M 7.6 in Iran, Islamic Republic of from 12 Nov 2017 18:18 UTC to 18:18

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Deux forts séismes ressentis à l'est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 17:58:00 +0100la1ere (fr)

Deux heures du matin : réveillés en sursaut Il était 2h10 (heure locale) du matin, dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi lorsque la terre a de nouveau tremblé en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Sur la page Facebook de Nouvell-Calédonie 1ère, de nombreux habitants témoignent et racontent qu'ils ont été réveillés par la secousse.

Relief operations underway a week after devastating quake

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 17:48:00 +0100iran-daily (en)

Volunteers and Iran ian medical and rescue teams have raced to Kermanshah to treat the injured and help retrieve bodies and save those possibly trapped under rubble, Tasnim News Agency reported. On Sunday, the 7th day after the 7.3-magnitude earthquake, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani visited....

Gempa 4,7 SR Guncang Morotai, Tak Berpotensi Tsunami

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 16:02:00 +0100detikcom (id)

Jakarta - Gempa bumi berkekuatan 4,7 SR mengguncang wilayah Pulau Morotai, Maluku Utara. Gempa tidak berpotensi tsunami. Lokasi gempa berada pada kedalaman 10 km. Titik gempa bumi di 2.42 LU 128.12 BT. Pusat gempa berada di laut, tepatnya di 45 km baratlaut desa Daruba, Kecamatan Morotai Selatan, Kabupaten Pulau Morotai.

Continúan las labores de apoyo a la población en Irán tras devastador terremoto

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 15:12:00 +0100radiohc (es)

La Habana, 19 nov (RHC) El Ejército, el Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica y la Cruz Roja continúan este domingo las labores de apoyo a las víctimas del terremoto del pasado domingo en el oeste de Irán. Esas fuerzas están desplegadas en varias ciudades de la provincia occidental de....

زلزال قوته 6.4 درجة يضرب منطقة في المحيط الهادئ

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 15:11:00 +0100elwatannews (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، اليوم، إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.4 درجة هز منطقة في المحيط الهادئ تبعد 74 كيلومترا شرقي جزر لويالتي في كاليدونيا الجديدة-تجمع خاص تابع لفرنسا يقع في أوقيانوسيا في جنوب غرب المحيط الهادئ-موضحة أن الزلزال، الذي أشارت تقارير أولية إلى أن قوته 6.6 درجة، وقع الساعة في 8:25 مساء بالتوقيت المحلي على عمق 13 كيلومترا.

نشرة أخبار العالم.. إقالة موجابي من رئاسة الحزب الحاكم في زيمبابوي

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 15:07:00 +0100albawabhnews (ar)

أكدت مصادر دبلوماسية أمريكية، اليوم الأحد، أن وزير الدفاع الأمريكي جيمس ماتيس ، ورئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة في القوات المسلحة الجنرال جوزيف دانفورد، سيزوران العاصمة الباكستانية إسلام آباد، قريبا، لبحث سبل التعاون في الحرب ضد حركة طالبان ونقلت صحيفة "دون" الباكستانية، عن مصادر دبلوماسية رفضت الكشف عن....

Chile em cinco pontos Notícias - AFP - Internacional

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 15:02:00 +0100uol (pt)

Santiago, 19 Nov 2017 (AFP) - O Chile, que neste domingo vai às urnas nas eleições presidenciais, representa desde os anos 90 um polo de estabilidade política e dinamismo econômico na América Latina, depois de 17 anos sob o controle militar de Augusto Pinochet.

Terremoto oggi Parma/ INGV ultime scosse: sisma M 4.4 a Fornovo di Taro (19 novembre 2017, ore ...

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:52:00 +0100ilsussidiario (it)

Terremoto oggi Parma/ INGV ultime scosse: sisma M 4.4 a Fornovo di Taro (19 novembre 2017, ore 14.35) Terremoto oggi, ultime scosse INGV del 19 novembre 2017: dati, epicentro e ultime notizie. Emilia Romagna, scossa M 4.4 a Parma e provincia. Forte sisma M 6.4 in Nuova Caledonia 19 novembre 2017 - agg.

Forte scossa di terremoto avvertita al Centro/Nord [DATI e MAPPE INGV]></title><description><![CDATA[ 1/4 ...

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:47:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Forte terremoto scuote l’Italia: panico tra Parma, Genova, La Spezia e Reggio Emilia, scossa avvertita anche a Milano (Di domenica 19 novembre 2017) 1/7 ... : #Terremoto, forte scossa tra Emilia e Liguria: paura tra Parma e Genova, Marassi trema prima di #SampJuve [FOTO LIV… - : Terremoto, forte....

Sisma 6.4 magnitudo in Nuova Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:47:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di domenica 19 novembre 2017) ROMA, 19 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 é stata registrata oggi al largo della Nuova Caledonia , 74 chilometri a est di Tandine, ad una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri: lo rende noto l'... - scossa magnitudo 4.4 nel Parmense : 14.07 Un terremoto di magnitudo 4.

Locuri pe Pămînt, cel mai puternic supuse loviturilor stihiilor

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:46:00 +0100noi (ro)

Uraganele și inundațiile, cutremurele și incendiile forestiere: natura testează în mod regulat omenirea la cît de viabilă e și dacă are capacitățile necesare de a face față stihiilor dezlănțuite. Totodată, în diferite colțuri ale Planetei oamenii trebuie să se confrunte cu diferite manifestări ale acestora.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.4 sacude Nueva Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:43:00 +0100informador (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.4 sacudió hoy las Islas de la Lealtad , un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de víctimas, daños ni riesgo de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ), que vigila la....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:22:00 +0100dna-france (fr)

Ce dimanche, un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s’est produit dimanche au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Selon le centre américain de veille sismique, l’épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l’est des îles Loyauté, à 13 km de pr of ondeur. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans le Pacifique s'est montré....

TERREMOTO OGGI/ INGV ultime scosse: Emilia, sisma M 3.3 a Parma (ore 14, 19 novembre 2017)

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:22:00 +0100ilsussidiario (it)

Terremoto oggi, ultime scosse INGV del 19 novembre 2017: dati, epicentro e ultime notizie. Emilia Romagna, scossa M 3.3 a Parma e provincia. Forte sisma M 6.4 in Nuova Caledonia 19 novembre 2017 Terremoto oggi (Pixabay) Niccolò Magnani È di pochi minuti fa (alle ore 13.

Terremoto de 6,4 graus atinge território francês no pacífico

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:15:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Durante as últimas três semanas, a região se viu afetada por dezenas de terremotos, incluindo meia dúzia de magnitude superior a 6. Um terremoto de 6,4 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste domingo (19) as Ilhas da Lealdade, um arquipélago do território francês da Nova Caledônia, no pacífico Sul, sem....

شقيقتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول.. ماذا تنبأتا للعام 2018؟

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:08:00 +0100alalam-ir (ar)

تحدثت العرافتان الأميركيتان تيري وليندا جاميسون عمَّا سيحدث في العام 2018. الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول، قالتا أنَّ العام القادم سيشهد عدداً من الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقاً لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق، وأماكن العبادة والمدارس والمناسبات الرياضية والفنادق وأماكن الحفلات الموسيقية والمطارات.


Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:07:00 +0100pidp (en)

SUVA, Fiji (Fiji Times, Dec. 28) – Fiji’s ability to evacuate or take precautions against a major earthquake depends on the amount of time it has against how far it is from the earthquake's epicenter. Mineral Resources assistant director, Vijend Kumar said at the moment Fiji still has a long way to....

Sisma 6.4 magnitudo in Nuova Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:56:00 +0100lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

ROMA, 19 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 é stata registrata oggi al largo della Nuova Caledonia, 74 chilometri a est di Tandine, ad una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri: lo rende noto l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). Per ora non si hanno notizie di un rischio tsunami.

Об этом передает Геологическая служба США. Эпицентр подземных толчков находился в точке с координатами 21,524 градуса южной широты и 168,601 градуса восточной долготы. Об угрозе цунами не сообщается. Напомним, что Турция размещена в сейсмоактивной зоне, и землетрясения, которые нередко приводят к человеческим жертвам, тут происходят довольно часто.

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:45:00 +0100emigrados (ru)

В акватории Тихого океана в 304 км к востоку от японского города Кесеннума, расположенного на острове Хонсю, зарегистрировано землетрясение магнитудой 6,0. Об этом передает Геологическая служба США. Эпицентр подземных толчков находился в точке с координатами 21,524 градуса южной широты и 168,601 градуса восточной долготы.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة هز سواحل منطقة كاليدونيا الجديدة الفرنسية

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:44:00 +0100elnashra (ar)

الأحد 19 تشرين الثاني 2017 14:35 النشرة أخبار لبنان والشرق الأوسط النشرة الدولية https://files.elnashra.com/elnashra/imagine/pictures_120_96/cropped_3394600_1511095110.jpg أفادت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأميركية، بأنّ "زلزالاً بقوة 6.4 درجة على مقياس ريختر، هزّ سواحل منطقة كاليدونيا الجديدة الفرنسية....

زلزال بقوة 6.6 درجة يضرب منطقة قرب كاليدونيا الجديدة

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:44:00 +0100masrawy (ar)

عزيزي المستخدم. العائد من الإعلانات يمثل مصدر الربح الأساسي للموقع والعاملين به مما يساعدنا على البقاء مستقلين وحياديين حيث أننا غير تابعين لأي جهة حكومية أو حزب. لمساعدتنا على الإستمرار في إنتاج محتوى مهني صحفي حيادي غير موجه أو ممول نرجو إلغاء تفعيل مانع الإعلانات "AD Block".

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجات يهز أرخبيل كاليدونيا الجديدة

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:22:00 +0100hespress (ar)

ضرب زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجات اليوم جزر الولاء، وهي أرخبيل من الأراضي الفرنسية في كاليدونيا الجديدة الواقعة جنوب المحيط الهادئ، دون أن تعلن السلطات في البداية عن سقوط ضحايا أو وقوع أضرار أو مخاطر من تسونامي. وقد حددت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، التي تراقب نشاط الزلازل العالمي، مركز الزلزال على عمق 25 كيلومترا تحت قاع البحر.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia - USGS

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:18:00 +0100trust (en)

Nov 19 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometres (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8:25 pm in the evening (0925 GMT) at a shallow depth of 13.

Sisma 6.4 magnitudo in Nuova Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:18:00 +0100ansa (it)

(ANSA) - ROMA, 19 NOV - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 é stata registrata oggi al largo della Nuova Caledonia, 74 chilometri a est di Tandine, ad una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri: lo rende noto l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). Per ora non si hanno notizie di un rischio tsunami.

Sismo de 6.4 sacudió Nueva Caledonia en el Pacífico Sur

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 13:13:00 +0100vtv (es)

Publicado el 19/Nov 2017 a las: 7:47 am Por: Gabriel Vera Caracas, 19 de noviembre de 2017.- Un Sismo de magnitud 6.4 en la escala de richter sacudió este domingo las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 ريختر يضرب سواحل كاليدونيا الجديدة

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:58:00 +0100tahrirnews (ar)

أفادت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، اليوم الأحد، بأن زلزالا بقوة 6.4 درجة على مقياس ريختر، هز سواحل منطقة كاليدونيا الجديدة الفرنسية في المحيط الهادئ، حسبما ذكرت وكالة "روسيا اليوم". وأضافت الهيئة أن الزلزال وقع في الساعة التاسعة و25 دقيقة صباحا، بتوقيت جرينيتش، مشيرة إلى أن مركزه يقع على بعد 74....

زلزال بقوة 6.6 درجة يضرب منطقة قرب كاليدونيا الجديدة بالمحيط الهادئ

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:53:00 +0100alwafd (ar)

أعلنت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية أن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6ر6 درجة على مقياس ريختر ضرب منطقة في المحيط الهادي تبعد 74 كيلومترا شرقي جزر لويالتي في كاليدونيا الجديدة. ذكر راديو "فرنسا الدولي" اليوم الأحد هذا النبأ دون إعطاء المزيد من التفاصيل حول هذا الشأن، وذلك وفقا لما ذكرتة وكالة انباء الشرق الأوسط.

Fuerzas iraníes continúan en labores de rescate por terremoto

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:47:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Teherán, 19 nov (PL) El Ejército, el Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica y la Cruz Roja, entre otras, continuaban hoy en las labores de apoyo a las víctimas del terremoto del domingo pasado en el oeste de Irán. Esas fuerzas están desplegadas en varias ciudades de la provincia occidental....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:35:00 +0100vosgesmatin (fr)

Ce dimanche, un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s’est produit dimanche au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Selon le centre américain de veille sismique, l’épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l’est des îles Loyauté, à 13 km de pr of ondeur. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans le Pacifique s'est montré....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia: USGS

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:34:00 +0100ahram-EN (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometres (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8:25 pm in the evening (0925 GMT) at a shallow depth of 13.

Fortissimo terremoto in Nuova Caledonia. "Sisma in mare alle 10.25 italiane"

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:32:00 +0100ilmattino (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto è stata avvertita in mare, al largo della Nuova Caledonia, 74 chilometri a est di Tandine, ad una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri, non lontano dalle isole Vanuatu. La magnitudo rilevata è stata di 6.4. Il sisma è stato registrato alle 20.25 locali, le 10.25 in Italia.

Nuova Caledonia, sisma di magnitudo 6.4

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:32:00 +0100zazoom (it)

Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6.4 si è verificata al largo della Nuova Caledonia . Il forte terremoto è stato registrato dall'Istituto ge of isico americano(Usgs) L'epicentro del sisma è stato individuato 74 chilometri a est di Tandine e l'ipocentro a una profondità di 25,3 chilometri.

زلزال قوته 6.4 يهز منطقة كاليدونيا بالمحيط الهادي

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:25:00 +0100okaz (ar)

أوضحت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية اليوم (الأحد) إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.4 درجة هز منطقة في المحيط الهادي تبعد 74 كيلومترا شرقي جزر لويالتي في كاليدونيا الجديدة. وأضافت أن الزلزال، الذي أشارت تقارير أولية إلى أن قوته 6.6 درجة، وقع الساعة في 8:25 مساء بالتوقيت المحلي 09:25 بتوقيت جرينتش على عمق 13 كيلومترا.

Son depremler Antalya'da deprem mi oldu kaç şiddetinde?

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:24:00 +0100stargazete (tr)

Son depremler vatandaşı korkutmaya devam ediyor. En son depremler nerede yaşandı? Antalya’da kaç şiddetinde deprem yaşandı? sorusunun yanıtı ve yeni gelişmeleri bu haberimizde sizlere iletmeye devam ediyoruz. Richter Ölçeği'ne göre Antalya'nın Kumluca İlçesi'nde 3.6 şiddetinde deprem meydana geldi.

Sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacude Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:23:00 +0100telesurtv (es)

por Ángel Guerra Durante las últimas semanas la zona se ha visto afectada por media docena de sismos de magnitud superior a 6, entre ellos uno de 6,8. Un Sismo de magnitud 6,4 sacudió este domingo las Islas de la Lealtad, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur.

Nuova Caledonia, sisma di magnitudo 6.4

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:22:00 +0100rai-televideo (it)

19/11/2017 12:11 Nuova Caledonia, sisma di magnitudo 6.4 12.11 Nuova Caledonia, sisma di magnitudo 6.4 Una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6.4 si è verificata al largo della Nuova Cale- donia. Il forte terremoto è stato registrato dall'Istituto ge of isico americano(Usgs) L'epicentro del sisma è stato....

أختان أمريكيتان توقعتا أحداث 11 سبتمبر تتنبآن بما سيحدث في عام 2018

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:21:00 +0100alanba (ar)

تحدثت العرافتان الأمريكيتان، تيري وليندا جاميسون، عما سيحدث في عام 2018. وقالت الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 سبتمبر إنه في العام القادم سيزيد عدد الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقا لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق، وأماكن العبادة والمدارس والمناسبات الرياضية والفنادق وأماكن الحفلات الموسيقية والمطارات.

زلزال يضرب قرب سواحل كاليدونيا الجديدة بالمحيط الهادئ

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:20:00 +0100rt-ar (ar)

أفادت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، اليوم الأحد، بأن زلزالا بقوة 6,4 درجة على مقياس ريختر هز سواحل منطقة كاليدونيا الجديدة الفرنسية في المحيط الهادئ. وأضافت أن الزلزال وقع في الساعة 9:25 صباحا بتوقيت غرينيتش، مشيرة إلى أن مركزه يقع على بعد 74 كيلومترا شرقي جزر لويالتي في كاليدونيا الجديدة وعلى عمق 13 كيلومترا.

NUOVA CALEDONIA Scossa di magnitudo 6,4, no rischio tsunami

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:12:00 +0100tio (it)

Scossa di magnitudo 6,4, no rischio tsunami Il sisma è stato registrato a una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri. NUMEA - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,4 è stata registrata oggi al largo della Nuova Caledonia, 74 chilometri a est di Tandine, ad una profondità di 25,3 chilometri: lo rende noto l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs).

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia - USGS

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:06:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

REUTERS: An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometres (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8:25 pm in the evening (0925 GMT) at a shallow depth of 13.

6.4 quake strikes near New Caledonia An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74km east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says.

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:06:00 +0100yahoo-au (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 has struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74km east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at a shallow depth of 13.0 km on Sunday night (AEDT), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said.

زلزال يهز منطقة قرب كاليدونيا الجديدة

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:01:00 +0100al-sharq (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكية، اليوم الأحد، إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.4 درجة هز منطقة في المحيط الهادي تبعد 74 كيلومترا شرقي جزر لويالتي في كاليدونيا الجديدة. وأضافت أن الزلزال، الذي أشارت تقارير أولية إلى أن قوته 6.6 درجة، وقع الساعة في 8:25 مساء بالتوقيت المحلي (0925 بتوقيت جرينتش) على عمق 13 كيلومترا.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:01:00 +0100LeBien (fr)

Ce dimanche, un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s’est produit dimanche au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Selon le centre américain de veille sismique, l’épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l’est des îles Loyauté, à 13 km de pr of ondeur. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans le Pacifique s'est montré....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:00:00 +0100lalsace (fr)

Ce dimanche, un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s’est produit dimanche au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Selon le centre américain de veille sismique, l’épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l’est des îles Loyauté, à 13 km de pr of ondeur. Le Centre d'alerte aux tsunamis dans le Pacifique s'est montré....

19 Novembre Nov 2017 11 09 11:09 Scossa di magnitudo 6.4 in Nuova Caledonia Scossa di magnitudo 6.4 in Nuova Caledonia Il terremoto è stato registrato a 74 chilometri a est di Tadine. Al momento non si hanno notizie di danni a persone e cose. Attesa per possibile pericolo tsunami.

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 12:00:00 +0100lettera43 (it)

La Nuova Caledonia trema. Una scossa di magnitudo 6,4 è stata registrata nella giornata di domencia 19 novembre a 74 chilometri a est di Tadine, a una pr of ondità di 25,3 chilometri. A divulgare la notizia è stato l'Istituto geofisico americano (Usgs). Al momento non si hanno notizie di un rischio tsunami né di danni a persone e cose.

Terremoto de 6,4 graus sacode a Nova Caledônia, no Pacífico Sul EFE

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:58:00 +0100uol (pt)

Bangcoc, 19 nov (EFE).- Um terremoto de 6,4 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste domingo as Ilhas da Lealdade, um arquipélago do território francês da Nova Caledônia, no Pacífico Sul, sem que as autoridades informassem inicialmente de vítimas, danos nem de risco de tsunami.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia, says USGS

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:53:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

No tsunami threat is expected after the 6.4 magnitude quake. — Reuters pic NOUMEA (New Caledonia), Nov 19 — An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometres (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said today. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia: USGS

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:51:00 +0100reuters-in (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometers (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8:25 pm in the evening (4.25 a.m. ET) at a shallow depth of 13.

New Caledonia struck by strong earthquake

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:48:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

SYDNEY, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 jolted 74 km off Tadine, New Caledonia on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. The earthquake, which struck at 09:25:50 UTC, was initially determined to be at 21.576 degrees south latitude and 168.606 degrees east longitude with a depth of 25.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:43:00 +0100BangkokPost (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometres east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8.25pm at a depth of 13.0 km, the USGS said.

Séisme au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:43:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s'est produit dimanche aux abords de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, rapporte le centre américain de veille sismique (USGS). L'épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l'est des îles Loyauté, qui appartiennent à l'archipel français du Pacifique Sud, et à 13 km de pr of ondeur, précise-t-il.

زلزال بقوة 6.4 درجة يضرب منطقة قرب كاليدونيا الجديدة بالمحيط الهادى

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:35:00 +0100youm7 (ar)

قالت هيئة المسح الجيولوجى الأمريكية، اليوم الأحد، إن زلزالا بلغت قوته 6.4 درجة هز منطقة فى المحيط الهادى تبعد 74 كيلومترا شرقى جزر لويالتى فى كاليدونيا الجديدة وأضافت أن الزلزال، الذى أشارت تقارير أولية إلى أن قوته 6.6 درجة، وقع الساعة فى 8:25 مساء بالتوقيت المحلى على عمق 13 كيلومترا وقال مركز....

Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 strikes near New Caledonia

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:29:00 +0100jpost (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck in the Pacific Ocean, 74 kilometers (46 miles) east of the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Sunday. The quake, initially reported as a magnitude 6.6, struck at 8:25 pm in the evening (0925 GMT) at a shallow depth of 13.

Séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:22:00 +0100challenges (fr)

(Reuters) - Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s'est produit dimanche aux abords de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, rapporte le centre américain de veille sismique (USGS). L'épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l'est des îles Loyauté, qui appartiennent à l'archipel français du Pacifique Sud, et à 13 km de pr of ondeur, précise-t-il.

11h56 Séisme de magnitude 6,4 au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Reuters)

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:10:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 s'est produit dimanche aux abords de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, rapporte le centre américain de veille sismique (USGS). L'épicentre a été localisé à 74 km à l'est des îles Loyauté, qui appartiennent à l'archipel français du Pacifique Sud, et à 13 km de pr of ondeur, précise-t-il.

Si krijohet tsunami?

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 10:39:00 +0100lajmi (sq)

Këto valë masive, kanë shenja paralajmëruese të ardhjes. Ato janë të gjata prej një këmbë mbi ujë, por sa është maksimumi i madhësisë që ka një tsunami? Tsunami më i madh u zhvillua shumë kohë para se njerëzit të ecnin në planetin Tokë, rreth 3.5 miliard vjet më parë, si rezultat i një asteroidi që u përplas me planetin, shkruan lajmi.

Iraq: UNFPA scales up response after earthquake hit Iraq [EN/AR]

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 10:24:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Erbil, Iraq, 19 November 2017 – In the aftermath of the powerful earthquake that struck the Iraq- Iran border last Sunday evening, the office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Iraq scaled up its emergency intervention. The 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the border region between Iraq....

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 09:21:00 +0100terradaily (en)

Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," Nikos Papaefstathiou, head of the National Health Operations Centre, told AFP.

2:45 Fuerzas iraníes continúan en labores de rescate por terremoto

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 09:13:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

19 de noviembre de 2017, 02:45 Teherán, 19 nov (PL) El Ejército, el Cuerpo de Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica y la Cruz Roja, entre otras, continuaban hoy en las labores de apoyo a las víctimas del terremoto del domingo pasado en el oeste de Irán.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 09:13:00 +0100LaRazon (es)

Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Un hospital de Zaruma fue evacuado, tras un nuevo sismo

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 06:53:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

En el Hospital Humberto Molina, del cantón Zaruma (El Oro), 13 pacientes tuvieron que ser evacuados. La casa de salud -que ya presentaba fisuras desde el sismo del 16 de abril del 2016 - sufrió afectaciones parciales luego de un nuevo movimiento telúrico ocurrido a las 23:23 del viernes, 17 de noviembre del 2017.

Trauma therapists in Iran’s quake-hit areas

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 05:10:00 +0100irna (en)

In the days following an earthquake, people need mental health aids besides accommodation, food and cloths, Head of Ministry of Health and Medical Education department for mental health Aki Asadi told Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). Twenty five more talking therapy practitioner teams will....

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 04:42:00 +0100eldiariomontanes (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do Norte do Chile

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 04:24:00 +0100gazetadigital (pt)

Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude fez tremer neste sábado as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 02:05:00 +0100thenews-pk (en)

ATHENS: Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. “The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families,” Nikos Papaefstathiou, head of the National Health Operations Centre, told AFP.

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 01:06:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

ATHENS: Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. “The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families,” Nikos Papaefstathiou, head of the National Health Operations Centre, told AFP.

Death toll from Greek flooding rises to 19

Sun, 19 Nov 2017 00:58:00 +0100gulf-times (en)

Greek police and emergency workers recovered three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens yesterday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. “The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families,” Nikos Papaefstathiou, head of the National Health Operations Centre, told AFP.

In Greece: Flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 21:16:00 +0100pulse (en)

Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," Nikos Papaefstathiou, head of the National Health Operations Centre, told AFP.

Un jeune héros grec sauve un couple d'une coulée de boue meurtrière

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 21:10:00 +01007sur7 (fr)

vidéo La banlieue ouest d'Athènes est en proie à des inondations meurtrières depuis plusieurs jours. Alors que le bilan s'est alourdi à 24 morts, un jeune héros a sauvé deux vies. Ravagée par les inondations, la banlieue ouest d'Athènes n'est plus qu'un dangereux torrent d'eau et de boue rougeâtre.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 20:30:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Santiago de Chile, 18 nov (EFE).- Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.

BALANCE DE UN AÑO DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA POLÍTICA DE SUSTITUCIÓN DE CULTIVOS DE COCA – El Tsunami cocalero hacia la legalidad desborda al gobierno.

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 20:00:00 +0100indepaz (es)

– El Tsunami cocalero hacia la legalidad desborda al gobierno – Por Camilo González Posso – Presidente del Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz – Indepaz. Al cumplirse este 24 de noviembre el primer año de la firma del Acuerdo Final de Paz se hacen muchos balances sobre su significado....

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 19:42:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

ATHENS: Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday (Nov 18), bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," Nikos Papaefstathiou,....

El honor y la firmeza de un médico cubano

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 19:16:00 +0100granma (es)

El doctor Eduardo Ojeda Timoneda considera un aprendizaje y un orgullo participar en las brigadas médicas cubanas en el exterior. Foto: Nuria Barbosa León. El actuar del doctor Eduardo Ojeda Timoneda, especialista en Medicina General Integral (MGI), resulta difícil de resumir en algunas pocas....

Death toll in Greek floods hits 19 Widespread flooding caused by heavy rainfall in the region around the Greek capital has claimed almost 20 lives. Experts say lax zoning regulations meant it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 19:14:00 +0100dw-en (en)

The death toll from flooding in and around Athens rose to 19 on Saturday after three more bodies were recovered west of the Greek capital. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," said Nikos Papaefstathiou, the head of the National Health Operations Center.

Death toll in Greek floods hits 19

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 19:13:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

The death toll from flooding in and around Athens rose to 19 on Saturday after three more bodies were recovered west of the Greek capital. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," said Nikos Papaefstathiou, the head of the National Health Operations Center.

زلزال تابع في الإكوادور بقوة 5.8 درجة على مقياس ريختر

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 18:22:00 +0100masrawy (ar)

كويتو - (د ب أ): أعلن رئيس الإكوادور لينين مورينو اليوم السبت على موقع تويتر عن وقوع هزة أرضية جديدة في بلاده بقوة 5.8 درجة على مقياس ريختر اليوم بعد زلزال أقوى ضرب البلاد أمس الجمعة وبلغت شدته 2ر6 درجة . وأشارت التقارير العلمية إلى وقوع أضرار مادية إلا أن الزلزال لم يتسبب في وقوع قتلى أو جرحى كما ذكر الرئيس.

Las joyas que robó el ‘tsunami’ de la crisis

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 18:03:00 +0100elpais (es)

Àlex Riu, presidente del JORGC, no duda en calificar esta crisis que ha vivido el sector como un “tsunami que lo ha arrasado todo, incluso a los que estaban bien posicionados”. Eso, asegura, ha provocado una restructuración muy fuerte con una tendencia gradual a la concentración en grandes tiendas y cadenas.

Las joyas que robó el ‘tsunami’ de la crisis

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 17:39:00 +0100elpais-latinoamerica (es)

Àlex Riu, presidente del JORGC, no duda en calificar esta crisis que ha vivido el sector como un “tsunami que lo ha arrasado todo, incluso a los que estaban bien posicionados”. Eso, asegura, ha provocado una restructuración muy fuerte con una tendencia gradual a la concentración en grandes tiendas y cadenas.

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found 4 mins ago World

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 17:03:00 +0100ngrguardiannews (en)

An elderly woman cleans her shoes in front of a flooded house in the town of Mandra, northwest of Athens, on November 17, 2017. Six people were still missing in Greece on November 17, 2017 after a flash flood killed 16 others near the capital, with local communities facing food and medicine shortages and the full scope of the damage still unclear.

Greece in mourning, several still missing after deadly flood

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:57:00 +0100news-yahoo (en)

Mandra (Greece) (AFP) - Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the capital, with more thunderstorms forecast until the weekend. Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of ....

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:40:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 1 hour ago in Environment Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," Nikos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: un héros de 24 ans sauve un couple de personnes âgées piégé par l'eau et la boue (vidéo)

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:40:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations en Grèce était de seize morts et de six disparus.

شقيقتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول.. ماذا تنبأتا للعام 2018؟

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:37:00 +0100shaamtimes (ar)

تحدثت العرافتان الأميركيتان تيري وليندا جاميسون عمَّا سيحدث في العام 2018. الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول، قالتا أنَّ العام القادم سيشهد عدداً من الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقاً لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق، وأماكن العبادة والمدارس والمناسبات الرياضية والفنادق وأماكن الحفلات الموسيقية والمطارات.

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:33:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

View of a muddy street following flash floods which hit areas west of Athens on November 15 killing at least 16 people, in Mandra November 17, 2017. — Reuters pic ATHENS, Nov 18 — Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens today, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19.

شقيقتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول.. ماذا تنبأتا للعام 2018؟

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:27:00 +0100shasha (ar)

إليكم ماذا قالتا... شاشة نيوز-وكالات- تحدثت العرافتان الأميركيتان تيري وليندا جاميسون عمَّا سيحدث في العام 2018. وكانت الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول، قالتا أنَّ العام القادم سيشهد عدداً من الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقاً لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق،....

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode regiões do norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:22:00 +0100correiodopovo (pt)

Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude atingiu neste sábado as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 7h (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:06:00 +0100eluniversal-CO (es)

Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacudió dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 16:00:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

En tanto, el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) determinó la pr of undidad a 107,5 kilómetros y calculó su magnitud en 4,9 en la escala de Richter. El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Marina aseguró por su parte que el sismo no reunió las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en las costas de Chile.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do Norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:26:00 +0100radioagencianacional (pt)

Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude fez tremer neste sábado (18) as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:20:00 +0100eldia-do (es)

. Santiago de Chile.- Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile , sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Greek flooding toll reaches 19, as more bodies found Athens (AFP) - Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19.

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:19:00 +0100yahoo-au (en)

Athens (AFP) - Greek police and emergency workers rescued three bodies in flood-hit areas west of Athens on Saturday, bringing the death toll since Wednesday to 19. "The bodies of three men discovered on Saturday, aged 28, 58, and 35, have been identified by their families," Nikos Papaefstathiou,....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:17:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do Norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:16:00 +0100agenciabrasil (pt)

Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude fez tremer neste sábado (18) as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.

Centro Teletón finalmente se queda en Coquimbo

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:16:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

A poco más de dos años de ocurrido el terremoto y posterior tsunami que azotó la comuna de Coquimbo y destruyó el centro Teletón ubicado en el sector de Baquedano, este viernes, el Alcalde Marcelo Pereira, junto a Mauricio Arretx y Adriana Fuenzalida, ambos de Teletón, firmó el acta que of icializa....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:11:00 +0100belga-be-fr (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s’alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:09:00 +0100journalducameroun (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d’Athènes s’est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l’identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu’à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Temblor de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:08:00 +0100el-nacional (es)

El Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Marina aseguró que el movimiento telúrico no tuvo las condiciones para generar un tsunami en las costas de la nación chilena. 18 de noviembre de 2017 08:35 AM | Actualizado el 18 de noviembre de 2017 09:49 AM Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió....

Le bilan des inondations en Grèce s'alourdit à 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:06:00 +01007sur7 (fr)

Par: rédaction 18/11/17 - 15h00 Source: Belga © epa. Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do Norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:01:00 +0100istoe (pt)

O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.780 de Santiago, na região de Tarapacá, a uma pr of undidade de 108,2 quilômetros, detalhou o Centro Sismológico da Universidad de Chile.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:58:00 +0100UltimaHora (es)

La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.780 de Santiago, en la región de Tarapacá, a una pr of undidad de 108,2 kilómetros, informó el Centro Sismológico de la Universidad de Chile.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:57:00 +0100g1-globo (pt)

Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude sacudiu neste sábado (17) as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu epicentro se localizou 35 quilômetros ao sudeste de Pica e a 1.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s’alourdit à 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:56:00 +0100lavenir (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d’Athènes s’est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l’identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu’à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Terremoto de 4,9 graus sacode duas regiões do norte do Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:55:00 +0100uol (pt)

Santiago do Chile, 18 nov (EFE).- Um tremor de 4,9 graus de magnitude fez tremer neste sábado as regiões de Tarapacá e Ant of agasta, no norte do Chile, sem provocar vítimas ou danos visíveis, segundo informaram as autoridades. O sismo aconteceu às 07h01 (horário local, 8h01 de Brasília) e seu....

Terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:51:00 +0100elinformador (es)

ELINFORMADOR.COM.VE.- Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió este sábado las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile , sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:49:00 +0100france24 (fr)

ATHÈNES (AFP) - Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:46:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Athènes - Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

VIDÉO. Grèce: au moins 19 morts après d'importantes inondations

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:46:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Des pluies torrentielles ont déferlé sur la Grèce mercredi, transformant les rues de plusieurs villes situées dans la grande banlieue d'Athènes en torrents de boue. Camion noyé dans la boue, voitures sens dessus dessous et arbres déracinés... qui sont tombées sur la Grèce mercredi ont provoqué des dégâts considérables.

Terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:41:00 +0100globovision (es)

Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió este sábado las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile , sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:38:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Une femme se prend la tête entre les mains à la vue d'une voiture renversée par les inondations qui ont touché la grande banlieue d'Athènes, le 16 novembre 2017Angelos Tzortzinis. Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:37:00 +0100romandie (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:36:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:30:00 +0100challenges (fr)

Une femme se prend la tête entre les mains à la vue d'une voiture renversée par les inondations qui ont touché la grande banlieue d'Athènes, le 16 novembre 2017-AFP/Angelos Tzortzinis. Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à....

Terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:24:00 +0100noticierovenevision (es)

Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió este sábado las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:17:00 +0100izf (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

15h10 Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: le bilan s'alourdit, 19 morts (AFP)

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:14:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Le bilan des inondations meurtrières survenues dans la grande banlieue ouest d'Athènes s'est alourdi samedi à dix-neuf morts, après l'identification de trois nouveaux corps, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. Jusqu'à vendredi soir, le bilan des inondations était de seize morts et de six disparus.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacudió dos regiones al norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:10:00 +0100unionradio (es)

SANTIAGO DE CHILE.- Un temblor de magnitud 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Cuban President expresses sympathies over quake in Iran

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 14:04:00 +0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) – President Raúl Castro of Cuba sent a message of condolences to Iran ian President Rouhani, expressing sympathies over the deadly earthquake of last Sunday in western Iran. Sending a message of condolences to his Iranian counterpart President Hassan Rouhani, President Raúl....

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:56:00 +0100aguasdigital (es)

Santiago de Chile, 18 nov (EFE).- Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.

Buhari condoles Iranians, Iraqis over earthquake

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:50:00 +0100dailytimes-NG (en)

President Muhammadu Buhari has joined world leaders to commiserate with President Hassan Rouhani and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the devastating earthquake which struck the Western Province of Kermanshah recently, causing the death of hundreds and injuring thousands.

Gempa 6,4 SR Guncang Xizang, Ini Penjelasan BMKG

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:38:00 +0100kompas (id)

KOMPAS.com - Gempa berkekuatan M 6,4 skala richter mengguncang wilayah Xizang, China, yang berbatasan langsung dengan India pada Sabtu pagi (18/11/2017). Gempa terjadi pada pukul 05.34 WIB dan pusatnya terletak pada koordinat 29.81 Lintang Utara dan 94.86 Bujur Timur, dengan kedalaman 12 kilometer.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,9 sacude dos regiones del norte de Chile

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:31:00 +0100eldia (es)

Un temblor de una magnitud de 4,9 sacudió hoy las regiones de Tarapacá y Ant of agasta, en el norte de Chile, sin ocasionar víctimas o daños visibles, según informaron las autoridades. La sacudida telúrica ocurrió a las 07.01 horas locales (10.01 GMT) y su epicentro se localizó a 35 kilómetros al sureste de Pica y a unos 1.

Inondations meurtri�res en Gr�ce: d�couverte de trois nouveaux corps

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:20:00 +0100nna-fr (fr)

ANI - (AFP) - Trois nouveaux corps �taient en cours d'identification samedi � l'ouest d'Ath�nes, sans doute ceux de victimes des inondations meurtri�res de mercredi, ce qui porterait leur bilan � dix-neuf morts, a-t-on appris aupr�s des autorit�s. "Nous ne savons pas encore si ces trois corps....

خبرية اليوم شقيقتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول.. ماذا تنبأتا للعام 2018؟ 55 minutes ago Read Report

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:06:00 +0100otv (ar)

تحدثت العرافتان الأميركيتان تيري وليندا جاميسون عمَّا سيحدث في العام 2018. الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول، قالتا أنَّ العام القادم سيشهد عدداً من الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقاً لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق، وأماكن العبادة والمدارس والمناسبات الرياضية والفنادق وأماكن الحفلات الموسيقية والمطارات.

13h37 Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: découverte de trois nouveaux corps (AFP)

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 12:41:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Trois nouveaux corps étaient en cours d'identification samedi à l'ouest d'Athènes, sans doute ceux de victimes des inondations meurtrières de mercredi, ce qui porterait leur bilan à dix-neuf morts, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. "Nous ne savons pas encore si ces trois corps découverts sont ceux....

Inondations: découverte de trois nouveaux corps

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 12:17:00 +0100lematin-CH (fr)

Trois nouveaux corps étaient en cours d'identification samedi à l'ouest d'Athènes, sans doute ceux de victimes des inondations meurtrières de mercredi, ce qui porterait leur bilan à dix-neuf morts, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. «Nous ne savons pas encore si ces trois corps découverts sont ceux....

Inondations: découverte de trois nouveaux corps

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 12:07:00 +0100tdg (fr)

Trois nouveaux corps étaient en cours d'identification samedi à l'ouest d'Athènes, sans doute ceux de victimes des inondations meurtrières de mercredi, ce qui porterait leur bilan à dix-neuf morts, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. «Nous ne savons pas encore si ces trois corps découverts sont ceux....

Inondations: découverte de trois nouveaux corps

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 11:54:00 +010024heures (fr)

Trois nouveaux corps étaient en cours d'identification samedi à l'ouest d'Athènes, sans doute ceux de victimes des inondations meurtrières de mercredi, ce qui porterait leur bilan à dix-neuf morts, a-t-on appris auprès des autorités. «Nous ne savons pas encore si ces trois corps découverts sont ceux....

Probealarm für drohende Flutwelle

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 10:35:00 +0100ORF (de)

. Der Probealarm im Bezirk Bludenz am Freitagnachmittag ist laut illwerke-vkw störungsfrei über die Bühne gegangen. Mehrere Minuten lang wurden die Typhonwarnanlagen der Vorarlberger Illwerke AG für den Ernstfall - eine drohende Flutwelle - getestet. Nach Angaben von illwerke-vkw-Sprecher Andreas....

Doomsday on Sunday? Astronomer dismisses conspiracy theory about Nibiru triggering apocalyptic earthquake

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 10:28:00 +0100ibtimes-in (en)

The doomsday conspiracy theories are back and the latest reports suggest that planet Nibiru will destroy Earth on Sunday, November 19. A team of conspiracy theorists behind the site Planetxnews.com made the latest claim and said Nibiru, also called Planet X, caused the series of natural disasters in the last few months.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Thailand provides humanitarian assistance to Iran

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 08:52:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Following the recent 7.3 magnitude earthquake with the epicenter in Halabjah, northeastern part of Iraq close to the border with Iran on 12 November 2017. The earthquake caused massive damage to the province of Kermanshah in Iran with more than 500 lives were lost and thousands of injuries including damage to basic infrastructure and houses.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Pakistan relief assistance for Iran quake victims arrives in Tehran

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 08:52:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Islamabad, Nov 18, IRNA -- Pakistan Air Force C-130 plane carrying relief assistance for the affectees of the deadly earthquake that struck western Iran on November 12 landed at Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran. Pakistani ambassador to Iran Asif Ali Khan Durrani along with the staff of Red....

Central-Coast 6 mins ago 10:35 p.m. OSU building tsunami vertical evacuation site on coast

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 07:46:00 +0100kgw (en)

NEWPORT, Ore. -- A potential mega-earthquake could shake the Pacific Northwest and send a giant wave of water to the coast. Oregon State University plans to build in the tsunami zone, but officials say its designs will actually survive the quake and save lives. Most people visiting the coast have heard the stories.

GE sued for Fukushima disaster

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 06:43:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

Japanese property owners and businesses near the Fukushima nuclear plant that melted down after a devastating 2011 tsunami filed a $500 million class-action lawsuit against General Electric for negligently designing the doomed plant. The lawsuit, filed yesterday in federal court in Boston, claims....

Sismo de 6,2 grados sacude a Ecuador

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 06:33:00 +0100paginasiete (es)

AFP / Quito. Un sismo de 6,2 grados de magnitud remeció ayer a Ecuador, que el año pasado fue golpeado por un devastador terremoto que dejó 673 muertos, informó el Instituto Ge of ísico de Quito. El movimiento telúrico, que fue sentido en varias localidades del país como Quito, tuvo su epicentro a 47....

Buhari commiserates with Iranian president Rouhani over devastating earthquake

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 05:09:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

By Johnbosco Agbakwuru. President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday joined world leaders to commiserate with President Hassan Rouhani and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the devastating earthquake which struck the western province of Kermanshah recently, causing the death of hundreds and injury to thousands.

Pakistan Sends Relief Aid to Iran's Quake-Hit People

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 04:58:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

The Pakistan Air Force C-130 aircraft left Islamabad for Tehran's Mehrabad International Airport on Friday. Pakistani Ambassador to Iran Asif Ali Khan Durrani along with the staff of Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran will receive the aid. This is the first consignment of aid by any country to Iran.

Narcís Bardalet: el forense que embalsamó a Dalí y vio su exhumación

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 04:44:00 +0100lavanguardia (es)

Se pregunta qué interés puede tener lo que cuenta y a quién podría atraer lo que ha vivido. Y lo dice él que participó en 2005 en las tareas de identificación de cadáveres del tsunami del océano Índico en Tailandia y fue en 1989 el médico que embalsamó a Salvador Dalí y presenció su exhumación el....

Pakistan relief aid to arrive Iran - 14:58 17/11/2017

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 04:44:00 +0100irna (en)

The Pakistan Air Force C-130 aircraft carrying the aid will arrive today at Mehrabad International Airport Tehran. Pakistani ambassador to Iran Asif Ali Khan Durrani along with the staff of Red Crescent Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran will receive the aid. This is the first consignment of aid by any country to Iran.

Grecia, ondata di fango uccide 15 persone nella periferia di Atene

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 04:07:00 +0100quotidiano (it)

Atene, 16 novembre 2017 - Le piogge torrenziali degli ultimi giorni in Grecia hanno provocato un' ondata di fango ha colpito ieri tre località alla periferia di Atene, uccidendo almeno 15 persone. "È arrivato come uno tsunami", ha spiegato Evangelos Kolovetzos, un commerciante locale, il cui negozio è stato devastato.

Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert Ecuador

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 04:05:00 +0100heute-AT (de)

Se brinda apoyo visual a Unidades Educativas en , durante evacuación por Trabajamos por su seguridad pic.twitter.com/IOhOnvSjsm ECU 911 Babahoyo (@Ecu911Babahoyo) Gegen 8.40 Uhr Ortszeit bebte plötzlich die Erde. Das Epizentrum befand sich nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenüberwachung rund 27 Kilometer....

OSU building tsunami vertical evacuation site

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 03:40:00 +0100kgw (en)

Expansion includes Tsunami evacuation site at OSU Hatfield Marine Center ....

Buhari commiserates with Iranian president Rouhani over devastating earthquake

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 02:55:00 +0100vanguardngr (en)

By Johnbosco Agbakwuru. President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday joined world leaders to commiserate with President Hassan Rouhani and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the devastating earthquake which struck the western province of Kermanshah recently, causing the death of hundreds and injury to thousands.

Siaran Media Gempa Bumi Kuat di Sempadan Rantau Timur Xizang- India (18/11/2017)

Sat, 18 Nov 2017 01:31:00 +0100met-my (ms)

JMM/PGTN(O)/BK-02 Ruj :JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.14(7) SIARAN MEDIA (Dikeluarkan pada: 07:10 pagi 18 November 2017) Gempa Bumi kuat di Sempadan Rantau Timur Xizang-India Pada 18 November 2017, 06:34 pagi Satu gempa bumi kuat bermagnitud 6.3 pada skala Richter telah berlaku di Sempadan Rantau Timur Xizang-India pada 6:34 pagi, 18 November 2017.


Sat, 18 Nov 2017 00:15:00 +0100pidp (en)

DISASTER. By Tukaha Mua Fiji TV. PORT VILA, Vanuatu (July 2, 2002 - PINA Nius Online, 2 July 2002)---Imagine an earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale, and then a six-meter (almost 20-foot) high tsunami shattering Rarotonga, Al of i, Honiara, Port Moresby, Apia, Suva and Tarawa all within the space of two days.

زلزال بقوة 2.6 ريختر يضرب الإكوادور

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 23:30:00 +0100almesryoon (ar)

أعلن معهد الجيولوجيا في الإكوادور أن البلاد تعرضت لزلزال بقوة 2.6 درجة على مقياس ريختر. وأضاف المعهد أن الزلزال وقع على بعد نحو 20 كيلومترا جنوب مدينة جواياكويل الساحلية. وكتب رئيس الإكوادور لينين مورينو على تويتر، أنه لم ترد تقارير عن وقوع إصابات أو أضرار حتى الآن.

Sismo de 6,2 sacudió a Ecuador sin dejar víctimas

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 22:15:00 +0100laopinion-co (es)

Un sismo de 6,2 grados de magnitud remeció el viernes a Ecuador sin dejar víctimas y sin que se reporten "mayores afectaciones", informaron autoridades. "No hay reporte de personas afectadas, la situación se encuentra controlada", dijo a la prensa Enrique Ponce, subsecretario de Gestión de Riesgos (Defensa Civil).

شقيقتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول .. ماذا تنبأتا للعام 2018؟

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 22:07:00 +0100sarayanews (ar)

تعديل حجم الخط: سرايا - تحدثت العرافتان الأميركيتان تيري وليندا جاميسون عمَّا سيحدث في العام 2018. الشقيقتان اللتان توقعتا أحداث 11 أيلول، قالتا أنَّ العام القادم سيشهد عدداً من الكوارث الطبيعية والهجمات الإرهابية. ووفقاً لهما، ستركز الجماعات الإرهابية على الأسواق ومراكز التسوق، وأماكن العبادة....

Centro Teletón finalmente se queda en Coquimbo

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 21:55:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

A poco más de dos años de ocurrido el terremoto y posterior tsunami que azotó la comuna de Coquimbo y destruyó el centro Teletón ubicado en el sector de Baquedano, este viernes, el Alcalde Marcelo Pereira, junto a Mauricio Arretx y Adriana Fuenzalida, ambos de Teletón, firmó el acta que of icializa....

Sismo de 6.2 grados registrado en Guayaquil se sintió en varias partes de país

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 21:52:00 +0100ecuavisa (es)

Cuando estaba próximo a realizarse un simulacro de terremoto en Ecuador, un fuerte movimiento telúrico de 6.2 grados en la escala de Ritcher generó alarma en distintos puntos del país. Información preliminar indica que dos personas resultaron heridas debido al susto que generó el sismo en la Terminal Terrestre de Guayaquil.

زلزال يضرب الإكوادور ويتسبب فى ذعر المواطنيين

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 21:13:00 +0100libyaakhbar (ar)

نوفمبر 17, 2017 , 7:44 م. نوفمبر 17, 2017 , 7:36 م. نوفمبر 17, 2017 , 7:24 م. المتوسط: وكالات. ضرب الإكوادور، اليوم الجمعة، زلزال شديد بقوة 2.6درجة على مقياس ريختر. ومن جهته، أعلن معهد الجيولوجيا في الإكوادور، أن الزلزال وقع على بعد نحو 20 كيلومترا جنوب مدينة جواياكويل الساحلية.

Municipio de Coquimbo entrega subvención a Teletón

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 21:06:00 +0100elobservatodo (es)

En dependencias de la Universidad Pedro de Valdivia, el alcalde de Coquimbo, Marcelo Pereira, hizo entrega de una subvención municipal a Teletón, para que puedan comprar instrumental médico que irá en directo beneficio de los niños y jóvenes que se encuentran en rehabilitación.

A hypnotic account of the tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:39:00 +0100dhakatribune (en)

In a review published in The Guardian, Richard Lloyd Parry’s book “Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone” has been described by Eri Hotta as “a compassionate and piercing look at the communities ravaged by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.

Remece a Ecuador sismo... durante simulacro

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:20:00 +0100tabascohoy (es)

17/11/2017 13:01 / Guayaquil, Ecuador Un sismo de 6.2 en la escala Richter remeció este viernes Guayaquil y a varias ciudades ecuatorianas, incluyendo Quito, en la misma jornada en donde se realizaba un simulacro de emergencias. El temblor se registró una hora antes de que se realizara un simulacro....

Fuerte sismo de 6,2 grados se registró a las 08:40 en Guayaquil

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:06:00 +0100teleamazonas (es)

Un fuerte sismo de 6,2 grados en la escala de Richter con epicentro en Guayaquil sorprendió a los ciudadanos. El movimiento telúrico se dio a las 08H40, tan solo 20 minutos antes de que las autoridades locales den inicio a un gran simulacro de terremoto. En al menos seis provincias también se sintió el temblor.

Buhari commiserates with Iran, Iraq over earthquake

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:05:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday joined other world leaders to commiserate with President Hassan Rouhani and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the devastating earthquake which struck the western province of Kermanshah recently, causing the death of more than 1,600 people and injured thousands.

Sismo de 6,2 grados sacude Ecuador sin dejar víctimas

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 20:03:00 +0100tvn-2 (es)

"No hay reporte de personas afectadas, la situación se encuentra controlada", dijo a la prensa Enrique Ponce, subsecretario de Gestión de Riesgos (Defensa Civil). Agregó que "no se reportan mayores afectaciones" por el nuevo temblor que sacudió a Ecuador, que el año pasado fue golpeado por un devastador terremoto que dejó 673 muertos.

Goldfarb: We are all on unstable ground

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:51:00 +0100eastoregonian (en)

In 2015, Kathryn Schulz, a writer at The New Yorker, published ȁ#x201c;The Really Big One,ȁ#x201d; a meticulous evocation of the oceanic earthquake that will someday drown the Pacific Northwest beneath a tsunami. I lived in Seattle then, and the quake was all anyone talked about: at coffee shops, in elevators, on buses.

L'Équateur secoué par un séisme de magnitude 5,2

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:43:00 +0100lapresse-CA (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 a frappé vendredi l'Équateur sans faire de victimes, ni de dommages importants, plus d'un an après celui de 7,8 qui avait fait près de 700 morts, ont annoncé les autorités et l'institut géologique américain (USGS). « Nous n'avons pas reçu d'information sur des personnes....

20h36 Equateur : séisme de magnitude 5,2, pas de victimes (USGS) (AFP)

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:41:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,2 a frappé vendredi l'Equateur sans faire de victimes, ni de dommages importants, plus d'un an après celui de 7,8 qui avait fait près de 700 morts, ont annoncé les autorités et l'institut géologique américain (USGS). "Nous n'avons pas reçu d'information sur des personnes....

Sismo de 6.2 grados sacude Ecuador sin dejar víctimas

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:32:00 +0100dca (es)

Un sismo de 6.2 grados de magnitud sacudió este viernes a Ecuador sin dejar víctimas y sin que se reporten “mayores afectaciones”, informaron autoridades. “No hay reporte de personas afectadas, la situación se encuentra controlada”, dijo a la prensa Enrique Ponce, subsecretario de Gestión de Riesgos (Defensa Civil).

11:36 Remece a Ecuador sismo en jornada de simulacro

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:21:00 +0100excelsior (es)

Remece a Ecuador sismo en jornada de simulacro Un el movimiento telúrico no dejó víctimas y no se reportaron mayores afectaciones; no reunió las características para generar un tsunami 17/11/2017 11:36 Notimex / Foto earthquake.usgs.gov. GUAYAQUIL. Un sismo de 6.

Terremoto en Ecuador: Movimiento de 6.2 grados sacudió Guayaquil

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:18:00 +0100expreso-PE (es)

Según el Instituto Ge of ísico de Ecuador , esta mañana se registró un terremoto de 6.2 grados en la escala de Ritcher. El movimiento telúrico se dio a las 08:40 a.m. en Guayaquil , poco antes de la realización de un simulacro de emergencias por un evento adverso. Hasta el momento no se han reportado víctimas mortales.

No existe peligro de tsunami tras sismo en Guayaquil

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 19:05:00 +0100ecuadorenvivo (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (Inocar) informó de manera of icial que el sismo de 6.2 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter, que tuvo como epicentro la ciudad de Guayaquil, “no reúne las características para generar un tsunami en Ecuador continental o la región insular”.

WAVE FROM HELL TSUNAMI could wipe out Australia’s east coast and kill 6.5 MILLION in hours

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 18:47:00 +0100thesun (en)

A monster tsunami could smash through Australia's east coast killing millions of people. The online tool is used by developers to consider the impact of disasters on projects. It claims the chances of a tsunami hitting the coast of New south Wales and the south of Queensland are high.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 18:16:00 +0100africatime-fr (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

WAVE FROM HELL TSUNAMI could wipe out Australia’s east coast and kill 6.5 MILLION in hours THERE'S a 'one in five chance' a giant tidal wave could batter the Brit expat hotspot - home to £6.5million people - within the next generation. Experts say the areas at risk – including Sydney, the Gold Coast, Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast – will increase due to climate change and rises in sea level.

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 18:16:00 +0100thesun (en)

A MONSTER tsunami could smash through Australia's east coast and kill millions of people in hours, experts have warned. According to ThinkHazard!, there's a one in five chance a giant tidal wave could batter the Brit expat hotspot - home to £6.5million people - within the next generation.

Buhari commiserates with Iran, Iraq over earthquake

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:48:00 +0100punchng (en)

People including rescue personnel conduct search and rescue work following a 7.3-magnitude earthquake at Sarpol-e Zahab in Iran 's Kermanshah province on November 13, 2017. At least 164 people were killed and 1,600 more injured when a 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook the mountainous Iran-Iraq border....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:30:00 +0100france24 (fr)

MANDRA (GRÈCE) (AFP) - Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts.

Sismo de 6,2 grados sacude a Ecuador

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:23:00 +0100latribuna (es)

Un sismo de 6,2 grados de magnitud remeció el viernes a Ecuador, que el año pasado fue golpeado por un devastador terremoto que dejó 673 muertos, informó el Instituto Ge of ísico de Quito. El movimiento telúrico, que fue sentido en varias localidades del país como Quito, se registró hacia las 08H41....

Terremoto de 6.2 en Ecuador sacudió Guayaquil esta mañana

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:15:00 +0100expreso-PE (es)

Un terremoto de 6.2 grados en la escala de Ritcher, según Instituto Ge of ísico de Ecuador , se registró este viernes a las 08:40 am en Guayaquil , durante la realización de un simulacro de emergencias por un evento adverso. Felizmente, no se han reportado víctimas mortales, sólo hubo heridos, luego....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:07:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

No para de temblar: Sismo de 6,2 sacude a Ecuador

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:04:00 +0100debate (es)

Quito (AFP) - Un sismo de 6,2 grados de magnitud remeció el viernes a Ecuador, que el año pasado fue golpeado por un devastador terremoto que dejó 673 muertos, informó el Instituto Ge of ísico de Quito. El movimiento telúrico, que fue sentido en varias localidades del país como Quito, se registró....

Fuerte sismo se sintió en Guayaquil

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 17:00:00 +0100cre (es)

Un fuerte temblor se sintió a las 08:40 en Guayaquil y en otras ciudades del país. No se reportan víctimas. El movimiento telúrico fue de 6.2 como epicentro Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas. Este viernes, las autoridades de la provincia tienen previsto el desarrollo de un simulacro por un terremoto. El Inocar descartó la alerta de tsunami.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l’évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:57:00 +0100journalducameroun (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d’Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s’affairaient....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:56:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

News story: ‘Space Emergency Service’ gains international award

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:44:00 +0100gov-uk (en)

The International Charter on Space and Major Disasters received the 2017 William T. Pecora Award for providing satellite earth observations to help save lives worldwide. The award, sponsored by the US Geological Survey and NASA, was presented yesterday (15 November) in South Dakota, United States.

Buhari commiserates with Iranians, Iraqis over earthquake

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:37:00 +0100dailytrust (en)

President Muhammadu Buhari has joined world leaders to commiserate with President Hassan Rouhani and the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the devastating earthquake which struck the western province of Kermanshah recently, causing the death of hundreds and injury to thousands.

Ecuador: sismo de 6.2 grados sacudió Guayaquil y otras localidades

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:31:00 +0100americatv (es)

Un sismo de 6.2 grados de magnitud remeció el viernes a Ecuador , que el año pasado fue golpeado por un devastador terremoto que dejó 673 muertos, informó el Instituto Ge of ísico de Quito. El movimiento telúrico, que fue sentido en varias localidades del país como Quito , se registró hacia las 08H41....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:28:00 +0100romandie (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:22:00 +0100larepubliquedespyrenees (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

Inocar descarta tsunami en Ecuador y región insular

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:17:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (Inocar) informó este viernes que el fuerte sismo de 6,2 en Guayaquil no reúne condiciones para una alerta de tsunami en la costa y la región insular. El fuerte sismo que ocurrió a las 08:40 asustó a los guayaquileños esta mañana que estaban listos para un....

Fuerte sismo se sintió en Guayaquil

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:17:00 +0100eluniverso (es)

Actualizado 09:44. Un fuerte temblor se sintió a las 08:40 en Guayaquil y en otras ciudades del país. El movimiento telúrico fue de 6.2 como epicentro Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas. Este viernes, las autoridades de la provincia tienen previsto el desarrollo de un simulacro por un terremoto. El Inocar descartó la alerta de tsunami.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:11:00 +0100tv5 (fr)

Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient vendredi de résoudre les problèmes les plus urgents tout en commençant à évaluer les dégâts. Alors que des équipes de pompiers et de nettoyage s'affairaient....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: après le deuil, l'évaluation des dégâts

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 16:10:00 +0100challenges (fr)

Un intérieur dévasté le 16 novembre 2017 après les fortes inondations qui ont affecté la localité de Mandra (nord-ouest d'Athènes)-AFP/Angelos Tzortzinis. Deux jours après les inondations qui ont fait seize morts et six disparus à une cinquantaine de kilomètres d'Athènes, les autorités tentaient....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran, Iraq - Earthquake UPDATE (GDACS, OCHA, Copernicus EMS, Iranian Red Crescent, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 17 November 2017)

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 15:16:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

As of 17 November, media reported that the death toll of 530 casualties caused by the strong earthquake (magnitude 7.3 M, depth 23 km) that hit Kermanshah Province in Iran on 12 November, remain unchanged (mainly in Kermanshah). In addition, as of the same date, media reported that the number of....

Chile em cinco pontos

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 13:47:00 +0100afp-portugues (pt)

No dia 11 de setembro de 1973, o general Augusto Pinochet deu um golpe em Salvador Allende, primeiro socialista eleito presidente do Chile em 1970. Encurralado pelos golpistas, Allende se matou no Palácio de La Moneda. O general dirigiu o país com mão de ferro durante 17 anos.

Chile em cinco pontos

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 13:27:00 +0100clicrbs (pt)

O Chile, que neste domingo vai às urnas nas eleições presidenciais, representa desde os anos 90 um polo de estabilidade política e dinamismo econômico na América Latina, depois de 17 anos sob o controle militar de Augusto Pinochet. - De Pinochet a Bachelet - No dia 11 de setembro de 1973, o general....

Unity of Lebanese tribes thwarts Saudi conspiracies

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 13:10:00 +0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 17 (MNA) – Ayatollah Emami Kashani who led this week’s edition of Tehran Friday Prayers said unity of Lebanese tribes in the current circumstances would neutralize Al Saud’s plot to cause turbulences inside the region. Tehran’s Interim Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammed Emami....

Chile em cinco pontos Notícias - AFP - Internacional

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 13:04:00 +0100uol (pt)

Santiago, 17 Nov 2017 (AFP) - O Chile, que neste domingo vai às urnas nas eleições presidenciais, representa desde os anos 90 um polo de estabilidade política e dinamismo econômico na América Latina, depois de 17 anos sob o controle militar de Augusto Pinochet.

Six personnes toujours disparues après des inondations en Grèce

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:50:00 +01007sur7 (fr)

Par: rédaction 17/11/17 - 12h07 Source: Belga © epa. Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. © epa. © epa.

Duelo nacional por fuertes inundaciones

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:45:00 +0100radiosalta (es)

Un alud de lodo dejó como saldo, hasta el momento, 15 víctimas fatales y varios desaparecidos.Cientos de casas y negocios resultaron afectados. Varias zonas están sin servicio de energía o agua potable. Grecia permanecía anoche, al cierre de esta edición, de duelo nacional tras las inundaciones en....

Inondations meurtri�res en Gr�ce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:36:00 +0100nna-fr (fr)

ANI - (AFP) Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:28:00 +0100france24 (fr)

ATHÈNES (AFP) - Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:24:00 +0100africatime-fr (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce : Six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:14:00 +0100lnt (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l’ouest d’Athènes. Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues , a indiqué Konstantinos....

M-People star launches bid to find his biological father

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 12:13:00 +0100dailymail (en)

'Why did they lie?' M People star tells of his shock at his parents' 'deceit' over his adoption - as he launches worldwide bid to find his biological father Andrew Lovell, 52, found fame as drummer with group M People in the 1990s; Adopted by Arthur and Joyce Lovell and grew up in south London in....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:55:00 +0100journalducameroun (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l’ouest d’Athènes. « Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues », a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:52:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:50:00 +0100izf (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:48:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:38:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Athènes - Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues ", a indiqué....

Nachruf auf Martin Brands

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:36:00 +0100pattayablatt (de)

Ein anderer sehr guter Freund von Martin, Aad Scholtes, ebenfalls Holländer wie er und Rotary Mitglied vom RC Pijnacker Nootdorp, konnte seine Tränen bei seiner Rede nicht zurückhalten. Er erzählte, wie Martin seinen Club und ihn ‚engagierte‘ um zu helfen; wie er den bekannten Zauberer Heinz Minten....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:33:00 +0100challenges (fr)

Une voiture renversée dans une rue de Mandra au nord-ouest d'Athènes, après des inondations meurtrières, le 16 novembre 2017-AFP/Angelos Tzortzinis. Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16....

12h29 Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues (AFP)

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:33:00 +0100lorientlejour (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: six personnes toujours disparues

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:19:00 +0100romandie (fr)

Les pompiers poursuivaient vendredi leurs recherches pour trouver six personnes portées disparues après des inondations meurtrières qui ont fait 16 morts mercredi dans une zone semi-industrielle à l'ouest d'Athènes. "Notre priorité est de retrouver les personnes disparues", a indiqué Konstantinos....

Massive TSUNAMI threatens Brit expat hotspot and 6.5 MILLION would die in HOURS

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:17:00 +0100dailystar (en)

There’s a one in five chance Australia’s east coast home to 6.5 million people could be wiped out by a devastating tsunami within the next generation. That’s according to an online tool used by developers to consider the impact of disasters on projects.

USAR de Bomberos rindió examen para certificarse ante la ONU y colaborar en emergencias internacionales: hoy conoce los resultados

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:12:00 +0100ElMercurioOnline (es)

De aprobar los ejercicios realizados el miércoles y jueves, Chile sería el primer país de latinoamericano en cooperar en catástr of es y desastres naturales fuera de nuestras fronteras. Los expertos del USAR simularon un terremoto durante la prueba. Bomberos. SANTIAGO.

Giappone, terremoto magnitudo 4.8 a Fukushima: no allerta tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:24:00 +0100retenews24 (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 4.8 ha colpito la Prefettura di Fukushima, in Giappone. Il sisma, che ha avuto origine in mare a 50 chilometri di pr of ondità, non avrebbe causato problemi alle centrali nucleari della zona e non è stata emessa alcuna allerta tsunami. Fukushima è stata una delle regioni più colpite dal terremoto del marzo 2011.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:08:00 +0100eldia (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Iran earthquake: Baby found alive in rubble three days after tremors

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 09:09:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

Rescue workers have found a baby alive and well, three days after a deadly earthquake that struck on the Iran -Iraq border. The child was found amid the rubble of the town of Sarpol-e-Zahab on Wednesday morning - two and a half days after the magnitude 7.3 quake which has killed at least 530 people, local media reported.

Fukushima. Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.8

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:49:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di venerdì 17 novembre 2017) La terre ha tremato in Giappone. Una Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.8 ha interessato la Prefettura di Fukushima . La Scossa ha avuto origine in mare ad una pr of ondità di 50 km e non ha provocato problemi alle centrali nucleari della…#8230.

زلزال بقوة 5.8 درجة ضرب منطقة فوكوشيما باليابان

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:20:00 +0100elnashra (ar)

الجمعة 17 تشرين الثاني 2017 08:35 النشرة أخبار لبنان والشرق الأوسط النشرة الدولية https://files.elnashra.com/elnashra/imagine/pictures_120_96/cropped_7710642_1503291189.jpg أعلنت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية في ​ اليابان ​ أن "زلزالا بقوة 5.8 درجات على مقياس ريختر ضرب منطقة ​ فوكوشيما ​ شمال شرق اليابان ".

Iran earthquake: Baby found alive in rubble three days after tremors

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:03:00 +0100independent-ie (en)

Rescue workers have found a baby alive and well, three days after a deadly earthquake that struck on the Iran -Iraq border. The child was found amid the rubble of the town of Sarpol-e-Zahab on Wednesday morning - two and a half days after the magnitude 7.3 quake which has killed at least 530 people, local media reported.

Terremoto de 4.8 grados sacude Fukushima en Japón

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 07:14:00 +0100debate (es)

Tokio.- Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Giappone, terremoto magnitudo 4.8 a Fukushima: no allerta tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 07:05:00 +0100tgcom (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 4.8 ha colpito la Prefettura di Fukushima, in Giappone. Il sisma, che ha avuto origine in mare a 50 chilometri di pr of ondità, non avrebbe causato problemi alle centrali nucleari della zona e non è stata emessa alcuna allerta tsunami. Fukushima è stata una delle regioni più colpite dal terremoto del marzo 2011.

Il prépare la planète aux catastrophes naturelles

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 06:07:00 +0100lefigaro (fr)

FIGARO DEMAIN / VIDÉO - Avec son association, Hackers Against Natural Disasters (Hand), Gael Musquet met en place des protocoles préventifs avant que les crises mondiales ne se produisent. L'objectif est d'apprendre aux populations comment réagir. «Il ne faut pas attendre que des aléas majeurs se....

Bosnia Herzegovina condoles Tehran over devastating quake

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 05:30:00 +0100irna (en)

It was quite worrisome to receive the gloomy new about the devastating earthquake in Iran that left hundreds of people dead and thousands more injured and without a shelter, Čovic said in his message. Bosnian official also said that he expresses his deepest condolences to the Iranian president and people of the Islamic Republic.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 04:46:00 +0100elcomercio-es (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 04:37:00 +0100eldiario-es (es)

. Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 04:16:00 +0100aguasdigital (es)

Tokio, 17 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:54:00 +0100HoyDigital (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:51:00 +0100elnortedecastilla (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:51:00 +0100lasprovincias (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:41:00 +0100proceso-HN (es)

Tokio - Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:40:00 +0100laverdad (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:38:00 +0100es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 17 nov (EFE).- Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:35:00 +0100larioja (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Sismo de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:32:00 +0100noticierovenevision (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió este jueves la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:30:00 +0100ideal (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Землетрясение магнитудой 4,8 произошло у японской Фукусимы 05:02

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:22:00 +0100iz (ru)

Землетрясение магнитудой 4,8 произошло на северо-востоке Японии в префектуре Фукусима. Очаг залегал на глубине 50 км. Информации о пострадавших или разрушениях не поступало. Угроза цунами в регионе не объявлялась. По последним данным, нештатных ситуация на АЭС «Фукусима-1» и «Онагава» не произошло.

Terremoto de 4,8 graus atinge Fukushima, no Japão, sem alerta de tsunami EFE

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 03:12:00 +0100uol (pt)

Tóquio, 17 nov (EFE).- Um terremoto de 4,8 graus de magnitude na escala Ritcher atingiu nesta sexta-feira (data local) a província de Fukushima, no nordeste de Japão, sem que o alerta de tsunami fosse ativado, informou a Agência Meteorológica (JMA). O tremor foi registrado às 10h02 (horário local,....

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:54:00 +0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.02 GMT) y tuvo su hipocentro a 50 kilómetros de pr of undidad en el mar frente a la costa de la prefectura de Fukushima, en la isla de Honshu -la mayor del archipiélago nipón- y a unos 280 kilómetros al nordeste de Tokio.

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:47:00 +0100caracol (es)

Un terremoto de 4,8 grados de magnitud en la escala abierta de Ritcher sacudió hoy la prefectura de Fukushima, en el nordeste de Japón, sin que se activara la alerta de tsunami, informó la Agencia Meteorológica (JMA). El seísmo se registró a las 10.02 hora local (01.

Locura en una sala de redacción en Perú

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:22:00 +0100ElPaisUY (es)

Las diez mejores fotos de la fiesta de Perú By Matías Pérez Una noche histórica para el país incaico que vivió desde la previa del partido con Nueva Zelanda hasta después del mismo, un día que no olvidaran y en el que no faltó el recuerdo a su referente: Paolo Guerrero. Mirá la fotogalería.

Las diez mejores fotos de la fiesta de Perú

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:22:00 +0100ElPaisUY (es)

Perú se conformó con el empate y define en Lima By Enrique Arrillaga El equipo de Ricardo Gareca fue superior, dominó a Nueva Zelanda en Wellington y generó varias situaciones de gol, pero no pudo ganar y ahora todo se definirá en Lima el miércoles. Paolo Guerrero se quedó sin repechaje By Enrique....

Greece in mourning, several still missing after deadly flood

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:06:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

MANDRA: Greece was in mourning on Thursday (Nov 16) as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the capital, with more thunderstorms forecast until the weekend. Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of three....

Greece in mourning, several still missing after deadly flood

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 02:03:00 +0100citizen (en)

Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of three towns about 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early Wednesday. The latest victim, a 50-year-old man, was found in a mud-filled basement. It took rescue crews over a day to reach his home.

Greece in mourning, several still missing after deadly flood

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:41:00 +0100themalaymailonline (en)

A woman holds her face as she stands in front of an overturned car and debris in Mandra, northwest of Athens, on November 16, 2017. — AFP pic MANDRA (Greece), Nov 17 — Greece was in mourning yesterday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the....

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik 0

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:34:00 +0100amtsavisen (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Armada inaugura centro de seguimiento de alertas marítimas

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:12:00 +0100elcomercio-EC (es)

La Armada inauguró un centro de seguimiento y alertas marítimas en la provincia de Esmeraldas, azotada por el terremoto de 2016, informaron las Fuerzas Armadas en un comunicado, el jueves 16 de septiembre del 2017 . Se trata de la sede del Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico Norte , cuya misión,....

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:08:00 +0100fyens (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

A new Indo-Pacific alliance takes shape

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:03:00 +0100pakobserver (en)

Geopolitical Notes From India M D Nalapat THE recent meetings in the Philippines of East Asian countries as well as some major powers are important in that they were the venue for what is clearly a new Indo-Pacific alliance. The Indo-Pacific has been defined by this columnist to refer to the entire....

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik 0

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 01:01:00 +0100viborg-folkeblad (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik 0

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:58:00 +0100dagbladetringskjern (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:52:00 +0100jv (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik 0

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:51:00 +0100dagbladet-holstebro (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Sexchikane er også et attentat på demokratiet. Sexisme udelukker kvinder fra kommunalpolitik

Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:41:00 +0100stiften (da)

Jeg husker tydeligt mit første møde med sexisme i en lokalpolitisk sammenhæng. Jeg befandt mig sammen med to rejsekammerater i et mørkt lokale i Tokyos centrum. En tsunami af jakkesætsklædte sorthårede mænd omringede mig, alle ivrige for at starte en samtale. Ingen med sproglig evne til at gennemføre den.

Не виноватая я, он сам пришел!

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 23:49:00 +0100trud (ru)

Флешмоб скандалов о сексуальном домогательстве уже превысил все разумные масштабы Скандалы о сексуальном домогательстве, вспыхнув в Голливуде, обретают масштаб мирового цунами, которое грозит смыть с лица земли не только насильников, но и всех бабников, донжуанов, ловеласов и просто интересующихся женщинами мужиков.

Experts warn Queensland could be hit by tsunami

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 23:48:00 +0100dailymail (en)

There's a one in five chance Australia's east coast could be hit with a massive tsunami in the next 50 years, it has been revealed. – an online tool aimed at helping developers consider the impact of disasters on projects – classifies the chance of a tsunami hitting the coast of New South Wales and the south of Queensland as 'high.

Otago gearing up for test of new emergency alerting system

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 23:16:00 +0100voxy (en)

Otago’s emergency management staff are gearing up for the first test of the national mobile alerting system on Sunday 26 November between 6-7pm. The new system automatically sends a short message to all cellphones that are capable of receiving the alerts, switched on and within an area of mobile phone coverage.

La Grèce décrète trois jours de deuil national après les inondations qui ont fait 15 morts

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 22:41:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

La Grèce a décrété trois jours de deuil national après les pluies diluviennes qui ont fait au moins 15 morts. En pleine ville, un torrent de boue déferle au milieu des maisons. Rien n'y résiste. Vus du ciel, les dégâts sont considérables. Il n'y a plus de routes, mais des rivières d'eau boueuse qui ont envahi parkings et usines.

Ilmakuvat paljastavat Kreikan tulvatuhot – ”Se oli kuin tsunami”

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 22:10:00 +0100IltaSanomat (fi)

Viranomaisten mukaan ainakin viisi ihmistä oli torstaina edelleen kateissa Ateenan lähistöllä. Keskiviikkona alkaneissa tulvissa kuoli ainakin 15 ihmistä, minkä vuoksi maahan oli julistettu kolmipäiväinen suruaika. Kuolleista useat olivat mediatietojen mukaan vanhuksia, jotka jäivät loukkuun koteihinsa.

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 21:59:00 +0100africatime (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the capital, with more thunderstorms forecast until the weekend. Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of three towns about 50....

Greeks in disbelief over flood deaths

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 21:47:00 +0100gulf-times (en)

Greece was in mourning yesterday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the capital, with more thunderstorms forecast until the weekend. Authorities said that at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of three towns about....

Nicaragua firma libro de condolencias por el terremoto de Irán

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 21:05:00 +0100lavozdelsandinismo (es)

| Redacción Central | 16/11/2017. Una delegación del Gobierno de Nicaragua firmó, a nombre del Presidente Daniel y la Vicepresidenta Rosario, el libro de condolencias abierto en la Embajada de la República Islámica de Irán en Managua, por el terremoto de 7.3 grados registrado el pasado domingo en la frontera entre esa nación e Irak.

Nicaragua firma libro de condolencias por el terremoto de Irán

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:58:00 +0100presidencia-NI (es)

Una delegación del Gobierno de Nicaragua visitó la Embajada de la República Islámica de Irán en Managua, para firmar en nombre del Gobierno de Daniel y Rosario el libro de condolencias por el terremoto acontecido en ese hermano país. En la sede diplomática fue recibida por el Embajador de la....

Nicaragua firma libro de condolencias por el terremoto de Irán

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:54:00 +0100elpueblopresidente (es)

Una delegación del Gobierno de Nicaragua visitó la Embajada de la República Islámica de Irán en Managua, para firmar en nombre del Gobierno de Daniel y Rosario el libro de condolencias por el terremoto acontecido en ese hermano país. En la sede diplomática fue recibida por el Embajador de la....

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:04:00 +0100citizen (en)

Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of three towns about 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early Wednesday. The latest victim, a 50-year-old man, was found in a mud-filled basement. It took rescue crews over a day to reach his home.

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:03:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

MANDRA, Greece: Greece was in mourning on Thursday (Nov 16) as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 16 people near the capital, with more thunderstorms forecast until the weekend. Authorities said at least four people were still unaccounted for in Mandra, one of ....

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 19:23:00 +0100thedailystarBD (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday.

Grèce : les images des innondations à Mandra

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 18:44:00 +0100euronews-fr (fr)

À Mandra, 50 kilomètres à l’ouest de d’Athènes, les habitants s’organisent au lendemain des inondations qui ont fait au moins 16 morts dans la région. La boue est partout, certaines voitures sont allongées sur le toit. Les travaux sont immenses. Mais l’heure est avant tout au recueillement. Tout finira par être réparé.

CH2M assisting Naval Facilities Engineering Command with Hurricane Harvey recovery at Texas air stations

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 18:31:00 +0100prnewswire (en)

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas Nov. 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- CH2M has been awarded a task order, under a global contingency multiple award construction contract with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, for stabilization and repairs to multiple buildings at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi and Naval Air....

CH2M assisting Naval Facilities Engineering Command with Hurricane Harvey recovery at Texas air stations

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 18:30:00 +0100kswo (en)

Information contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party content provider. Frankly and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you are affiliated with this page and would like it removed please contact SOURCE CH2M. CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas Nov.

CH2M assisting Naval Facilities Engineering Command with Hurricane Harvey recovery at Texas air stations

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 18:14:00 +0100marketwatch (en)

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas, Nov. 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- CH2M has been awarded a task order, under a global contingency multiple award construction contract with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, for stabilization and repairs to multiple buildings at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi and Naval....

Grecia de luto por inundaciones que dejaron 15 muertos

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 18:09:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Atenas.- Grecia estaba este jueves de "duelo nacional" tras las inundaciones en las que murieron al menos 15 personas cerca de Atenas, calificadas como una "catástr of e anunciada" por la prensa y científicos, que criticaron décadas de urbanismo errático.

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:50:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns about 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who has declared three days of national mourning after the disaster, was touring the area Thursday.

"Veio como um tsunami". Cheias deixam rasto de destruição na Grécia

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:42:00 +0100tsfPT (pt)

Pelo menos 15 pessoas morreram na Grécia, após a queda de chuvas torrenciais em três localidades nos arredores de Atenas, fazendo elevar o , que apontava para dez mortos. Um lençol de água inundou, na quarta-feira de manhã, as localidades de Nea Peramos, Mandra e Megara, a 50 quilómetros de Atenas.

Terremoto, sciame sismico nell'area flegrea: decine di scosse nella Solfatara

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:41:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 16 novembre 2017) Uno sciame sismico ha interessato questa mattina l' area tra Pisciarelli e gli Astroni, a sud-ovest del vulcano Solfatara . L'evento sismico ha suscitato apprensione nei residenti del quartiere ... Sciame sismico nell’area fregrea - paura tra i residenti : scosse di....

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood AFP

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:28:00 +0100msn-uk (en)

© Provided by AFP Greece's civil protection authority said heavy rainfall was complicating search and rescue efforts in Mandra, Nea Peramos and Megara, the semi-rural areas west of Athens submerged for a second day in reddish torrents. Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate....

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:16:00 +0100straitstimesSG (en)

MANDRA, Greece (AFP) - Greece was in mourning on Thursday (Nov 16) as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns about 50km....

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 17:04:00 +0100citizen (en)

Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday. “It was like a tsunami,” Evangelos Kolovetzos, a local shopowner, told AFP. Greece’s civil protection authority said heavy....

Greece in mourning as several still missing after deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 16:49:00 +0100diariodelweb (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns about 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday.

Maltempo in Abruzzo, Coldiretti: "Emergenza anche nei campi"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 16:07:00 +0100tg24-sky (it)

Le forti precipitazioni di questi giorni hanno causato allagamenti e frane, colpite le coltivazioni di grano e ortaggi invernali. Per l'organizzazione è emergenza. LE PREVISIONI Dopo il maltempo che si è abbattuto sull'Italia, ed in particolare sull' Abruzzo , la Coldiretti lancia un allarme per le coltivazioni stagionali.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 16:02:00 +0100onlinenigeria (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. HOUSTON, TX – AUGUST 28: People are rescued from a flooded neighborhood after it was inundated with rain water, remnants of Hurricane Harvey, on August 28, 2017 in Houston, Texas.

Drammatica alluvione in Grecia: sono 15 i morti, tanti feriti e citta' sommerse FOTO SHOCK

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:52:00 +0100247libero (it)

Disastro in Grecia. Alluvione impressionante si abbatte vicino Atene. I morti salgono a 15. Alluvione Grecia / Il potente ciclone che sta colpendo il Mediterraneo si sta accanendo in maniera particolare sulla Grecia oltre che sull'Italia centrale ( specie in Abruzzo ). Col passare delle ore la situazione si aggrava.

Grecia, de luto por las inundaciones que dejan 15 muertos

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:44:00 +0100afp-espanol (es)

La inquietud de las autoridades se incrementó por las lluvias torrenciales que se desataron nuevamente en toda la región de la capital. "Nuestro problema ahora es lidiar con dos torrentes, uno de los cuales continúa corriendo por el centro de Mandra. Ahora hay una tormenta, las operaciones son muy....

حداد وطني في اليونان اثر فيضانات اوقعت 15 قتيلا على الاقل

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:38:00 +0100naharnet-ar (ar)

التزمت اليونان الخميس "حدادا وطنيا" بعد فيضانات اسفرت عن مصرع 15 شخصا على الاقل قرب أثينا، واعتبرتها وسائل الاعلام "كارثة محققة" فيما القى علماء بالمسؤولية على التخطيط الحضري غير المنظم المستمر منذ عقود. وذكر جهاز رجال الاطفاء ان خمسة اشخاص ما زالوا في عداد المفقودين، وان 12 شخصا مصابين بعد 24 ساعة....

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:30:00 +0100channelnewsasia (en)

ATHENS: Greece was in mourning on Thursday (Nov 16) as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30....

Terremoto, sciame sismico nell'area flegrea a Napoli: decine di scosse nella Solfatara

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:19:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 16 novembre 2017) Uno sciame sismico ha interessato questa mattina l' area tra Pisciarelli e gli Astroni, a sud-ovest del vulcano Solfatara . L'evento sismico ha suscitato apprensione nei residenti del quartiere ... : RT @ilmessaggeroit: #terremoto, sciame sismico nell'area flegrea a....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): WHO airlifts medical supplies to treat wounded in Iran-Iraq earthquake

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:13:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

16 November 2017, Cairo, Egypt - WHO has airlifted trauma kits and medical supplies to the Islamic Republic of Iran to support the treatment of thousands people injured as a result of the recent earthquake in the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq border region.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran quake survivors complain of slow aid effort, battle freezing cold

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:13:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Sunday's 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck villages and towns in the mountainous area of Kermanshah province that borders Iraq Iran calls off rescues, says no hope of more survivors; Thousands injured, many made homeless by worst quake in decade; Tehran declines offers of foreign assistance; U.S.

Grecia de luto por la muerte de 15 personas tras graves inundaciones

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:06:00 +0100biobiochile (es)

, calificadas como una “catástr of e anunciada” por la prensa y científicos, que criticaron décadas de urbanismo errático. Según los bomberos, cinco personas siguen desaparecidas un día después de que se produjera un alud de lodo en las zonas afectadas, las localidades de Nea Peramos, Mandra y Megara, a unos 50 km al oeste de Atenas.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 15:06:00 +0100vanguardngr (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. HOUSTON, TX – AUGUST 28: People are rescued from a flooded neighborhood after it was inundated with rain water, remnants of Hurricane Harvey, on August 28, 2017 in Houston, Texas.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 14:42:00 +0100diariodelweb (en)

Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 14:40:00 +0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Athens: Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of Athens hit by a freak flood early on Wednesday.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 14:39:00 +0100digitaljournal (en)

By AFP 43 mins ago in World Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres....

Doliu national in Grecia dupa inundatiile catastrofale. Autoritatile, sub tirul acuzatiilor

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 14:29:00 +0100ziare (ro)

Grecia se afla joi in "doliu national" in urma inundatiilor care au ucis cel putin 15 oameni in apropiere de Atena, prezentate ca o "catastr of a anuntata" de catre presa si oameni de stiinta, care acuza decenii de urbanism salbatic. Potrivit pompierilor, 5 persoane erau in in continuare date....

Inondations en Grèce : 15 morts, un deuil national annoncé

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 14:27:00 +0100francetvinfo (fr)

La Grèce touchée par les inondations. En pleine ville, un torrent de boue déferle au milieu des maisons. L'eau se déverse partout. À certains endroits, le flot atteint les deux mètres. Sur une voie rapide, les voitures sont ballotées comme de frêles embarcations.

Iran earthquake: Baby found alive in rubble three days after tremors

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 13:55:00 +0100independent-UK (en)

The child was found amid the rubble of the town of Sarpol-e-Zahab on Wednesday morning - two and a half days after the magnitude 7.3 quake which has killed at least 530 people, local media reported. A picture of the child, which appears to be smiling and not in distress, has been widely circulated among Iran ians on social media.

Greece in mourning, several still missing in deadly flood Athens (AFP) - Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall.

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 13:54:00 +0100yahoo-au (en)

Athens (AFP) - Greece was in mourning Thursday as rescue crews tried to locate several people missing in a flood that killed 15 people near the capital, as rain continued to fall. Authorities said at least five people were still missing in Mandra, one of three towns some 50 kilometres (30 miles)....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce : Deuil après une « catastrophe annoncée »

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:35:00 +0100lnt (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en deuil national après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d’Athènes, présentées comme une catastrophe annoncée par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d’urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

6.2-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Hachijojima island, no tsunami warning issued

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:03:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TOKYO, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Japan's Hachijojima island on Thursday, the weather agency here said. There have been no reports of accidents or injuries as a result of the earthquake, according to local authorities.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:59:00 +0100france24 (fr)

ATHÈNES (AFP) - La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:51:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:39:00 +0100africatime-fr (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:39:00 +0100izf (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

Dieul national après des inondations meurtrières en Grèce

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:35:00 +01007sur7 (fr)

Par: rédaction 16/11/17 - 11h28 Source: AFP © afp. La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique.

Iran quake victims plead for help

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:33:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

SARPOL-E-ZAHAB, Iran -- In a western Iranian town devastated by this week's powerful earthquake, families were sleeping on the rubble of their homes and fashioning reed shelters to offer protection from the elements, saying Wednesday that authorities haven't delivered enough tents ahead of the fast-approaching winter.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une « catastrophe annoncée »

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:33:00 +0100journalducameroun (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en « deuil national » après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d’Athènes, présentées comme une « catastrophe annoncée » par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d’urbanisme erratique.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:28:00 +0100challenges (fr)

Une rue de Mandra en Grèce après des inondations meurtrières, le 15 novembre 2017-AFP/Angelos Tzortzinis. La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:24:00 +0100lexpress (fr)

Athènes - La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique.

Terremoto in Corea del Sud, scossa magnitudo 5,5 a Pohang

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:22:00 +0100retenews24 (it)

Due potenti terremoti sono stati rilevati in Corea del Sud con epicentro in mare a 6 km a nord della città di Pohang. Sulla costa sudorientale. La prima scossa di magnitudo 5.5 è stata registrata verso le 14:29 locali (6:29 in Italia), seguita poco dopo da un’altra di magnitudo 5.4.

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:15:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

La Grèce en deuil suite aux ravages du torrent de boue

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:12:00 +0100euronews-fr (fr)

La Grèce panse ses plaies au lendemain de la mort d’au moins 15 personnes dans un torrent de boue. Mercredi matin, des flots de terre ont dévalé sur plusieurs localités proches d’Athènes, après une nuit de fortes pluies. On dénombre 13 victimes à Mandra à l’ouest de la capitale, une commune dévastée....

Inondations meurtrières en Grèce: deuil après une "catastrophe annoncée"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:12:00 +0100romandie (fr)

La Grèce était jeudi en "deuil national" après des inondations qui ont tué au moins 15 personnes près d'Athènes, présentées comme une "catastrophe annoncée" par les médias et des scientifiques qui ont mis en cause des décennies d'urbanisme erratique. Selon le service des pompiers, cinq personnes....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5.9 sacude Nueva Caledonia

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:08:00 +0100informador (es)

, un archipiélago del territorio francés de Nueva Caledonia, en el Pacífico Sur, sin que las autoridades informaran inicialmente de víctimas, daños ni riesgo de tsunami. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ), que vigila la actividad sísmica mundial, situó el hipocentro a 10 kilómetros de pr of undidad bajo el lecho marino.

Alluvione Grecia: un’ondata di fango “come uno tsunami” travolge 3 città, si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime [GALLERY]

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:07:00 +0100meteoweb (it)

I media locali riferiscono di 15 morti (10 uomini e 5 donne), causati dall’ alluvione che ha colpito la Grecia a seguito delle piogge torrenziali dei giorni scorsi. I feriti sono 17, e centinaia di case e negozi sono stati danneggiati. Le città più colpite sono Mandra e Nea Peramos, a ovest di Atene.

Inundații grave în apropiere de Atena, soldate cu 15 morți: „A venit ca un tsunami”

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:50:00 +0100libertatea (ro)

Cel puțin 15 oameni și-au pierdut viața în urma unor inundații puternice care au au avut loc în două localități din apropiere de Atena. Ploile torențiale au provocat un adevărat prăpăd, aducând șuvoaie de noroi. Situația este gravă în Mandra, Nea Peramos și Megara, aflate la vest de capitala Greciei, relatează AFP și BBC News.

Terremoto oggi/ INGV ultime scosse: Nuova Caledonia, sisma M 5.9 (ore 10:26, 16 novembre 2017)

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:43:00 +0100ilsussidiario (it)

Terremoto oggi, 16 novembre 2017. INGV ultime scosse: notizie e aggiornamenti su epicentro e magnitudo. Nuova Caledonia, sisma M 5.9. Ieri M 2.9 a Fiastra, in provincia di Macerata 16 novembre 2017 Terremoto oggi (Foto: LaPresse) Silvana Palazzo Una fortissima scossa di terremoto è stata registrata....

Grèce : un torrent de boue fait au moins 15 morts près d'Athènes

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 10:21:00 +0100LePoint (fr)

« C'est venu comme un tsunami », a déclaré à l' Agence France-Presse Evangélos Kolovetzos, un commerçant dont le magasin a été totalement ravagé, vitres brisées et portes enfoncées. Un torrent de boue a déferlé ce mercredi matin sur trois localités de la grande banlieue d'Athènes après des pluies diluviennes, tuant au moins 15 personnes.

15 morts après des pluies diluviennes près d'Athènes: "C'est venu comme un tsunami"

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:44:00 +0100rtl-BE (fr)

"C'est venu comme un tsunami": un torrent de boue a déferlé mercredi matin sur trois localités de la grande banlieue d'Athènes après des pluies diluviennes, tuant au moins 15 personnes. Au fil de la journée et des recherches menées sur place par les équipes de secours, le bilan humain n'a cessé de s'alourdir.

Terremoto de magnitude 5,9 atinge a Nova Caledônia, no Pacífico Sul EFE

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:36:00 +0100uol (pt)

Bangcoc, 16 nov (EFE).- Um terremoto de magnitude 5,9 atingiu nesta quinta-feira as Ilhas Lealdade, um arquipélago do território francês da Nova Caledônia, no Pacífico Sul, sem que as autoridades informassem inicialmente sobre vítimas ou risco de tsunami.

Grèce: au moins 15 morts après des pluies diluviennes près d'Athènes Des personnes ont été emportées par les eaux alors qu'elles se trouvaient dehors ou dans leur véhicule.

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:17:00 +0100bfmtv (fr)

"C'est venu comme un tsunami": un torrent de boue a déferlé mercredi matin sur trois localités de la grande banlieue d'Athènes après des pluies diluviennes, tuant au moins 15 personnes. Au fil de la journée et des recherches menées sur place par les équipes de secours, le bilan humain n'a cessé de s'alourdir.

Atene, tsunami di fango uccide 15 persone / FOTO / VIDEO

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:17:00 +0100quotidiano (it)

Atene, 16 novembre 2017 - Le piogge torrenziali degli ultimi giorni in Grecia hanno provocato un' ondata di fango ha colpito ieri tre località alla periferia di Atene, uccidendo almeno 15 persone. "È arrivato come uno tsunami", ha spiegato Evangelos Kolovetzos, un commerciante locale, il cui negozio è stato devastato.

One Year Done: Wellington apartment dwellers still shaky

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:03:00 +0100rnzi (en)

A survey of 803 people who live in city apartments shows that since Kaikoura, eight out of 10 are more concerned about their safety during earthquakes when out in the city centre. About half were more concerned about their safety during earthquakes in their apartment and workplace, according to the....

Springfield Museum exhibit explores hurdles women military veterans face; cast reading, discussion of Eugene screenwriter’s original work set for Sunday

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 09:01:00 +0100registerguard (en)

Visibility. “I Am Not Invisible,” a traveling exhibit at the Springfield Museum through the end of the month, features 20 portraits of Oregon women military veterans. The exhibit — formed by Portland State University’s Veterans Resource Center Director Felita Singleton and state Department of....

Terremoti: Corea Sud, scossa magnitudo 5,5 a Pohang

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:59:00 +0100retenews24 (it)

Due potenti terremoti sono stati rilevati in Corea del Sud con epicentro in mare a 6 km a nord della città di Pohang , sulla costa sudorientale: la prima scossa di magnitudo 5.5 è stata registrata verso le 14:29 locali (6:29 in Italia), seguita poco dopo da un’altra di magnitudo 5.4.

Ondata di fango ad Atene dopo le forti piogge: almeno 15 morti

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:57:00 +0100zazoom (it)

(Di giovedì 16 novembre 2017) "Come uno tsunami", dicono i testimoni. Un' Ondata di fango ha colpito tre località all'estrema periferia dell'area urbana di Atene dopo le insistenti piogge torrenziali degli ultimi... : Ondata di fango ad Atene dopo le forti piogge: almeno 15 morti - : RT....

15 morts lors d’inondations qui ont provoqué des torrents de boue, près d’Athènes

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:53:00 +0100lacapitale (fr)

«C’est venu comme un tsunami»: un torrent de boue a déferlé mercredi matin sur trois localités de la grande banlieue d’Athènes après des pluies diluviennes, tuant au moins 15 personnes. Au fil de la journée et des recherches menées sur place par les équipes de secours, le bilan humain n’a cessé de s’alourdir.

Ondata di fango ad Atene dopo le forti piogge: almeno 15 morti

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:47:00 +0100citynews (it)

"Come uno tsunami ", dicono i testimoni. Un'ondata di fango ha colpito tre località all'estrema periferia dell'area urbana di Atene dopo le insistenti piogge torrenziali degli ultimi giorni in Grecia, uccidendo almeno 15 persone . "È arrivato come uno tsunami", ha spiegato Evangelos Kolovetzos, un....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Caritas network responds to earthquake Iran, Iraq earthquake

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 04:57:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

The Caritas network is responding to the relief effort in Iran and Iraq, after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Middle Eastern countries on Sunday 12 November. Iran’s province of Kermanshah has been heavily affected by the earthquake, with over 530 people dead and over 8,000 people injured.

Bosnia-Herzegovina condoles Iranian nation, go’vt over deadly quake - 23:52 15/11/2017

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 04:29:00 +0100irna (en)

Crnadak said in his message that he was saddened to hear the news on deadly earthquake in Kermanshah province which caused loss of lives and damage to properties. He further offered his deepest condolences and expressed sincere solidarity over the tragic incident. He also wished for quick recovery of those injured by the fatal earthquake.

Iran rejects Israeli offer to help quake victims

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 04:09:00 +0100aa-en (en)

JERUSALEM. Iran has turned down an Israeli of fer to help the victims of a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that jolted the Islamic Republic earlier this week, according to Israeli media on Wednesday. Hundreds were killed when the tremor struck the border area between Iran and Iraq, killing hundreds in the Shia country and several people in Iraq.

Iran’s earthquake victims offered aid by Israel

Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:54:00 +0100dailytimesPK (en)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has of fered aid to victims of the deadly earthquake in Iran , insisting enmity between the two governments does not prevent humanitarian sympathy. The offer was made in a video conference with the Jewish Federations of North America.

Netanyahu extends relief for Iran earthquake victims, overseeing enmity

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 18:19:00 +0100asianage (en)

Iran does not recognise the Jewish state and Israeli media reported that the of fer was swiftly turned down through the International Committee of the Red Cross. (Photo: AFP) Jerusalem : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has offered aid to the victims of the weekend's deadly earthquake in....

Rescue operations underway in quake-stricken areas

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 17:33:00 +0100iran-daily (en)

Rescue operations continued in the quake-stricken areas in western Iran on Wednesday as authorities put the number killed in the 7.3-magnitude earthquake at over 430. About 9,400 people have been injured in the powerful quake in western province of Kermanshah. Over 12,000 homes have been completely destroyed.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Red Crescent helping earthquake victims in Iran and Iraq

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 16:11:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

A severe, 7.3 magnitude earthquake has caused widespread devastation in the border regions of Iran and Iraq. Following the earthquake on Sunday evening, volunteers from the Red Crescent societies of both Iran and Iraq have been providing assistance in searching for victims and conducting rescue operations.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): WHO delivers urgent health assistance for earthquake trauma patients

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 14:25:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Baghdad, Iraq, 15 November 2017 -- In response to the recent earthquake in the border region between Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq, WHO's office in Iraq has deployed a medical team supported with 3 ambulances, 4 tents and emergency lifesaving supplies to Sulaymaniyah governorate in northern Iraq.

TEHRAN (FNA)- The number of people killed in the deadly quake in Western Iran on Sunday increased to 435 while the latest reports said that 7,817 others have been injured.

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 13:51:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rattled all cities and towns along Iran 's Western border with Iraq on Sunday. Removal of debris in the quake-hit areas has almost ended and most of the residents of these regions have been accommodated in temporary shelters and tents. Also, 4.

Israel PM offers quake aid to arch foe Iran

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 13:00:00 +0100capitalfm (en)

Apartment blocks in the Iran ian town of Sarpol-e Zahab are left devastated by the November 12, 2017 earthquake that killed hundreds of people and left tens of thousands homeless © AFP / ATTA KENARE. By Jerusalem, ZZZ, Nov 15 – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has offered aid to the victims....

Líder religioso iraní agradece el apoyo a víctimas de terremoto

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:53:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Teherán, 15 nov (PL) El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán, Ali Jamenei, agradeció a todos los poderes del país por su apoyo en aliviar el sufrimiento de las víctimas del terremoto del domingo. 'La solidaridad debe ir acompañada de actos y ayuda a la gente para aliviar los problemas', precisó....

WORLD Iran rejects Netanyahu's offer to help quake victims

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:24:00 +0100hurriyetdailynews (en)

Iran rejects Netanyahu's of fer to help quake victims: Israeli media JERUSALEM – Reuters / Anadolu Agency Iran has turned down an Israeli offer to help the victims of a 7.3-magnitude earthquake that jolted the Islamic Republic earlier this week, according to Israeli media on Nov. 15.

Raisu-l-ulema Kavazović expresses condolences to Iraq/Iran earthquake victims

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:15:00 +0100fena (en)

News in English Sri, 15.11.2017. 10:31 Raisu-l-ulema Kavazović expresses condolences to Iraq/ Iran earthquake victims. SARAJEVO, November 15 (FENA) - The Raisu-l-ulema of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina Husein ef. Kavazović expressed condolences to earthquake victims in Iran and Iraq.

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran, Iraq - Earthquake (GDACS, USGS, RCS, ACAPS, OCHA, Media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 November 2017)

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:07:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

As of 15 November, local media reported that the earthquake that hit close to the border between Iran and Iraq on 12 November has so far claimed at least 530 lives (most of them in Kermanshah, Iran) and 7 370 wounded people (of which at least 550 in Iraq).

Iran begins felled-building inquiry

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 11:50:00 +0100arkansasonline (en)

SARPOL-E-ZAHAB, Iran -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani began an investigation Tuesday into why government housing built by his hard-line predecessor collapsed while others withstood a magnitude 7.3 earthquake near the border with Iraq that killed more than 530 people.

Israel PM offers quake aid to arch foe Iran Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has offered aid to the victims of the weekend's deadly earthquake in Iran insisting enmity between the two governments does not prevent humanitarian sympathy.

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 09:55:00 +0100yahoo-au (en)

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has of fered aid to the victims of the weekend's deadly earthquake in Iran insisting enmity between the two governments does not prevent humanitarian sympathy. The offer, made in a video conference with the Jewish Federations of North America, was largely rhetorical.

Death Toll Rises To Over 500 After Iran-Iraq Earthquake

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 08:04:00 +0100tolonews (en)

Rescue operations in Iran ’s western regions are ongoing following the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck the Iran-Iraq border region on Sunday night. Officials on Tuesday raised the death toll to over 500 and said more than 7,000 were injured. In addition at least 12,000 homes have been completely destroyed.

Rouhani inspects quake damages, pledges compensation to losses

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 06:55:00 +0100tabnak (en)

President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday travelled to Iran 's western Kermanshah province to inspect the damage and rescue operations in the regions hit by a deadly earthquake on Sunday night, state TV reported. Rouhani extended condolences to the families of victims of the huge earthquake that claimed the lives of hundreds and injured thousands.

12:21 Líder religioso iraní agradece el apoyo a víctimas de terremoto

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 06:38:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

15 de noviembre de 2017, 00:21 Teherán, 15 nov (PL) El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán, Ali Jamenei, agradeció a todos los poderes del país por su apoyo en aliviar el sufrimiento de las víctimas del terremoto del domingo. 'La solidaridad debe ir acompañada de actos y ayuda a la gente para....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): [Iran-Iraq Earthquake] Singapore Red Cross sends humanitarian aid

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 04:35:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Singapore, 14 November 2017 - In response to the earthquake that struck the border region between Iran and Iraq on Sunday, Singapore Red Cross (SRC) will contribute USD$40,000 in humanitarian aid in the first instance - USD 20,000 towards each country.

Iran quake toll reaches 422, thousands spend night in open

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 04:31:00 +0100greaterkashmir (en)

. The government is scrambling to get aid to the worst-hit area in the mountainous province of Kermanshah, where hundreds of homes were destroyed, reports the BBC. President Hassan Rouhani is due to visit the region on Tuesday. Representational Pic The death toll in the devastating 7.

Iran Quake Death Toll Rises to 430

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 04:25:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rattled all cities and towns along Iran 's Western border with Iraq on Sunday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and a delegation tasked by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei arrived in Kermanshah province on....

Iran quake survivors complain of slow aid effort, battle freezing cold

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 04:10:00 +0100reuters-uk (en)

Iran ian of ficials called off rescue operations earlier in the day on the grounds that there was little chance of finding more survivors from the quake, which killed at least 530 people and injured thousands of others. It was Iran’s deadliest earthquake in more than a decade. Survivors, many left homeless by Sunday’s 7.

Iran's Rouhani inspects quake damages, pledges compensation to losses

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 03:21:00 +0100chinadaily (en)

TEHRAN - Iran ian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday travelled to Iran's western Kermanshah province to inspect the damage and rescue operations in the regions hit by a deadly earthquake on Sunday night, state TV reported. Rouhani extended condolences to the families of victims of the huge....

In quake-hit Iranian village, &#x2018;people are helping people&#x2019; as aid is slow to arrive

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 01:22:00 +0100thegazette (en)

QUIK HASAN, Iran — The residents of Quik Hasan village slept outdoors in the cold and awoke early Tuesday looking for help. Fifty people had died here in a massive earthquake two nights earlier and had been buried by their relatives in makeshift graves.

‘I Am Alive’: Survivors of Iran Earthquake Mourn as Government Scrambles to Help

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:22:00 +0100nytimes (en)

KUIK-E HASAN, Iran — In Kuik-e Hasan, a village of 800 people in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, Moadel Yari, 35, stood biting his lip as he recited the names of the family members lost: “Amin, Hajar, Toba, Hajin, Abdellah, Boshra, Ozve, Somron.” Iranians living near the border with Iraq are accustomed to earthquakes.

Iran quake survivors complain of slow aid effort, battle freezing cold

Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:19:00 +0100yalibnan (en)

In this photo provided by Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA, a woman moans as she holds the body of her daughter, who was killed in an earthquake, in Sarpol-e-Zahab, in western Iran , Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck the Iraq-Iran border region killed more than....

The Latest: Netanyahu says Israel offered aid to Iran, Iraq

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 22:52:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries, sent....

Leader urges practical help for quake-hit victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 22:23:00 +0100presstv (en)

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei speaks in a meeting with the heads of the three branches of the Iran ian government and a number of authorities in Tehran on November 14, 2017. (Photo by Khamenei.ir) Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has....

Iranian Authorities Declare State of Emergency Due to Earthquakes

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 22:01:00 +0100periodico26 (en)

Tehran.- The quake occurred in the border with Iraq, but was felt from Lebanon to Kuwait, considered as one of the largest in the history of the Middle East. So far, the Disaster Management Organization has confirmed the deaths of at least 407 people and that another 6,700 were injured in the western province of Kermanshah.

'We are alone in this world': Survivors battle freezing cold after deadliest quake of 2017

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 21:48:00 +0100abc-au (en)

Exhausted and exposed to freezing cold, survivors of a weekend earthquake in western Iran are begging authorities for food and shelter saying it is taking too long for aid to reach them. Iranian officials called off rescue operations yesterday on the grounds there was little chance of finding more....

Heartbreaking images capture desperate rescue efforts

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:54:00 +0100cnn (en)

People cry near the wreckage of their home in Sarpol-e Zahab, Iran . Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA-EFE. Hundreds were killed and thousands were injured after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit the border region between Iraq and Iran on Sunday. Photos from the area show the desperate rescue efforts, with....

Iran to probe state-built homes destroyed by deadly quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:47:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

People sit on the rubble of a destroyed house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

Iran to probe state-built homes destroyed by deadly quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:46:00 +0100missoulian (en)

People sit on the rubble of a destroyed house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

Iran calls off earthquake rescue, shifts to providing aid for thousands left homeless Thousands of people left homeless after a massive earthquake struck western Iran are still without tents, food and water. The quake has led to an outpouring of solidarity in Iran.

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:30:00 +0100deutschewelle-en (en)

Iran ian authorities on Tuesday scrambled to bring relief aid to thousands of people left homeless by an earthquake that killed at least 432 people and injured nearly 5,000 more. The national rescue service called off most searches for bodies trapped under rubble, saying it was unlikely survivors would be found.

Iran to probe state-built homes destroyed by deadly quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:26:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People sit on the rubble of a destroyed house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

Iran earthquake response turns to aid for homeless Thousands of people left homeless after a massive earthquake struck western Iran are still without tents, food and water. The quake has led to an outpouring of solidarity in Iran.

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:25:00 +0100dw-en (en)

Iran ian authorities on Tuesday scrambled to bring relief aid to thousands of people left homeless by an earthquake that killed at least 432 people and injured nearly 5,000 more. The national rescue service called off most searches for bodies trapped under rubble, saying it was unlikely survivors would be found.

The Latest: Iran quake toll may rise amid search for victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:24:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

Houses are destroyed after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries, sent people fleeing....

Iran Mobilizes Forces to Help Earthquake Victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:24:00 +0100plenglish (en)

Tehran, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) The Iran ian authorities mobilized all their forces and facilities to help those affected by the earthquake on Sunday in the western part of the country, local media reported today. President Hasan Rohani stressed that one hour after the earthquake, a crisis management....

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced plans to construct tens of thousands of new houses in the quake-hit areas in Western Iran.

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:16:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

"11,000 rural houses and 4,500 urban residential units have been destroyed by the quake and we need to build 30,000 houses," Rouhani said while visiting the quake-stricken regions in Kermanshah province on Tuesday. He added that non gratis aid will be allocated for the temporary settlement and....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran: earthquake - Information bulletin

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:50:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

The situation. A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the western part of Iran along the northern border with Iraq on Sunday 12 November 2017 at 21:48 hours, local time, killing at least 328 people and injuring more than 3,950 up to the publication of this information bulletin.

10:16 Iran Mobilizes Forces to Help Earthquake Victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:38:00 +0100plenglish (en)

14 de noviembre de 2017, 10:16 Tehran, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) The Iran ian authorities mobilized all their forces and facilities to help those affected by the earthquake on Sunday in the western part of the country, local media reported today. President Hasan Rohani stressed that one hour after the....

Iranian Weightlifter Selling his Olympic Gold to Aid Earthquake Victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:48:00 +0100albawaba-en (en)

has decided to put his Rio 2016 Olympic Games impressive achievement to good use, and auction his gold medal to give the money to families stricken in the magnitude-7.3 earthquake that struck western Iran at the weekend. According to the latest figures, nearly 430 people have lost their lives and over 7,000 others sustained injuries in the tremor.

Iran-Iraq Earthquake Kills More Than 500

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:48:00 +0100nytimes (en)

TEHRAN — Iran ians dug through rubble in a frantic search for survivors on Monday, after a powerful earthquake struck near the Iraqi border, killing more than 500 people and injuring thousands of others in the world’s deadliest earthquake so far this year. The quake, recorded at 9:18 p.m. on Sunday, was felt as far away as Turkey and Pakistan.

Islamic leader calls for sharing religious donations for quake relief

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:40:00 +0100panarmenian-en (en)

PanARMENIAN.Net - Iraqi Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani expressed his condolences over the deadly earthquake in Iran , calling his followers to allocate parts of religious donations regularly paid to help victims of the Sunday, November 12 night earthquake in western Iran, IRNA reports.

Iran's Rouhani seeks probe into earthquake damage as death toll climbs to 530

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:43:00 +0100dailysabah (en)

Iran ian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday his administration will probe the cause of so much damage to buildings constructed under a state-owned program in the quake-stricken area along the border with Iraq. The official IRNA news agency said Rouhani made the remarks while touring the quake-hit Iranian Kurdish town of Sarpol-e Zahab on Tuesday.

Rescuers search debris after Iran-Iraq quake kills over 530

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:37:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

A man checks the interior of a damaged house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

The Latest: News agency: Death toll in Iran quake up to 530

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:37:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

A man takes a picture on the rubble of a destroyed structure near Darbandikhan Lake after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents....

Rouhani inspects Iran quake damages and mourns 445 dead

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:32:00 +0100xinhuanet_en (en)

TEHRAN, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Iran ian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday travelled to Iran's western Kermanshah province to inspect the damage and rescue operations in the regions hit by a deadly earthquake on Sunday night, state TV reported. Rouhani extended condolences to the families' victims of ....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Iran ends quake rescue operations as hungry survivors battle the cold

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:41:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

By Parisa Hafezi. ANKARA, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Rescue operations have ended in areas of Iran hit by a powerful weekend earthquake that killed at least 450 people and injured thousands, state television reported on Tuesday, as many survivors, in need of food and water, battled the cold. Sunday's 7.

The Latest: Iran's Rouhani seeks probe in quake-hit area

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:37:00 +0100wacotrib (en)

A man checks the interior of a damaged house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

TEHRAN (FNA)- The number of people killed in the deadly quake in Western Iran on Sunday increased to 430 while officials have confirmed 7,460 injuries.

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:36:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

A strong earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rattled all cities and towns along Iran 's Western border with Iraq on Sunday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and a delegation tasked by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei arrived in Kermanshah province on....

The Latest: Iran's Rouhani seeks probe in quake-hit area

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:21:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake at the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Catholicos of All Armenians Sends Condolences to the President of Iran

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:12:00 +0100armradio (en)

On November 13, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; sent a letter to Mr. Hassan Rohani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran , in condolence for the devastating earthquake that occurred in the Azgaleh District of the Kermanshah Province of Iran.

Dr. Abdullah Conveys Condolences To Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake Victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:56:00 +0100BakhtarNewsAgency-en (en)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017. Kabul (BNA) Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in a sympathy message said was saddened over powerful earthquake took place in Iraq and Iran . "With deep sorrow I found that due to powerful earthquake in northeast of Iraq and west of Iran at least 140 people were killed and hundreds of others injured,” Dr.

Iranian weightlifter selling his Olympic gold to aid earthquake victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:53:00 +0100iran-daily (en)

Iran ian weightlifter Kianoush Rostami has decided to put his Rio 2016 Olympic Games impressive achievement to good use, and auction his gold medal to give the money to families stricken in the magnitude-7.3 earthquake that struck western Iran at the weekend. “This calamity has stricken me with deep grief.

Devastating Earthquake Kills More Than 430 in Iran and Iraq

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:11:00 +0100nbcnews (en)

At least 437 people were killed and more than 7,600 others injured after a 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck near Iran 's border with Iraq, authorities said Monday. In Iran, rescuers who worked through dozens of aftershocks and were hindered by landslides ended their efforts late Monday night/early....

Relief operations continue in Iran’s quake-affected areas (Video)

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:08:00 +0100iran-daily (en)

Upon arrival at Kermanshah Airport on Tuesday, Rouhani extended condolences on behalf of the Iran ian nation to the quake-stricken people of Kermanshah, presstv.com reported. He also thanked the people, officials and the countries that had expressed sympathy with those affected by the natural....

Earthquake victims, thousands in the cold, increase. The Pope's condolences

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:05:00 +0100asianews-en (en)

Tehran (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Pope has expressed "deep sadness" for the victims of the earthquake that caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of injured on the border between Iraq and Iran two days ago. Thousands of Iranians spent the second night in cold autumn temperatures.

Iran earthquake survivors plead for help as death toll rises

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 10:38:00 +0100bbc (en)

Ali Gulani, 42, lives in the province's badly-hit town of Qasr-e-Shirin, and told BBC Persian people were burning crates to try to stay warm. "We are living in a tent and we don't have enough food or water," he said. "You can hear children crying, it's too cold. They are holding on to their parents to warm themselves - it's pretty bad.

The Latest: Iran's president promises to rebuild after quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 10:02:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

The Latest: Iran's president promises to rebuild after quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:38:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

In this photo provided by the Iran ian Students News Agency, ISNA, destroyed buildings and a car are seen after an earthquake at the city of Sarpol-e-Zahab in western Iran, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful earthquake shook the Iran-Iraq border late Sunday, killing more than one hundred people and....

Rescuers search debris after Iran-Iraq quake killing 430

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:27:00 +0100missoulian (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Relief operations continue in Iran’s quake-affected areas

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:23:00 +0100presstv (en)

Rescue operations continue in Iran ’s western regions that were hit by a deadly earthquake on Sunday night. President Hassan Rouhani has personally traveled to Kermanshah Province to inspect the damage and help speed up recovery efforts. Upon arrival at Kermanshah Airport on Tuesday, Rouhani extended....

Rescuers search debris after Iran-Iraq quake killing 430

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:16:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries, sent....

Iran Quake Survivors Spend Second Night In Open As Death Toll Rises

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:15:00 +0100rferl (en)

Thousands of people spent a second night in makeshift tents or out in the open as authorities downplayed hope for finding more survivors of a powerful earthquake near the Iran -Iraq border that killed hundreds of people. Iran's Kermanshah Province bore the brunt of the quake, with state media saying....

El terremoto en Irán e Irak deja más de 400 muertos

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:14:00 +0100UltimaHora (es)

BAGDAD - IRAK. La cifra de muertos en Irán subió ayer a 450 como consecuencia del devastador terremoto que asoló a varias provincias del país, el movimiento de tierra más mortífero en la república islámica en al menos una década, informó la televisión estatal. La cadena iraní de habla inglesa Press TV dijo que al menos 450 personas murieron y 7.

Iran Quake Survivors Seek Shelter as Death Toll Rises

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:11:00 +0100albaniannews (en)

Thousands of Iran ians have spent a second night outdoors in bitterly cold temperatures after a devastating earthquake hit the west of the country. The government is scrambling to get aid to the worst-hit area in the mountainous province of Kermanshah, where hundreds of homes were destroyed.

The Latest: Iranian prez promises to rebuild quake-hit area

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 09:05:00 +0100wacotrib (en)

Survivors sit in front of buildings damaged by an earthquake, in Sarpol-e-Zahab, western Iran , Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck the Iraq-Iran border region killed more than three hundred people in both countries, sent people fleeing their homes into the night....

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:58:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:13:00 +0100bostonherald (en)

Credit: The Associated Press In this photo provided by the Iran ian Students News Agency, ISNA, a car lays smashed by debris from the earthquake at the city of Sarpol-e-Zahab in western Iran, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful earthquake shook the Iran-Iraq border late Sunday, killing more than one....

Iran quake survivors seek shelter as death toll rises

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:44:00 +0100bbc (en)

Iran ian state news agency Irna said 430 people had died in the country. In the more sparsely populated areas across the border in Iraq, nine people died and several hundred were injured. Iranian state TV said thousands of survivors had spent another night in makeshift camps or in the open.

Deadly quake claims hundreds of lives

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:33:00 +0100tehrantimes (en)

TEHRAN — Dignitaries from around the world of fered their heartfelt condolences over the deadly quake which jolted Iran ’s western province of Kermanshah on Sunday night local time. By Monday night 450 were reported dead and more than 6,700 injured from the magnitude 7.3 earthquake that had hit Kermanshah province.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:24:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:14:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Iran quake toll reaches 422, thousands spend night in open

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:11:00 +0100business-standard (en)

. The death toll in the devastating 7.3-magnitude earthquake that struck Iran in a region bordering Iraq on Sunday, has reached 422 with thousands of Iranians spending a second night outdoors in near-freezing temperatures, the media reported on Tuesday.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 07:03:00 +0100wacotrib (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 06:55:00 +0100missoulian (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Rescuers dig through debris after Iran-Iraq border quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 06:55:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

People walk next to a destroyed house after an earthquake, in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the Iraq- Iran border has killed over 350 people across both countries, sent residents fleeing their homes into the night and was felt as far away as the Mediterranean coast.

Atambayev offers condolences to Roukhani over earthquake in Iran

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 06:21:00 +0100kabar (en)

Bishkek, Nov. 14, 2017 /Kabar/. President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev expressed his condolences to President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hasan Roukhani in connection with the numerous human casualties and significant destruction caused by the earthquake that occurred in the western....

Quake kills 430 in Iranian border region rebuilt after war

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 05:10:00 +0100missoulian (en)

People stand in the street after feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017. The deadly earthquake hit the region along the border between Iran and Iraq on Sunday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered 19 miles (31 kilometers) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja.

Iranian Authorities Declare State of Emergency Due to Earthquakes

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 05:09:00 +0100plenglish (en)

Tehran, Nov 13 (prensa Latina) The Iran ian authorities declared a state of emergency for the western provinces that recorded the tremors of an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. The quake occurred in the border with Iraq, but was felt from Lebanon to Kuwait, considered as one of the largest in the history of the Middle East.

Iran Says Quake Killed More Than 400

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:55:00 +0100laht (en)

TEHRAN – More than 400 people were killed and 6,700 others injured by a magnitude-7.3 earthquake that was felt in the western province of Kermanshah, Iran ian authorities said on Monday. The temblor, whose epicenter was in neighboring eastern Iraq, reduced buildings to rubble, forced schools and....

Quake kills 430 in Iranian border region rebuilt after war

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:52:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

In this photo provided by the Iran ian Students News Agency, ISNA, destroyed buildings and a car are seen after an earthquake at the city of Sarpol-e-Zahab in western Iran, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. A powerful earthquake shook the Iran-Iraq border late Sunday, killing more than one hundred people and....

Quake kills 430 in Iranian border region rebuilt after war

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:51:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

People stand in the street after feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017. The deadly earthquake hit the region along the border between Iran and Iraq on Sunday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered 19 miles (31 kilometers) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja.

Death toll from earthquake in western Iran climbs to 440 (UPDATING) (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:50:00 +0100trendnews-az (en)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 13. Trend: 07:08 (GMT +4) At least 445 people have been killed by a strong earthquake in western Iran , TASS reported, citing the Tasnim news agency. According to the agency, 7,100 people have suffered injuries. 22:23 (GMT +4) Death toll after the devastating quake in western Iran has reached 430, IRNA reported.

Quake kills 430 in Iranian border region rebuilt after war

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:45:00 +0100timesdaily (en)

A man checks the interior of a damaged house after an earthquake in the city of Darbandikhan, northern Iraq, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq- Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred people in both countries,....

Iranians report at least 61 dead, 300 injured from quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:30:00 +0100pattayamail (en)

People stand in the street after feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Nov. 12. The deadly earthquake hit the region along the border between Iran and Iraq on Sunday. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban) Tehran, Iran (AP) — A powerful magnitude 7.

Belarusian president condoles with Iran over deadly quake

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:17:00 +0100irna (en)

In a message to President Hassan Rouhani on Monday, the Belarusian president said that news on the victims of the earthquake tormented hearts of the Belarusian nation and it expresses solidarity with the Islamic Republic. Belarus is mourning for those killed in the quake and wishes quick recovery for the injured, he said.

Iran thanks world for solidarity with quake victims

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:17:00 +0100irna (en)

Tehran, Nov 13, IRNA – Iran ian Foreign Ministry spokesman on Monday thanked foreign of ficials and international organizations' solidarity with victims of earthquake west of the country. 'Officials, foreign ministers and ambassadors of several countries and international organizations, including....

Rajoy envía un telegrama al presidente de Irán expresando sus condolencias por las víctimas del terremoto

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:15:00 +0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 13 (SERVIMEDIA) El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha enviado un telegrama de condolencias al presidente de la República Islámica de Irán, Hassan Rohani, por las víctimas del terremoto de magnitud 7,3 en la escala de Richter que este domingo sacudió la frontera entre Irán e Irak dejando centenares de muertos.

Iranian Leader, President Stress Necessity for Mobilization of All Forces to Help Quake-Hit Areas

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:12:00 +0100farsnews-en (en)

"The of ficials are required to use all their efforts and power in the first hours to help the hurt people, specially those who are still under the ruins, and prevent increasing tolls by using all existing possibilities rapidly," Ayatollah Khamenei said in his message on Monday.

Earthquake hits Iran-Iraq border, kills about 450

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 04:04:00 +0100presstv (en)

A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake has hit the border region between Iran and Iraq, killing about 450 people, almost all of them in Iran. The epicenter of the quake, which occurred at around 09:18 pm local time on Sunday (0010 GMT on Monday), was 32 kilometers south of the Iraqi city of Halabja, in....

México expresa sus condolencias a Irán e Irak por terremoto

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 03:26:00 +0100zocalo (es)

Ciudad de México.- El gobierno de México, a través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), expresó su pr of undo pesar y sinceras condolencias a los pueblos y a los gobiernos de la República Islámica de Irán y de la República de Irak por los cientos de víctimas y heridos que ocasionó el terremoto de 7.

Venezuela se solidariza con Irán e Irak tras fuerte terremoto

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 02:13:00 +0100elcarabobeno (es)

El Gobierno venezolano expresa sus más sentidas palabras de condolencias a las hermanas República Islámica de Irán y República de Irak, manifestando su pr of undo pesar ante las trágicas pérdidas humanas y materiales que han tenido lugar producto del fuerte terremoto de 7,3 grados en la escala de Richter.

Venezuela se solidariza con Irán e Irak tras fuerte terremoto que dejó decenas de fallecidos

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 01:37:00 +0100aporrea (es)

Caracas, noviembre 13 - El Gobierno Bolivariano y el pueblo de Venezuela, expresaron este lunes su más sentidas palabras de condolencias a las hermanas República Islámica de Irán y República de Irak, quienes fueron víctimas del fuerte terremoto de 7,3 grados en la escala de Richter, suscitado el día....

Iran (Islamic Republic of): Population Exposure Analysis to Halabjah Earthquake, M 7.3, Iran/Iraq, 12 November 2017

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 23:36:00 +0100reliefWeb (en)

Overview. On Sunday 12 November 2017 at 18:18 UTC time, a M7.3 earthquake hit the northern Iran -Iraq border area at a depth of ~20km. The epicenter is located between the Iranian Kermanshah Province and the Iraqi Governorate of Sulaymaniyah, at 220 km northeast from Baghdad, Iraq, and at 620 km west from Tehran, Iran.

Italy to offer quake aid to Iran, Iraq

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 23:06:00 +0100business-standard (en)

Rome, Nov 14 (IANS/AKI) The Italian government is ready to aid the victims of the powerful tremor that killed over 400 people, injured thousands and left tens of thousands homeless on the border between Iran and Iraq, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni has tweeted. The magnitude 7.

Suman 450 muertos y 7 mil heridos por terremoto en Irán e Irak

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 23:04:00 +0100elfinanciero (es)

TEHERÁN.- La cifra de muertos en Irán subió a 450 como consecuencia del devastador terremoto que asoló a varias provincias del país, el movimiento de tierra más mortífero en la república islámica en al menos una década, informó el lunes la televisión estatal.

The Latest: Over 400 dead from earthquake

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:47:00 +0100missoulian (en)

In this photo provided by Tasnim News Agency, relatives weep over the bodies of earthquake victims, in Sarpol-e-Zahab, in western Iran , Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq-Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred....

The Latest: Over 400 dead from earthquake

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:45:00 +0100siouxcityjournal (en)

In this photo provided by Tasnim News Agency, relatives weep over the bodies of earthquake victims, in Sarpol-e-Zahab, in western Iran , Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Authorities reported that a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iraq-Iran border region on Monday and killed more than three hundred....

The Latest: Over 400 dead from earthquake

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:39:00 +0100muscatinejournal (en)

People stand in the street after feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017. The deadly earthquake hit the region along the border between Iran and Iraq on Sunday. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered 19 miles (31 kilometers) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja.


Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:24:00 +0100teinteresa (es)

El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, ha enviado un telegrama de condolencias al presidente de la República Islámica de Irán, Hassan Rohani, por las víctimas del terremoto de magnitud 7,3 en la escala de Richter que este domingo sacudió la frontera entre Irán e Irak dejando centenares de muertos.

Venezuela se solidariza con Irán e Irak tras fuerte terremoto que dejó decenas de fallecidos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:01:00 +0100radiomundial (es)

El Gobierno Bolivariano y el pueblo de Venezuela , expresaron este lunes su más sentidas palabras de condolencias a las hermanas República Islámica de Irán y República de Irak , quienes fueron víctimas del fuerte terremoto de 7,3 grados en la escala de Richter , suscitado el día 12 de noviembre y....

Potente terremoto en frontera entre Irán e Irak: cientos de muertos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 20:50:00 +0100monumental (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7,3 que remeció la frontera entre Irán e Irak a última hora del domingo dejó 328 muertos y más de 2.500 heridos solo en Irán, dijo el lunes la agencia estatal de noticias de la República Islámica. El sismo causó al menos siete fallecidos y 321 heridos en Irak, todos....

México manifiesta sus condolencias a Irán e Irak por terremoto

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 18:09:00 +0100xeu (es)

El gobierno de México, a través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), expresó su pr of undo pesar y sinceras condolencias a los pueblos y a los gobiernos de la República Islámica de Irán y de la República de Irak por los cientos de víctimas y heridos que ocasionó el terremoto de 7.

Séisme en Iran et Irak: les rescapés s'apprêtent à passer leur deuxième nuit dehors

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 18:08:00 +0100letemps (fr)

Besoin «de tentes, d'eau et de nourriture» «Les besoins immédiats des gens, c’est d’abord des tentes, de l’eau et de la nourriture», a déclaré à la télévision d’Etat iranienne le général Mohammad Ali Jafari, chef des Gardiens de la révolution, l’armée d’élite de la République islamique, lors d’une visite dans les zones sinistrées.

Un violent séisme aux confins de l’Iran et de l’Irak fait plus de 400 morts

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 17:36:00 +0100letemps (fr)

Besoin «de tentes, d'eau et de nourriture» «Les besoins immédiats des gens, c’est d’abord des tentes, de l’eau et de la nourriture», a déclaré à la télévision d’Etat iranienne le général Mohammad Ali Jafari, chef des Gardiens de la révolution, l’armée d’élite de la République islamique, lors d’une visite dans les zones sinistrées.

México manifiesta sus condolencias a Irán e Irak por terremoto

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 17:15:00 +0100notimex (es)

México, 13 Nov (Notimex).- El gobierno de México, a través de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), expresó su pr of undo pesar y sinceras condolencias a los pueblos y a los gobiernos de la República Islámica de Irán y de la República de Irak por los cientos de víctimas y heridos que ocasionó el terremoto de 7.

Llega a 339 el número de muertos por sismo en el Kudistán El terremoto magnitud 7.3 afectó anoche la región Kurda asentada sobre Irán e Irak Por: Redacción Once Noticias | Fuente: Notimex | 13-11-2017 06:25:00

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 13:53:00 +0100oncenoticias (es)

Alrededor de 339 personas murieron en un recuento preliminar por el sismo de magnitud 7.3 que afectó anoche la región Kurda asentada sobre Irán e Irak, la mayoría de ellos en la nación islámica. La iraní Press TV señaló que el movimiento ocurrió a las 21:18 horas de este domingo (00:18 GMT de este....

Potente sismo de 7,3 grados entre Irán e Irak deja más de 330 muertos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:49:00 +0100elnacional (es)

La provincia iraní de Kermanshah, en el oeste del país, fue la más afectada y la agencia estatal de noticias de la República Islámica reportó que el terremoto se cobró la vida de 328 personas solo en Irán. Según la televisora estatal hay unos 3.950 heridos.

A casi 400 aumentan los muertos por terremoto en frontera de Irán e Irak

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:30:00 +0100lacuarta (es)

El fuerte terremoto de 7,2 grados que golpeó el domingo la frontera entre Irak e Irán causó al menos 399 muertos y más de 2.530 heridos, dijeron autoridades. El mayor número de víctimas se reportó en la república islámica, con 328 víctimas, mientras en el Kurdistán iraquí el balance asciende a 11 fallecidos.

Ordena líder iraní ayuda inmediata a damnificados por terremoto que ha dejado más de 350 muertos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:22:00 +0100radiohc (es)

Teherán, 13 nov (RHC) El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán, el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, ordenó atender a los damnificados por un terremoto de 7,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió la parte occidental del país persa. Mediante un mensaje, Jamenei manifestó su pesar por la muerte....

Líder iraní ordena atención inmediata a damnificados por terremoto

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 12:11:00 +0100barrigaverde (es)

Por: Prensa Latina | 5:57 AM TEHERÁN, 13 noviembre, 2017 (PL).- El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, ordenó hoy atender a los damnificados por un terremoto de 7,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió la parte occidental del país persa.

Líder iraní ordena atención inmediata para damnificados por terremoto

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 11:35:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

Teherán, 13 nov (PL) El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, ordenó hoy atender a los damnificados por un terremoto de 7,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió la parte occidental del país persa. Mediante un mensaje, Jamenei manifestó su pesar por la....

4:57 Líder iraní ordena atención inmediata para damnificados por terremoto

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 11:01:00 +0100prensa-latina (es)

13 de noviembre de 2017, 04:57 Teherán, 13 nov (PL) El líder de la Revolución Islámica de Irán el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, ordenó hoy atender a los damnificados por un terremoto de 7,3 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter que sacudió la parte occidental del país persa.

Potente terremoto en frontera entre Irán e Irak: cientos de muertos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 10:50:00 +0100voanoticias (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7,3 que remeció la frontera entre Irán e Irak a última hora del domingo dejó 328 muertos y más de 2.500 heridos solo en Irán, dijo el lunes la agencia estatal de noticias de la República Islámica. El sismo causó al menos siete fallecidos y 321 heridos en Irak, todos....

Potente sismo entre Irán e Irak deja más de 140 muertos

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 08:03:00 +0100debate (es)

TEHERÁN, Irán (AP) — Un potente terremoto que remeció la frontera entre Irán e Irak a última hora del domingo dejó más de 140 fallecidos y 850 heridos solo en Irán, según medios estatales de la República Islámica. El gobierno de Bagdad no informó de inmediato sobre los daños o las víctimas causadas por el movimiento telúrico en el país.

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