters (en)

QUILLON, Chile , Feb 7 (Reuters) - Chilean authorities on Tuesday warned of a "very complex" situation as a new heat wave in the country's south-central region threatened to further fan the flames of dangerous forest fires that have already left 26 dead.

The Chile 2023 Fires Are “One of the Country’s Worst Natural Disasters in Years”

2023-02-07T17:50+0100greenmatters (en)

Natural disaster has unfortunately struck the South American nation of Chile , after relentlessly arid weather exacerbated a series of wildfires . Hundreds of firefighters have been working tirelessly to extinguish the flames, which have already ravaged hundreds of thousands of hectares of land,....

MIL-OSI Europe: AMERICA/CILE – Christian community in solidarity with victims of forest fires that...

2023-02-07T15:11+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Agenzia Fides – MIL OSI. Headline: AMERICA/CILE – Christian community in solidarity with victims of forest fires that have so far caused 26 deaths, 1,000 injured, 1,800 homeless. Concepcion – “Dozens of people have died, hundreds injured, incalculable material losses, life’s work turned to....

International help arrives for fire-hit Chile

2023-02-07T14:25+0100sinacom-en (en)

AFP. A firefighter waits for the hose to be turned on while fighting the forest fire in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on February 6. International experts on Monday joined Chile's frantic fight against devastating, drought-fueled forest fires that have killed 26 people, injured hundreds....

International help arrives for fire-hit Chile; Makeshift clinic works to save pets

2023-02-07T12:08+0100terradaily (en)

By Javier TORRES Concepci�n, Chile (AFP) Feb 6, 2023 International experts on Monday joined Chile's frantic fight against devastating, drought-fueled forest fires that have killed 26 people, injured hundreds and destroyed more than 1,100 homes in less than a week.

Minute by Minute on forest fires in Chile

2023-02-07T12:06+0100archyde (en)

According to the latest balance made by Senapred, the fire has destroyed 1,150 homes throughout the country. Since last Thursday they are registered forest fires that have affected different sectors of the Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía regions that have forced the evacuation of several neighbors due to the violent spread of the flames.

Los terremotos más devastadores de la historia

2023-02-07T11:13+0100lavanguardia (es)

El desastre sísmico desatado ayer en Turquía y Siria centra la información mundial a la espera de que las labores de rescate logren sumar supervivientes en las próximas horas. Periódicamente, la Tierra nos recuerda que bajo nuestros pies circulan grandes energías, fuerzas que en cualquier momento....

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-07T09:13+0100fijitimes (en)

SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country’s recent history.

Cuban President regrets human and material losses from fire in Chile

2023-02-07T06:49+0100cubasi (en)

Havana, Feb 6 (RHC) The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel said Monday that the Antillean nation stands in solidarity with the people and government of Chile for the loss of human and material lives caused by the....

Statement by President Michael D. Higgins on forest fires in Chile Mon 6th Feb, 2023 | 17:12

2023-02-07T05:40+0100president-ie (en)

Statement by President Michael D. Higgins on forest fires in Chile Date: Mon 6th Feb, 2023 | 17:12. “May I, as President of Ireland and on behalf of the Irish people, extend my sympathies to the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and to all those who have lost loved ones or are struggling as a....

Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-07T05:17+0100urdupoint (en)

Santa Juana, Chile , Feb 7 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 7th Feb, 2023 ) :The kitten "was rolled into a ball" and had "his paws deformed and his little face burned," said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the settlements hardest hit by devastating forest fires in this past week.

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-07T05:00+0100chinadailyhk (en)

An aerial view of the site of the forest fire in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on Feb 6, 2023. (PHOTO / AFP) SANTIAGO - Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are....

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-07T04:42+0100inquirer (en)

SANTIAGO — Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country’s recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000....

Government confirms arrival of a new tanker plane managed by the Luksic family: loads 11,000 liters | National

2023-02-07T04:08+0100archyde (en)

A new high-capacity plane to fight forest fires will arrive in Chile . The aircraft managed by a Luksic Group foundation will land on Chilean soil next Saturday, as confirmed by the Minister of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, confirmed that a new tanker plane will arrive....

Firefighters rest after efforts to put out a fire today, in Santa Juana, Biobío Region (Chile)

2023-02-07T03:52+0100telesurenglish (en)

"In the latest report, there are 26 deaths due to the fires, of which 18 correspond to the Biobío region (south), seven to La Araucanía (south) and one to Ñuble (south-central)," Senapred said in a statement. The agency did not specify the cause of death of the last two people.

26 killed as Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record, heatwave to continue

2023-02-07T03:51+0100indiatoday (en)

: Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres)....

Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-07T02:16+0100thesundaily (en)

SANTA JUANA : The kitten “was rolled into a ball” and had “his paws deformed and his little face burned,“ said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the settlements hardest hit by devastating forest fires in Chile this past week.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-07T01:50+0100extra-cw (en)

Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on Earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Biobio farming region said many houses in the area were reduced to ashes. “It is a miracle that some of the houses were spared,” Hernandez told AFP.

International help arrives for fire-hit Chile

2023-02-07T00:51+0100mb-com-ph (en)

CONCEPCION, Chile – International experts on Monday joined Chile’s frantic fight against devastating, drought-fueled forest fires that have killed 26 people, injured hundreds and destroyed more than 1,100 homes in less than a week. Firefighters take a break while trying to extinguish the forest....

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips12min

2023-02-07T00:09+0100presstv-ir (en)

A wildfire burns areas in Los Venados, San Jose de la Mariquina, near Valdivia, Chile , February 4, 2023. (Photo by Reuters) Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are....

Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-06T23:53+0100inquirer (en)

A man holds his dog that suffered burns during the forest fire, at an improvised medical care center for animals in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on February 5, 2023. Forest fires in south-central Chile have killed at least 24 people, injured 997 and completely destroyed 800 homes in five days, according to the last official reports.

International help arrives for fire-hit Chile

2023-02-06T23:30+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

A forest fire burns in Alto de Menque, Biobio Region, Chile , 05 February 2023. Ongoing forest fires in Chile have destroyed more than 45,000 hectares of land since December 2022, mainly in the regions of Nuble, Biobio and La Araucania, areas of intense agricultural and forestry activity located....

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-06T23:06+0100japantoday (en)

Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres) of....

06/02/2023 Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-06T22:55+0100rfi-en (en)

Santa Juana ( Chile ) (AFP) – The kitten "was rolled into a ball" and had "his paws deformed and his little face burned," said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the settlements hardest hit by devastating forest fires in Chile this past week.

Makeshift Clinic Saving Pets Burned In Chile Forest Fires

2023-02-06T22:55+0100barrons (en)

The kitten "was rolled into a ball" and had "his paws deformed and his little face burned," said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the settlements hardest hit by devastating forest fires in Chile this past week.

Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires

2023-02-06T22:52+0100digitaljournal (en)

The kitten “was rolled into a ball” and had “his paws deformed and his little face burned,” said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the settlements hardest hit by devastating forest fires in Chile this past week.


2023-02-06T22:50+0100nampa (en)

Makeshift clinic saving pets burned in Chile forest fires =(Picture+Video)= Santa Juana, Chile, Feb 6, 2023 (AFP) - The kitten "was rolled into a ball" and had "his paws deformed and his little face burned," said Carolina Gonzalez, a volunteer at a make-shift clinic in Santa Juana, one of the....

Death Toll From Forest Fires in Chile Rises to 26 - Interior Minister

2023-02-06T21:21+0100wn (en)

BUENOS AIRES (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 07th February, 2023) The death toll from forest fires in southern Chile has risen to 26 people, Interior Minister Carolina Toha said on Monday. Earlier reports said forest fires had resulted in 22 deaths.

Forest fires in Chile without control: 24 dead, more than 280 active sources and they send a “super plane” to fight them

2023-02-06T21:15+0100thetimeshub (en)

The Chile an government declared a state of catastrophe in the Araucanía region. By. Cristián Torresfrom Santiago, Chile Volunteers carry supplies for firefighters near a forest fire in Puren, Chile, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) The Chilean government declared a state of....

Death Toll From Forest Fires in Chile Rises to 26 - Interior Minister

2023-02-06T20:47+0100urdupoint (en)

BUENOS AIRES (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 07th February, 2023) The death toll Carolina Toha said on Monday. Earlier reports said forest fires had resulted in 22 deaths. "As of now, 26 people have died ," she said in a statement, posted on the country's disaster management service's The minister....

24 people killed as Chile battles deadliest wildfires in country’s recent history

2023-02-06T20:34+0100foxnews (en)

Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history. , which have consumed 667,000 acres of land, have killed 24 people....

Cile: 80 roghi attivi, devastati ettari di terra

2023-02-06T19:59+0100ilmetropolitano-it (it)

Da cinque giorni il Cile è devastato da roghi, le fiamme sembrano non placarsi, 40 i morti e un migliaio di feriti, 800 abitazioni sono state distrutte. Il fuoco ha fatto sparire 40.000 ettari di boschi, sottoboschi e pascoli, questi sono i dati che sono stati forniti dal Servizio nazionale di....

Chile firefighters battle blazes as amid warning that wildfires could get worse

2023-02-06T19:57+0100wn (en)

Fires have burned 270,000 hectares and killed 24 in south-central region as mega drought fuels second worst fire year on record Chile an firefighters are battling to hold back forest fires as authorities warned that persistent hot and dry weather could potentially exacerbate what are already....

Chile firefighters battle blazes as amid warning that wildfires could get worse

2023-02-06T19:34+0100guardian (en)

Chile an firefighters are battling to hold back forest fires as authorities warned that persistent hot and dry weather could potentially exacerbate what are already the deadliest blazes in the country’s recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres) of land, have....

Chile Wildfires Spread amid Heat Wave as Death Toll Rises

2023-02-06T18:40+0100claimsjournal (en)

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chile extended an emergency declaration to yet another region on Saturday as firefighters struggled to control dozens of raging wildfires that have claimed at least 22 lives amid a scorching heat wave that has broken records. The government declared a state of catastrophe in....

At least 23 dead in dozens of wildfires in Chile – Reuters Canada

2023-02-06T18:00+0100newsbeezer (en)

At least 23 dead in dozens of wildfires in Chile Reuters Canada; According to official figures, at least 22 people have died in forest fires in Chile CNN; At least 22 dead in fight against runaway wildfires in Chile abc news; Deadly wildfires sweep across Chile | DW News DW News; Wildfires in Chile....

Death Toll In Chile Forest Fires Rises To 23

2023-02-06T18:00+0100channelstv (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips Fabian Cambero |Updated 20 minutes ago |2 min read By Fabian Cambero SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially....

2023-02-06T17:55+0100thechronicleherald (en)

By Fabian Cambero. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-06T17:52+0100straitstimesSG (en)

SANTIAGO - Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country’s recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000....

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-06T17:48+0100gazette (en)

By Fabian Cambero. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

Chile Battles Deadliest Wildfires on Record as Heatwave Grips

2023-02-06T17:38+0100usnews (en)

FILE PHOTO: Trees can be seen after a wildfire burned areas in Santa Juana, near Concepcion, Chile , February 5, 2023. REUTERS/Juan Gonzalez Reuters SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this....

Il Cile combatte contro gli incendi selvaggi più letali del record, mentre l'ondata di calore lo attanaglia

2023-02-06T17:32+0100marketscreener (it)

I vigili del fuoco cileni hanno lottato per contenere gli incendi forestali lunedì, mentre le autorità hanno dichiarato che il clima caldo e secco continuerà questa settimana, potenzialmente aggravando quelli che sono già i roghi più letali nella storia recente del Paese. Gli incendi, che hanno consumato 270.

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-06T17:30+0100reuters (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips

2023-02-06T17:29+01004-traders (en)

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile an firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country's recent history.

Chile-emergency-fire-survivors SCENE-CORRECTION

2023-02-06T16:01+0100nampa (en)

CORRECTED: Chile ans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return By Pablo ROJAS =(Picture+Video)= ATTENTION - CORRECTION: CORRECTS name of region in para 2: Biobio not Bobio as sent /// Santa Juana, Chile, Feb 6, 2023 (AFP) - Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central....

A brigade of 157 Mexicans is in Chile to fight forest fires

2023-02-06T15:36+0100plenglish (en)

Mexico City, Feb 6 (Prensa Latina) A brigade of 157 Mexican experts in forest fires is already operating in Chile on Monday, which was sent at the request of the authorities of the southern country. The group consisted of a 30-member contingent from the National Commission against forest fires and 127 from the Mexican Army and Air Force.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T13:32+0100terradaily (en)

Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on Earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in the area were reduced to ashes. "It is a miracle that some of the houses were spared," Hernandez told AFP.

Un segundo terremoto volvió a sacudir Turquía tras el devastador sismo que dejó al menos 1400 muertos

2023-02-06T13:15+0100misionesonline (es)

Otro fuerte temblor se registró pasadas las 10 de la mañana a 80 kilómetros del que se produjo en horas de la madrugada en Turquía. Hay un intenso operativo de búsqueda de sobrevivientes en ciudades y pueblos de las zonas afectadas. Otro fuerte temblor se registró pasadas las 10 de la mañana a 80....

Devastanti incendi in Cile, regioni intere avvolte da fumo e fiamme

2023-02-06T13:11+0100iconaclima (it)

Il Cile è alle prese con un’ emergenza incendi, scatenata da siccità e caldo estremo: il Paese sta affrontando una intensa ondata di caldo, e una prolungata siccità, fenomeni che stanno favorendo la propagazione di numerosi incendi. Più di 20 le vittime ad oggi confermate, mentre si contano oltre 1000 feriti.

The European Union offered its help to Chile to deal with the wave of fires

2023-02-06T10:47+0100thetimeshub (en)

The emergency has left 24 dead, more than a thousand injured, thousands of houses destroyed, nearly 45,000 hectares burned and losses estimated at millions. < /i> Volunteers carry supplies for firefighters near a forest fire in Puren, Chile , Saturday, February 4, 2023.

España activa a la UME por si tiene que trasladarse al terremoto de Turquía

2023-02-06T10:23+0100eldebate (es)

El Gobierno de España ha activado los sistemas de ayuda internacional ante la posibilidad de tener que enviarlos para colaborar en el terremoto que este lunes se ha registrado en y que ya ha causado cientos de muertos. El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez , que ha calificado este terremoto....

Heatwave hits Chile: Hundreds of forest fires blaze, kill more than 1,000

2023-02-06T09:56+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-06T08:56:07.326Z. According to Agence France-Presse, the Chile an authorities announced on the 5th local time that due to the heat wave sweeping through the central and southern regions, hundreds of forest fires have occurred in the country, killing 24 people in five days, injuring 997 people and destroying 800 houses.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T08:48+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. The inferno has so far claimed the lives of 24 people. – AFP pic, February 6, 2023. MARIA Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on Earth.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T08:20+0100enca (en)

SANTA JUANA - Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on Earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in the area were reduced to ashes.

24 dead and 10 arrested by fires in Chile

2023-02-06T08:19+0100archyde (en)

There are 260 fires ravaging the South American nation, of which 148 are already under control. AP | Work is also underway to send aid from Mexico, Colombia or Brazil, among other countries. The forest fires that have ravaged southern Chile with force since Thursday have caused the death of 24....

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T08:04+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Santa Juana, Chile : Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on Earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in the area were reduced to ashes.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T06:56+0100wn (en)

Santa Juana, Chile , Feb 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Feb, 2023 ) :Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said....

Chile: violent fires continue to rage, at least 24 dead

2023-02-06T06:46+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-06T05:44:15.113Z. In Chile , violent fires have left at least 24 dead and more than 1,182 injured. The flames have devoured three regions in the south of the country, where the heat wave and the drought are hitting hard.… Chile: violent fires continue to rage, at least 24 dead.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T06:07+0100urdupoint (en)

Santa Juana, Chile , Feb 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Feb, 2023 ) :Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in he area were reduced to ashes.

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-06T05:07+0100iraqinews (en)

Concepción – Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed....

23 people die in Chile forest fires

2023-02-06T04:48+0100wn (en)

CONCEPCION: At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said on Saturday night. said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Mon­salve, adding that 979 people have been....

Wildfires in Chile torch forests, kill 24 | In Pics

2023-02-06T04:46+0100indiatoday (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000....

23 people die in Chile forest fires

2023-02-06T04:27+0100dawn (en)

CONCEPCION: At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said on Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Mon­salve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

10 arrested for arson as 260 fires burn and dozens of people die in Chile

2023-02-06T04:11+0100whatsnew2day (en)

Chile an authorities have detained 10 people accused of starting deadly forest fires, a government official said. The fires, fueled by intense heat and dry winds, have left 24 dead and more than 1,000 injured, and those who started them could have dire consequences, Interior Ministry Undersecretary....

Chileans Who Survived Deadly Forest Fire Fear Flames Will Return

2023-02-06T04:11+0100ibtimes (en)

A man holds a dog rescued from a forest fire in the town of Santa Juana, Chile AFP. Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in he area were reduced to ashes.

Chileans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return

2023-02-06T04:08+0100digitaljournal (en)

Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on earth. The 55-year-old social worker in the town of Santa Juana in the hard-hit Bobio farming region said many houses in he area were reduced to ashes. “It is a miracle that some of the houses were spared,” Hernandez told AFP.

Chile-emergency-fire-survivors SCENE

2023-02-06T04:03+0100nampa (en)

Chile ans who survived deadly forest fire fear flames will return By Pablo ROJAS =(Picture+Video)= Santa Juana, Chile, Feb 6, 2023 (AFP) - Maria Ines Hernandez described forest fires ravaging central Chile with the death so far of 24 people as hell on earth.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-06T04:01+0100dailytimesPK (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

More than 20 dead in dozens of fires in Chile

2023-02-06T03:15+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-06T02:14:00.702Z. The state of emergency is in effect in three regions of Chile hard hit by dozens of forest fires. The provisional toll was Sunday evening of 24 dead and nearly a thousand injured. Firefighters fought Sunday, February 5 against dozens of forest fires that broke out in....

Chile Forest Fires: Death Toll Reaches 24, Hundreds Left without Homes

2023-02-06T03:03+0100wn (en)

The forest fires in Chile have razed....

Chile Forest Fires: Death Toll Reaches 24, Hundreds Left without Homes

2023-02-06T02:28+0100news18 (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-06T00:36+0100malaymail (en)

CONCEPCIÓN, Feb 6 — Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fuelled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-06T00:33+0100themalaymailonline (en)

CONCEPCIÓN, Feb 6 — Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fuelled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires....

Chile forest fire death toll rises to 24; hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T23:30+0100japantoday (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000 hectares in a....

Desastre ambiental. Lluvia de cenizas y fuego feroz: aumentan a 24 los muertos por los incendios forestales en Chile

2023-02-05T22:51+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Mientras el presidente Gabriel Boric viajó este domingo a la región del Biobío para asistir al velorio de Yesenia Muñoz , una bombera voluntaria fallecida el viernes en pleno combate por los incendios, el subsecretario del Interior, Manuel Monsalve , entregó un nuevo balance de la situación de los....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T22:45+0100techcodex (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T22:31+0100wn (en)

Concepci�n, Chile , Feb 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Feb, 2023 ) :Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile, authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T22:24+0100samacharcentral (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T22:04+0100urdupoint (en)

Concepci�n, Chile , Feb 6 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 6th Feb, 2023 ) :Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T21:55+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Concepción, Chile : Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile, authorities said on Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires....

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T21:36+0100digitaljournal (en)

Forest fires have killed 24 people, injured nearly 1,000 and destroyed 800 homes in five days as a blistering heat wave grips south-central Chile , authorities said Sunday. Fueled by strong winds and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), hundreds of fires have razed some 270,000....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T21:22+0100nation (en)

CONCEPCION-At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said late Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

Chile forest fire toll rises, hundreds left homeless

2023-02-05T21:21+0100guardian-ng (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. – At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said Saturday night.

Colombia will send a plane to Chile to help fight the fires

2023-02-05T19:59+0100breakinglatest (en)

Forest fires in Chile have already claimed twenty fatalities and left more than 200 families homeless. Colombia will send help. “We will send a plane to Chile with material and people who are experts in putting out forest fires” Colombian President Gustavo Petro said this Sunday in a message on his....

Spain To Support Containment Of Forest Fires In Chile

2023-02-05T19:00+0100telesurenglish (en)

On Sunday, President Pedro Sanchez announced that a Spanish Armed Forces Military Emergency Unit (UME) brigade will travel to Chile to help extinguish massive forest fires. RELATED: "We want to give all our support to the Chilean people," Sanchez stated, recalling that the UME team will bring the....

Chile forest fires toll rises to 23

2023-02-05T18:25+0100newagebd (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on Saturday. — AFP photo. At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said on Saturday night.

Death toll climbs to 23 as heat fans forest fires in Chile

2023-02-05T18:24+0100wn (en)

AFP, CONCEPCION, Chile At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in Chile, a senior government official said on Saturday night. Chilean Deputy Minister of the Interior Manuel Monsalve....

At least 23 dead, nearly 1,000 injured as forest fires rage in Chile

2023-02-05T18:02+0100wn (en)

Posted 2023-02-05, Marietta Daily Journal Rio de Janeiro — At least 23 people have died due to devastating forest fires raging in Chile , officials said.A further 10 people are missing in the Santa Juana municipality in the region of Bío Bío, some 500 kilometres south ......

Death toll climbs to 23 as heat fans forest fires in Chile 2023-02-06 At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in Chile, a senior government official said on Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” Chilean Deputy Minister....

2023-02-05T17:20+0100taipeitimes (en)

Temperatures soared to 40°C, hindering efforts to contain the fires, many of which raged out of control. Boric, who suspended a holiday to rush to the city of Concepcion, 510km south of the capital, Santiago, wrote on Twitter that he would keep working “to confront the forest fires and to help families.

Chile Extends State Of Disaster As Forest Fires Continue To Spread

2023-02-05T16:45+0100barrons (en)

The Chile an government extends a state of disaster to include the region of Araucania as hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south-central Chile. The regions of Nuble and Biobio were already under a disaster designation. The death toll in forest fires raging through....

A State of emergency declared in the two regions after wildfires swept through 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) of land.

2023-02-05T16:31+0100saudigazette (en)

BUENOS AIRES — The death toll from wildfires raging in south-central Chile has increased to 22 with over 500 people having been injured, Interior Minister Carolina Toha was quoted by Sputnik News Agency. “A total of 554 people were injured, 16 of them in serious condition and 22 people have died,”....

Watch: Chile's emergency services battle deadly forest fires

2023-02-05T16:18+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 23, officials said on Saturday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province. The fires, sparked by a devastating heatwave, have threatened several rural towns, destroying at least 88....

Spain sends emergency aid to Chile due to fires

2023-02-05T16:14+0100plenglish (en)

Madrid, Feb 5 (Prensa Latina) Spain sent to Chile a contingent of the Military Emergency Unit (UME), to help in the tasks of fire extinction and control. The southern nation is currently suffering the scourge of a wave of forest fires that are keeping the Chilean population on edge.

At least 23 deaths confirmed as a result of fires in Chile

2023-02-05T16:12+0100cubasi (en)

Santiago de Chile , February 5 (RHC)-- The Chilean government confirmed early Sunday morning that at least 23 people have died as a result of the forest fires reported in the regions of Bío Bío, Ñuble and La Araucanía, while 554 people were injured. The Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá,....

5 feb 2023, 14:14 Carlo Migliore Emergenza incendi in Cile, apocalisse di fuoco uccide decine di persone. Foto e video

2023-02-05T15:03+01003bmeteo (it)

Emergenza incendi in Cile, apocalisse di fuoco uccide decine di persone. Foto e video. Emergenza incendi in Cile, apocalisse di fuoco uccide decine di persone. Foto e video. Decine di migliaia di ettari inceneriti e dozzine di vittime. Cronaca mondo - Incendi devastano il Cile, decine di vittime.

Watch: Chile's emergency services battle deadly forest fires

2023-02-05T14:29+0100euronews-en (en)

The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 23, officials said on Saturday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province. The fires, sparked by a devastating heatwave, have threatened several rural towns, destroying at least 88....

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T13:51+0100timesofoman (en)

Santiago: Forest fires in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people have also been injured in the fires caused by a scorching summer heat wave. The fires in south-central Chile have also forced more than 1,100 people to seek refuge in shelters.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-05T13:40+0100gulfnews (en)

People fight a fire in Puren, Araucania region, Chile on February 4, 2023. - Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires. Image Credit: AFP. The government of President Gabriel Boric extended a state of disaster to include the southern region of Araucania.

At least 23 killed, hundreds injured in deadly Chile forest fires

2023-02-05T13:09+0100dailysabah (en)

At least 23 people have died and 1,000 others injured as hundreds of forest fires ripped through south-central Chile over the weekend. The deadly fires were whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in the region, a senior government official said late Saturday.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-05T12:25+0100wn (en)

Concepcion, Chile , Feb 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, 2023 ) :At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said Saturday night.

Chile forest fires kill 16, destroy 88 homes: Officials

2023-02-05T12:10+0100almayadeen-en (en)

Firefighters work to extinguish flames alongside a road near Nacimiento, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023 (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) The forest fires raging through southern Chile have resulted in 16 deaths so far, raising the number by three from the toll announced late Friday, officials said Saturday.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-05T11:55+0100urdupoint (en)

Concepcion, Chile , Feb 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, 2023 ) :At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering official said Saturday night. "We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons," said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been in the fires.

Cile, è emergenza incendi: 23 morti e migliaia di ettari in fumo

2023-02-05T11:43+0100notizieinunclick (it)

Sono almeno 23 i morti nelle centinaia di incendi che stanno distruggendo le foreste nel centro-sud in Cile, dove le temperature hanno raggiunto i 40 gradi. l’estate australe è infatti particolarmente torrida in Sudamerica, dove si stanno vivendo le stesse emergenze climatiche dovute a picchi di....

Decenas de muertos por incendios forestales en Chile

2023-02-05T11:39+0100tiempo-es (es)

Chile ha declarado estado de desastre en varias regiones del centro-sur después de que una devastadora ola de calor provocara incendios forestales que dejaron, al menos, 23 muertos, según cifras provisionales. Algunos de los incendios siguen propagándose sin control Hace 3 horas 4 min Imágenes del....

Chile wildfires leave at least 22 people dead, officials say

2023-02-05T10:51+0100egyptindependent (en)

At least 22 people have died in connection with widespread forest fires in south-central Chile , according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead. There are 1,429 people in shelters, 554 injured and 16 suffering....

At least 22 dead as forest fires rage in Chile

2023-02-05T10:41+0100wn (en)

Posted 2023-02-05, Marietta Daily Journal Rio de Janeiro — At least 22 people have died as a result of devastating forest fires currently raging in Chile , officials said.At least 10 further people are missing in the Santa Juana municipality in the region of Bío Bío, ......

Chile seeks int’l help to fight sweeping forest fires

2023-02-05T10:41+0100wn (en)

Chile 's government called for international help on Saturday (February 4) as firefighters struggled to contain deadly forest fires that have been tearing through central and southern parts of the country since late last week. ......

Almeno 23 persone sono morte a causa di numerosi incendi boschivi in Cile

2023-02-05T10:34+0100ilpost (it)

Almeno 23 persone sono morte a causa di più di 200 incendi boschivi che in questi giorni stanno bruciando nel centro del Cile, nelle regioni di Araucanía, Bío Bío e Nuble. Il governo cileno ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza in tutte e tre le regioni.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T10:30+0100palestinewater (en)

Photo: Volunteers carry supplies for firefighters near trees burning in Puren, Chile , late Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions.

Chile wildfires leave at least 22 people dead, officials say

2023-02-05T10:28+0100digitpatrox (en)

At the very least 22 folks have died in reference to widespread forest fires in south-central Chile , based on authorities officers. Inside Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed throughout a information convention on Saturday that 22 persons are lifeless. There are 1,429 folks in shelters, 554 injured and....

Death toll from Chile wildfires surpasses 20

2023-02-05T09:55+0100urdupoint (en)

Buenos Aires, , Feb 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Feb, 2023 ) :The death toll from wildfires raging in south-central Chile has increased to 22; over 500 people have been "554 people were injured , 16 of them in serious condition and 22 people 's disaster management authority quoted Toha....

23 people dead in Chile's raging wildfires

2023-02-05T09:48+0100wn (en)

Forest fires in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people have also been injured in the fires caused by a scorching summer heat wave. The fires in south-central Chile have also forced more than 1,100 people to seek refuge in shelters.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T09:38+0100digitpatrox (en)

At the least 23 folks have died in a whole bunch of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering warmth wave in south central Chile , a senior authorities official has mentioned. “We wish to mourn the passing of 23 individuals,” mentioned Deputy Inside Minister Manuel Monsalve, including that 979 folks have been injured within the fires.

Death Toll In Chile Forest Fires Rises To 22

2023-02-05T09:36+0100wn (en)

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Santiago: The death toll in forest fires raging through Chile has risen to 22. The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service in Chile said that there were 251 ... ......

No: 39, 4 February 2023, Press Release Regarding the Forest Fires in Chile (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey)

2023-02-05T09:15+0100wn (en)

) We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries as a result of forest fires that broke out in Chile . We extend our heartfelt condolences to the friendly people and the Government of Chile as well as to....

Chile seeks int'l help to fight sweeping forest fires

2023-02-05T09:09+01004-traders (en)

STORY: Interior Minister Carolina Toha said the government is asking for support such as firefighting equipment from countries including Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, after at least 22 deaths were reported from the devastating fires that have also destroyed some 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) of land.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T08:56+0100guardian-ng (en)

Men remove debris from houses destroyed by a forest fire in the hills of Tome, Concepcion province, Biobio region, Chile on February 4, 2023. – Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday.

Death toll from Chile wildfires surpasses 20

2023-02-05T08:50+0100almayadeen-en (en)

The death toll from wildfires raging in south-central Chile has risen to 23, with more than 500 people injured, according to the country's Interior Minister. Burning embers of the Beckwourth Complex Fire, in Doyle, Calif., on July 9, 2021. (AFP) The death toll from wildfires raging in south-central....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T08:38+0100RTERadio (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official has said. "We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons," said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T08:32+0100wn (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official has said. said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

World Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-05T08:27+0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official CONCEPCION, Chile At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering class='cf'> Interior Minister Carolina Toha said of 251 active fires, 76 ignited within the past day.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-05T07:58+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Santiago: The death toll in forest fires raging through Chile has risen to 22. The National Disaster Prevention and Response Service in Chile said that there were 251 active fires, 80 of them out of control. At least 24 people have been injured. The fires, sparked by a devastating heat wave, have....

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T07:50+0100wn (en)

Forest fires in Chile , sparked amid a scorching summer heat wave, have killed one firefighter and injured at least eight others. Three regions have declared states of emergency ......

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T07:40+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

Forest fires in Chile , sparked amid a scorching summer heat wave, have killed one firefighter and injured at least eight others. Three regions have declared states of emergency in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-05T07:34+0100brecorder (en)

CONCEPCION: At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T07:31+0100deutschewelle-el (en)

Forest fires in Chile , sparked amid a scorching summer heat wave, have killed one firefighter and injured at least eight others. Three regions have declared states of emergency in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people....

Death toll from Chile wildfires surpasses 20

2023-02-05T07:30+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Feb. 05 (MNA) – The death toll from wildfires raging in south-central Chile has gone up to 23, while over 500 people have been injured, the country's Interior Minister Carolina said. "554 people were injured, 16 of them are in serious condition...

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T07:28+0100citizen (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile , a senior government official said Saturday night. “We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons,” said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve, adding that 979 people have been injured in the fires.

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T07:12+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Forest fires in Chile , sparked amid a scorching summer heat wave, have killed one firefighter and injured at least eight others. Three regions have declared states of emergency in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people....

Wildfires burn Chilean forests, killing 23

2023-02-05T07:09+0100deutschewelle-ro (en)

Forest fires in Chile , sparked amid a scorching summer heat wave, have killed one firefighter and injured at least eight others. Three regions have declared states of emergency in Chile have killed 23 people, authorities said on Saturday. Deputy Interior Minister Manuel Monsalve said 979 people....

Firefighters Battle Blaze in Laja as Deadly Fires Spread Across South-Central Chile

2023-02-05T06:49+0100news_com_au (en)

At least 23 people were killed as a result of wildfires raging across south-central Chile , local reports citing the Interior Ministry said on Saturday, February 4. Multiple evacuation notices were in place across the Maule, Bio Bio, Nuble, and Araucania regions, according to reports.

Firefighters Battle Blaze in Laja as Deadly Fires Spread Across South-Central Chile

2023-02-05T06:47+0100qt (en)

At least 23 people were killed as a result of wildfires raging across south-central Chile , local reports citing the Interior Ministry said on Saturday, February 4. Multiple evacuation notices were in place across the Maule, Bio Bio, Nuble, and Araucania regions, according to reports.

Cile, è emergenza incendi: 23 morti e migliaia di ettari in fumo. Picchi di temperature a 40 gradi

2023-02-05T06:46+0100rainews (it)

Sono almeno 23 i morti nelle centinaia di incendi che stanno distruggendo le foreste nel centro-sud in Cile , dove le temperature hanno raggiunto i 40 gradi . L’estate australe è infatti particolarmente torrida in Sudamerica, dove si stanno vivendo le stesse emergenze climatiche dovute a picchi di....

Dozens of wildfires in Chile forests leave at least 23 dead

2023-02-05T06:36+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

: Dozens of wildfires blazing through Chile caused the government to extend an emergency order to another region on Saturday, as a scorching summer heat wave complicates efforts to control fires that have claimed at least 23 lives so far. More than 1,100 people have sought refuge in shelters while....

Dozens of wildfires in Chile forests leave at least 23 dead

2023-02-05T06:25+0100indiatoday (en)

: Dozens of wildfires blazing through Chile caused the government to extend an emergency order to another region on Saturday, as a scorching summer heat wave complicates efforts to control fires that have claimed at least 23 lives so far. More than 1,100 people have sought refuge in shelters while....

Türkiye extends condolences for deadly forest fires in Chile

2023-02-05T06:21+0100aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL. Türkiye extended condolences Saturday for deadly forest fires in Chile . "We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries as a result of forest fires that broke out in Chile," said a Foreign Ministry statement. "We extend our heartfelt condolences to the friendly people and the....

Chile battles forest fires as death toll rises to 23

2023-02-05T06:17+0100cgtn (en)

At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires that have broken out in south-central Chile . The government has extended an emergency order to multiple regions, but a blistering heatwave has complicated control efforts. Officials said the fires have destroyed at least 88 homes and have swept through 47,000 hectares of forest.

22 killed in Chile wildfires, say officials

2023-02-05T05:37+0100mid-day (en)

The death toll in widespread forest fires in south-central Chile has increased to 22, according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Toha confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead, reported CNN. "There are 1,429 people in shelters, 554 injured and 16....

Death Toll Of Forest Fires In Chile Climbs To 22 - Minister

2023-02-05T05:26+0100wn (en)

(MENAFN - Trend News Agency) At least 22 individuals died because of forest fires in central and southern regions of Chile , Minister of Interior Carolina Toha said at the press conference streamed ... ......

Photos: Raging wildfires advance as heatwave hits Chile

2023-02-05T05:13+0100gulfnews (en)

Dozens of wildfires blazing though Chile caused the government to extend an emergency order to another region on Saturday, as a scorching summer heat wave complicates efforts to control fires that have claimed at least 23 lives so far. Image Credit: AFP.

The death toll rises in fire-stricken Chile

2023-02-05T05:10+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-05T04:07:49.853Z. At least 23 people have died and 979 have been injured in connection with the forest fires raging in Chile . Several countries have offered support to fight over 230 fires. Around 2,300 firefighters are fighting to put down a total of 232 fires that were still raging on....

Türkiye extends condolences for deadly forest fires in Chile

2023-02-05T05:03+0100wn (en)

Türkiye extended condolences Saturday for deadly forest fires in Chile . "We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries as a result of forest fires that We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries as a result of forest fires that broke out in....

Official: Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T04:59+0100malaymail (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 5 — At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said last night. Monsalve said 232 wildfires were still active yesterday, including 16 that began earlier in the day.

Official: Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23

2023-02-05T04:58+0100themalaymailonline (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 5 — At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said last night. Monsalve said 232 wildfires were still active yesterday, including 16 that began earlier in the day.

Residents Evacuated as Deadly Wildfires Spread Across Central Chile

2023-02-05T04:56+0100qt (en)

Police evacuated residents from a town in the region of Araucanía, Chile , as crews worked to contain dozens of deadly forest fires in the region on February 4, the country’s National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED) said. Local reports citing Chile’s Deputy Interior Minister....

Residents Evacuated as Deadly Wildfires Spread Across Central Chile

2023-02-05T04:55+0100news_com_au (en)

Police evacuated residents from a town in the region of Araucanía, Chile , as crews worked to contain dozens of deadly forest fires in the region on February 4, the country’s National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED) said. Local reports citing Chile’s Deputy Interior Minister....

World News | 22 Killed in Chile Wildfires, Say Officials

2023-02-05T04:55+0100latestly (en)

Santiago [ Chile ], February 5 (ANI): The death toll in widespread forest fires in south-central Chile has increased to 22, according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Toha confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead, reported CNN.

22 killed in Chile wildfires, say officials

2023-02-05T04:43+0100aninews (en)

Santiago [ Chile ], February 5 (ANI): The death toll in widespread forest fires in south-central Chile has increased to 22, according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Toha confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead, reported CNN.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 23: official

2023-02-05T04:42+0100bssnews (en)

CONCEPCION, Chile , Feb 5, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - At least 23 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior government official said Saturday night. "We want to mourn the passing of 23 persons," said Deputy Interior Minister Manuel....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-05T04:26+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4. Officials say forest fires have destroyed at least 88 homes and swept through 47,000ha of woodland. – AFP pic, February 5, 2023. AT least 22 people have died in hundreds of....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: official

2023-02-05T04:00+0100iraqinews (en)

This satellite image from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch shows smoke (C) rising from fires in southern Chile on February 4, 2023. Concepcion – The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said Saturday.

Death Toll From Chile Wildfires Surpasses 20 - Interior Minister

2023-02-05T03:46+0100urdupoint (en)

22 people have died ," Toha told journalists on Saturday, as broadcast by Chile 's disaster management authority on On Friday, Chile 's disaster agency Senapred announced that at least 13 people had died amid forest fires razing through several regions, including Biobio, Nuble and La Araucania.

Chile asks for international support to fight forest fires as death toll nears two dozen

2023-02-05T03:40+0100wn (en)

Chile 's government called for international help on Saturday to fight the devastating forest fires ravaging thousands of hectares and killing nearly two dozen people. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said they are asking for support from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay after reporting 22 deaths from....

At least 23 dead in dozens of forest fires in Chile

2023-02-05T03:03+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-05T02:02:15.008Z. Dozens of forest fires raging through Chile have prompted the government to extend an emergency order to another region, while a scorching summer heat wave... Dozens of wildfires raging in. Chile have. prompted the government to extend an emergency order to another region,....

Chile wildfires leave at least 22 people dead, officials say

2023-02-05T02:44+0100wsvn (en)

(CNN) — At least 22 people have died in connection with widespread forest fires in south-central Chile , according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead. There are 1,429 people in shelters, 554 injured and 16....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-05T02:34+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

A brigade member of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) fights a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-05T02:13+0100mb-com-ph (en)

Cows rest during a fire in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday. JAVIER TORRES / AFP.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-05T01:23+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

Chile an firefighters work to extinguish a forest fire in Vina del Mar, Chile, 22 December 2022. The National Forest Corporation reported that 15 hectares have been affected. EPA-EFE/ADRIANA THOMASA/file. CONCEPCION, Chile At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a....

Official: Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-05T01:18+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 5 — At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior official said yesterday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said of 251 active fires, 76 ignited within the past day.

Five people dead in Chile forest fires caused by heatwave

2023-02-05T01:14+0100nation (en)

SANTIAGO- Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left at least five people dead, authorities said on Saturday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 29,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Official: Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-05T01:04+0100themalaymailonline (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 5 — At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior official said yesterday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said of 251 active fires, 76 ignited within the past day.

Official: Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-05T01:04+0100malaymail (en)

CONCEPCION ( Chile ), Feb 5 — At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior official said yesterday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said of 251 active fires, 76 ignited within the past day.

Chile wildfires leave at least 22 people dead, officials say

2023-02-05T00:27+0100wn (en)

At least 22 people have died in connection widespread forest fires in south-central Chile , according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead. There are 1,429 people in shelters, 554 injured and 16 suffering....

Javier Torres/AFP/Getty Images Chile wildfires leave at least 22 people dead, officials say

2023-02-05T00:14+0100cnn (en)

At least 22 people have died in connection widespread forest fires in south-central Chile , according to government officials. Interior Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed during a news conference on Saturday that 22 people are dead. There are 1,429 people in shelters, 554 injured and 16 suffering severe burns who are in serious condition, she said.

MIL-OSI Mediterranean: No: 39, 4 February 2023, Press Release Regarding the Forest Fires in Chile

2023-02-05T00:12+0100foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: Republic of Turkey. We are deeply saddened by the loss of lives and injuries as a result of forest fires that broke out in Chile . We extend our heartfelt condolences to the friendly people and the Government of Chile as well as to the families of those who lost their lives and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:49+0100tri-cityherald (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:48+0100theolympian (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:47+0100kansascity (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:46+0100fresnobee (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:46+0100bnd (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:45+0100idahostatesman (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:45+0100islandpacket (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:44+0100newsobserver (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:44+0100charlotteobserver (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

2023-02-04T23:44+0100heraldonline (en)

Dogs sit on land charred by wildfires in Santa Ana, Chile , Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. Forest fires are spreading in southern and central Chile, triggering evacuations and the declaration of a state of emergency in some regions. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix) Matias Delacroix AP SANTIAGO, Chile.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22

2023-02-04T23:42+0100punchng (en)

At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south-central Chile , a senior official said on Saturday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said out of 251 active fires, 76 were ignited within the past day.

Death toll climbs as hundreds of wildfires burn in Chile

2023-02-04T23:26+0100trtworld (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. (AFP) At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior official said.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-04T23:24+0100wn (en)

Concepcion, Chile (AFP) -- At least 22 people have died in hundreds of forest fires whipped up amid a blistering heat wave in south central Chile, a senior official said Saturday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said of 251 active fires, 76 ignited within the past day.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 22: official

2023-02-04T22:59+0100jamaicaobserver (en)

Brigade members of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) fight a fire in Nacimiento, Concepcion province, Chile on February 4, 2023. - Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday.

VIDEO | Chile requests intl. support to fight forest fires as death toll nears two dozen13min

2023-02-04T22:18+0100presstv-ir (en)

Chile 's government called for international help on Saturday to fight the devastating forest fires ravaging thousands of hectares and killing nearly two dozen people. Interior Minister Carolina Toha said they are asking for support from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay after reporting 22 deaths from....

Death Toll In Chile Forest Fires Rises To 16: Official

2023-02-04T20:58+0100wn (en)

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) AFP Concepcion: The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said on Saturday. That raised the number of deaths by ... ......

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: official

2023-02-04T20:23+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Concepcion: The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said on Saturday. That raised the number of deaths by three from the toll announced late on Friday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province, authorities said earlier.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: official

2023-02-04T20:22+0100tribuneonline (en)

Men remove debris from houses destroyed by a forest fire in the hills of Tome, Concepcion province, Biobio region, Chile on 4 February 2023. – Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: official

2023-02-04T20:09+0100enca (en)

The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said Saturday. That raised the number of deaths by three from the toll announced late Friday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province, authorities said earlier.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: Official

2023-02-04T19:54+0100channelnewsasia (en)

This satellite image from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch shows smoke (C) rising from fires in southern Chile on February 4, 2023 (Photo: NOAA/RAMMB/AFP/Handout) A man removes debris from a house in Tome, in southern Chile, on February....

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: official

2023-02-04T19:53+0100digitaljournal (en)

The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said Saturday. That raised the number of deaths by three from the toll announced late Friday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province, authorities said earlier.

Death toll in Chile forest fires rises to 16: Official

2023-02-04T19:44+0100alarabiya-en (en)

The death toll in forest fires raging through southern Chile has risen overnight to 16, officials said Saturday. That raised the number of deaths by three from the toll announced late Friday. Eleven of the deaths were in the town of Santa Juana, in Concepcion province, authorities said earlier.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T19:36+0100globodiroma (it)

Nell’ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati. Il Servizio nazionale di prevenzione e risposta per i disastri (Senapred) ha....

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T19:05+0100virgilio (it)

Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro - sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato....

Thirteen dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T18:56+0100enca (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:51+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 4 febbraio 2023) Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschi vi nel centro - sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre ...

Deadly forest fires in Chile, several regions in a state of disaster

2023-02-04T18:46+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-04T17:43:39.540Z. Since Friday, more than 200 fires have broken out in Chile , ravaging 40,000 hectares completely gone up in smoke. A final report on Saturday reported 16 dead. Many parts of the country have… At least 16 people have died in more than 250 forest fires in central Chile, where....

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:41+0100espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB – Nell’ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:39+0100larena (it)

(ANSA) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:36+0100tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:35+0100giornaledibrescia (it)

SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati. Il Servizio nazionale di prevenzione e risposta....

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:33+0100bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati.

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:33+0100lasicilia (it)

SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati. Il Servizio nazionale di prevenzione e risposta....

Cile: 16 morti per gli incendi, bruciati 40.000 ettari di boschi

2023-02-04T18:21+0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 04 FEB - Nell'ambito della grave emergenza in corso in Cile per incendi boschivi nel centro-sud del Paese, il numero dei morti è salito a 16, dopo che oggi le autorità hanno annunciato la scoperta di tre nuovi cadaveri carbonizzati.

Over Dozen People Dead in Chile Amid Wildfires - Senapred

2023-02-04T18:18+0100urdupoint (en)

SANTIAGO (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 04th February, 2023) At least 13 people have in south-central Chile amid forest fires razing through several regions, disaster management authority Senapred informs. "A total of 13 people have as a result of forest fires in the Biobio, Nuble and La Araucania regions," Senapred said in a Friday statement.

The death toll from the forest fires in Chile rose to 16

2023-02-04T17:46+0100thetimeshub (en)

The Government confirmed this Saturday the death of two people in the town of Purén. The flames have already destroyed more than 45,000 hectares in the center and south of the country. A resident tries to put out the fire during a forest fire in Santa Juana, near Concepcion, Chile , February 3, 2023. REUTERS/Juan Gonzalez.

Five people dead in Chile forest fires caused by heatwave

2023-02-04T17:17+0100urdupoint (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left at least five people dead, authorities said on Friday. Santiago, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 4th Feb, 2023 ) : Chile has declared a state of disaster....

WATCH: Forest fires leave at least 13 people dead and 100 houses affected in Chile

2023-02-04T16:47+0100euronews-en (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

There are at least 14 dead and a state of catastrophe has been declared

2023-02-04T14:55+0100archyde (en)

--55-81"> “We have to point out that there 13 deceased in total, 11 in the commune of Santa Juana, a Bolivian pilot and a Chile an mechanic who got into a helicopter that was on duty to fight this fire,” said Mauricio Tapia, deputy national director of the National Prevention and Response Service. before Disasters (Senapred).

Chile reports 13 deaths in raging wildfires

2023-02-04T14:26+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Feb. 04 (MNA) – At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires. As of Friday, 151 wildfires were raging, of which 65 were declared under control, DW reported.

13 dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T14:15+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post SANTIAGO (AFP): Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Forest fires leave 13 dead in Chile

2023-02-04T13:51+0100RTERadio (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heatwave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Chile: violent forest fires kill at least 13 people in the center of the country

2023-02-04T13:16+0100tellerreport (en)

Chile ans watch the forest burn in Santa Juana on February 3, 2023. AFP - JAVIER TORRES. Text by: RFI Follow. 2 mins. At least 13 people died Friday in more than 200 forest fires in central Chile, where an intense heat wave is raging, announced the authorities who declared several regions in a state of disaster.

Disastro ambientale, il Cile brucia: oltre duecento roghi nelle foreste del sud, il governo decreta lo stato di catastrofe

2023-02-04T13:12+0100greenme (it)

Catastrofe in Cile: oltre duecento roghi delle foreste del sud, un’emergenza incendi che finora ha devastato più di 29.000 ettari di terreni, danneggiando almeno 107 case e registrando al momento 13 morti e quasi 800 sfollati. Il governo del Cile ha decretato lo stato di catastrofe per l’emergenza....

Thirteen dead in Chile forest fires

2023-02-04T13:00+0100RTERadio (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said yesterday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Thirteen dead as Chile forest fires provoke state…

2023-02-04T12:31+0100techcodex (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Thirteen dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T11:35+0100phys (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Thirteen dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T11:11+0100samacharcentral (en)

Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave sparked forest fires that left at least 13 people dead, authorities said Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 47,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Chilean forest fires result in 13 fatalities, disaster-like situation

2023-02-04T09:44+0100pakobserver (en)

SANTIAGO: Following a disastrous heat wave that ignited forest fires that claimed the lives of at least 13 people, Chile has declared a state of calamity in various central-southern regions, according to officials. Since the flames started on Wednesday, more than 100 homes have been impacted and 47,000 hectares of forest have been destroyed.

13 Dead In Chile Forest Fires

2023-02-04T09:01+0100wn (en)

(MENAFN - Trend News Agency) At least 13 people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday, trend reports citing ... ......

13 people dead in Chile's raging wildfires

2023-02-04T07:41+0100wn (en)

At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires. Advertisement As of Friday, 151 wildfires were raging, of which 65....

13 killed in wildfires raging in Chile

2023-02-04T06:38+0100worldakkam (en)

SANTIAGO, February 4 (Bernama) — Thirteen people have died in south-central Chile as forest fires rage in several areas, disaster management agency Senapred said. “A total of 13 people have died as a result of forest fires in the Biobio, Nublé and La Araucania regions,” Senapred said in a statement on Friday, Sputnik reported.

Five people dead in Chile forest fires caused by heatwave

2023-02-04T06:29+0100iraqinews (en)

Santiago – Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left at least five people dead, authorities said on Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 29,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

Chile reports 13 deaths in raging wildfires

2023-02-04T06:21+0100deutschewelle-el (en)

Hit by a scorching heatwave, the South American country is struggling to contain fires that have engulfed 151 forests. At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires.

13 dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T06:18+0100newagebd (en)

View of a fire in Santa Juana, Concepcion province, Chile on February 3, 2023. Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left four people dead, authorities said on Friday. – AFP photo.

Chile reports 13 deaths in raging wildfires

2023-02-04T06:15+0100deutschewelle-ha (en)

Hit by a scorching heatwave, the South American country is struggling to contain fires that have engulfed 151 forests. At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires.

Chile reports 13 deaths in raging wildfires

2023-02-04T06:09+0100deutschewelle-ro (en)

Hit by a scorching heatwave, the South American country is struggling to contain fires that have engulfed 151 forests. At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires.

Chile reports 13 deaths in raging wildfires

2023-02-04T05:53+0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Hit by a scorching heatwave, the South American country is struggling to contain fires that have engulfed 151 forests. At least 13 people were reported dead on Friday as hundreds of wildfires across Chile wreaked havoc. The Chilean government has declared a state of disaster after a devastating heatwave sparked the forest fires.

13 dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T04:52+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

Chile declares a state of emergency in several central-southern regions after a heatwave, with temperatures reaching 40°C, sparks forest fires that have killed 13 people. – AFP pic, February 4, 2023. CHILE has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat....

At least 13 dead in forest fires in Chile

2023-02-04T04:50+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-02-04T03:49:14.739Z. At least 13 people have died as a result of more than 150 forest fires raging in Chile . The continuation of the heat wave hitting the country threatens to complicate the extinguishing work. Four of the victims died in two vehicles in the province of Biobío, about 560....

13 dead in Chile forest fires

2023-02-04T04:35+0100trendnews-az (en)

At least 13 people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday, reports citing Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters that four people had died in the commune of Santa Juana in the Biobio region, one of the....

Forest Fires in South-Central Chile Leave Four Dead - Gov.

2023-02-04T04:32+0100telesurenglish (en)

Para mantener la seguridad de los hogares y apoyar evacuación en zonas rurales afectadas por los incendios forestales, @Carabdechile continúa patrullajes preventivos en las regiones de Ñuble y Biobío. En conjunto enfrentamos la emergencia. pic.twitter.

Seven dead as Chile forest fires provoke state of disaster

2023-02-04T04:20+0100bssnews (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb 4, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - Chile has declared a state of disaster in several central-southern regions after a devastating heat wave provoked forest fires that left at least seven people dead, authorities said on Friday. More than 100 homes have been affected and 29,000 hectares of forest destroyed since the fires broke out on Wednesday.

5 dead in Chile forest fires

2023-02-04T03:56+0100wn (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least five people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters that four people had died in the commune of Santa Juana in the....

5 dead in Chile forest fires

2023-02-04T03:56+0100wn (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least five people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters that four people had died in the commune of Santa Juana in the Biobio region,....

5 dead in Chile forest fires (en)

SANTIAGO, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least five people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters that four people had died in the commune of Santa Juana in the Biobio region,....

5 dead in Chile forest fires

2023-02-04T03:32+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. SANTIAGO, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- At least five people died in southern Chile due to raging forest fires, which have consumed at least 8,333 hectares, official sources said Friday. Interior Minister Carolina Toha told reporters that four people had died in the commune of....

Chile: ¿cómo sería un terremoto en este país, según la inteligencia artificial?

2023-02-03T04:21+0100ElComercio (es)

Uno nunca lo sabe, pero siempre es bueno estar preparado ante un terremoto. Y más aún si se vive cerca del Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , zona recurrente de movimientos telúricos. Es por ello que en esta nota te mostraremos cómo sería un terremoto en Chile según la Inteligencia Artificial; además....

Por qué la pérdida de los humedales latinoamericanos es una amenaza ecológica mundial

2023-02-02T07:23+0100fmimpacto107 (es)

La Asociación Latinoamericana de Desalación y Reúso de Agua apuesta al reúso del agua y la desalación como una salida sostenible a la situación que se vive debido al cambio climático. En el Día Internacional de los Humedales, expertos explican por qué son fundamentales para el ecosistema Los....

Así sería un gran terremoto en Chile según la Inteligencia Artificial

2023-02-01T13:56+0100LaTercera (es)

Puestos en el caso de un terremoto de magnitud 9 en Santiago de Chile , “se esperaría una gran destrucción en la ciudad y sus alrededores”, asegura la proyección de la IA. “Las construcciones más antiguas y débiles podrían colapsar, causando daños humanos y materiales significativos”.

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