M 5.8 in Off Coast Of Central Chile on 20 May 2022 09:07 UTC

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Articles about casualties: 2 (1.1%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.7 al largo della Calabria

2022-05-24T08:48+0200calabria7 (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo ML 2.7 è avvenuto nelle acque del “ Tirreno Meridionale ” alle ore 8:20 circa della giornata odierna, martedì 24 maggio. Il movimento tellurico, avvenuto a diversi chilometri dalla costa vibonese è stato localizzato dall’ “I valori delle coordinate ipo central i e della....

Microsoft s'inquiète de l'expansion du botnet Xor DDoS

2022-05-24T08:29+0200zdnet-fr (fr)

Ces derniers mois, Micros of t a constaté une augmentation de 254 % de l'activité de Xor DDoS, un réseau de machines Linux infectées vieux d'environ huit ans. Ce dernier, comme son nom l'indique, est utilisé pour mener des attaques par déni de service distribué (DDoS).

Qu’est-ce que le Quad ? Le partenariat entre les États-Unis, le Japon, l’Australie et l’Inde expliqué

2022-05-24T08:10+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le président américain Joe Biden doit rencontrer les dirigeants de l’Inde, de l’Australie et du Japon à Tokyo mardi pour un sommet des nations du « Quad ». La rencontre intervient à la fin du premier voyage de Biden en Asie depuis qu’il est devenu président, une visite de cinq jours qu’il a commencée en Corée du Sud.

Sismo de magnitud 4.3 con epicentro en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca

2022-05-24T06:00+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Salina Cruz a las 22:31 hora local (3:31 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.3 y una pr of undidad de 16 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 72 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-24T05:51+0200es-noticias (es)

Tokio, 22 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Puerto Peñasco, Sonora

2022-05-24T03:18+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 y con una pr of undidad de 19 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Puerto Peñasco a las 14:35 hora local (19:35 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 124 km al sur de dicha ciudad del estado de Sonora, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.3 en Puerto Peñasco

2022-05-24T03:05+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo se registró en Puerto Peñasco a las 14:53 hora local (19:53 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.3 y una pr of undidad de 20 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 133 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Sonora.

Se sintió sismo en la provincia de Manabí

2022-05-24T02:35+0200telegrafo (es)

Este lunes 23 de mayo a través de la cuenta del Instituto Ge of ísico, se reportó un sismo de magnitud 4.7, con profundidad de 10km. ID: igepn2022kbet Revisado 2022-05-23 17:53:57 TL Magnitud:4.7 Profundidad: 10.00 km, a 523.97 km de Manta, Manabi,Latitud: 0.7847 Longitud:-85.

Se sintió sismo en la provincia de Manabí

2022-05-24T02:12+0200eltiempo-EC (es)

Este lunes 23 de mayo a través de la cuenta del Instituto Ge of ísico, se reportó un sismo de magnitud 4.7, con profundidad de 10km. ID: igepn2022kbet Revisado 2022-05-23 17:53:57 TL Magnitud:4.7 Profundidad: 10.00 km, a 523.97 km de Manta, Manabi,Latitud: 0.7847 Longitud:-85.

What is the Quad and what will they discuss?

2022-05-24T02:05+0200abc-au (en)

Anthony Albanese's first order of business as Prime Minister will be to travel to Japan to attend a leaders' meeting with the members of the Quad. Ahead of the election, Mr Albanese put plans in place so that he could go to the meeting a day after being sworn in as Prime Minister.

TONGA 3 min Tonga distrugge, ma resta intatto Le pareti del vulcano non sono andate distrutte, pur trattandosi della più forte eruzione negli ultimi 30 anni

2022-05-23T23:22+0200tio (it)

NUKU'ALOFA - Dopo l'eruzione si sono verificati tsunami, l'onda d'urto scatenatasi dal vulcano è arrivata fino al Ticino e nemmeno le correnti elettriche nella ionosfera sono rimaste illese. Eppure ora i ricercatori hanno scoperto, con non poca sorpresa, che l'Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai è rimasto intatto.

Ciencia El volcán que provocó un tsunami en Tonga está 'sorprendentemente' intacto

2022-05-23T22:14+0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

El volcán que provocó un tsunami en Tonga está 'sorprendentemente' intacto Es considerada como la explosión atmosférica más grande desde la erupción del volcán Krakatoa. El volcán submarino cuya erupción el 15 de enero provocó un enorme tsunami que golpeó Tonga, en el Pacífico Sur, se encuentra....

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz

2022-05-23T21:52+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor fue registrado en Sayula de Alemán a las 14:21 hora local (19:21 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una pr of undidad de 140 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 40 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Veracruz.

FLIPSCRAPER. A Metabolist Utopia in the crisis of a Flooded World.

2022-05-23T20:57+0200worldarchitecture (en)

The proposal envisages the extreme future condition of a contemporary pressing issue: the flooding of the world due to climate change and environmental abuse. It is an Utopian reinterpretation of the Water Cities proposals designed by Metabolist Architect Kiyonori Kikutake.

El "lagomoto" del '60 fue el primer tsunami lacustre registrado en Argentina

2022-05-23T18:37+0200nacionalcordoba (es)

Al respecto, Gustavo Villarosa, doctor en Ciencias Geológicas, dialogó con Radio Nacional Bariloche. El 22 de mayo de 1960 una ola de dos metros rompió en la orilla del lago Nahuel Huapi e hizo desaparecer el muelle apostado frente al Centro Cívico. Se hundieron varios barcos y perdieron la vida dos personas.

Tonga, il vulcano sottomarino stupisce: quasi intatto dopo la colossale eruzione

2022-05-23T18:19+0200247libero (it)

per la violentissima eruzione che ha innescato una serie di eventi sconvolgenti: dai 20 chilometri di nube, allo tusnami che si è abbattuto su isole del Pacifico, Australia e Nuova Zelanda, per arrivare alla formazione di una nuova isola di 2 Km di diametro.

¿Tormenta solar nos dejaría sin internet?

2022-05-23T18:00+0200expreso-press (es)

MÉXICO.- El pasado 26 de agosto del 2021, el observatorio de dinámicas solares de la NASA (Solar Dynamics Observatory, SDO) tuvo el registro de lo que se define como un tsunami solar, cuyos efectos en tres años podrían ser de gravedad para Norteamérica, como dejar sin internet a millones de personas.

Trema la terra in Sicilia, tre scosse di terremoto in poche ore

2022-05-23T16:57+0200247libero (it)

Sono tre le scosse di terremoto registrate oggi in Sicilia. L’ultima al largo della Sicilia Settentrionale. Due hanno riguardato la costa siracusana e una quella messinese. La più forte, di magnitudo 3.1, è stata registrata la scorsa notte alle 3.55 ad una pr of ondità di 16 km. La seconda scossa è stata di minore intensità.

GeoHazards, Vol. 3, Pages 294-322: Pseudo-Probabilistic Design for High-Resolution Tsunami Simulations in the Southwestern Spanish Coast

2022-05-23T16:33+0200mdpi (en)

The application of simulation software has proven to be a crucial tool for tsunami hazard assessment studies. Understanding the potentially devastating effects of tsunamis leads to the development of safety and resilience measures, such as the design of evacuation plans or the planning of the....

Détecter les tremblements de terre instantanément grâce aux perturbations de la gravité

2022-05-23T16:32+0200futura-sciences (fr)

La Terre est secouée chaque jour par de nombreux tremblements de terre, plus ou moins puissants. Si la plupart ne sont même pas ressentis par la population, certains peuvent être très destructeurs et meurtriers, surtout quand ils génèrent des vagues de tsunami.

¿Sin Internet por meses?... Tormenta Solar amenaza con dejar a México sin conexión

2022-05-23T16:17+0200vanguardia-MX (es)

¿Qué pasaría si nos quedamos sin Internet durante varios meses? ... quizá sería un caos total el adaptarnos a no utilizar las plataformas digitales que actualmente manejamos como Facebook, Twitter o Instagram y probablemente se perderían muchos trabajos que dependen de la red. Viviríamos un tiempo con menos comunicación alrededor del mundo.

Tre scosse di terremoto in mare in Sicilia, la più forte nel Siracusano

2022-05-23T16:01+0200gds-it (it)

Tre scosse di terremoto al largo della Sicilia in poche ore. Due hanno riguardato la costa siracusana e una quella messinese. La più forte, di magnitudo 3.1, è stata registrata la scorsa notte (tra il 22 e il 23 maggio) alle 3.55 ad una pr of ondità di 16 km.

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Ometepec, Guerrero

2022-05-23T15:54+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Ometepec a las 8:20 hora local (13:20 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una pr of undidad de 7 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 14 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Guerrero.

El volcán que provocó un tsunami en Tonga está 'sorprendentemente' intacto

2022-05-23T15:16+0200noticiassin (es)

"Hay lodo arenoso fino y pr of undas ondulaciones de ceniza hasta 50 kilómetros de distancia del volcán, con valles excavados y enormes montones de sedimentos", detalló un investigador. REDACCION INTERNACIONAL .- El volcán submarino cuya erupción el 15 de enero provocó un enorme tsunami que golpeó....

Sismo de magnitud 4.7 con epicentro en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

2022-05-23T14:50+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo se registró en Puerto Vallarta a las 7:23 hora local (12:23 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.7 y una pr of undidad de 10 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 342 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Jalisco.

Tonga volcano still ‘intact’ after huge eruption that triggered tsunami

2022-05-23T14:37+0200standard (en)

Tonga was hit by a tsunami following an underwater volcanic eruption on January 15, sending a plume of ash soaring into the atmosphere and destroying homes on Tonga’s islands. After the natural disaster, a New Zealand -led team have been mapping the seamount, which was thought to have been torn apart due to the force of the earthquake.

Strengthening disaster mitigation through Disaster SNI implementation

2022-05-23T14:22+0200digitpatrox (en)

We should contemplate each doable incident to keep away from the worst affect of pure catastrophe with minimal casualties. Indonesia is called a disaster-prone nation since it’s situated on the confluence of 4 tectonic plates: the Asian Continent plate, the Australian Continent plate, the Indian Ocean plate, and the Pacific Ocean.

Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) : le flanc oriental du volcan glisse vers la mer

2022-05-23T13:22+0200catnat (fr)

démontre bien la place prépondérante des éruptions dans le processus de glissement du flanc est du volcan. Un phénomène déjà connu et bien observé par les scientifiques de l’OVPF qui prévoient un effondrement d’une partie de l’édifice pouvant causer un tsunami. Cela s’est déjà déroulé, il y a 4 700 ans.

La genesi e i pericoli delle alluvioni: le calamità naturali più comuni e distruttive

2022-05-23T12:40+0200nationalgeographic-it (it)

Come si forma un'alluvione. La tipica alluvione si manifesta con l'incursione dell'acqua sulla terraferma, normalmente asciutta, e le cause di questo fenomeno possono essere varie. La pioggia eccessiva, la rottura di una diga o di un argine, il rapido scioglimento di nevi o ghiacci, o persino una....

Apprendre du peuple Sasak sur l’atténuation des catastrophes

2022-05-23T11:51+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le bâtiment fait de murs en bambou tressé et coiffé d’un toit de chaume se dresse toujours bien, même s’il a été secoué par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 sur l’échelle de Richter en 2018. Servant de gage de savoir local qui a prouvé son utilité au fil du temps, le bâtiment traditionnel....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-23T11:25+0200euronews-en (en)

– A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre ( EMSC ) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said.

La scoperta del team di geologi guidato dalla Nuova Zelanda che si è occupato di realizzare la mappatura della montagna

2022-05-23T11:24+0200repubblica (it)

Il vulcano sottomarino Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai è ancora sorprendentemente intatto. La scoperta è stata fatta dall’équipe di esperti guidata dalla Nuova Zelanda che si è occupata di mappare i fianchi della montagna, che si riteneva potessero essere stati danneggiati enormemente dopo l’eruzione del....

Terremoto, scossa in Italia: ecco le città vicine all’epicentro

2022-05-23T11:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 23 maggio 2022) Terremoto , avvertita una scossa a largo della costa Italia na: in quali città è stato avvertito? Tutte le informazioni dall’INGV. Nella giornata di oggi, 23 maggio 2022, è stata registrata una scossa di Terremoto nel Sud Italia : in quali città è stata avvertita? foto....

TONGA VOLCÁN - El volcán que provocó un tsunami en Tonga está "sorprendentemente" intacto

2022-05-23T10:58+0200efe-agencia (es)

El volcán submarino cuya erupción el 15 de enero provocó un enorme tsunami que golpeó Tonga, en el Pacífico Sur, se encuentra "sorprendentemente" intacto a pesar de la explosión, la más fuerte registrada desde 1883, publica este lunes un estudio científico.

Terremoto in Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-23T10:11+0200oggitreviso (it)

MONDO - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord-orientale, tra cui Fukushima . Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale). L'Agenzia meteorologica giapponese ha posto la sua....

Terremoto al largo della costa siracusana: scossa di magnitudo 3.1

2022-05-23T09:41+0200newsonline (it)

Una scossa di terremoto magnitudo 3.1 si è verificata nella notte al largo della costa siracusana: i dettagli dell'evento sismico. I sismologi dell'INGV hanno registrato una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 3.1 nel distretto sismico della ... ...

Se registra un temblor en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-05-23T09:20+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 fue registrado en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 1:55 hora local (6:55 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 66 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una pr of undidad de 4 km.

Terremoto al largo della costa siracusana | DATI e MAPPE

2022-05-23T06:40+0200meteoweb (it)

Il terremoto è stato localizzato a 74 km da Siracusa. Autore articolo A cura di Data dell'articolo 23 Maggio 2022 06:35. Terremoto al largo della costa siracusana: la Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha rilevato un evento magnitudo ML 3.1 alle 03:55:33, ad una pr of ondità di 16 km.

Boat believed to be debris from Japan’s 2011 tsunami drifts all the way to Washington

2022-05-23T06:06+0200soranews24 (en)

A small boat thought to have journeyed across the Pacific Ocean from Japan after the March 2011 tsunami has washed up in Washington this week. The boat, which is encrusted with unusual-looking barnacles , is believed to have travelled an incredible 6,500 kilometres (4,559 miles) across the ocean in....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-23T04:10+0200AsiaOne (en)

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said.

Japon : un séisme d'intensité modérée frappe la préfecture d'Ibaraki

2022-05-23T02:11+0200french-news (fr)

TOKYO, 22 mai (Xinhua) -- Un séisme de magnitude 5,8 s'est abattu dimanche sur la préfecture japonaise d'Ibaraki, selon l'Agence météorologique japonaise (JMA). Le séisme qui a eu lieu à 12H24 heure locale, a été localisé par 36,8 degrés de latitude nord, 141,5 degrés de longitude est, et à une pr of ondeur de 30 km.

Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-22T22:49+0200kmetro0 (it)

K metro 0 – Tokyo – Un terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord-orientale, tra cui Fukushima. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale). L’Agenzia meteorologica giapponese ha posto la sua origine nel Pacifico, a.

HOY SE CUMPLEN 62 AÑOS El día que el Nahuel Huapi se llevó dos vidas, un muelle y asustó a todo un pueblo

2022-05-22T21:47+0200elcordillerano (es)

El día que el Nahuel Huapi se llevó dos vidas, un muelle y asustó a todo un pueblo. El 22 de mayo de 1960, la naturaleza hizo sentir su fuerza. Una enorme ola de unos 5 metros azotó la orilla y se cobró dos vidas. Qué pasó esa tarde, dónde estaba la mayoría del pueblo y la confusión con la erupción del volcán.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-22T20:55+0200wn (en)

May 22 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre....

5.8-magnitude quake jolts Japan, no tsunami warning

2022-05-22T20:41+0200wn (en)

Tokyo: An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan’s Ibaraki prefecture, but no tsunami warning was issued, According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor occurred at 12.24 p.m. at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.

'It's kind of a tsunami effect here': Higgs talks cost of living in New Brunswick

2022-05-22T20:10+0200CBC (en)

New Brunswick has the unenviable position of having the second-highest inflation rate in Canada. At 7.6 per cent for April, the inflation rate has hurt many New Brunswickers, impacting gas and food prices. Premier Blaine Higgs spoke with the CBC's Rosemary Barton on Rosemary Barton Live about navigating the province in a period of uncertainty.

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,7 sacude la isla de Hawái pero no representa una amenaza de tsunami

2022-05-22T19:30+0200notiulti (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 4,7 sacudió el lado oeste de la isla de Hawái el sábado por la noche. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el sismo tuvo su epicentro a menos de 2 millas al este-noreste de Kailua-Kona a una pr of undidad de unas 7 millas a las 11:50 pm del sábado.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T19:24+0200globovision (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió este domingo la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón , sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12:24 am (hora local) del domingo, con epicentro frente a....

6.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan; No Tsunami Threat

2022-05-22T19:22+0200thewall (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 Richter scale jolted the east coast of Honshu in Japan at 15:17 p.m. (native time) on Sunday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) stated, stories citing NDTV. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 16.8 kilometers within the SSE of Katsuura in Japan. No casualties had been reported but.

6.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan; No Tsunami Threat

2022-05-22T19:15+0200trendnews-az (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 Richter scale jolted the east coast of Honshu in Japan at 15:17 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, reports citing NDTV. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 16.8 kilometers in the SSE of Katsuura in Japan. No casualties were reported yet.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological C... 1h ago

2022-05-22T19:03+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said. (Reporting by Abinaya Vijayaraghavan in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-22T19:02+0200channelnewsasia (en)

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday (May 22), the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60km, EMSC said. This service is not intended for persons residing in the E.U.

World News | 6.0 Magnitude Earthquake Jolts Japan

2022-05-22T18:49+0200latestly (en)

Honshu [Japan], May 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 Richter scale jolted the east coast of Honshu in Japan at 15:17 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 16.8 kilometers in the SSE of Katsuura in Japan. Another earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

6.0 magnitude earthquake jolts Japan

2022-05-22T18:40+0200aninews (en)

Honshu [Japan], May 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 Richter scale jolted the east coast of Honshu in Japan at 15:17 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, the (USGS) said. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 16.8 kilometers in the SSE of Katsuura in Japan. No casualties were reported yet. Another earthquake with a magnitude of 5.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-22T18:06+02004-traders (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said. (Reporting by Abinaya Vijayaraghavan in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa....

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-22T17:51+0200gmanews (en)

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said. Reuters.

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes off east coast of Honshu, Japan

2022-05-22T17:48+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck near the east coast of Honshu, Japan's main island on Sunday, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said. The quake was at a depth of 60 kms (37 miles), EMSC said. (Reporting by Abinaya Vijayaraghavan in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T17:02+0200latribuna (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.24 GMT) del domingo, con epicentro frente a la....

Sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacude la costa oriental de Japón

2022-05-22T16:53+0200radiolaprimerisima (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacudió este domingo la costa oriental de Japón, afectando a las prefecturas de Ibaraki y de Fukushima, sin que fuera necesario decretar un aviso de tsunami y sin reporte de daños o víctimas. La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón (JMA) indicó que el temblor ocurrió a las 12:24....

Terremoto sacudió a Fukushima

2022-05-22T16:17+0200entornointeligente (es)

Entornointeligente.com / Remolacha ※ Noticias Republica Dominicana El Blog #1 de los dominicanos Ver perfil de remolacha.net en Facebook Ver perfil de remolachanews en Twitter Ver perfil de remolachanet en Instagram Menu Skip to content inicio Noticias República Dominicana Internacional Turismo....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T16:12+0200diariodelosandes (es)

Tokio, 22 may (EFE).- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T15:59+0200eluniversal (es)

Tokio . - Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la madrugada de este domingo la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.

Un séisme d’intensité modérée frappe la préfecture d’Ibaraki au Japon

2022-05-22T15:27+0200acpcongo (fr)

Kinshasa, 22 mai 2022 (ACP).- Un séisme de magnitude 5,8 s’est abattu dimanche sur la préfecture japonaise d’Ibaraki, selon l’Agence météorologique japonaise (JMA) cité dimanche par des agences internationales de presse. Ces mêmes sources affirment que le séisme qui a eu lieu à 12H24 heure locale, a....

Cintalapa, Chiapas, registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2022-05-22T13:44+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 y con una pr of undidad de 131 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Cintalapa a las 6:15 hora local (11:15 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 43 km al oeste de dicha localidad del estado de Chiapas, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Magnitude 4.7 earthquake shakes Hawaii island but poses no tsunami threat

2022-05-22T13:29+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

A magnitude 4.7 earthquake shook the west side of Hawaii island late Saturday night. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered less than 2 miles east-northeast of Kailua-Kona at a depth of about 7 miles at 11:50 p.m. Saturday. There was no threat of a tsunami, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacude la costa oriental de Japón

2022-05-22T13:16+0200telesurtv (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacudió este domingo la costa oriental de Japón, afectando a las prefecturas de Ibaraki y de Fukushima, sin que fuera necesario decretar un aviso de tsunami y sin reporte de daños o víctimas. LEA TAMBIÉN: La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón (JMA) indicó que el temblor ocurrió....

Terremoto, scossa fortissima in mattinata: allerta massima

2022-05-22T13:14+0200informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su Terremoto, scossa fortissima in…" Si ritorna a parlare di una potentissima scossa di terremoto. Terremoto in Groenlandia: tutti i dettagli del sisma. Il forte terremoto che ha colpito al largo della Groenlandia....

Earthquake Information: Average Mag. 4.7 earthquake – 1.7 miles east of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii County, USA, on Saturday May 21, 2022 at 11:49 pm (GMT -10)

2022-05-22T13:11+0200exbulletin (en)

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. 96740 (3.2 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / rattling, shaking / 5-10 seconds: Woke me up from a deep sleep. The dog is terrified. A board and some jars smashed to the ground. Biggest one I’ve ever felt so far I think. Kailua-Kona, HI (16.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T12:32+0200unionradio (es)

TOKIO.- Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.

Terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T12:22+0200elaragueno (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.24 GMT) del domingo, con epicentro frente a la....

Magnitude 6.1 earthquake hits Philippines province

2022-05-22T11:45+0200saudigazette (en)

MANILA — A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Calatagan, Batangas early Sunday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported. The state seismologists said the earthquake of tectonic origin hit 21 km west of Calatagan at 5:50 a.m. It also has a depth of 132 km.

Varios técnicos supervisan la central nuclear de Fukushima, muy afectada en el terremoto de 2011

2022-05-22T11:43+0200granadahoy (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

Varios técnicos supervisan la central nuclear de Fukushima, muy afectada en el terremoto de 2011

2022-05-22T11:38+0200eldiadecordoba (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

Varios técnicos supervisan la central nuclear de Fukushima, muy afectada en el terremoto de 2011

2022-05-22T11:38+0200diariodesevilla (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

Un terremoto de 5,8 grados sacude Fukushima, pero no se ha emitido alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T11:34+0200diariodejerez (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

Un terremoto de 5,8 grados sacude Fukushima, pero no se ha emitido alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T11:31+0200europasur (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

Varios técnicos supervisan la central nuclear de Fukushima, muy afectada en el terremoto de 2011

2022-05-22T11:31+0200huelvainformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (5:24 hora peninsular española) del domingo, con....

5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan; No Tsunami Threat

2022-05-22T11:24+0200wn (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hit Fukushima and other prefectures in Japan's east and northeast at 12.24 pm (local time) on Sunday, the Japan Times reported. ......

An #earthquake with a Magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday Struck off #Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, ... - Latest Tweet by IANS India

2022-05-22T11:23+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by IANS India states, 'An #earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off #Japan's Ibaraki prefecture, but no tsunami warning was issued.' An #earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off #Japan 's Ibaraki prefecture, but no tsunami warning was issued.

Earthquakes in Japan: A magnitude 5.8 earthquake hits Fukushima

2022-05-22T11:05+0200worldakkam (en)

Tokyo [Japan]May 22: According to The Japan Times, a magnitude 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck Fukushima and other prefectures in eastern and northeastern Japan at 12:24 pm (local time) on Sunday. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the focus of the earthquake was about 30 kilometers deep....

5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan; No Tsunami Threat

2022-05-22T10:42+0200ndtvnews (en)

Tokyo: An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hit Fukushima and other prefectures in Japan's east and northeast at 12.24 pm (local time) on Sunday, the Japan Times reported. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 30 kilometers in the Pacific off Ibaraki Prefecture, the Japanese Meteorological Agency said.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T10:38+0200antena3noticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacudió este domingo varias prefecturas del este y del noreste de Japón , entre ellas Fukushima, sin que las autoridades tengan constancia de daños personales ni materiales. Por el momento no se ha emitido ninguna alerta de tsunami .

Magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit Calatagan, Batangas

2022-05-22T10:21+0200sunstar (en)

A MAGNITUDE 6.1 earthquake hit Calatagan, Batangas on Sunday morning, May 22, 2022, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. Phivolcs said the tectonic earthquake was recorded 18 kilometers off the coast of Calatagan around 5:50 a.m. with 122 kilometers depth.

M6.0 earthquake hits Fukushima

2022-05-22T10:15+0200azertag (en)

Baku, May 22, AZERTAC A magnitude 6.0 earthquake occurred of f the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan around 12:30 p.m. on Sunday. No major damage has been reported so far, according to NHK World-Japan. The quake hit Fukushima and other prefectures in northeastern and Kanto regions.

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T10:09+0200peopledaily (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T09:52+0200andaluciainformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.24 GMT) del domingo, con epicentro frente a la....

Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hits Japan

2022-05-22T09:28+0200manilametro (en)

Tokyo [Japan], May 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hit Fukushima and other prefectures in Japan's east and northeast at 12.24 pm (local time) on Sunday, the Japan Times reported. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 30 kilometers in the Pacific off Ibaraki Prefecture, the Japanese Meteorological Agency said.

Terremoto in Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-22T09:19+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 22 maggio 2022) (Adnkronos) – Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord -orientale, tra cui Fukushima. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale).

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto in Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-22T09:16+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 22 maggio 2022) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord -orientale, tra cui Fukushima. Non si hanno al momento Notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale).

Terremoto in Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-22T09:10+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord-orientale, tra cui Fukushima. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale). L’Agenzia meteorologica giapponese ha posto la....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacude el noreste de Japón sin causar daños

2022-05-22T09:09+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este domingo varias prefecturas del este y del noreste de Japón, entre ellas Fukushima, sin que las autoridades tengan constancia de daños personales ni materiales. El seísmo, de intensidad cinco en una escala de siete, se produjo cerca de las 12.

Heaps of garbage left behind on Char Dham trail spark concerns over ecology

2022-05-22T09:07+0200financialexpress (en)

Pilgrims on the Char Dham route have left a heaping mound of garbage in just 15 days since the pilgrimage began, leaving authorities scratching their heads over the environmental consequences. Over 800,000 pilgrims have already visited the Char Dham shrines since the pilgrimage began this year,....

Terremoto in Giappone, sisma di magnitudo 6 scuote il nord-est

2022-05-22T09:06+0200adnkronos (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6 della scala Richter ha scosso diverse prefetture nel Giappone orientale e nord-orientale, tra cui Fukushima. Non si hanno al momento notizie di danni. Il sisma si è verificato intorno alle 12.30 (ora locale). L'Agenzia meteorologica giapponese ha posto la sua origine nel....

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T09:03+0200deia-eus (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.24 GMT) del domingo, con epicentro frente a la....

Bermuda Triangle mystery - seven theories from aliens to lost city of Atlantis

2022-05-22T09:00+0200themirror (en)

The Bermuda Triangle has sparked many conspiracy theories from aliens and ancient cities to angry gods. The heart of the Bermuda Triangle, sometimes known as the Devil's Triangle, is thought to be the unexplained reason for the disappearance of more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes, including a U.S. naval ship carrying 306 men.

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacude Fukushima, sin alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T08:57+0200noticiasdenavarra (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.24 GMT) del domingo, con epicentro frente a la....

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture

2022-05-22T08:45+0200trendnews-az (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, reports citing According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

Sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacude Fukushima

2022-05-22T08:36+0200televisa (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacudió hoy la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El terremoto tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local del domingo, con epicentro frente a la costa....

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacude el noreste de Japón sin causar daños

2022-05-22T08:33+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 6 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este domingo varias prefecturas del este y del noreste de Japón, entre ellas Fukushima, sin que las autoridades tengan constancia de daños personales ni materiales. El seísmo, de intensidad cinco en una escala de siete, se produjo cerca de las 12.

Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacude el noreste de Japón sin causar daños

2022-05-22T08:32+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) Un terremoto de magnitud 6 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este domingo varias prefecturas del este y del noreste de Japón, entre ellas Fukushima, sin que las autoridades tengan constancia de daños personales ni materiales. El seísmo, de intensidad cinco en una escala de siete, se produjo cerca de las 12.

World News | Earthquake of Magnitude 5.8 Richter Scale Hits Japan

2022-05-22T08:30+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hit Fukushima and other prefectures in Japan's east and northeast at 12.24 pm (local time) on Sunday, the Japan Times reported. Tokyo [Japan], May 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 5.

Japón.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6 sacude el noreste de Japón sin causar daños

2022-05-22T08:30+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 22 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido este domingo varias prefecturas del este y del noreste de Japón, entre ellas Fukushima, sin que las autoridades tengan constancia de daños personales ni materiales. El seísmo, de intensidad cinco en una escala de siete, se produjo cerca de las 12.

Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hits Japan

2022-05-22T08:22+0200aninews (en)

Tokyo [Japan], May 22 (ANI): An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 Richter scale hit Fukushima and other prefectures in Japan's east and northeast at 12.24 pm (local time) on Sunday, the Japan Times reported. The focus of the quake was at a depth of about 30 kilometers in the Pacific off Ibaraki Prefecture, the Japanese Meteorological Agency said.

Continua a tremare la Calabria, ennesima scossa di terremoto

2022-05-22T08:16+0200247libero (it)

Ennesima scossa di terremoto nella giornata di ieri in Calabria. Da qualche giorno, a muoversi è l’area interna della regione, dopo che per diversi mesi i terremoti sono stati registrati al largo delle coste. Il sisma, di magnitudo 2 che si è verificato nella notte del 21 maggio, poco dopo le 24, ha....

Continua a tremare la Calabria, ennesima scossa di terremoto

2022-05-22T08:08+0200zoom24 (it)

Ennesima scossa di terremoto nella giornata di ieri in Calabria. Da qualche giorno, a muoversi è l’area interna della regione, dopo che per diversi mesi i terremoti sono stati registrati al largo delle coste. Il sisma, di magnitudo 2 che si è verificato nella notte del 21 maggio, poco dopo le 24, ha....

Un terremoto de 5,8 sacudió Fukushima sin que se registraran daños materiales Pese a que el seísmo se sintió en varias regiones niponas no fue necesaria la alerta de tsunami

2022-05-22T08:00+0200infobae (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,8 sacudió este domingo la prefectura nipona de Fukushima y la costa nororiental del Japón, sin que se emitiera alerta de tsunami ni se haya informado por el momento de daños en la zona. El seísmo tuvo lugar a las 12.24 hora local (3.

Terremoto in Giappone: scossa al largo della prefettura di Fukushima

2022-05-22T07:59+0200meteoweb (it)

Terremoto a 52 km Est-Sud/Est dalla località di Iwaki. Un terremoto magnitudo 5.4 ha colpito la prefettura giapponese di Fukushima alle 07:24 ora italiana: l’Istituto ge of isico statunitense USGS ha rilevato l’evento a 52 km Est-Sud/Est dalla località di Iwaki.

Japon : un séisme d'intensité modérée frappe la préfecture d'Ibaraki

2022-05-22T07:59+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 5,8 s'est abattu dimanche sur la préfecture japonaise d'Ibaraki, selon l'Agence météorologique japonaise (JMA). Le séisme qui a eu lieu à 12H24 heure locale, a été localisé par 36,8 degrés de latitude nord, 141,5 degrés de longitude est, et à une pr of ondeur de 30 km.

Forte terremoto al largo delle Filippine

2022-05-22T07:09+0200meteoweb (it)

Forte terremoto al largo delle coste filippine : l’Istituto ge of isico statunitense USGS ha registrato un sisma magnitudo Mwp 6.1 alle 23:50 ora italiana, le 05:50 ora locale. Il sisma è stato localizzato in mare, a 1 km Est-Nord/Est da Bungahan, a 129 km di profondità. Non risultano al momento danni a persone o cose.

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:30+0200wn (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:23+0200bssnews (en)

TOKYO, May 22, 2022 (BSS/Xinhua) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

1st LD Writethru: 5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:10+0200wn (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

1st LD Writethru: 5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:10+0200china.org.cn (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:07+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

1st LD Writethru: 5.8-magnitude quake strikes off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, no tsunami warning issued

2022-05-22T06:00+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. TOKYO, May 22 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 on Sunday struck off Japan's Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The temblor occurred at around 12:24 p.m. local time at a latitude of 36.8 north and a longitude of 141.5 east and at depth of 30 km.

El juez acusa al fiscal de sabotear las pesquisas de los contactos de Puigdemont con Rusia

2022-05-22T05:22+0200elconfidencial (es)

La situación es muy extraña. El juez comenzó investigando unas subvenciones de la Diputación de Barcelona, que beneficiaban a dos ONG controladas por Víctor Terradellas (exresponsable de Relaciones Internacionales de Convergència y el hombre que debía abrir puertas en el Kremlin) y Francesc Dalmases (actual diputado de JxCAT).

Damage unlikely after Magnitude 6.1 Batangas quake

2022-05-22T04:35+0200philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit Calatagan in Batangas at around 5:50 a.m. on Sunday morning but the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said damage to infrastructure is unlikely. Phivolcs, in its 7:20 a.m. advisory , said it expects reports of aftershocks.

ArticoloRincari di guerra: pasta, farina, latte e frutta

2022-05-22T04:16+0200LaNazione (it)

di Alberto Pierini. Almeno un ministero lavora per noi. E’ quello per lo sviluppo economico, che oltre alle proprie attività istituzionali è diventato ormai un osservatorio efficacissimo sul fronte dei prezzi. Lo è da anni tra pompe di benzina e di gasolio, in una mappatura aggiornata dagli stessi....

Cd Hidalgo, Chiapas, registra temblor de magnitud 4.0

2022-05-22T03:14+0200infobae (es)

Los habitantes de la ciudad de Cd Hidalgo vivieron un temblor que alcanzó los 4.0 de magnitud y tuvo una pr of undidad de 146 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo ocurrió hoy a las 5:58 hora local (10:58 UTC), con un epicentro de 9 km al oeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas.

ANP seeks probe into forest fires in Balochistan, KP

2022-05-22T03:07+0200thenews-pk (en)

PESHAWAR: Awami National Party (ANP) general secretary Mian Iftikhar Hussain on Saturday said forests were an asset to the country but unfortunately the federal as well as provincial governments failed to control the fire erupted in some forests in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

6.1-magnitude offshore quake hits Batangas — Phivolcs

2022-05-22T01:26+0200mb-com-ph (en)

An of fshore earthquake measuring 6.1-magnitude on the Richter scale has occurred in Batangas at around 5:50 a.m., Sunday, May 22, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs). Phivolcs traced the epicenter of the earthquake at 21 kilometers (km) northwest of Calatagan, Batangas at a depth of 132 kilometers.

Séisme de magnitude 6,1 enregistré au large de Batangas —PHIVOLCS │ GMA News Online

2022-05-22T01:00+0200nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 6,1 a frappé dimanche matin au large de Batangas, a annoncé l’Institut philippin de volcanologie et de sismologie (PHIVOLCS). Le séisme s’est produit à 5h50 du matin et a eu son épicentre à 21 kilomètres au large de Calatagan, Batangas. Il avait une pr of ondeur de 132 km et était d’origine tectonique.

Magnitude 6.1 quake strikes off Batangas

2022-05-22T00:38+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake was recorded 5:50 a.m. of May 22, 2022 northwest of Calatagan, Batangas. Image from Phivolcs. MANILA - A magnitude 6.1 earthquake was recorded Sunday morning northwest of Calatagan, Batangas, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said.

Magnitude 6.1 earthquake recorded offshore Batangas --PHIVOLCS

2022-05-22T00:23+0200gmanews (en)

A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit of fshore Batangas on Sunday morning, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said. The quake occurred at 5:50 a.m. and had its epicenter 21 kilometers off the coast of Calatagan, Batangas. It had a depth of 132 km and was tectonic in origin. Intensity III was felt in Quezon City.

Los científicos han encontrado evidencia de un terremoto tan grande que alejó a los humanos durante 1,000 años.

2022-05-21T20:50+0200eldemocrata (es)

Un grupo de arqueólogos ha encontrado evidencia del terremoto masivo más grande en la historia humana. Un nuevo estudio apareció en Él dice que el terremoto chile no masivo recién descubierto ocurrió hace unos 3800 años. El terremoto fue tan terrible que abandonó las costas vecinas durante casi 1.000 años.

Levantan el alerta de Tsunami tras el sismo de 7.8 grados en Honduras

2022-05-21T19:37+0200noticiasambientales (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 poderoso y poco pr of undo golpeó las aguas de la costa de Honduras. De acuerdo con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, el terremoto tuvo epicentro en el mar frente a una zona poco poblada a 202 kilómetros al norte-noroeste de Barra Pataca y a 10 kilómetros de profundidad.

True Thompson Styles Dad Tristan’s Hair: Video – Hollywood…

2022-05-21T19:29+0200vervetimes (en)

Image Credit: BroadImage/Shutterstock. “Styling by True!” Tristan Thompson declared as his 4-year-old True Thompson attempted to style his short hair! True took a massive scoop of hair product in the Instagram story, which was posted by the Chicago Bulls star, 31, on Friday, May 20, before plopping it right in the center of her dad’s head.

Magnitude-6.9 earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea

2022-05-21T19:12+0200turkishpress (en)

MELBOURNE, Australia An magnitude-6.9 earthquake hit near Lae, Papua New Guinea, and a tsunami alert was issued Friday, according to Radio New Zealand. The epicenter was located in Wau village near Lae, and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tidal wave warning for Papua New Guinea shores.

Groenlandia, terribile scossa di magnitudo 6.0: “Si rischia uno Tsunami”

2022-05-21T18:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 21 maggio 2022) In ge of isica, i terremoti, detti anche sismi o scosse telluriche, sono vibrazioni o assestamenti della crosta terrestre, provocati dallo spostamento improvviso di una massa rocciosa nel sottosuolo. La Terra continua a tremare. Negli ultimi giorni, ci sono state diverse scosse in giro per il mondo.

Microsoft Warns of 'Stealthy DDoS Malware' Targeting Linux Devices

2022-05-21T16:53+0200slashdot (en)

"In the last six months, we observed a 254% increase in activity from a Linux trojan called XorDdos," writes the Micros of t 365 Defender Research Team . It's a trojan combining denial-of-service functionality with XOR-based encryption for communication.

Terremoto nel Golfo di Policastro: la scossa al largo di Sapri

2022-05-21T16:09+0200ottopagine (it)

Trema ancora la terra nel salernitano. Registrata una scossa di terremoto questa mattina alle 7.58 nel Golfo di Policastro, nei pressi di Sapri. L'epicentro del sisma, di magnitudo 2.4, è stato accertato dall'Istituto Nazionale di Ge of isica e Vulcanologia a una profondità di 292 chilometri.

Una infancia engullida por el mar: los últimos vestigios del poblado arrasado por un "maremoto" en Bellreguard

2022-05-21T15:46+0200niusdiario (es)

En 1947 un temporal se llevó por delante una veintena de viviendas situadas en un paraje idílico de este municipio valenciano; Javier Cremades vivió sus primeros veranos en la casa que compró su abuelo y que desapareció con el temporal; Los vecinos culpan del desastre al puerto de Gandía, que causa....

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Cacahoatán, Chiapas

2022-05-21T15:19+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Cacahoatán a las 4:40 hora local (9:40 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una pr of undidad de 29 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 6 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas.

5.9 earthquake causes minor damage in Australia, no injuries

2022-05-21T15:02+0200apnews (en)

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — A magnitude 5.9 earthquake caused slight damage in suburban Melbourne on Wednesday in an unusually powerful temblor for Australia. The quake hit about 130 kilometers (80 miles) northeast of Australia’s second-most populous city near the town of Mansfield at a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles), Geoscience Australia said.

Rischio tsunami nel Mediterraneo, i campanelli d’allarme da non sottovalutare

2022-05-21T12:27+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 21 maggio 2022) E’ uno dei fenomeni della natura più grandi e terrificanti. Parliamo del maremoto, anche conosciuto come tsunami – il termine giapponese che significa “onda nel porto” diffuso soprattutto dopo il catastr of ico evento del 2004 nell’Oceano Indiano.

Khloe Kardashian's ex Tristan babysits daughter True amid Kourtney's Italian wedding

2022-05-21T12:06+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Tristan Thompson appears to be enjoying his quality father-daughter time after sharing adorable snapshots of the two this weekend. The professional basketball player has been left in charge as his ex Khloe Kardashian has jetted off to Italy for her sister Kourtney's wedding to Travis Barker.

Trema la terra nel salernitano: due scosse a largo di Sapri

2022-05-21T11:32+0200salernotoday (it)

La prima, di magnitudo 2.4, è avvenuto alle ore 6, mentre la seconda intorno alle 7. L’epicentro è stato localizzato a 292 km di pr of ondità Torna a tremare la terra a sud di Salerno. Questa mattina due scosse di terremoto sono state registrate dall’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia a largo di Sapri.

Khloe Kardashian's ex Tristan babysits daughter True amid Kourtney's Italian wedding

2022-05-21T10:27+0200themirror (en)

Tristan Thompson appears to be enjoying his quality father-daughter time after sharing adorable snapshots of the two this weekend. The professional basketball player has been left in charge as his ex Khloe Kardashian has jetted off to Italy for her sister Kourtney's wedding to Travis Barker.

Forte terremoto al largo di Groenlandia e isole Svalbard | DATI e MAPPE

2022-05-21T09:30+0200meteoweb (it)

Il sisma è stato localizzato a Nord delle Isole Svalbard. Forte terremoto al largo della Groenlandia . L’Istituto ge of isico statunitense USGS ha rilevato un evento magnitudo 5.8 alle 09:01:34 ora italiana. Il sisma è stato localizzato a Nord delle Isole Svalbard a circa 10 km di profondità.

Tecopress, l’azienda del rilancio: «Il terremoto non ci ha fermati»

2022-05-21T08:55+0200lanuovaferrara (it)

Dosso di Sant’Agostino Nel corso del suo lungo tour nel cratere del terremoto, per ricordare il decennale dal sisma, il presidente della Regione, Stefano Bonaccini, è stato ieri in visita anche all’azienda Tecopress. Una scelta che contemplava un doppio valore simbolico: ricordare Gerardo Cesaro,....

Terremoto in Sicilia oggi, venerdì 20 maggio 2022: scossa M 2.7 Isole Eolie - Dati INGV

2022-05-21T07:12+0200247libero (it)

Scossa di terremoto al largo delle Isole Eolie, magnitudo 2.7 nel pomeriggio: tutti i dettagli e gli altri eventi sismici del giorno. Intensa scossa di terremoto al Sud Italia ! L’ ha rilevato alle ore 15.49 di oggi , venerdì 20 maggio 2022, un intenso sisma di magnitudo 2.7 al largo delle Isole Eolie (Messina) , ipocentro pr of ondo 161 chilometri.

Riscossione, valanga di lettere in arrivo

2022-05-21T07:10+0200italiaoggi (it)

Pioggia di atti di intimazione dell'Agenzia delle entrate Riscossione. L'attività è ripresa a pieno ritmo e il potenziale perimetro di intervento con gli avvisi di intimazione è di 16 mln di contribuenti attualmente iscritti al ruolo di Agenzia delle entrate. Una pioggia di avvisi a cui rispondere in tempi strettissimi.

Linux malware is booming, so stay secure, Microsoft warns

2022-05-21T07:03+0200samacharcentral (en)

One particular strain of Linux malware has seen tremendous growth in the last six months, Microsoft says, urging Linux device owners to secure their endpoints. The Redmond software giant claims XorDDoS malware’s usage in the last six months rose by 254%.

Cronaca meteo. USA, raro tornado si abbatte sul Michigan, un...

2022-05-21T07:02+02003bmeteo (it)

Tornado. Un morto, oltre 40 feriti, auto ribaltate, case e strutture distrutte; è questo il bilancio di un tornado, probabilmente un Ef2 che si è abbattuto nella cittadina di Gaylord, nel Michigan nella giornata di venerdì. Il Michigan non è molto abituato ai tornado e i casi sono pochi.

Tecopress, la rinascita è compiuta "Il desiderio di rivalsa ci ha aiutato"

2022-05-21T06:48+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

DOSSO "La gioia e il ricordo, particolare e simbolico, di una giornata come quella di oggi non sono facilmente descrivibili a parole. Da quel giorno infausto e tragico la vita è proseguita con nuovo slancio e grande desiderio di rivalsa sugli eventi accaduti in quei giorni".

Why Do Computers Still Crash?

2022-05-21T06:46+0200slashdot (en)

Not exactly. Assuming that the hardware is ok, you can prove that a system is reliable for any given finite input (including, most importantly, all possible finite substrings of inputs, however it is not possible to test all possible inputs, since a portion of those are infinite), it's just that....

Miraflores se prepara con toda responsabilidad para participar en el simulacro de sismo, seguido de tsunami del 31 de mayo

2022-05-21T04:44+0200huaral (es)

Afirma Lucho Molina, alcalde miraflorino. Miraflores se prepara con toda responsabilidad para participar en el Simulacro de Sismo Seguido de Tsunami, que se realizará el martes 31 de Mayo a las 10.00 am., señaló Lucho Molina, alcalde miraflorino. En reunión sostenida con funcionarios de la....

What Tristan Thompson Was Doing While Khloe Kardashian Celebrated Kourtney’s Wedding in Italy – E! Online

2022-05-21T04:25+0200lenexweb (en)

The NBA star, who split with Khloe last year, shared footage on his Instagram Story of his night in with their daughter , 4. “Twinz,” he wrote with two heart emojis, alongside a photo of the father-daughter duo posing with plastic toys at the kitchen table. In a later video, True was seen using a spoonful of product to style Tristan’s hair.

Ce que Tristan Thompson faisait pendant que Khloe Kardashian dînait en Italie

2022-05-21T04:23+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Tristan Thompson pourrait être assis celui-ci. Alors que l’ex Khloe kardashian était en Italie pour un dîner de pâtes avec sa famille le 20 mai, Tristan a semblé révéler ce qu’il faisait vendredi soir. La star de la NBA, qui s’est séparée de Khloe l’année dernière, a partagé des images sur son....

Linux malware is booming, so stay secure, Microsoft warns

2022-05-20T22:22+0200techcodex (en)

One particular strain of Linux malware has seen tremendous growth in the last six months, Microsoft says, urging Linux device owners to secure their endpoints. The Redmond software giant claims XorDDoS malware’s usage in the last six months rose by 254%.

Linux malware is booming, so stay secure, Microsoft warns One strain grows by almost threefold in six months

2022-05-20T22:01+0200techradar (en)

One particular strain of Linux malware has seen tremendous growth in the last six months, Microsoft says, urging Linux device owners to secure their endpoints. The Redmond software giant claims XorDDoS malware’s usage in the last six months rose by 254%.

Leader of storm-damaged Belleville church says food pantry will need help in coming weeks

2022-05-20T21:17+0200bnd (en)

Belleville. Scott Baker, the founding pastor of Faith Baptist Church in downtown Belleville, was thankful for what didn’t happen in Thursday night’s storm that blew the roof off of the church’s office building and toppled a chimney onto its food pantry. “No one was hurt, praise God,” Baker said Friday.

Equo compenso, De Lise (commercialisti): rischio 'tsunami' su professioni

2022-05-20T21:06+0200247libero (it)

(Teleborsa) - "La legge sull'equo compenso, così com'è strutturata, potrebbe provocare un 'effetto tsunami' sul mondo delle pr of essioni. Come associazione sindacale dei dottori commercialisti, siamo in linea con quanto sostenuto dal senatore Tommaso Nannicini (presidente della Bicamerale sugli Enti....

Le séisme, de 5,6 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter, qui a été enregistré ce vendredi 20 mai 2022 au large de Driouch, à 49 km au nord-est de la ville d'Al Hoceïma, n’a fait aucune victime.

2022-05-20T20:58+0200le360 (fr)

© Copyright : DR. Le séisme, de 5,6 degrés sur l’échelle de Richter, qui a été enregistré ce vendredi 20 mai 2022 au large de Driouch, à 49 km au nord-est de la ville d'Al Hoceïma, n’a fait aucune victime. C’est ce qu’a indiqué une source gouvernementale contactée par Le360, quatre heures environ....

Equo compenso, De Lise (commercialisti): rischio ‘tsunami’ su professioni

2022-05-20T20:45+0200ladiscussione (it)

“La legge sull’equo compenso, così com’è strutturata, potrebbe provocare un ‘effetto tsunami’ sul mondo delle pr of essioni. Come associazione sindacale dei dottori commercialisti, siamo in linea con quanto sostenuto dal senatore Tommaso Nannicini (presidente della Bicamerale sugli Enti di previdenza)....

Akuo met en service le plus grand projet de stockage du Pacifique Sud

2022-05-20T20:26+0200lechodusolaire (fr)

Akuo , producteur indépendant français d’énergie renouvelable et distribuée, et Tonga Power, l’opérateur public du réseau des îles Tonga, annoncent avoir mis en service Tonga 1 & 2, le plus grand dispositif de stockage d’énergie par batterie du Pacifique Sud, pour une capacité totale de 29,2 MWh / 16,5 MW.

Equo compenso, De Lise (commercialisti): rischio 'tsunami' su professioni

2022-05-20T20:09+0200finanza-lastampa (it)

"La legge sull'equo compenso, così com'è strutturata, potrebbe provocare un 'effetto tsunami' sul mondo delle pr of essioni. Come associazione sindacale dei dottori commercialisti, siamo in linea con quanto sostenuto dal senatore Tommaso Nannicini (presidente della Bicamerale sugli Enti di previdenza)....

Equo compenso, De Lise (commercialisti): rischio 'tsunami' su professioni

2022-05-20T20:00+0200teleborsa (it)

(Teleborsa) - "La legge sull'equo compenso, così com'è strutturata, potrebbe provocare un 'effetto tsunami' sul mondo delle pr of essioni. Come associazione sindacale dei dottori commercialisti, siamo in linea con quanto sostenuto dal senatore Tommaso Nannicini (presidente della Bicamerale sugli Enti....

Volcano Discovery registra un terremoto de 3,8 de magnitud a 18 km de Huelva

2022-05-20T19:04+0200diarioHuelva (es)

La web especializada en información sobre terremotos (Volcano Discovery) acaba de apuntar el registro de un sismo a 18 kilómetros de Huelva . El movimiento telúrico, aun no registrado en la web del IGN, se ha producido a las 13.17 minutos de esta tarde. Y se apunta una magnitud importante, de 3,8.

Miles de personas siguen sin agua y sin luz dos días después del terremoto en Japón

2022-05-20T18:37+0200Publico-ES (es)

Miles de personas siguen sin agua corriente ni luz eléctrica en sus casas dos días después del terremoto en Japón mientras continúan las labores de reparación. El seísmo, que ha provocado la muerte de al menos cuatro personas y más de 200 heridos , también ha causado disrupciones en el transporte. Unas 42.

Un terremoto sacude el norte de Japón y revive los temores de la tragedia de 2011

2022-05-20T18:37+0200Publico-ES (es)

La amenaza ha vuelto a rondar la región de Fukushima. Un nuevo temblor, esta vez de 7,4 en la escala de Richter , ha sacudido las costas de Fukushima y Miyagi apenas una semana después del 11 aniversario del devastador terremoto que tuvo lugar en 2011. El terremoto se produjo a las 23.36 hora local (14.

2012 Jan-Feb

2022-05-20T18:04+02002bangkok (en)

You can’t make this stuff up: Top odd news of 2011 คณุไมส่ามารถแตง่เร ืองพวกนีเองได ้: ขา่วแปลกทีสดุของปี 2011 January 1, 2012 Categories: 2Bangkok News You can’t make this stuff up: Top odd news of 2011 – Bangkok Post, January 1, 2011 Breast slapping, fat flight attendants, the world’s hairiest....

2005 Jan-Feb

2022-05-20T18:04+02002bangkok (en)

Thai-language newspapers – January 2, 2005 January 2, 2005 Categories: Thai Media Project Matichon – January 2, 2005 * There are lot of countries that help with relief and protection for the tsunami which is a record at 80,000 million baht. Especially Japan which gives 500 million dollars.

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.0 en San Marcos

2022-05-20T17:50+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 y con una pr of undidad de 16 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de San Marcos a las 10:15 hora local (15:15 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 71 km al suroeste de dicha ciudad del estado de Guerrero, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Funcionarios de Comercio tardan 12 minutos en escapar de un tsunami en la capital

2022-05-20T17:16+0200diarioHuelva (es)

La Secretaría de Estado de Comercio en Huelva ha realizado esta mañana un simulacro de tsunami en el marco del Plan de Emergencias que mantiene actualmente activo la delegación. El responsable de Riesgos Laborales de la Administración , David Barroso, ha explicado a Diario de Huelva que se trata de....

Student tsunami: 5,300 more pupils expected soon at just four SW Marion County schools

2022-05-20T16:57+0200news-yahoo (en)

A tsunami of development expected in the next few years could add nearly 5,300 more school-age children to the attendance zones of four southwestern Marion County schools, according a local school district report. According to Marion County Public Schools, 18,854 single-family homes and multifamily....

Coldiretti Varese: crisi e inflazione frenano viaggi e consumi, si salva il cibo

2022-05-20T16:02+0200luinonotizie (it)

Tempo medio di lettura: 3 minuti. Di fronte alla perdita del potere di acquisto determinata dall’ inflazione quasi un cittadino su quattro (23%) si dice pronto a sacrificare i viaggi , il 16% a ridurre le spese di vestiario e il 12% ai consumi fuori casa e all’intrattenimento, che salgono sul podio....

Saudi - Earthquakes Shake Indonesia, Philippines No Tsunami Threat

2022-05-20T14:19+0200menafn (en)

- Saudi Press Agency) Jakarta, Indonesia, March 14, 2022, SPA -- Strong, shallow underwater earthquakes shook western Indonesia and the Philippine capital region Monday, but no serious damage was reported and no tsunami warnings were issued, the Associated Press reported. In Indonesia, a magnitude-6.

Monitorare i grandi terremoti con la gravità

2022-05-20T13:07+0200lescienze (it)

I terremoti, così come gli tsunami che, a determinate condizioni, ne derivano, sono tra gli eventi naturali più spaventosi, per il loro potenziale distruttivo e per il fatto che sembra ancora difficile calcolarne in fretta l’energia, registrarne l’andamento e prevederne le conseguenze.

Se reporta un temblor al Sur de la Isla

2022-05-20T12:54+0200elvocero (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.66 se reportó en la mañana de hoy, viernes, en la región sur de la Isla, informó la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico. El epicentro del sismo fue ubicado en la latitud 17.91, longitud 66.87, a unos 9.29 kilómetros al sur sureste del pueblo de Guánica.

Microsoft: This botnet is growing fast and hunting for servers with weak passwords

2022-05-20T12:51+0200zdnet (en)

Micros of t has seen a 254% increase in activity over the past few months from XorDDoS, a roughly eight-year-old network of infected Linux machines that is used for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. XorDdos conducts automated password-guessing attacks across thousands of Linux servers to....

Sismo de magnitud 5,7 afectó a Región de Coquimbo: SHOA descartó que pueda generar un tsunami

2022-05-20T12:41+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 5,7 se registró en la madrugada de este viernes en la región de Coquimbo , según informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile. El movimiento telúrico, que también se percibió en la Región de Atacama, alcanzó intensidades de entre III y VI en la escala de Mercalli.

Coldiretti Varese: "Crisi e inflazione frenano viaggi e consumi, si salva il cibo"

2022-05-20T11:58+0200primasaronno (it)

Di fronte alla perdita del potere di acquisto determinata dall’inflazione quasi un cittadino su quattro (23%) si dice pronto a sacrificare i viaggi, il 16% a ridurre le spese di vestiario e il 12% ai consumi fuori casa e all’intrattenimento, che salgono sul podio delle rinunce in tempi di guerra.

'So much blood': Tornado sends debris and shattered glass into girl's bedroom

2022-05-20T11:31+0200nzherald (en)

A shaken mother of three has recalled the horror of when the tornado which carved a path of destruction through Levin careered into her house - in the process leaving her eldest daughter bloodied and terrified. Numerous houses and businesses were damaged by the wild weather which hit Levin this morning, with the most extreme being a tornado.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS

2022-05-20T11:25+0200euronews-en (en)

-An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey ( USGS ) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S.

El tsunami que arrasó Baelo Claudia tres siglos después de un terrible terremoto

2022-05-20T10:33+0200lavozdigital (es)

La provincia de Cádiz ha sido testigo, y víctima , de varios sucesos meteorológicos que han devastado gran parte de su costa. Tsunamis, terremotos o temporales se han llevado por delante símbolos históricos, han dejado sumergidas construcciones únicas o han arrasado varias de sus localidades....

La Vache qui rit et le Babybel pourraient bientôt coûter plus cher

2022-05-20T10:06+0200economiematin (fr)

Le groupe Bel, qui produit la Vache qui rit, le Kiri ou encore le Babybel, fait face à un tsunami d'inflation , a déploré la directrice générale Cécile Béliot. Les consommateurs doivent s'attendre à une hausse des prix. Comme beaucoup d'autres entreprises, Bel doit faire face à une augmentation....

Technology Subsea internet cables could help detect earthquakes

2022-05-20T10:05+0200qatarday (en)

Subsea internet cables. Internet cables that crisscross the sea-floor could be use to detect earthquakes and tsunamis or monitor how climate change alters ocean currents. These telecoms cables could be used as a giant array of deep-sea scientific sensors, the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and its partners say.

Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Strikes Macquarie Island Region: USGS

2022-05-20T09:51+0200theepochtimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S.

Light mag. 4.3 earthquake - Japan: SE OFF KII PENINSULA on May 20, 2022 15:57:30.98

2022-05-20T09:14+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

A magnitude 4.3 earthquake near Ise, Ise-shi, Mie, Japan, was reported only 12 minutes ago by Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), considered the main national agency that monitors seismic activity in this part of the world. The earthquake occurred at a great depth of 382.

Strengthening disaster mitigation through Disaster SNI implementation

2022-05-20T07:09+0200antaranews-en (en)

Residents take part in a flood disaster mitigation training at Embung Ngemplak, Undaan, Kudus, Central Java, Saturday, November 27, 2021. The training held by the disaster mitigation volunteer forum from the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) includes materials and practices for water rescue to anticipate and reduce the risks of floods.

El Gobierno murciano y la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura, enfrentados por los límites de las zonas inundables en la Región

2022-05-20T06:18+0200eldiario-es (es)

El Gobierno regional acusa a la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura de haber elaborado una cartografía “muy extensiva” que ha paralizado “toda la construcción en la ciudad de Murcia” “Alejados de la realidad”, “poco precisos” y “deficientes”. Así ha calificado el Partido Popular -dentro y fuera....

Tonalá, Chiapas, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-05-20T03:22+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 y con una pr of undidad de 17 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Tonalá a las 15:30 hora local (20:30 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 138 km al suroeste de dicha ciudad del estado de Chiapas, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

BOM app upgrade to provide targeted severe weather advice

2022-05-20T03:21+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

Push notifications from the BOM weather app will include six types of weather warnings: tropical cyclone, fire weather, flood, tsunami, severe thunderstorms and severe weather. PHOTO: Shutterstock. THE Bureau of Meteorology has introduced push notifications on its BOM Weather app to provide more....

BOM app upgrade to provide targeted severe weather advice

2022-05-20T03:11+0200illawarramercury (en)

Push notifications from the BOM weather app will include six types of weather warnings: tropical cyclone, fire weather, flood, tsunami, severe thunderstorms and severe weather. PHOTO: Shutterstock. THE Bureau of Meteorology has introduced push notifications on its BOM Weather app to provide more....

BOM app upgrade to provide targeted severe weather advice

2022-05-20T03:08+0200maitlandmercury (en)

Push notifications from the BOM weather app will include six types of weather warnings: tropical cyclone, fire weather, flood, tsunami, severe thunderstorms and severe weather. PHOTO: Shutterstock. THE Bureau of Meteorology has introduced push notifications on its BOM Weather app to provide more....

BOM app upgrade to provide targeted severe weather advice

2022-05-20T02:36+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

Push notifications from the BOM weather app will include six types of weather warnings: tropical cyclone, fire weather, flood, tsunami, severe thunderstorms and severe weather. PHOTO: Shutterstock. THE Bureau of Meteorology has introduced push notifications on its BOM Weather app to provide more....

BOM app upgrade to provide targeted severe weather advice

2022-05-20T02:32+0200bordermail (en)

Push notifications from the BOM weather app will include six types of weather warnings: tropical cyclone, fire weather, flood, tsunami, severe thunderstorms and severe weather. PHOTO: Shutterstock. THE Bureau of Meteorology has introduced push notifications on its BOM Weather app to provide more....

NASA’s Mars lander InSight shuts down due to dust-report

2022-05-20T01:56+0200worldakkam (en)

Mars Rover. NASA Insight Mission. insight. earthquake. Solar power. Science. technology. / html / head / meta[@name=”og:title”]/@content. / html / head / meta[@name=”og:description”]/@content. https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e5/04/03/1082531584_13:0:3654:2048_1920x0_80_0_0_494eb59eaa74a565ccf3a96d05b3773e.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 frappe les côtes australiennes

2022-05-20T01:06+0200aa-fr (fr)

Ankara. AA/Australie. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 ​​sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé jeudi, les côtes australiennes qui donnent sur le Pacifique, face à la Nouvelle-Zélande. L'Institut d'études géologiques des États-Unis (United States Geological Survey) a déclaré que l'épicentre du séisme était....

19 May 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Macquarie Island Region at 6.13 pm

2022-05-19T23:50+0200met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Ruj. Kami: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

Online seller sends special surprise to Kumamoto earthquake survivor

2022-05-19T23:31+0200soranews24 (en)

In dire times, it turns out you can depend on the kindness of strangers. People are still recovering from the aftermath of the two Kumamoto earthquakes. Power has been restored to the region, but water and gas are still not working in some locations. Almost 90,000 evacuees are unsure about the....

Avustralya'da 6,9 büyüklüğünde deprem

2022-05-19T21:49+0200karar (en)

Avustralya'nın Yeni Zelanda'ya bakan kıyılarında 6,9 büyüklüğünde deprem kaydedildi. Depremin ardından tsunami uyarısı yapıldı. ABD Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi (USGS), Avustralya'nın Yeni Zelanda'ya bakan kıyılarında 6,9 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldiğini duyurdu.

A breakthrough in fiber optics turned an undersea cable into 12 seismographs

2022-05-19T21:29+0200interestingengineering (en)

There’s a 3600-mile-long (5860 km) cable that extends from eastern Canada to the west coast of the United Kingdom. The undersea cable is part of the internet’s vast hidden infrastructure that carries data across oceans in far less time than it takes to blink. But that particular cable does something else.

Subsea internet cables could help detect earthquakes

2022-05-19T21:28+0200news-yahoo (en)

Internet cables that crisscross the sea-floor could be use to detect earthquakes and tsunamis or monitor how climate change alters ocean currents. These telecoms cables could be used as a giant array of deep-sea scientific sensors, the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and its partners say.

Subsea internet cables could help detect earthquakes

2022-05-19T21:25+0200en-finance-yahoo (en)

Internet cables that crisscross the sea-floor could be use to detect earthquakes and tsunamis or monitor how climate change alters ocean currents. These telecoms cables could be used as a giant array of deep-sea scientific sensors, the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and its partners say.

Subsea internet cables could help detect earthquakes

2022-05-19T21:22+0200yahoo-au (en)

Internet cables that crisscross the sea-floor could be use to detect earthquakes and tsunamis or monitor how climate change alters ocean currents. These telecoms cables could be used as a giant array of deep-sea scientific sensors, the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and its partners say.

Subsea internet cables could help detect earthquakes

2022-05-19T21:19+0200bbc (en)

"70% of the Earth's surface is water but all the seismic stations are on land, because it is too difficult and expensive to install permanent sensors on the seafloor" Dr Giuseppe Barra of the NPL told the BBC. According to Dr Barra vibrations, pressure and temperature changes affect, by a very....

A Massive Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 Destroyed the Fukushima Plant's Cooling ... - Latest Tweet by Snopes.com

2022-05-19T20:45+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by snopes.com states, 'A massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 destroyed the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems, causing the meltdown of three reactors and the release of large amounts of radiation. The Associated Press reports: ...' A massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011....

6.9-magnitude earthquake strikes in Australia/New Zealand area for 2nd time in 7 weeks

2022-05-19T20:42+0200upi (en)

A map by the U.S. Geological Survey shows where the earthquake was centered on Thursday, just southwest of New Zealand. Image courtesy U.S. Geological Survey. May 19 (UPI) -- A powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Australia on Thursday and created a tsunami warning, scientists said. The quake registered a magnitude of 6.

Coldiretti Varese: la crisi frena i consumi, si salva il cibo. La classifica dei rincari

2022-05-19T18:58+0200malpensa24 (it)

VARESE – Di fronte alla perdita del potere di acquisto determinata dall’inflazione quasi un cittadino su quattro (23%) si dice pronto a sacrificare i viaggi, il 16% a ridurre le spese di vestiario e il 12% ai consumi fuori casa e all’intrattenimento, che salgono sul podio delle rinunce in tempi di guerra .

Reportan terremoto de magnitud 6,7 cerca de Australia

2022-05-19T17:38+0200prensa-latina (es)

Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS) el temblor ocurrió a una pr of undidad de 29,3 kilómetros del territorio australiano ubicado al sur de Nueva Zelanda. El USGS originalmente registró el terremoto con una magnitud de 7,3, pero luego revisó esta cifra y confirmó 6,7.

Coldiretti Varese: crisi e inflazione frenano viaggi e consumi, si salva il cibo

2022-05-19T17:37+0200informazioneonline (it)

Di fronte alla perdita del potere di acquisto determinata dall’inflazione quasi un cittadino su quattro (23%) si dice pronto a sacrificare i viaggi, il 16% a ridurre le spese di vestiario e il 12% ai consumi fuori casa e all’intrattenimento, che salgono sul podio delle rinunce in tempi di guerra.

Coldiretti Varese: crisi e inflazione frenano viaggi e consumi, si salva il cibo

2022-05-19T17:32+0200varesenoi (it)

Di fronte alla perdita del potere di acquisto determinata dall’inflazione quasi un cittadino su quattro (23%) si dice pronto a sacrificare i viaggi, il 16% a ridurre le spese di vestiario e il 12% ai consumi fuori casa e all’intrattenimento, che salgono sul podio delle rinunce in tempi di guerra.

Jefe del OIEA ensalza "avances notables" en las obras de la central de Fukushima

2022-05-19T17:22+0200deperu (es)

El proceso de desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Fukushima de Japón, dañada por un tsunami en 2011, registró "avances notables", consideró este jueves el director del Organismo internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) Rafael Grossi, tras visitar el lugar.

Massive quake strikes near Australia

2022-05-19T16:59+0200wn (en)

A powerful 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean and briefly placed Australia on “tsunami watch” on Thursday. ......

Macquarie Island

2022-05-19T16:59+0200wn (en)

SYDNEY, May 19 ( Xinhua ) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 jolted the Macquarie region at 7.3-magnitude quake hits Macquarie Island region. of Meteorology reported the quake near Macquarie in the southwest at 8.49pm on Thursday The Bureau of Meteorology reported the shake near Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean at 8.

Jefe del OIEA ensalza "avances notables" en las obras de la central de Fukushima

2022-05-19T16:42+0200lanacion-AR (es)

El proceso de desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Fukushima de Japón, dañada por un tsunami en 2011, registró "avances notables", consideró este jueves el director del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) Rafael Grossi, tras visitar el lugar.

L'onda esplosiva di Tonga ha fatto più volte il giro della Terra

2022-05-19T16:39+0200lescienze (it)

Il 15 gennaio 2022, il vulcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai nell'arcipelago di Tonga, nell'Oceano Pacifico, è esploso e ha ricoperto le isole vicine con uno spesso strato di cenere. Almeno tre persone sono morte. La forza effettiva con cui il vulcano ha eruttato è sempre più documentata dai dati sull'evento.

El proceso de desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Fukushima de Japón, dañada por un tsunami en 2011, registró "avances notables", consideró este jueves el...

2022-05-19T16:35+0200metrolibre (es)

El proceso de desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Fukushima de Japón, dañada por un tsunami en 2011, registró "avances notables", consideró este jueves el director del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) Rafael Grossi, tras visitar el lugar.

Massive quake strikes near Australia

2022-05-19T16:30+0200heraldsun (en)

The quake, which was revised down from an initial magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, had a depth of 10 km, according to the Bureau of Meteorology and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Macquarie Island is located 1,600km southeast of Tasmania, about halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica.

Massive quake strikes near Australia

2022-05-19T16:21+0200news_com_au (en)

The quake, which was revised down from an initial magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, had a depth of 10 km, according to the Bureau of Meteorology and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Macquarie Island is located 1,600km southeast of Tasmania, about halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica.

Jefe del OIEA ensalza "avances notables" en las obras de la central de Fukushima

2022-05-19T16:21+0200infobae (es)

El proceso de desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Fukushima de Japón, dañada por un tsunami en 2011, registró "avances notables", consideró este jueves el director del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) Rafael Grossi, tras visitar el lugar.

L'AIEA estime que des «progrès remarquables» ont été faits dans le démantèlement de la centrale de Fukushima

2022-05-19T16:14+0200lefigaro (fr)

Des « progrès remarquables » ont été faits dans le démantèlement de la central e nucléaire japonaise de Fukushima accidentée en 2011 par un tsunami, a estimé jeudi le directeur de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique (AIEA), Rafael Grossi, après une visite sur place.

Terremoto, potentissima scossa: è allarme tsunami, popolazione in allerta

2022-05-19T16:08+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 19 maggio 2022) Terremoto fortissimo si è abbattuto in queste ore. La situazione è ancora molto critica, c’è anche il rischio tsunami . Tutto i dettagli. Si ritorna a parlare di una fortissima scossa di Terremoto . Un evento che sta davvero preoccupando tutta la popolazione locale.

Temblor en México: sismo en Crucecita, Oaxaca

2022-05-19T15:04+0200infobae (es)

Crucecita fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 4.0 que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 7:31 en hora local (12:31 UTC). El sismo ocurrió 57 km al sureste de la ciudad y tuvo una pr of undidad de 15 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Fukushima : feu vert provisoire pour rejeter 1, 3 million de tonne d'eau contaminée dans l'océan Pacifique

2022-05-19T15:00+0200midilibre (fr)

L'autorité de régulation nucléaire japonaise (NRA) a donné mercredi 18 mai son feu vert initial au projet de déversement dans l'océan Pacifique d'eaux contaminées provenant de la central e nucléaire sinistrée de Fukushima, estimant qu'il ne présente pas de problèmes de sécurité.

What is a tsunami and what causes them?

2022-05-19T14:54+0200thesun (en)

In open water they can easily go unnoticed as they sometimes don't rise more than 30cm above the water level Credit: Alamy What is a tsunami? A tsunami, also called a seismic wave, is a series of waves caused by the movement of a large body of water. Most of the time they are caused by earthquakes....

Australian island struck by 7.3 magnitude earthquake sparking tsunami warning

2022-05-19T14:21+0200gbnews (en)

An Australian island has seen an earthquake of 7.3 magnitude. Macquarie Island, run by Tasmania since 1990, was put on a tsunami warning. The quake was reported by the US Geological Survey at 8:49pm on Thursday near the island at a depth of 29.3km. The island, halfway between Australia and New....

Australie : Un séisme de magnitude 7,3 enregistré près des cotes, une alerte au tsunami déclenchée Monde - Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,3 a été enregistré près de l'Australie, ce jeudi. Le Bureau de météorologie a signalé la secousse près de ...

2022-05-19T14:14+0200senenews (fr)

Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à une pr of ondeur de 29,3 km. BOM a déclaré que le territoire australien situé au sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande était sous alerte au tsunami. Le tremblement de terre a également été enregistré par le US Geological Survey.

Magnitude 6.7 quake strikes Macquarie Island region in Pacific --USGS

2022-05-19T14:05+0200gmanews (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The US Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Environnement. Tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 : l'Australie bascule en alerte tsunami

2022-05-19T14:05+0200lindependant (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 a été enregistré près d'une île australienne. Le séisme, le plus important enregistré en Australie depuis 1968, a été "flashé" à 29,3 km de Macquarie Island au sud-est du pays et au sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Le séisme a été enregistré tout près de l'île Macquarie.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:56+0200bathchronicle (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Fortissimo terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 nel Pacifico nei pressi dell’Isola Macquerie

2022-05-19T13:56+0200greenme (it)

Un violentissimo terremoto è stato registrato a sud dell'Oceano Pacifico a una pr of ondità di 10 km. Il sisma ha interessato l'Isola Isola Macquerie. Secondo i sistemi di rilevamento al momento non sussiste il rischio tsunami in Australia e in Nuova Zelanda. Un potentissimo sisma si è verificato nella giornata di oggi giovedì 19 maggio alle ore 12.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological S... 1h ago

2022-05-19T13:54+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S.

6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Macquarie Island Region

2022-05-19T13:53+0200wn (en)

The US Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake...

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:51+0200brentwoodgazette (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:49+0200essexchronicle (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:46+0200coventrytelegraph (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:45+0200exeterexpressandecho (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:45+0200surreymirror (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS (Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological S... 1h ago

2022-05-19T13:44+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:42+0200cambridge-news (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Earthquake tsunami alert near Australia-New Zealand

2022-05-19T13:39+0200famagusta (en)

7,3 magnitude earthquake shakes Australia & New Zealand. A strong earthquake measuring 7,3 on the Richter scale occurred in the wider region of Australia and New Zealand, causing a tsunami alert. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology said the epicenter was reported near the island of Macquarie in the South Ocean.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:38+0200derbytelegraph (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:38+0200thanetgazette (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:37+0200nottinghampost (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:37+0200plymouthherald (en)

Australia is braced for a tsunami after a powerful earthquake struck an island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) indicates that a strong shake was felt at the epicentre of the quake on Macquarie Island. The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles).

Massive 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes near Australia sparking a…

2022-05-19T13:37+0200whatsnew2day (en)

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake has been recorded near Australia. The Bureau of Meteorology reported the tremor near Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean at 8:49 pm Thursday. The earthquake had a depth of 29.3 km. BOM said the Australian territory south of New Zealand was on a tsunami alert.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:37+0200bristolpost (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:36+0200leicestermercury (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:32+0200stokesentinel (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:32+0200hulldailymail (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Earthquake with 6.7 magnitude detected off coast of New Zealand

2022-05-19T13:31+0200metro-uk (en)

It happened in the Macquarie Island region, a remote are to the south of New Zealand and Australia. An earthquake has been detected in the Pacific Ocean, about 600 miles off the coast of New Zealand. The 6.7 struck quake happened in the Macquarie Island region, a remote area to the south of Australia.

Australia on tsunami alert after powerful earthquake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:30+0200gloucestercitizen (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia on tsunami alert after power quake hits Pacific Ocean island

2022-05-19T13:23+0200icWales (en)

The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles). The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert But the US Tsunami Warning System has indicated a tsunami will likely pose little threat following the quake.

Australia issues tsunami alert after 6.7-magnitude earthquake

2022-05-19T13:16+0200thenational (en)

Australia issued a tsunami alert on Thursday after a powerful earthquake struck of f Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean. The magnitude 6.7 quake, which was revised from an initial 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. Australia's Off icial Bureau of Meteorology issued a tsunami alert.

Australia tsunami warning as huge 7.4 magnitude earthquake hits region

2022-05-19T13:16+0200themirror (en)

A huge 7.4 magnitude earthquake has hit near an Australian island with of ficials issuing a potential tsunami threat. The quake was reportedly at a depth of 29.3km (18.21 miles) near Macquarie island. The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre has now said that Australia is on tsunami alert.

Australia: allerta dopo terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 al largo dell'isola Macquarie

2022-05-19T13:13+0200agenzianova (it)

Canberra, 19 mag 13:07 - (Agenzia Nova) - L'Australia ha trasmesso un allerta tsunami nella giornata di oggi dopo che un forte terremoto si è verificato al largo dell'isola Macquarie, nell'Oceano Pacifico sud-occidentale. La scossa, di magnitudo 6.7, ha avuto epicentro a circa 10 chilometri di pr of ondità.

Big quake strikes Macquarie Island region

2022-05-19T13:05+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific. An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. Thursday's quake was at a depth of 29.3km, USGS said.

Big quake strikes Macquarie Island region

2022-05-19T12:59+0200illawarramercury (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific. An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. Thursday's quake was at a depth of 29.3km, USGS said.

Big quake strikes Macquarie Island region

2022-05-19T12:57+0200bordermail (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. Thursday's quake was at a depth of 29.3km, USGS said. The US Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Big quake strikes Macquarie Island region

2022-05-19T12:56+0200maitlandmercury (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific. An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. Thursday's quake was at a depth of 29.3km, USGS said.

Big quake strikes Macquarie Island region

2022-05-19T12:54+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 has struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says. Thursday's quake was at a depth of 29.3km, USGS said. The US Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS

2022-05-19T12:54+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 29.3 km (18.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Magnitude 6.7 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS

2022-05-19T12:52+0200reuters (en)

(Reuters) -An earthquake of magnitude 6.7 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake, which was revised from an initial magnitude of 7.3, had a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S.

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 29.3 km (18.21 miles), USGS said. The U.

2022-05-19T12:50+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 29.3 km (18.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Tonga: terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 al largo di Hihifo

2022-05-19T12:47+0200agenzianova (it)

Pechino , 19 mag 12:40 - (Agenzia Nova) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 si è verificato oggi al largo delle Isole Tonga. Lo riporta l'emittente cinese "Cgtn", precisando che l'epicentro del sisma è stato rilevato ad una pr of ondità di 146 chilometri a sud-est di Hihifo. Al momento non sono stati resi noti danni umani o materiali.

Forte terremoto nel Pacifico, a Sud di Australia e Nuova Zelanda | DATI e MAPPE

2022-05-19T12:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Il sisma è stato localizzato al largo di Macquarie Island. Autore articolo A cura di Data dell'articolo 19 Maggio 2022 12:40 Forte scossa di terremoto nel Pacifico sudoccidentale. L’Istituto Nazionale di Ge of isica e Vulcanologia ha registrato un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.

Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Strikes Macquarie Island Region - USGS

2022-05-19T12:47+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 29.3 km (18.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes Macquarie Island region - USGS

2022-05-19T12:44+0200reuters (en)

(Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Macquarie Island region in the southern Pacific Ocean on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. The quake was at a depth of 29.3 km (18.21 miles), USGS said. The U.S. Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the quake.

Les tremblements de terre ou la tentation de prévoir l’imprévisible

2022-05-19T12:25+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Par le Pr Baddari Kamel(*) En cette date commémorative du 21 mai 2003, jour où s’est produit un tremblement de terre dévastateur dans la région de Boumerdès, il n’est pas possible d’ignorer cette période particulièrement mortifère, qui a emporté des milliers d’âmes et causé une dizaine de milliers de blessés, sans oublier des milliers de sans-abri.

How the mining sector can remain compliant with new ESG regulations

2022-05-19T12:21+0200innovationnewsnetwork (en)

Assheton Stewart Carter, CEO of TDi Sustainability , outlines the five key issues that mining companies must consider to remain compliant with new ESG regulations. A silent compliance tsunami is about to hit corporate shores in the form of new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations in the mining sector.

Japan’s nuclear regulator approves release of treated Fukushima water

2022-05-19T11:29+0200neimagazine (en)

Print Email Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has endorsed a plan to discharge into the sea treated water stored at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi NPP. The plan, which is expected to start in 2023, will be of ficially approved in July at the earliest after NRA hears submissions from the public, according to NRA Chairman Toyoshi Fuketa.

8 people arrested for encroaching on land for monitoring earthquake in Accra

2022-05-19T10:59+0200graphic-gh (en)

Follow @Graphicgh Eight people were on Wednesday arrested for encroaching on a land belonging to the Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) at Tuba and Oblogo, where the GGSA has equipment installed for monitoring earthquake in the earthquake-prone areas.

Los inquietantes efectos de la erupción del volcán Hunga Tonga

2022-05-19T10:40+0200noticiasdelaciencia (es)

Dos estudios recientes sobre la erupción volcánica de enero de 2022 del volcán Hunga, en Tonga, muestran un evento principal complejo que fue tan enérgico como la erupción del Kracatoa de 1883, uno de los eventos volcánicos más mortíferos y destructivos de la historia registrada.

"Un tsunami d'inflation": pourquoi les prix du Kiri, de la Vache qui rit ou du Babybel vont augmenter

2022-05-19T09:54+0200bfmtv (fr)

La nouvelle directrice générale du groupe Bel, propriétaire des marques Vache qui rit, Kiri ou Babybel, estime qu'une hausse des prix en magasin est inévitable pour faire face à la flambée des coûts. Babybel, Kiri, Vache qui rit … Dans les supermarchés, le groupe Bel assure qu'une hausse des prix....

Manitoba flood: province bracing for more rain

2022-05-19T09:29+0200digitpatrox (en)

Manitoba is bracing for extra rain as it really works to restore a number of bridges that have been severely broken in flash floods over the weekend. Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk stated he toured Manitoba’s northern Parkland space yesterday to view the harm that occurred following a weekend of flooding.

Alsina critica la "mimetización" de Sánchez con el lenguaje independentistas al llamar "piolines" a la policía nacional

2022-05-19T09:14+0200ondacero (es)

Éramos pocos y parió la viruela. Lo que faltaba. La viruela del mono. Nueva alerta sanitaria en Europa. Está claro que no ganamos para sobresaltos. Nueva alerta sanitaria en Europa. De esta enfermedad vírica , inusual en los países desarrollados, hasta ahora sólo había casos de personas que habían....

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