M 5.8 in Samoa Islands Region from 07 Oct 2022 09:24 UTC to 09:24

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 308
Articles about casualties: 19 (6.2%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Stromboli – All’alba nuovo crollo dell’area craterica. La Sciara del Fuoco dà spettacolo ai tanti turisti

2022-10-11T09:26+020098zero (it)

Continua a essere ben alimentata la colata lavica che, da ieri, fuoriesce dal settore craterico di nord-est dello Stromboli e percorre il pendio della Sciara del fuoco. All’alba di oggi, alle 6:42 ora italiana si è verificato un ulteriore crollo parziale nel settore centrale dell’area craterica .

Sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en San Felipe, Baja California

2022-10-11T09:09+0200infobae (es)

San Felipe fue el epicentro de un sismo de 4.4 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Baja California a las 1:19 en hora local (6:19 UTC). El temblor se registró 60 km al noreste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 10 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Dino-Killing Asteroid Set Off Monster Tsunami

2022-10-11T08:49+0200nextgov (en)

That miles-wide asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ago on what’s now Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The study in the journal AGU Advances presents the first global simulation of the Chicxulub impact tsunami to appear in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

The Huddle: ASB Classic Tournament, Farming Emissions Tax, and Stolen Tsunami Sirens

2022-10-11T08:36+0200newstalkzb (en)

Today on The Huddle, Tim Wilson from Maxim Institute and Cas Carter from Cas Carter Communications spoke about the following: ASB is threatening to pull its name from the ASB Classic if any Russian or Belarussian players get selected - considering no Russian or Belarussian players have been....

« Un cancer du sein est un tsunami émotionnel » : dans les Landes, Amazones Re-Belles accompagne les femmes atteintes de la maladie

2022-10-11T08:33+0200sudouest (fr)

P iliers de la toute jeune association Amazones Re-Belles , à rayonnement national, dont le siège est à Mont-de-Marsan, Chrystèle Millet et Dominique Di Nardo se sont rencontrées en terre montoise, à la Base aérienne 118. La première y était experte en médecine aéronautique et préparateur mental, la seconde, cheffe de cabinet.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Ayacucho

2022-10-11T08:10+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 aconteció este martes 11 de octubre en la ciudad de San Miguel, en la provincia de La Mar, del departamento de Ayacucho, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través....

Se registra un temblor en Ometepec, Guerrero

2022-10-11T08:06+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Ometepec a las 0:38 hora local (5:38 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.4 y una profundidad de 3 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 7 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Guerrero.

Stromboli, domani sopralluogo sul vulcano. Il sindaco: “Massima attenzione, ma nessun allarmismo”

2022-10-11T07:01+0200newsicilia (it)

STROMBOLI – A è il momento del passaggio alla fase operativa di preallarme che corrisponde all’ innalzamento dell’ disposto domenica sera dal Dipartimento della Protezione e comporterà la disposizione di , ma nulla di più. Questo quanto è emerso dopo la videoconferenza di ieri pomeriggio tra il....

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra sismo de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-10-11T06:03+0200infobae (es)

Los pobladores de la ciudad de Coalcomán vivieron un temblor que alcanzó los 4.1 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 25 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo sucedió hoy a las 22:34 hora local (3:34 UTC), con un epicentro de 62 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán.

Eruzione a Stromboli: il vulcano rallenta ma proseguono crolli e flussi lavici

2022-10-11T04:56+0200rainews (it)

Continuano i crolli e i flussi di lava dal cratere del vulcano Stromboli, alle isole Eolie. L' Osservatorio etneo dell'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia , che monitora il vulcano 24 ore su 24, registra comunque un rallentamento del fenomeno: i flussi di lava, poco alimentati, non raggiungono più il mare e si fermano a quota 400 metri.

Deforestation in Sindh

2022-10-11T04:26+0200dawn (en)

AS the relevant authorities fail to supply natural gas to Sangrar union council (UC) in Sukkur district, the residents are compelled to cut down trees to meet their demands. Before the recent rains and floods wrecked havoc, families used to stock a few trollies of cotton-crop sticks as wood for winter and for cooking food.

New tsunami hazard maps highlight threat facing 7 California counties — even Napa

2022-10-11T03:39+0200wn (en)

LOS ANGELES — For the first time since 2009, the California Geological Survey has released new tsunami hazard area maps for Ventura, San Diego, Marin, Napa, Santa Cruz, Solano and ......

Strong earthquake hits off Taiwan

2022-10-11T01:54+0200bnonews (en)

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 has struck off the coast of eastern Taiwan, seismologists and residents say. Shaking was felt as far away as Taipei. The earthquake, which struck at 3:24 a.m. local time on Tuesday, was centered about 59 kilometers east of Hualien County on the east coast of Taiwan.

Oarfish catch in Mexico signals looming disaster in Japanese lore

2022-10-11T01:44+0200digitpatrox (en)

The good white shark isn’t the one harbinger of aquatic doom: Fishermen in Mexico are going viral after touchdown an elusive denizen of the deep that’s rumoured to be an indication of impending earthquakes, the New York Submit stories. A video of the alleged oceanic dangerous omen presently boasts....

Tsunami sirens on Auckland's west coast are being stolen, 'putting lives at risk' 16 minutes ago

2022-10-11T01:30+0200newstalkzb (en)

A rise in tsunami sirens being stolen from several Auckland areas on the west coast is putting lives at risk, says Auckland Council. Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) head of capability and public awareness Adam Maggs said the number of sirens either being stolen or vandalised has escalated in the past few weeks.

Theft of tsunami sirens from west coast areas 'putting lives at risk'

2022-10-11T01:20+0200nzherald (en)

Thieves and vandals are targeting tsunami sirens in west coast areas of Auckland. Photo / File A rise in tsunami sirens being stolen from several Auckland areas on the west coast is putting lives at risk, says Auckland Council. Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) head of capability and public....

Allerta arancione per il vulcano Stromboli: rischio tsunami?

2022-10-11T00:52+0200247libero (it)

Lo Stromboli torna ad eruttare e il livello di allerta è stato elevato da giallo ad arancione , invitando i cittadini sì alla massima prudenza, ma senza cedere all’allarmismo, come sottolineato più volte dal sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo. Una nuova esplosione ha infatti svegliato alle quattro del....

Sicilia, piccolo tsunami vulcanico a Stromboli: è il quarto dal 2019

2022-10-11T00:45+0200liveuniversity (it)

Avvenuto nella mattinata di ieri 9 ottobre 2022, alle 9:22 un trabocco lavico nel settore Centrale dell’area craterica ha provocato il crollo di una porzione del bordo craterico ha dato origine ad un flusso piroclastico sulla Sciara del Fuoco . Secondo quanto riportato dai dati dell’ INGV , Il....

Stromboli, eruzione oggi all'alba: allerta arancio...

2022-10-11T00:31+0200vivereancona (it)

1' di lettura Vivere Italia 10/10/2022 - (Adnkronos) - Allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull'isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. "Siamo assolutamente preparati - dice all'Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -.

Theft of Auckland's tsunami sirens 'putting life at risk'

2022-10-11T00:17+0200tvnz (en)

The ongoing theft of tsunami sirens around Auckland is unacceptable and is "putting life at risk", the council says. Tsunami sirens can be stand alone, like the one pictured, or attached to buildings or power poles. (Source: Auckland Emergency Management) Auckland Emergency Management (AEM) said in....

Natural Hazards Portal Launched

2022-10-10T23:21+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

Now, help is on the way with Northland Regional Council (NRC) launching a new online Natural Hazards Portal, focussing on projections and data around natural hazards and the risks they pose here in Te Taitokerau. All tangata whenua, property owners, prospective property buyers, and interested....

Natural hazards portal launched - Northland Regional Council

2022-10-10T22:56+0200voxy (en)

From children being unable to attend school due to flooding through to urupÄ crumbling into the ocean, the real-world effects of natural hazards are constantly evolving and becoming increasingly dangerous. Recent flooding events in Te Taitokerau have highlighted the need for people to be aware of....

Eruzione Stromboli vista dallo spazio: la foto suggestiva pubblicata dall’Esa

2022-10-10T22:51+0200qds (it)

Nell'immagine scattata da una coppia di satelliti si vedono i pennacchi di fumo e la colata lavica che si riversa sul mare. Nella foto si vedono i pennacchi di fumo, si vede la lava che fuoriesce dal vulcano e si riversa in mare. L’eruzione dello Stromboli è al centro di una foto scattata dallo spazio poche ore dopo il suo inizio.

Allerta arancione per il vulcano Stromboli: rischio tsunami?

2022-10-10T22:38+0200money-it (it)

Lo Stromboli torna ad eruttare e il livello di allerta è stato elevato da giallo ad arancione , invitando i cittadini sì alla massima prudenza, ma senza cedere all’allarmismo, come sottolineato più volte dal sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo. Una nuova esplosione ha infatti svegliato alle quattro del....

Rare fish species that live in a single NV desert cavern rebound to highest numbers in 19 years

2022-10-10T22:36+0200foxnews (en)

The annual fall count of an extremely rare fish species that lives in a single Mojave Desert cavern found the highest number in 19 years, the National Park Service said. Scientists counted 263 Devils Hole pupfish last month, the highest autumn count since September 2003, the agency said in a statement.

Emergency Pod On Display At This Year’s A&P Show

2022-10-10T22:36+0200scoop-co-nz (en)

It’s an emergency pod -- a 20ft (6m) shipping container packed with emergency equipment that will provide the necessities of life. Twenty of them will be distributed across our region over the next two years to prepare isolated communities in the event of a tsunami or flood.

Accidentes nucleares: cuáles fueron los episodios que conmocionaron al planeta

2022-10-10T22:21+0200clarin (es)

Para su medición tiene una Escala Internacional de Sucesos nucleares y Radiológicos (INES). Entre muchas variables las principales son las consecuencias en las personas y el medio ambiente y también sus efectos en las barreras radiológicas y las fallas en los sistemas de control. La gravedad de estos accidentes se mide en siete niveles.

MIL-OSI New Zealand: Northland News – Natural hazards portal launched

2022-10-10T22:12+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

From children being unable to attend school due to flooding through to urupā crumbling into the ocean, the real-world effects of natural hazards are constantly evolving and becoming increasingly dangerous. Recent flooding events in Te Taitokerau have highlighted the need for people to be aware of....

Tecomán, Colima, registra sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-10-10T22:02+0200infobae (es)

Tecomán fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 4.0 que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Colima a las 14:32 en hora local (19:32 UTC). El sismo sucedió 82 km al sur de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 5 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

El asteroide que mató a los dinosaurios provocó un tsunami global que arrasó el lecho marino a miles de millas del lugar del impacto

2022-10-10T21:38+0200noticiasdelatierra (es)

El asteroide de millas de ancho que golpeó la Tierra hace 66 millones de años acabó con casi todos los dinosaurios y aproximadamente tres cuartas partes de las especies de plantas y animales del planeta. por la Universidad de Michigan También desencadenó un monstruoso tsunami .

Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Led to a 'Mega Earthquake' Lasting from Weeks to Months 66 Million Years Ago

2022-10-10T20:26+0200natureworldnews (en)

A mega earthquake that lasted from weeks to months occurred after the Chicxulub asteroid impact which wiped out the dinosaurs and almost all life forms on Earth 66 million years ago, according to a new study consisting of researchers from Mexico and the United States.

Russia buying underwater weapons as concerns of nuclear submarines grow

2022-10-10T20:08+0200newsweek-USA (en)

by Russia have mostly revolved around aerial attacks, but the nation is quietly developing its underwater arsenal. Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported Monday that the Rubin Central Design Bureau is working with the Russian Ministry of Defense to develop over 10 types of various unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).

Russia Buying Underwater Weapons as Concerns of Nuclear Submarines Grow

2022-10-10T20:04+0200newsweek (en)

by Russia have mostly revolved around aerial attacks, but the nation is quietly developing its underwater arsenal. Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported Monday that the Rubin Central Design Bureau is working with the Russian Ministry of Defense to develop over 10 types of various unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).

Eruzione Stromboli, gli esperti: "Fenomeno naturale, al momento nessun rischio"

2022-10-10T19:47+0200messinatoday (it)

Resta alta l'attenzione a Stromboli dopo le eruzioni delle ultime 24 ore. Gli esperti continuano un'intensa fase di monitoraggio anche per i rischi legati alla popolazione dell'isola. I flussi di lava restano attivi anche se la situazione è in via di miglioramento rispetto a stamane.

Stromboli: sindaco, massima attenzione ma nessun allarmismo

2022-10-10T19:17+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - PALERMO, 10 OTT - A Stromboli è il momento del passaggio alla fase operativa di preallarme che corrisponde all'innalzamento dell'allerta vulcanica da giallo ad arancione disposto domenica sera dal Dipartimento della Protezione e comporterà la disposizione di ulteriori norme comportamentali, ma nulla di più.

Stromboli sotto stretto controllo: esperti INGV a lavoro per monitoraggio costante | FOTO e VIDEO

2022-10-10T19:07+0200meteoweb (it)

Lo Stromboli è il grande ‘attenzionato’ del momento. Dopo la ripresa dell’attività eruttiva degli ultimi giorni, la Protezione Civile ha aumentato il livello di allerta, stabilito in arancione, e ad . Intanto i ricercatori INGV presenti a Stromboli, stanno effettuando sopralluoghi lungo la Sciara....

Meteo Cronaca diretta: Stromboli, improvvisa eruzione sull'isola, ora è Allerta arancione; il Video ANSA

2022-10-10T18:52+0200ilmeteo (it)

La nuova esplosione sullo Stromboli ha provocato una piccola onda di tsunami. Il piano emergenza prevede l'innalzamento del livello di attenzione, una maggiore distanza dalla costa per le imbarcazioni, un monitoraggio continuo dell'evolversi della situazione e l'attivazione del Centro operativo comunale.

Volcán Stromboli en Italia entra en erupción y causa ‘mini tsunami’: video

2022-10-10T18:39+0200vanguardia-MX (es)

Imágenes dramáticas fueron capturadas el momento en que el volcán Stromboli de Italia entró en erupción a principios de esta semana, lanzando columnas de ceniza al cielo y provocando un mini tsunami. El video está ‘explotando´en línea mientras las autoridades emiten advertencias a la población circundante.

Nuove esplosioni, colpita la città natale di Zelensky

2022-10-10T18:13+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 10 ottobre 2022) Nuove esplosioni in Ucraina. Il capo dell'amministrazione militare della region e di DnipropetrovskOleksandr Vilkul, ha riferito di attacchi a Kryvyi Rih, città natale di Volodymyr Zelensky . Secondo Vilkul, sarebbero stati condotti... ... sia per stare al passo con quelle che sono le nuove tendenze.

Stromboli e rischio tsunami: il parere dei geologi

2022-10-10T17:27+0200meteoweb (it)

Si è svolta oggi a Roma la Convention Nazionale della Società Italiana Geologia Ambientale, in occasione del trentesimo anniversario della SIGeA. Si è parlato ovviamente del vulcano Stromboli , che in questi giorni Lo Stromboli sta manifestando dei parossismi nel settore nord del vulcano.

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra sismo de magnitud 4.3

2022-10-10T17:21+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.3 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 11 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Coalcomán a las 9:44 hora local (14:44 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 56 km al suroeste de dicha localidad del estado de Michoacán, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

King Charles mourns victims of 'appallingly tragic' Creeslough explosion

2022-10-10T16:42+0200thenational (en)

that killed 10 people. A 5-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating blast in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon. In a message to the President of Ireland Michael D Higgins, the king said his and the queen consort's sympathies were with those who have lost loved ones.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T16:35+0200leitrimobserver (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Creeslough death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T16:26+0200carlow-nationalist (en)

Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon.

Creeslough death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T16:11+0200waterford-news (en)

By PA reporters. The death toll from the Creeslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Energia, Calenda: imprese e famiglie stanno per affrontare tsunami, non aspettiamo l'Ue

2022-10-10T16:11+0200newsonline (it)

Fai click sull'icona o premi invio per cercare Energia, Calenda: imprese e famiglie stanno per affrontare tsunami, non aspettiamo l'Ue. Il leader di Azione e del Terzo Polo: 'Qui salta tutto, serve un piano ... ... © Italiaonline S.p.A. 2022 Direzione e coordinamento di Libero Acquisition S.á r.l.

Creeslough death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T16:09+0200westernpeople (en)

By PA reporters. The death toll from the Creeslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

'shattering' | King Charles expresses condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough tragedy

2022-10-10T16:01+0200sundayworld (en)

A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon. In a message to the President of Ireland Michael D Higgins, the British King said his and the Queen Consort's sympathies are with those who have lost loved ones.

76 dead after ferry boat capsizes on flooded Nigerian river

2022-10-10T16:00+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Oct. 10 (UPI) -- An overloaded ferry boat carrying more than 80 people capsized while crossing a flooded river in Nigeria's Anambra state, killing nearly everyone on board, authorities said. On Sunday, President Muhammad Buhari confirmed in a statement on Twitter that 76 of the 85 people aboard the boat had drowned.

Creeslough death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T15:49+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

The death toll from the Creeslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Nuovo crollo nell’area craterica e colata lavica a Stromboli

2022-10-10T15:44+0200corrierediragusa (it)

Nuovo crollo nell’area craterica del vulcano di Stromboli, come rilevato dal Laboratorio di Geofisica Sperimentale dell’Università di Firenze. Alle ore 4,42 si è’ verificato un ulteriore crollo parziale nel settore centrale dell’area craterica. Il crollo ha prodotto un aumento del tremore fino a....

76 dead after Nigeria boat capsizes while crossing flooded river in Nigeria Anambra state

2022-10-10T15:33+0200upi (en)

Oct. 10 (UPI) -- An overloaded ferry boat carrying more than 80 people capsized while crossing a flooded river in Nigeria's Anambra state, killing nearly everyone on board, authorities said. On Sunday, President Muhammad Buhari confirmed in a statement on Twitter that 76 of the 85 people aboard the boat had drowned.

ISOLE EOLIE Cosa sappiamo dell'eruzione dello Stromboli

2022-10-10T15:05+0200timgate (it)

Innalzato il livello di allerta, il vulcano preoccupa residenti ed esperti Stromboli , nelle isole Eolie, torna a dare spettacolo, con una colata lavica impressionante, arrivata fino al mare. La protezione civile e le autorità locali cercano di rassicurare i residenti e i turisti che si trovano nei....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T14:34+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T14:31+0200eecho (en)

By PA reporters. The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T14:04+0200dundalkdemocrat (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:57+0200longfordleader (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T13:57+0200waterford-news (en)

By Laura Parnaby, PA. A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has....

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:55+0200leinsterexpress (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T13:49+0200westernpeople (en)

By Laura Parnaby, PA. A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T13:44+0200carlow-nationalist (en)

By Laura Parnaby, PA. A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has....

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:43+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

King Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:43+0200thecourier (en)

King Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

Creeslough death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T13:42+0200kilkennypeople (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:42+0200kilkennypeople (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:37+0200theargus (en)

The King’s message to the President of Ireland following the recent explosion in Donegal. pic.twitter.com/mZ17pl4wCc — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) October 10, 2022 In a message to the President of Ireland Michael D Higgins, the King said his and the Queen Consort’s sympathies are with those who have lost loved ones.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:25+0200tipperarylive (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:24+0200limerickleader (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:21+0200offalyexpress (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T13:21+0200offalyexpress (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:19+0200leitrimobserver (en)

“My wife and I were filled with immense sadness when we heard of that appallingly tragic explosion at Creeslough, County Donegal,” he said. “We remember with the greatest fondness meeting people from across Donegal when we visited in 2016 and the strong sense of community that exists there.

news Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble

2022-10-10T13:18+0200irishexaminer (en)

A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon. Vigils for the victims were held across Co Donegal on Sunday (Liam McBurney/PA) Gardaí continue to investigate the cause of the blast, which is being treated as a “tragic accident”.

Dino-Killing Asteroid Set Off Monster Tsunami

2022-10-10T13:17+0200focustechnica (en)

That miles-wide asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ago on what’s now Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. The study in the journal AGU Advances presents the first global simulation of the Chicxulub impact tsunami to appear in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T13:05+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

Schoolkids in lucky escape from Creeslough explosion as death toll could have been 'twice as high'

2022-10-10T12:54+0200irishmirror (en)

Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of schoolchildren had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T12:52+0200impartialreporter (en)

The King’s message to the President of Ireland following the recent explosion in Donegal. pic.twitter.com/mZ17pl4wCc — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) October 10, 2022 In a message to the President of Ireland Michael D Higgins, the King said his and the Queen Consort’s sympathies are with those who have lost loved ones.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast Ten people died in the explosion at a service station and convenience store in the Co Donegal village.

2022-10-10T12:52+0200kentonline (en)

King Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T12:52+0200pressandjournal (en)

King Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:50+0200dundalkdemocrat (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T12:49+0200standard (en)

Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:48+0200longfordleader (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

King Charles extends condolences to people of Ireland following Creeslough blast

2022-10-10T12:44+0200independent-UK (en)

King Charles has extended his condolences to the people of Ireland following the “appallingly tragic” explosion at a Co Donegal service station that killed 10 people. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among those who died in the devastating explosion in the village of Creeslough on Friday afternoon.

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T12:43+0200eecho (en)

By Laura Parnaby, PA. A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has....

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:41+0200theargus (en)

A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon. Vigils for the victims were held across Co Donegal on Sunday (Liam McBurney/PA) Ireland’s police force, An Garda Siochana, continues to....

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:40+0200leinsterexpress (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:36+0200kilkennypeople (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:31+0200limerickleader (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:20+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:17+0200tipperarylive (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier Ten people were killed in Friday’s explosion in the village of Creeslough in Co Donegal.

2022-10-10T12:13+0200kentonline (en)

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier. The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on....

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:12+0200thecourier (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:12+0200standard (en)

Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble. A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:11+0200pressandjournal (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:10+0200independent-UK (en)

The death toll from the Cresslough explosion could have been twice as high if the blast had happened five minutes earlier, a doctor has said. Village GP Dr Paul Stewart said a group of school children had been sitting on a wall of the service station and convenience store just before it was buried by falling rubble.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:07+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The doctor added: “One of the hard things, I think, to accept and come to terms with was that it was just out of the blue. You wake up in the morning and you don’t come home in the evening, and that was very hard. “It’s going to take us years to put this back together again. These wounds are going to take years to heal, if they ever do.

Death toll could have been ‘twice as high’ if blast was five minutes earlier

2022-10-10T12:07+0200impartialreporter (en)

A five-year-old girl and her father, who were buying a birthday cake, were among 10 people killed in the devastating explosion in Co Donegal on Friday afternoon. Vigils for the victims were held across Co Donegal on Sunday (Liam McBurney/PA) Ireland’s police force, An Garda Siochana, continues to....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:40+0200longfordleader (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:37+0200limerickleader (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:34+0200dundalkdemocrat (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:32+0200kilkennypeople (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:25+0200leinsterexpress (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community 'broken by tsunami of grief' but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:19+0200irishmirror (en)

Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of condolences from figures including Prime Minister Liz Truss and Pope Francis. A five-year-old girl and her father were among 10 people killed at a complex comprising residential apartments and a petrol station in north-west Ireland.

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:09+0200leitrimobserver (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T11:08+0200tipperarylive (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T10:52+0200offalyexpress (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. Father John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave” of....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T10:43+0200independent-ie (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. F ather John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave”....

Creeslough community ‘broken by tsunami of grief’ but consoled by global support

2022-10-10T10:30+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A Creeslough priest said “the heart of this village has been broken by a tsunami of grief” following Friday’s fatal explosion – though residents have been comforted by global messages of support. F ather John Joe Duffy, from the Co Donegal village, said the community has experienced a “tidal wave”....

Stromboli, eruzione oggi all’alba: allerta arancione

2022-10-10T10:11+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull’isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. “Siamo assolutamente preparati – dice all’Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -.

Ultime Notizie – Stromboli, eruzione oggi all’alba: allerta arancione

2022-10-10T10:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 10 ottobre 2022) allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi , intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull’isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. “Siamo assolutamente preparati – dice all’Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -.

Stromboli, eruzione oggi all’alba: allerta arancione

2022-10-10T10:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 10 ottobre 2022) (Adnkronos) – allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi , intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull’isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. “Siamo assolutamente preparati – dice all’Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -.

Stromboli, nuova eruzione all’alba: scatta l’allerta arancione

2022-10-10T10:03+0200nanopress (it)

Paura alle 4 di questa mattina, sull’isola di Stromboli. Il vulcano ha, di nuovo, iniziato al sua attività provocando anche una piccola onda tsunami. Un’allerta costante sull’isola. Vulcano Stromboli – Nanopress.it. Il sindaco dell’isola siciliana è, però, come la sua popolazione, preparato e sempre pronto a qualsiasi emergenza.

Stromboli, eruzione oggi all'alba: allerta arancione

2022-10-10T09:55+0200ilroma (it)

Allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull'isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. "Siamo assolutamente preparati - dice all'Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -. Sappiamo che questa è una fase parossistica e la seguiamo con attenzione.

Stromboli, altra esplosione all’alba. Sindaco: “Siamo preparati”

2022-10-10T09:52+0200qds (it)

Ancora "movimento" sul vulcano siciliano dopo l'esplosione di ieri. Registrato anche un piccolo tsunami, senza problemi per i cittadini. Una nuova esplosione si è verificata all’alba di lunedì 10 ottobre, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sullo Stromboli , dopo il collasso del cratere di ieri mattina.

Stromboli, nuova esplosione prima dell'alba. Scatta...

2022-10-10T09:51+0200virgilio (it)

Stromboli, nuova esplosione prima dell'alba. Scatta l'allerta arancione Nuova esplosione, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull'isola di Stromboli. La nuova eruzione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami.

Stromboli, la colata lavica non si ferma: nuovo crollo e onda di tsunami

2022-10-10T09:45+0200meteoweb (it)

Continua a essere ben alimentata la colata lavica che fuoriesce da ieri l settore craterico di Nord/Est di Stromboli e che, percorrendo il pendio della Sciara del fuoco, arriva sino al mare. L’ Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-Osservatorio Etneo , comunica durante la notte si sono....

Stromboli, è allerta arancione per eruzione vulcano – VIDEO

2022-10-10T09:44+0200ilreggino (it)

Stromboli impaurita dal vulcano. Il clima è di allerta e i cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa . Nell’isola, l’attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico. L’attività del vulcano ha prodotto un segnale sismico della....

Stromboli: la colata lavica raggiunge il mare. Possibile stop alle escursioni

2022-10-10T09:44+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Continua a essere ben alimentata la colata lavica che, da ieri, fuoriesce dal settore craterico di nord-est dello Stromboli e che, percorrendo il pendio della Sciara del fuoco, arriva sino al mare. Oggi, dopo la prevista riunione in videoconferenza con il Dipartimento nazionale e region ale della....

Dinosaur-killing asteroid also triggered mega-earthquake, shows study

2022-10-10T09:43+0200expressindia (en)

The extinction of dinosaurs was triggered when a 10-kilometre asteroid hit Earth around 66 million years ago, according to the Geological Society of America (GSA). Scientists have uncovered new evidence that the Chicxulub impact also triggered a “mega-earthquake that released about 100 billion....

Nobel panel to announce winner of economics prize

2022-10-10T09:25+0200wacotrib (en)

Three scientists have jointly won this year’s Nobel Prize in physics for their work on quantum information science that has significant applications, including the secure encryption of information. Frenchman Alain Aspect, American John F. Clauser and Austrian Anton Zeilinger were cited by the Royal....

Stromboli, eruzione oggi all'alba: allerta arancione

2022-10-10T09:21+0200adnkronos (it)

Allerta arancione a Stromboli dopo la nuova eruzione oggi, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull'isola. La nuova esplosione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. "Siamo assolutamente preparati - dice all'Adnkronos il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo -. Sappiamo che questa è una fase parossistica e la seguiamo con attenzione.

Stromboli, nuova esplosione prima dell'alba. Scatta l'allerta arancione

2022-10-10T09:11+0200repubblica (it)

Nuova esplosione, intorno alle 4 del mattino, sull'isola di Stromboli. La nuova eruzione del vulcano ha provocato, come ieri, una piccola onda di tsunami. "Siamo assolutamente preparati - dice il sindaco di Lipari Riccardo Gullo - Sappiamo che questa è una fase parossistica e la seguiamo con attenzione.

Alerta en Italia por erupción en volcán Estrómboli

2022-10-10T09:04+0200prensa-latina (es)

Roma, 10 oct (Prensa Latina) El Departamento de Protección Civil de Italia elevó hoy a naranja el nivel de alerta ante una erupción en el volcán Estrómboli, en la pequeña isla del mismo nombre, 65 kilómetros al noreste de Sicilia. De acuerdo con un informe divulgado este lunes por el diario Il....

Stromboli, allerta per vulcano: "Non uscite di casa"

2022-10-10T08:30+0200kmetro0 (it)

K metro 0 – Messina – Allerta a Stromboli per il vulcano. I cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa. Nell’isola, – secondo l’Adnkronos – l’attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico.

Un tsunami de más de 1.600 m de altura

2022-10-10T08:18+0200tiempo-es (es)

Hace 20 minutos 6 min El asteroide del Cretácico Final causó un tsunami global masivo, alcanzando un máximo de una milla (1.600 m). Imagen de PXHER solo para ilustración Tsunami global y devastador. El asteroide que golpeó la Tierra y condujo a la extinción masiva del Cretácico-Paleógeno (K-Pg) hace....

L’eruzioneStromboli, il vulcano fa paura: scatta l’allerta arancione. Il Comune: «Non uscite di casa»

2022-10-10T08:01+0200lacnews24 (it)

Allerta a Stromboli per il vulcano. I cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa. Nell'isola, l'attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico. L'attività del vulcano ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en La Mira, Michoacán

2022-10-10T06:48+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 y con una profundidad de 13 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de La Mira a las 23:16 hora local (4:16 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 91 km al suroeste de dicha población del estado de Michoacán, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Eruzione a Stromboli, allerta arancione: «Non uscite di casa». E ora fa paura lo tsunami

2022-10-10T06:43+0200ilmattino (it)

Non c’è pace in questo lungo e funesto 2022 per l’isola di Stromboli costellato da incendi e frane: ieri infatti già a partire dalle otto e mezza del mattino i vulcanologi hanno osservato un incremento dell’attività che ha raggiunto livelli alti in corrispondenza del flusso piroclastico.

La Mira, Michoacán, registra sismo de magnitud 4.3

2022-10-10T06:32+0200infobae (es)

Los habitantes de la ciudad de La Mira vivieron un temblor que alcanzó una magnitud de 4.3 y tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo ocurrió hoy a las 23:09 hora local (4:09 UTC), con un epicentro de 111 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Cd de Armería, Colima

2022-10-10T05:50+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.1 cerca de Cd de Armería que ocurrió a las 22:21 horas en el horario local (3:21 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 49 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Colima, con una....

Sismo de magnitud 4 se siente en Arequipa, Arequipa

2022-10-10T02:48+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4 ocurrió este domingo 9 de octubre en la ciudad de Yura, en la provincia de Arequipa, del departamento de Arequipa, de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través de la....

Stromboli, allerta per vulcano: “Non uscite di casa”

2022-10-10T01:23+0200ildenaro (it)

(Adnkronos) – Allerta a Stromboli per il vulcano. I cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa. Nell’isola, l’attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico. L’attività del vulcano ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

Australian man killed in Ireland service station blast

2022-10-10T01:05+0200abc-au (en)

Key points: Police have released the names of the 10 people killed in the blast; The blast levelled the service station's building and damaged an adjacent apartment building; Irish police say they will continue examining the scene of the explosion. Police said the explosion happened shortly after....

Eruzione a Stromboli, allerta arancione: «Non uscite di casa». E ora fa paura lo tsunami

2022-10-10T00:43+0200informazione (it)

La colata lavica ha raggiunto il mare STROMBOLI - Lo spettacolo dello Stromboli oggi. L’eruzione e poi la colata lavica ha raggiunto il mare. Un fenomeno… Da arancione a giallo: l'allerta dello Stromboli sale si livello: il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ha disposto il passaggio dal livello....

Piccolo tsunami vulcanico a Stromboli: l’analisi INGV

2022-10-10T00:09+0200meteoweb (it)

Alle 9:22 di oggi 9 Ottobre 2022 (le 7:22 UTC), un trabocco lavico nel settore Centrale dell’area craterica ha provocato il crollo di una porzione del bordo craterico che ha dato origine ad un flusso piroclastico sulla S ciara del Fuoco . Il flusso ha raggiunto la linea di costa in circa 26 secondi....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.9 en Huanuco

2022-10-09T23:49+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 3.9 este domingo 9 de octubre con epicentro en la ciudad de Aucayacu, en la provincia de Leoncio Prado del departamento de Huanuco. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Stromboli, notte di paura per l’eruzione: lo spettro del 31 dicembre 2002 sulle isole Eolie

2022-10-09T23:11+0200meteoweb (it)

Stromboli , le isole Eolie e tutto il basso Tirreno stanno vivendo una notte di paura e tensione per l’eruzione del vulcano eoliano che si è sensibilmente intensificata nelle ultime ore con una colata lavica che arriva fino al mare lungo la sciara del fuoco, regalando uno spettacolo unico ma anche pericolosissimo.

Stromboli, allerta per vulcano: “Non uscite di casa”

2022-10-09T22:09+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Allerta a Stromboli per il vulcano. I cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa. Nell’isola, l’attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico. L’attività del vulcano ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

Stromboli, allerta per vulcano: "Non uscite di casa"

2022-10-09T21:56+0200adnkronos (it)

Allerta a Stromboli per il vulcano. I cittadini sono invitati a non uscire di casa. Nell'isola, l'attività effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e ha alimentato il flusso piroclastico. L'attività del vulcano ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

Supuesto "viajero del tiempo" alertó que un meteorito con vida extraterrestre impactara a la Tierra +VIDEO

2022-10-09T21:53+0200caraotadigital (es)

Un supuesto "viajero del tiempo" alertó que un meteorito, con vida extraterrestre, impactara a la Tierra en los próximos días. Se trata del tiktoker, también conocido como “Eno Alric” o "theradianttimetraveler". Eno Alric aseveró que todo lo que dice es real y solo advierte a la gente sobre lo que pasará, para que estén prevenidos.

Reportan terremoto de magnitud 5, 5 en Indonesia

2022-10-09T21:31+0200correodelorinoco (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,5 en la escala de Richter sacudió la provincia occidental de Banten, en Indonesia, sin daños humanos ni materiales, informó la agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica del país. El sismo se produjo a las 17:02, hora local, con epicentro a 26 kilómetros al suroeste....

Los evasores rusos llegan a Kazajstán para escapar de la guerra de Putin

2022-10-09T21:30+0200101noticias (es)

Vadim y su amigo Alexei viajaron lo más rápido que pudieron hasta la frontera de Rusia con la ex república soviética de Kazajstán, donde esperaron en fila durante tres días para cruzar. “Huimos de Rusia porque queremos vivir”, dice Alexei. “Tenemos miedo de que nos puedan enviar a Ucrania”.

Calenda 'sovranista': "bollette, basta aspettare Ue!"/ "Tsunami imprese, avanti soli"

2022-10-09T21:30+0200newsonline (it)

Carlo Calenda 'sovranista' contro le lentezze dell'Ue sulla crisi energia: "andiamo avanti da soli, non si può aspettare Bruxelles. Tsunami su famiglie e imprese, rischio .... La tua proposta, Ursula, arriva sette mesi troppo tardi. Durante ... ...

Eruzione dello Stromboli, la colata lavica ha toccato il mare

2022-10-09T21:26+0200ilcittadinodimessina (it)

Lo Stromboli torna in attività, dalle 9:23 di questa mattina una imponente colata lavica, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra, cade dal cratere nord e attraversando la Sciara del fuoco ha raggiunto il mare dove, al contatto con l’acqua, ha sollevato intense nubi di vapore.

How a tsunami contributed to a mass extinction event - Science with Jonathan Webb

2022-10-09T21:24+0200abc-au (en)

A new study has revealed details of the immense tsunami that was unleashed following the asteroid impact 66 million years ago, that wiped out the dinosaurs. And the Nobel Prize winners for science were announced - but, six of the seven scientists recognised across the three prizes were men. Guest: Dr Jonathan Webb, ABC Science Editor.

Stromboli: alzato livello allerta ad arancione

2022-10-09T21:23+0200247libero (it)

Affascinanti immagini arrivano da Stromboli dove stamattina una attività esplosiva ha provocato il crollo di una parte dell'orlo craterico, provocando un flusso piroclastico che ha raggiunto il mare. C'è stata una scossa di terremoto durata diversi minuti. L'impatto con l'acqua ha prodotto anche un piccolissimo tsunami.

Stromboli: alzato livello allerta ad arancione Servizio di Redazione Cronaca

2022-10-09T21:19+0200la7 (it)

Affascinanti immagini arrivano da Stromboli dove stamattina una attività esplosiva ha provocato il crollo di una parte dell'orlo craterico, provocando un flusso piroclastico che ha raggiunto il mare. C'è stata una scossa di terremoto durata diversi minuti. L'impatto con l'acqua ha prodotto anche un piccolissimo tsunami.

Eruzione a Stromboli, Prot. civile alza il livello di allerta da giallo ad arancione

2022-10-09T20:52+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Persiste, spiega il Dipartimento, «una situazione di potenziale disequilibrio del vulcano. Si invita, pertanto, la popolazione presente sull’isola a tenersi informata e ad attenersi scrupolosamente alle indicazioni fornite dalle autorità locali di protezione civile».

5.5-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Western Indonesia

2022-10-09T20:14+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency) A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday with no preliminary reports of damages or casualties, a weather agency and officials said, reports citing . The tremor was also felt in nearby province of West Java and the country's capital of....

vulcani Emergenza a Stromboli, parte del cratere collassa. “Non uscite da casa” Di: Redazione Metronews

2022-10-09T19:33+0200metronews (it)

Emergenza a Stromboli , che ha visto questa mattina una eruzione vulcanica e una colata lavica che ha raggiunto rapidamente il mare. La fase effusiva ha provocato il crollo parziale dell’orlo craterico generando un flusso di lapilli e cenere e ciò ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti alle 9.

Registran en Indonesia terremoto de magnitud 5, 5

2022-10-09T19:07+0200prensa-latina (es)

Yakarta, 9 oct (Prensa Latina) Un terremoto de magnitud 5,5 en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy la provincia occidental de Banten, en Indonesia, sin daños humanos ni materiales, informó la agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica del país. El sismo se produjo a las 17:02, hora local, con....

5.5-Magnitude Quake Hits Indonesia

2022-10-09T19:05+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Jakarta, Oct 9 (IANS) A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday. The quake struck at 17:02 local time (1202 GMT), with the epicenter at 26 km southwest of the province's Lebak district and 12 km under the sea bed, Xinhua news agency reported quoting....

Stromboli, paura per nuova eruzione del vulcano: lava in mare, cosa sta succedendo

2022-10-09T18:23+0200ilmattino (it)

Lo torna a far sentire la sua voce. Dalle 9:23 di stamane una imponente colata lavica, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra cade dal cratere nord e attraversando la Sciara del fuoco si avvicina alla linea di costa. Stromboli, colata lavica in mare La colata lavica,....

Eruzione Stromboli, l’allarme della potezione civile: “possibile maremoto”

2022-10-09T18:12+0200strettoweb (it)

Eruzione Stromboli, la Protezione Civile: “possibile maremoto, in casa state lontani dalle finestre” Da questa mattina lo Stromboli ha ricominciato a farsi sentire con una colata lavica , accompagnata da denso fumo. L’inizio della fase effusiva, tuttora in corso, ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica.

Eruzione Stromboli, la Protezione Civile: “possibile maremoto, in casa state lontani dalle finestre” | FOTO e VIDEO

2022-10-09T17:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Il Dipartimento della , a seguito dell’ attività vulcanica alta in corso a Stromboli , ribadendo l’avviso del Sindaco di Lipari, invita ad attenersi alle seguenti norme generali di comportamento. Ricorda che in caso di eruzione possono seguire ricaduta di balistici (cenere, pietre, massi) e/o onde di maremoto.

Sapporo Clock Tower

2022-10-09T17:07+0200soranews24 (en)

According to a recent survey conducted by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), as of September 2012, numbers of foreign tourists visiting Japan reach 430,000, an increase of 32.7 percent. Japan’s tourist industry suffered as a result of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, but it looks like tourism is on the rise in Japan once again.

Ora l'eruzione dello Stromboli fa paura: ecco il decalogo della Protezione civile

2022-10-09T16:45+0200lasicilia (it)

Ora lo Stromboli fa paura. E infatti il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile della Regione, dopo l'eruzione in corso sull'isola delle Eolie, ha diffuso il decalogo per i residenti per mettersi al sicuro ricordandosi che in caso di eruzione ci può essere ricaduta di cenere, pietre, massi ma anche onde di maremoto.

Vulcano Stromboli in eruzione, colate in mare e lieve sisma

2022-10-09T16:33+0200it-geosnews (it)

Lo Stromboli è in eruzione da questa mattina. Alle 9:23 una imponente colata lavica, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra aha iniziato a cadere dal cratere nord e attraversando la Sciara del fuoco fino alla costa. L’impatto sull’acqua del materiale stesso ha prodotto uno tsunami di 2 centimetri registrato alle 9:24.

Stromboli, paura per nuova eruzione del vulcano: lava in mare, cosa sta succedendo

2022-10-09T16:24+0200leggo (it)

Lo torna a far sentire la sua voce. Dalle 9:23 di stamane una imponente colata lavica, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra cade dal cratere nord e attraversando la Sciara del fuoco si avvicina alla linea di costa. Stromboli, colata lavica in mare La colata lavica,....

Stromboli, eruzione in corso, crollo parziale della terrazza craterica

2022-10-09T16:10+0200quotidianodiragusa (it)

Lo Stromboli torna a far sentire la sua voce. Dalle 9:23 di stamane una imponente colata lavica, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra cade dal cratere nord e attraversando la Sciara del fuoco si avvicina alla linea di costa.

5.5-magnitude quake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T16:04+0200uniindia (en)

Jakarta, Oct 9 (UNI) A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The quake struck at 17:02 local time (1202 GMT), with the epicenter at 26 km southwest of the province's Lebak district and 12 km under the sea bed, the agency said.

Stromboli in “fermento”, crollo parziale della terrazza craterica – AGGIORNAMENTO

2022-10-09T15:56+0200newsicilia (it)

STROMBOLI – e il flusso piroclastico , generato dal crollo del materiale di parte dell’orlo craterico, ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica. Lo rende noto il laboratorio di Geofisica Sperimentale di Firenze.

Stromboli in eruzione, lava in mare

2022-10-09T15:47+0200lasiciliaweb (it)

STROMBOLI (MESSINA) – Lo Stromboli torna a far sentire la sua voce. Da questa mattina una colata lavica ben alimentata, accompagnata da denso fumo, visibile anche dalla frazione di Ginostra, scende dal cratere nord, attraversa la Sciara del fuoco e raggiunge il mare. Stromboli in eruzione.mp4.

5.5-magnitude earthquake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T15:42+0200thewall (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia’s western province of Banten on Sunday with no preliminary reviews of damages or casualties, a climate company and officers stated, reviews citing The tremor was additionally felt in close by province of West Java and the nation’s capital of Jakarta,....

5.5-magnitude earthquake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T15:39+0200trendnews-az (en)

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday with no preliminary reports of damages or casualties, a weather agency and officials said, The tremor was also felt in nearby province of West Java and the country's capital of Jakarta, said the meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency.

Registran sismo de 5,5 grados en Indonesia

2022-10-09T15:10+0200cronica (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 5,5 sacudió hoy domingo la provincia occidental de Banten, en Indonesia, informó la agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica del país. El sismo se produjo a las 17:02 hora local (12:02 GMT), con epicentro a 26 kilómetros al suroeste del distrito Lebak y a 12 kilómetros bajo el lecho marino, dijo la agencia.

Stromboli, colata lavica in mare, tsunami e spettacolo.

2022-10-09T14:58+0200247libero (it)

Isole Eolie - L’inizio della fase effusiva sullo Stromboli, tuttora in corso, ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica e il flusso piroclastico, generato dal crollo del materiale di parte dell’orlo craterico, ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

Messina Stromboli, la nuova eruzione ha causato il crollo della terrazza craterica

2022-10-09T14:50+0200gds-it (it)

Il Laboratorio di Geofisica sperimentale dell'Università di Firenze sta seguendo l’attività dello Stromboli e segnala che la rete di monitoraggio del Dipartimento di Scienze della terra ha registrato una fase effusiva che ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica.

5.5-magnitude earthquake strikes off western Indonesia, no casualty reported

2022-10-09T14:35+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

JAKARTA, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday with no preliminary reports of damages or casualties, a weather agency and officials said. The tremor was also felt in nearby province of West Java and the country's capital of Jakarta,....

è molto intesa: raggiunto anche il mare

2022-10-09T14:01+0200corrieredelmezzogiorno (it)

Eruzione con colata lavica sullo Stromboli, alle Eolie . Il flusso piroclastico, come spiegano gli esperti dell’Osservarorio etneo dell’Ingv, ha raggiunto rapidamente il mare. Al momento la colata lavica è «ben alimentata» e arriva alla costa. «L’attività esplosiva- recita una nota dell’Ingv- non ha mostrato significative variazioni».

Quake measuring 5.5 on richter scale strikes near Banten, tremors felt in Jakarta

2022-10-09T13:44+0200thesundaily (en)

JAKARTA : A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck beneath the sea in Banten area, Java Island on Sunday, said Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG). However, no tsunami warning was immediately issued. The quake occurred at 5.02 pm West Indonesian time, centered at 26....

5.5-magnitude quake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T13:30+0200china.org.cn (en)

JAKARTA, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The quake struck at 17:02 local time (1202 GMT), with the epicenter at 26 km southwest of the province's Lebak district and 12 km under the sea bed, the agency said.

Eruzione Stromboli: crollo parziale della terrazza craterica | FOTO

2022-10-09T13:26+0200meteoweb (it)

Eruzione dello Stromboli in corso. L’inizio della fase effusiva , tuttora in corso, ha provocato il crollo parziale della terrazza craterica . Il flusso piroclastico, generato dal crollo del materiale di parte dell’orlo craterico, ha prodotto un segnale sismico della durata di 3 minuti registrato da tutta la rete sismica.

5.5-magnitude quake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T13:16+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. JAKARTA, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The quake struck at 17:02 local time (1202 GMT), with the epicenter at 26 km southwest of....

5.5-magnitude quake strikes off western Indonesia

2022-10-09T13:13+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

JAKARTA, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- A 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia's western province of Banten on Sunday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The quake struck at 17:02 local time (1202 GMT), with the epicenter at 26 km southwest of the province's Lebak district and 12 km under the sea bed, the agency said.

California updates tsunami hazard maps for 7 counties

2022-10-09T12:57+0200fresnobee (en)

FILE - A tsunami hazard zone sign is posted to alert residents and beachgoers that they are in tsunami territory in Malibu, Calif., on April 8, 2009. On Friday, Oct. 7, 2022, the California Geological Survey released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they....

‘Life is fragile’ – says Creeslough priest as he urges people to seek help

2022-10-09T12:14+0200independent-ie (en)

The community of Creeslough in Co Donegal gathered together in prayer this morning to remember the 10 victims who died in Friday’s explosion. A s 10 candles flickered on the altar of St Michael’s church, parish priest Fr John Joe Duffy welcomed the congregation to what was a “very different” Sunday service.

California Geological Survey revises tsunami maps for 5 Bay Area counties The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. 13H ago

2022-10-09T11:47+0200cbslocal (en)

SACRAMENTO -- The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. The revised interactive maps released Friday cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, Solano and Napa counties.

Energia, Calenda: 'Uno tsunami su famiglie e imprese, andiamo avanti da soli senza aspettare l'Ue' - Agenzia Nova

2022-10-09T10:37+0200newsonline (it)

Serve un piano immediato che Azione ha illustrato proponendo uno stanziamento di 40 miliardi in due .... Ne è convinto Carlo Calenda , leader di Azione e del Terzo polo: sulla crisi del gas l'Ue può aspettare, l'Italia no. Uno tsunami si sta ... ...

Caro energia, Calenda: "Serve un piano immediato. Si sta per abbattere uno tsunami"

2022-10-09T10:23+0200247libero (it)

"Qui salta tutto. Di questo passo nessuno pagherà le bollette e sarà il caos sociale. Uno tsunami si sta per abbattere su famiglie e imprese italiane. Serve un piano immediato". Così, oggi su Il Messaggero, il leader di Azione e del Terzo Polo, Carlo Calenda.

Caro energia, Calenda: "Serve un piano immediato. Si sta per abbattere uno tsunami"

2022-10-09T10:19+0200politicanews (it)

"Qui salta tutto. Di questo passo nessuno pagherà le bollette e sarà il caos sociale. Uno tsunami si sta per abbattere su famiglie e imprese italiane. Serve un piano immediato". Così, oggi su Il Messaggero, il leader di Azione e del Terzo Polo, Carlo Calenda.

University of Michigan: Dinosaur-killing asteroid triggered global tsunami that scoured seafloor thousands of miles from impact site

2022-10-09T09:50+0200indiaeducationdiary (en)

The miles-wide asteroid that struck Earth 66 million years ago wiped out nearly all the dinosaurs and roughly three-quarters of the planet’s plant and animal species. It also triggered a monstrous tsunami with mile-high waves that scoured the ocean floor thousands of miles from the impact site on....

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 3.7 con epicentro en Piura

2022-10-09T09:17+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.7 ocurrió este domingo 9 de octubre en la ciudad de Sullana, en la provincia de Sullana, del departamento de Piura, de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través....

Cerca da 11 anni la moglie in mare dopo lo tsunami del 2011: si immerge ogni settimana

2022-10-09T09:09+0200newsonline (it)

Cerca da 11 anni la moglie in mare dopo lo tsunami del 2011: si immerge ogni settimana Yasuo Takamatsu , dal 2011, continua ogni settimana ad immergersi al largo della costa orientale del Giappone per trovare il corpo della moglie Yuko , deceduta ... ...

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Coyuca de Benítez, Guerrero

2022-10-09T08:36+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 10 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Coyuca de Benítez a las 1:00 hora local (6:00 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 22 km al suroeste de dicha ciudad del estado de Guerrero, según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Computer simulation recreates the giant tsunami that washed over the dying dinosaurs

2022-10-09T07:24+0200digitpatrox (en)

The horrible destruction in Canada’s Maritime provinces within the wake of post-tropical storm Fiona , and in Florida from Hurricane Ian , present the unimaginable energy of waves and storm surges many metres above regular, and what they’ll do to shorelines. However that injury would pale compared to what occurred when a wave 1.

Sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en San Marcos, Guerrero

2022-10-09T07:04+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en San Marcos a las 23:32 hora local (4:32 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una profundidad de 5 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 19 km al oeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Guerrero.

Rare Fish Species in Nevada Desert Cavern on the Rebound

2022-10-09T06:54+0200digitpatrox (en)

DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, Calif. (AP) — The annual fall rely of a particularly uncommon fish species that lives in a single Mojave Desert cavern discovered the very best quantity in 19 years, the Nationwide Park Service stated. Scientists counted 263 Devils Gap pupfish final month, the very best....

5.0-magnitude quake jolts South Halmahera

2022-10-09T06:34+0200antaranews-en (en)

Illustration - Seismograph records earthquake magnitude (ANTARA) Jakarta (ANTARA) - A 5.0-magnitude earthquake jolted South Halmahera District, North Maluku Province, on Sunday morning, according to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). The epicenter of the earthquake, which struck at 04.

Un sismo de magnitud 4,4 sacude el norte de Perú sin causar daños

2022-10-09T04:55+0200somosfan (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4,4 en la escala de Richter sacudió este sábado la región de Piura, en el norte de Perú, sin que de momento se reporten daños personales ni materiales, según informó el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP). El temblor se registró a las 16.06 hora local (21.

Des milliers de femmes manifestent aux États-Unis pour le droit à l’avortement

2022-10-09T04:51+0200laminute (fr)

« Nous n’irons pas en arrière », ont scandé les manifestantes appelant à un « tsunami féministe » et à « voter pour sauver les droits des femmes ». Des milliers de personnes ont manifesté samedi dans plusieurs villes des États-Unis, dont Washington, pour appeler à défendre le droit à l’avortement,....

Report | 4 min read Foreign Disasters: Lessons for the Pentagon's Homeland Security Efforts By James Carafano

2022-10-09T04:34+0200heritage (en)

Among the issues being considered during the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR)--a mandatory report to Congress on strategy, capabilities, and resources--is reassessing the military's role in homeland security. In determining what the armed forces need, recent international events offer....

El meteorito que acabó con los dinosaurios provocó un terremoto que duró semanas o incluso meses

2022-10-09T04:07+0200niusdiario (es)

La cantidad de energía liberada en este "mega-terremoto" se estima en 10 elevado a 23 julios, que es unas 50.000 veces más energía que la liberada en el terremoto de magnitud 9,1 de Sumatra en 2004 , según concluye Hermann Bermúdez, de la Universidad de Montclair State, en un artículo que se....

California updates tsunami risk maps for 7 counties

2022-10-09T02:17+0200exbulletin (en)

The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami risk maps for seven counties to help users determine if they are in flood risk areas and plan. Friday’s revised interactive maps cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, and Solano. and Napa Counties.

California Updates Tsunami Hazard Maps for 7 Counties

2022-10-09T02:12+0200nbcbayarea (en)

The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. The revised interactive maps released Friday cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, Solano and Napa counties.

VIDÉO. Les ornithologues s’intéressent aux courlis d’Alaska, ces oiseaux sentinelles peut-être capables d’annoncer tsunamis et cyclones

2022-10-09T01:31+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Des scientifiques se sont rendus dans l’archipel des Tuamotu, au cœur de la Polynésie française, pour placer des balises sur le dos des oiseaux migrateurs qui pourraient aider à alerter les populations en cas de catastrophes naturelles… Extrait du magazine « 13h15 le samedi » du 8 octobre , 2022.

California News California updates tsunami hazard maps for 7 counties Associated Press 4:04 PM, Oct 08, 2022

2022-10-09T01:15+0200ksby (en)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. The revised interactive maps released Friday cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, Solano, and Napa counties.

Rare fish species in Nevada desert cavern on the rebound

2022-10-09T00:22+0200fresnobee (en)

FILE - The endangered Devil's Hole Pupfish's only natural habitat is seen at Death Valley National Park in Nevada, on April 6, 2006. The annual fall count of the extremely rare fish species that lives in a single Mojave Desert cavern found the highest number in 19 years, the National Park Service said.

1 slain, 3 wounded in Berkeley, California, shooting

2022-10-08T23:31+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

BERKELEY, Calif. — One person was killed and three others were wounded in a shooting early Saturday near the University of California, Berkeley, police said. None of those involved were UC Berkeley students, the university said. The shooting followed an early morning fight near Telegraph and Durant....

Sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Sullana, Piura

2022-10-08T23:17+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.4 aconteció este sábado 8 de octubre en la ciudad de Sullana, en la provincia de Sullana, del departamento de Piura, de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través....

Águilas superan 11-4 a los Toros en juego de pretemporada

2022-10-08T23:17+0200elnacional (es)

SANTIAGO. – El receptor Julio E. Rodríguez hizo explosión con el bate, remolcando 5 carreras y las Águilas Cibaeñas derrotaron a los Toros del Este 11-4, en partido de pretemporada celebrado la tarde del lunes en el Estadio Cibao. Rodríguez disparó cuadrangular de tres carreras y luego remolcó dos....

Rare fish species in Nevada desert cavern on the rebound

2022-10-08T22:57+0200sfgate (en)

DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, Calif. (AP) — The annual fall count of an extremely rare fish species that lives in a single Mojave Desert cavern found the highest number in 19 years, the National Park Service said. Scientists counted 263 Devils Hole pupfish last month, the highest autumn count since September 2003, the agency said in a statement.

Here are 3 stories that define the courage of our brave flying hearts

2022-10-08T22:53+0200exbulletin (en)

At that speed and altitude, Sharma’s main enemies were blunt force trauma, temperature and the wind chill factor. Airframes are not designed to withstand the force and pressure created by an aircraft flying at 1000+ km/h with a non-aerodynamic helmet head facing all the elements.

Ciencia esta semana | Premio Nobel 2022, evidencia de agua líquida en Marte y más

2022-10-08T22:51+0200eldemocrata (es)

Esta semana estuvo llena de nuevos descubrimientos e investigaciones emocionantes en el mundo de la ciencia. Con el anuncio de los ganadores de los Premios Nobel 2022 en ciencias físicas y de la vida, nuevas investigaciones y esfuerzos científicos han pasado a primer plano. He aquí un vistazo a algunas de las últimas noticias científicas.

Incontra il nuovo equipaggio diversificato della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale

2022-10-08T22:15+0200gexperience (it)

Una versione di questa storia è apparsa nel Bollettino Scientifico di The Theory of Wonders sulla CNN. Per riceverlo nella tua casella di posta, Quando gli astronauti si avventurano a bordo della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, vedono un mondo senza confini.

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T21:52+0200manilametro (en)

Tokyo - A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T21:51+0200nigeriasun (en)

Tokyo - A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

Perde la moglie nello tsunami del 2011, da 11 anni si immerge ogni settimana per ritrovare il corpo

2022-10-08T21:42+0200fanpage (it)

Leggi anche Alluvione Marche, la Protezione Civile: "Evento che accade ogni mille anni" "L'idea di sopravvivere senza di lei è deprimente – ha spiegato – e voglio dedicare la mia vita a cercare di riportarla a casa. Vorrei poterle portare un fiore ogni giorno". L'11 marzo del 2011, giorno della tragedia, l'uomo si è recato al lavoro come sempre.

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T21:37+0200northernirelandnews (en)

Tokyo - A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T21:30+0200cambodiantimes (en)

Tokyo - A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T20:54+0200longbeachstar (en)

Tokyo - A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

Meet the history-making crew who just landed at the space station - CNN

2022-10-08T20:47+0200google-top-stories (en)

When astronauts venture aboard the International Space Station, they see a world without borders. They work together while orbiting Earth, and no boundaries are visible between them, even as member countries contend with geopolitics on the planet below.

California updates tsunami hazard maps for 7 counties

2022-10-08T20:27+0200sfgate (en)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. The revised interactive maps released Friday cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, Solano and Napa counties.

California updates tsunami hazard maps for 7 counties

2022-10-08T20:25+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Geological Survey has released updated tsunami hazard maps for seven counties to help users determine whether they are in areas at risk for inundation and for planning. The revised interactive maps released Friday cover San Diego, Santa Cruz, Ventura, Marin, Sonoma, Solano and Napa counties.

Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees, UN Expert Says

2022-10-08T20:21+0200voanews (en)

Tokyo — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan’s government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees’....

Meet the history-making crew who just landed at the space station

2022-10-08T18:15+0200cnn-special (en)

When astronauts venture aboard the International Space Station, they see a world without borders. They work together while orbiting Earth, and no boundaries are visible between them, even as member countries contend with geopolitics on the planet below.

Ten people killed in explosion at a petrol station in Ireland

2022-10-08T17:34+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-10-08T15:32:56.024Z. Ten people have been killed following an explosion at a petrol station in the northwest of Ireland. Among the victims, two teenagers and a little girl. The country was struck by grief following the tragedy, and several members of the government reacted following the explosion.

Dix personnes tuées lors d'une explosion dans une station-service en Irlande

2022-10-08T17:21+0200Europe1 (fr)

Dix personnes ont été tuées à la suite d'une explosion dans une station service dans le nord-ouest de l'Irlande. Parmi les victimes, deux adolescents et une fillette. Le pays a été frappé par le chagrin suite au drame, et plusieurs membres du gouvernement ont réagi suite à l'explosion.

Disaster in the country: Submarine volcano erupted, communication with Tonga lost

2022-10-08T16:40+0200247newsbulletin (en)

Panic and anxiety continue after the submarine volcano erupted with great violence the previous day in Tonga in the Pacific Ocean… While the countries in the region were giving tsunami warnings to their citizens, communication with Tonga, where the waves rose by meters, was cut off.

Much-loved food hall and café closing due to 'tsunami of problems' Food and Drink Louisa Baldwin A café and food hall which have been running for seven years have closed due to unsustainable business costs.

2022-10-08T16:35+0200edp24 (en)

Much-loved food hall and café closing due to 'tsunami of problems' The Creake Abbey Café and Food Hall are closing due to rising costs. - Credit: Creake Abbey. A café and food hall which have been running for seven years have closed due to unsustainable business costs.

VIDEO. Les ornithologues s’intéressent aux courlis d’Alaska, ces oiseaux sentinelles peut-être capables d’annoncer tsunamis et cyclones

2022-10-08T16:11+0200france3 (fr)

"Les premiers scientifiques qui ont débarqué sur ces îles y ont vu des espèces qui n’ont plus jamais été revues parce que les bateaux, ou dans la foulée d’autres bateaux, ont apporté des populations humaines, des rats, des chats… qui ont décimé quelques espèces.

Vidéo Les ornithologues s’intéressent aux courlis d’Alaska, ces oiseaux sentinelles peut-être capables d’annoncer tsunamis et cyclones Des scientifiques se sont rendus dans l’archipel des Tuamotu, au cœur de la Polynésie française, pour poser des balises sur le dos d’oiseaux migrateurs qui pourraient permettre d’alerter les populatio.

2022-10-08T16:08+0200francetvinfo (fr)

"Les premiers scientifiques qui ont débarqué sur ces îles y ont vu des espèces qui n’ont plus jamais été revues parce que les bateaux, ou dans la foulée d’autres bateaux, ont apporté des populations humaines, des rats, des chats… qui ont décimé quelques espèces.

‘Darkest of days for Donegal’: Child and two teens among 10 victims of petrol station explosion as priest tells of ‘tsunami of grief’

2022-10-08T15:44+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

Local GP Dr Paul Stewart arrived at the scene an hour after the explosion. "I grew up in Belfast during the Troubles and it was just like a bomb," Dr Stewart told RTE. "There were blocks thrown a hundred yards away from the scene. The whole front of the building collapsed... and the roof of the first floor collapsed down into the shop.

Former model Petra Nemcova in Florida with All Hands and Hearts After surviving a tsunami in Thailand a few years back, former model and philantropist Petra Nemcova and her partners effectively and efficiently address the immediate and long-term needs of communities impacted by natural disasters in their organization called All Hands and Hearts.

2022-10-08T15:43+0200cbslocal (en)

MIAMI Former model and philantropist Petra Nemcova knows firsthand about natural disasters. "I survived a tsunami in Thailand. My partner unfortunately passed away. My pelvis was broken in four places and that day over 250,000 people lost their lives," Nemcova said.

David Foenkinos y otros cinco autores que recomendamos esta semana

2022-10-08T15:41+0200milenio (es)

Una ficción histórica ambientada en las colonias de Norteamérica; un retrato de la pintora alemana Charlotte Salomon ; una historia irreverente y apocalíptica con una dura crítica a las élites; el duelo emocional tras un desastre natural; la impresionante vida de Hispala Faecenia; una nueva mirada a las emociones.

Sismo de magnitud 4 con epicentro en Ilo, Moquegua

2022-10-08T15:37+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4 este sábado 8 de octubre con epicentro en la ciudad de Ilo, en la provincia de Ilo del departamento de Moquegua. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento comenzó a....

Sensors, Vol. 22, Pages 7630: Fundamentals of Fast Tsunami Wave Parameter Determination Technology for Hazard Mitigation

2022-10-08T15:31+0200mdpi (en)

This paper describes two basic elements of the smart technology, allowing us to bring to a new level the problem of early warning and mitigation of tsunami hazards for the so-called near zone events (when a destructive tsunami wave reaches the nearest coast in tens of minutes after the earthquake).

Ireland petrol station blast kills nine

2022-10-08T14:15+0200tuko (en)

The Garda Siochana police force said eight people had been hospitalised and that it "can now confirm nine fatalities as a result of this incident. "The search and recovery for further fatalities continues" at the site in the village of Creeslough," it said.

Ireland petrol station blast kills nine

2022-10-08T14:13+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

At least nine people have been killed in an explosion at a petrol station in County Donegal in Ireland's northwest, police said on Saturday. The Garda Siochana police force said eight people had been hospitalised and that it "can now confirm nine fatalities as a result of this incident.

Asteroide sulla Terra provocò estinzione dei dinosauri e scatenò un mega-terremoto di magnitudo 10

2022-10-08T12:37+0200leggo (it)

e causato un super terremoto lungo settimane o addirittura mesi. Una nuova ipotesi emerge da uno studio della Geological Society of America, su Chicxulub , l'asteroide che circa 66 milioni di anni fa, portò alla distruzione del 75% delle specie viventi sulla Terra, con un impatto terrestre di 10....

Dinosaur-killing asteroid set off monster tsunami

2022-10-08T12:33+0200knowridge (en)

The asteroid known for killing most dinosaurs also triggered a monstrous tsunami with mile-high waves that scoured the ocean floor thousands of miles from the impact site, research finds. That miles-wide asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ago on what’s now Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

Donegal explosion: ‘Tsunami of grief’ – local mass hears Creeslough is ‘broken hearted’ by tragedy

2022-10-08T12:22+0200independent-ie (en)

A special Mass was held at St Michael’s church in Creeslough this morning during which prayers were said for everyone impacted by the explosion at a service station in Donegal which has so far claimed seven lives. P arish priest Father John Joe Duffy told the packed congregation the small village had been hit by a “tsunami of grief”.

El terremoto de México provocó un raro "tsunami" en el Valle de la Muerte

2022-10-08T12:19+0200tiempo-es (es)

El terremoto de México provocó un raro "tsunami" en el Valle de la Muerte. El movimiento sísmico de uno de los dos terremotos que sacudieron México hace unas semanas provocó olas de más de un metro en una de las cuevas del Valle de la Muerte, en Nevada (EE. UU.), a más de 2400 km del epicentro.

Yasuo Takamatsu, l'amore dopo lo tsunami: «Da 11 anni mi immergo per cercare mia moglie»

2022-10-08T12:10+0200ilmattino (it)

Yasuo Takamatsu , 65 anni, ha perso la moglie Yuko nello tsunami del 2011 ma il suo corpo non è mai stato ritrovato. A distanza di oltre 11 anni da quel terribile giorno che ha scosso il mondo intero, non si è ancora arreso. Ogni settimana si immerge nelle acque della sua region e, Onagawa,....

«Alieni, meteorite...»: ecco i 5 disastri che colpiranno la terra previsti dal tiktoker viaggiatore del tempo

2022-10-08T11:20+0200leggo (it)

Cosa ha detto. Il content creator , noto sui social media come @theradianttimetraveler, ha allertato le persone su cinque grandi eventi che presumibilmente cambieranno il corso della storia umana . Tanto per cominciare, l'user ha riferito che tra novembre 2022 e maggio 2023 gli esseri umani....

U.N. expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees October 8, 2022 NEW

2022-10-08T10:59+0200ajw (en)

A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees' human....

L’astéroïde tueur de dinosaures a généré des vagues de plus d’un kilomètre de haut

2022-10-08T10:39+0200dailygeekshow (fr)

Il y a environ 66 millions d’années, un astéroïde géant frappait la Terre et allait anéantir la plupart des formes de vie. Deux nouvelles études offrent un aperçu stupéfiant des conséquences de cet impact cataclysmique, qui a déclenché un tsunami monstrueux et un mégaséisme ayant grondé pendant des mois.

Au Japon, les cafouillages du système d’alerte aux missiles au cœur d’un débat politique

2022-10-08T10:24+0200LeMonde (fr)

Le secrétaire en chef du Cabinet japonais, Hirokazu Matsuno, tient une conférence de presse après l’annonce d’un lancement de missile par la Corée du Nord, au bureau du premier ministre à Tokyo, mardi 4 octobre 2022. AP. Alors que la Corée du Nord qualifiait, samedi 8 octobre, d’exercices «....

Messico: il terremoto ha provocato uno tsunami dove vive il pesce più raro del mondo

2022-10-08T10:06+0200247libero (it)

La storia che stiamo per raccontarvi comincia in Messico e si conclude in Nevada, in compagnia del pesce più raro del mondo. Comincia il 19 settembre 2022, quando il Messico sudorientale è stato colpito da un terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 che ha causato due vittime.

U.N. expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T09:51+0200japantoday (en)

A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees' human....

Sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Cd Valles, San Luis Potosí

2022-10-08T09:50+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.0 cerca de Cd Valles que ocurrió a las 2:26 horas en el horario local (7:26 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 47 km al noroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de San Luis Potosí, con una....

L’asteroide che fece estinguere i dinosauri provocò un mostruoso terremoto durato settimane o mesi

2022-10-08T09:40+0200fanpage (it)

L' asteroide Chicxulub che 66 milioni di anni fa , alla fine del Cretaceo , determinò l'estinzione dei dinosauri non aviani – e del 75 percento delle specie viventi sulla Terra – provocò un colossale terremoto durato per settimane o addirittura mesi . L'impatto del “sasso spaziale” con un diametro....

Animali Il terremoto e il pesce più raro del mondo

2022-10-08T09:34+0200focus-it (it)

La storia che stiamo per raccontarvi comincia in Messico e si conclude in Nevada, in compagnia del pesce più raro del mondo. Comincia il 19 settembre 2022, quando il Messico sudorientale è stato colpito da un terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 che ha causato due vittime.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T08:56+0200taiwannews (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

United Nations human rights expert Cecilia says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T08:51+0200thehindu (en)

Cecilia Jimenez-Damary said, “Japan has adequate laws to protect internally displaced people. Those laws should not remain just laws on the books, but they should be implemented.” A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on October 7 to provide evacuees from the Fukushima....

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T08:13+0200stripes (en)

TOKYO — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees'....

El impacto de Chicxulub desató un mega-terremoto de semanas o meses

2022-10-08T08:13+0200diariodia (es)

MADRID, 7 Oct. – Nueva evidencia sugiere que el impacto de Chicxulub, que acabó con los dinosaurios, también provocó un terremoto tan masivo que sacudió el planeta durante semanas o meses después de la colisión. La cantidad de energía liberada en este «mega-terremoto» se estima en 10 elevado a 23 julios, que es unas 50.

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 5 con epicentro en Ancash

2022-10-08T07:46+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 5 este sábado 8 de octubre con epicentro en la ciudad de Huarmey, en la provincia de Huarmey del departamento de Ancash. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento....

Yasuo Takamatsu, l'amore dopo lo tsunami: «Da 11 anni mi immergo per cercare mia moglie»

2022-10-08T06:46+0200ilmessaggero (it)

Yasuo Takamatsu , 65 anni, ha perso la moglie Yuko nello tsunami del 2011 ma il suo corpo non è mai stato ritrovato. A distanza di oltre 11 anni da quel terribile giorno che ha scosso il mondo intero, non si è ancora arreso. Ogni settimana si immerge nelle acque della sua region e, Onagawa,....

« 13h15 le samedi » du 8 octobre 2022 : sommaire et reportages d’aujourd’hui sur France 2

2022-10-08T06:23+0200feminactu (fr)

Des images, des émotions, une écriture sensible aux aventures humaines : «13h15, le samedi…» et «13h15, le dimanche…» proposent des histoires françaises, le feuilleton de la politique, les coulisses de la vie de tous les jours, les sagas familiales et les confidences des grands témoins. FTV.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T05:39+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

TOKYO >> A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan’s government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees’....

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-08T05:03+0200independent-UK (en)

A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan 's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees' human....

El asteroide que provocó un tsunami global y arrasó el fondo marino

2022-10-08T04:50+0200ElComercio (es)

Hace 66 millones de años, un asteroide de varios kilómetros de ancho impactó contra la Tierra, lo que acabó con casi todos los dinosaurios y con unas tres cuartas partes de las especies. Además, según un nuevo estudio, el impacto también provocó un potente tsunami global.

Climate panel concerned over site selection for plantation of trees

2022-10-08T04:30+0200nation (en)

ISLAMABAD - The Standing Committee on Climate Change has expressed concerns over site selection for plantation of trees for Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme (TBTTP). The committee meeting, chaired by MNA Nuzhat Pathan, discussing the agenda item regarding Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme....

« 13h15 le samedi ». L’oiseau du bout du monde

2022-10-08T03:17+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

A l’heure où, du fait du réchauffement climatique, les phénomènes météorologiques deviennent de plus en plus violents et fréquents, les chercheurs étudient le comportement des oiseaux. Ils pourraient aider les scientifiques à mieux anticiper l’arrivée d’un ouragan ou d’un tsunami… A l’heure où, du....

Former national athletes Joscelin Yeo and Zhang Tingjun are now teaching kids how to survive in the wild

2022-10-08T01:02+0200channelnewsasia (en)

When a former Olympic swimmer and a former national netball player come together to organise camps for children, what would they teach? If you’re guessing either swimming or netball, you are in for a surprise. For almost a year, Joscelin Yeo, 43, and Zhang Tingjun, 40, have been organising....

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Cd Hidalgo, Chiapas

2022-10-08T00:06+0200infobae (es)

Cd Hidalgo fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.1 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los habitantes del estado de Chiapas a las 16:27 en hora local (21:27 UTC). El sismo sucedió 64 km al sur de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 59 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Computer simulation recreates the giant tsunami that washed over the dying dinosaurs

2022-10-07T23:58+0200wn (en)

Bob McDonald's blog: Researchers have created a computer simulation of the....

L’impact de Chicxulub aurait pu générer un « méga tremblement de terre » de plusieurs semaines voire plusieurs mois

2022-10-07T21:50+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Que s’est-il passé il y a quelque 66 millions d’années pour qu’une grande partie des animaux, y compris les dinosaures, aient disparu de la surface de la Terre ? C’est le mystère que les scientifiques tentent de résoudre depuis des siècles. Si plusieurs théories ont été envisagées, l’une des plus étayées reste celle de l’impact d’un gros astéroïde.

Se registra un temblor en Unión Hidalgo, Oaxaca

2022-10-07T21:49+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor fue registrado en Unión Hidalgo a las 13:51 hora local (18:51 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una profundidad de 5 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 44 km al noreste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca.

actualité L’astéroïde qui a tué les dinosaures a fait trembler la Terre plusieurs mois !

2022-10-07T19:03+0200futura-sciences (fr)

trapps du Deccan. Les traces laissées par cet impact majeur dans l'histoire de la Terre sont visibles en de nombreux endroits du globe et permettent de reconstruire l'enchaînement dramatique des événements qui survinrent dans les minutes, jours et mois après l'impact.

Putin's nuclear weapons threat: It also affects Turkey

2022-10-07T18:44+0200247newsbulletin (en)

“Two events could happen,” Badescu said. The first of these is a tsunami wave that can affect coastal areas with a nuclear explosion. Secondly, the formation of a gas layer that will spread from the sea to the sky after the nuclear bomb,” he said. Professor Badescu, who wrote an article in 2006 with....

Comunidad educativa de la provincia de San Antonio se movilizó por simulacro de sismo y tsunami

2022-10-07T17:54+0200onemi (es)

06/10/2022 | 15:00 | Valparaíso. Uno de los objetivos fue entrenar el proceso de evacuación de los establecimientos educacionales frente a una emergencia simulada por sismo y tsunami. El programa “Chile Preparado” busca, desde el año 2011, fomentar una cultura preventiva y de autocuidado en la comunidad, preparándola ante diversas emergencias.

Mexico earthquake causes 'tsunami' in Death Valley cave system

2022-10-07T17:34+0200yourweather (en)

A Desert Tsunami in Death Valley caused by Mexicos recent earthquake. — tiny giant salmon pls follow me im so lonely (@smilodonichthys) September 25, 2022 Mexico experienced two earthquakes in less than a week. And the second earthquake that shook the country on Thursday 22 September, whose....

L’asteroide che spazzò via i dinosauri generò uno tsunami devastante

2022-10-07T17:26+0200galileonet (it)

La fine dell’era dei dinosauri, 66 milioni di anni fa, fu abbastanza traumatica . Oggi è ormai accettata l’ipotesi secondo cui a causare l’ultima grande estinzione di massa che ha segnato la fine del Cretaceo e l’inizio del Paleogene (K-Pg) sia stato l’impatto sulla superficie terrestre di un enorme asteroide.

L'impact du Chicxulub pourrait avoir généré un "méga séisme" de plusieurs semaines voire mois

2022-10-07T17:15+0200geo (fr)

De nombreuses études ont déjà tenté de réécrire le scénario qui a suivi l'impact. D'après elles, le phénomène aurait causé l'éjection de quantités phénoménales de poussière et d'autres éléments qui, en retombant, auraient recouvert la surface de la Terre, en bloquant les rayons solaires et....

Visit by the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction (30 Sep 2022)

2022-10-07T17:11+0200jma (en)

Visit by the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction On 30th September 2022, Mr. Lilik Kurniawan (the Secretary-General of the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction, or “Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana” in Indonesian) led a delegation on a visit to the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Onde alte 100 metri per l’asteroide di 66 milioni di anni fa

2022-10-07T16:50+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 7 ottobre 2022) Onde alte anche 100 metri dopo l’evento di Chicxulub 66 milioni anni fa – L’impatto del l’asteroide sulla Terra 65-66 milioni di anni fa non causò solo la fine dei dinosauri e di altre specie viventi, ma un maremoto di proporzioni colossali con Onde alte anche 100 metri....

South Pacific: A 5.5-magnitude earthquake occurred in the South Pacific at around 22:24 on October 7

2022-10-07T16:25+0200exbulletin (en)

An earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale occurred in the South Pacific south of Samoa at approximately 22:24 GMT on October 7. The epicenter was about 139 kilometers (87 miles) northeast of Haifu, Tonga. The earthquake occurred at a depth of about 10 km (6 miles), and a slight tremor was....

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:48+0200startribune (en)

Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees' human rights conditions, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary said Japan has adequate laws to protect internally displaced people. They include a nuclear disaster compensation law that requires the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, to cover....

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:34+0200TorontoStar (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan’s government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:32+0200thestandard-hk (en)

A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees' human....

Un expert de l’ONU dit que le Japon devrait faire plus pour les évacués de Fukushima

2022-10-07T15:32+0200news-24 (fr)

TOKYO (AP) – Un expert des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies a exhorté vendredi le gouvernement japonais à fournir plus de soutien aux évacués de la catastrophe de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, y ​​compris un logement, des emplois et d’autres besoins, qu’ils aient fui de force ou non.

World News | UN Expert Says Japan Should Do More for Fukushima Evacuees

2022-10-07T15:31+0200latestly (en)

Tokyo, Oct 7 (AP) A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:26+0200sfgate (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

VIDEO: Pez remo, que supuestamente "predice sismos", aparece en playas de Sinaloa

2022-10-07T15:24+0200diariodemorelos (es)

Un pez remo fue capturado en las costas de Sinaloa, de acuerdo con un video que circula en redes sociales, el cual ha llamado la atención debido a que se le asocia con la predicción de un terremoto. En la cultura japonesa, al pez remo se conoce como “Ryugu no tsukai” o el ”Mensajero del palacio del dios del mar”.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:16+0200ABCnews (en)

TOKYO -- A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan 's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:15+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

TOKYO — A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan’s government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not. Wrapping up an investigation of the evacuees’....

UN expert says Japan should do more for Fukushima evacuees

2022-10-07T15:14+02004-traders (en)

TOKYO (AP) A United Nations human rights expert urged Japan's government on Friday to provide evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster with more support, including housing, jobs and other needs, regardless of whether they fled forcibly or not.

Biagio Pilieri considera que situación con las lluvias evidencia desidia del Ejecutivo

2022-10-07T15:10+0200talcualdigital (es)

Pilieri lamentó que al menos 16 personas en Venezuela hayan muerto por las lluvias, que también generaron inundaciones, deslizamientos de tierra, deslaves y desalojos en varios estados. Considera que Maduro no está tomando los temas importantes como una prioridad , coordinador nacional del partido....

After the impact, the earth shook for months – SalonFilaha.com

2022-10-07T14:55+0200archyde (en)

As if one disaster weren’t enough, the impact of the asteroid Chicxulub at the end of the Cretaceous, 66 million years ago, had global consequences. In the immediate vicinity, all life died due to the extreme shock wave and the energy released. Huge tsunamis killed animals and plants thousands of....

JMSE, Vol. 10, Pages 1449: Spatial Distribution of Tsunami Hazard Posed by Earthquakes along the Manila Trench

2022-10-07T14:09+0200mdpi (en)

Quantitative probability has been computed for the tsunami hazard posed by earthquakes from the Manila Trench, which has been regarded as a huge threat in the South China Sea. This study provides a spatial distribution of the tsunami hazard covering the affected area with a spatial resolution of 0.

"13h15 le samedi". L’oiseau du bout du monde

2022-10-07T14:09+0200france3 (fr)

A l'heure où, à cause du réchauffement climatique, les phénomènes météorologiques deviennent de plus en plus violents et fréquents, des chercheurs étudient les comportements des oiseaux. Ils seraient capables d’aider les scientifiques à mieux anticiper l'arrivée d'un ouragan ou d'un tsunami...

Tsunami bollette, parlano imprese e commercio. Via Milano...

2022-10-07T13:57+0200virgilio (it)

Tsunami bollette, parlano imprese e commercio. Via Milano bassa e i negozi che chiudono. Turismo, il lago è giovanissimo. Esce ComoZero Settimanale Amiche e amici, siamo tornati in carta e ossa: è uscito ComoZero Settimanale! Ci trovate, come sempre, negli oltre 100 totem tra Como e il lago.

PH, US Marines conduct combined amphibious exercise

2022-10-07T13:33+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

The scenario for the amphibious operation: All the roads leading to Zambales and Tarlac are blocked following a major earthquake and a super typhoon. Looting erupted and chaos reigned. The Marines’ mission was to deliver supplies and restore peace and order through an amphibious operation.

L’asteroide che ha ucciso i dinosauri ha innescato un “mega-terremoto” durato mesi

2022-10-07T13:33+0200meteoweb (it)

Circa 66 milioni di anni fa, un asteroide di 10 km ha colpito la Terra, provocando l’estinzione dei dinosauri. Nuove prove suggeriscono che l’impatto di Chicxulub abbia anche innescato un terremoto così forte da scuotere il pianeta per settimane o addirittura mesi dopo la collisione.

Las Choapas, Veracruz, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-10-07T13:32+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Las Choapas experimentó un sismo que alcanzó una magnitud de 4.1 y tuvo una profundidad de 177 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el sismo sucedió hoy a las 5:57 hora local (10:57 UTC), con un epicentro de 76 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Veracruz.

L’asteroide che estinse i dinosauri causò mesi di mega-terremoti

2022-10-07T13:28+0200laregione (it)

L’impatto dell’asteroide che mise fine all’era dei dinosauri, 66 milioni di anni fa, generò anche lunghissimi mega-terremoti, che fecero tremare la Terra per settimane o anche mesi: questi terremoti rilasciarono una quantità di energia 50mila volte maggiore rispetto al devastante terremoto avvenuto....

Ecco il sottomarino Belgorod, il gigante russo che spaventa il Mare del Nord

2022-10-07T13:24+0200formiche (it)

Sembra il romanzo di Tom Clancy, o se preferite la versione cinematografica con Alec Baldwin nei panni di Jack Ryan e Sean Connery in quelle di Marko Ramius, ma invece è la realtà. Da qualche giorno nel Mare del Nord sta andando in scena il classico gioco del gatto e del topo, molto in voga durante....

Strong mag. 5.5 earthquake - South Pacific Ocean, 191 km southwest of Apia, Tuamasaga, Samoa, on Friday, Oct 7, 2022 at 10:24 pm (GMT +13)

2022-10-07T13:08+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Samoa was shaken near Vailoa, Palauli, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.8 only 14 minutes ago, the United States Geological Survey reported. The quake hit at an intermediate depth of 92.2 km beneath the epicenter near Vailoa, Palauli, Samoa, late at night on Friday, October 7th, 2022, at 10:24 pm local time.

"13h15 le samedi". L’oiseau du bout du monde A l'heure où, à cause du réchauffement climatique, les phénomènes météorologiques deviennent de plus en plus violents et fréquents, des chercheurs étudient les comportements des oiseaux. Ils seraient ...

2022-10-07T13:08+0200francetvinfo (fr)

A l'heure où, à cause du réchauffement climatique, les phénomènes météorologiques deviennent de plus en plus violents et fréquents, des chercheurs étudient les comportements des oiseaux. Ils seraient capables d’aider les scientifiques à mieux anticiper l'arrivée d'un ouragan ou d'un tsunami...

End-Cretaceous asteroid caused massive global tsunami, peaking at a mile high

2022-10-07T13:01+0200spacedaily (en)

The asteroid that struck Earth and led to the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction 66 million years ago also triggered a worldwide tsunami that started as a wave more than a mile high, according to a new study. The tsunami was large enough to scour the ocean floor thousands of miles from the impact site on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

El impacto que mató a los dinosaurios desencadenó un 'megaterremoto' que duró semanas o meses

2022-10-07T12:55+0200vistaalmar (es)

La cantidad de energía liberada fue 50.000 mayor que la del terremoto de magnitud 9,1 de Sumatra en 2004. Hace unos 66 millones de años, un asteroide de aproximadamente 10 kilómetros golpeó la Tierra, provocando la extinción de los dinosaurios. Nueva evidencia sugiere que el impacto de Chicxulub....

Stochastic tsunami modeling induced by kinematic complex sources

2022-10-07T12:26+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

Therefore, we identify the following seismic gaps. The first one is located between the Hokkaido and the Simushir Islands (zones C and D). The area available is located between the seventeenth century event and the Mw 8.3 event. The second one is located between the rupture area of the November 2006 earthquake (Mw 8.

Poutine fait exploser une bombe nucléaire en mer Noire libérerait un nuage de gaz toxique tueur et déclencherait des tsunamis, prévient un professeur de renom

2022-10-07T12:17+0200news-24 (fr)

Le professeur Viorel Badescu, physicien et ingénieur de l’Université de Bucarest, a rédigé il y a quelques années un article mettant en garde contre les impacts d’une explosion nucléaire en mer Noire. Et il a parlé à The Sun Online alors qu’il exposait “à travers les yeux d’un scientifique” les....

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake strikes near Vailoa, Palauli, Samoa

2022-10-07T11:56+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Samoa was shaken near Vailoa, Palauli, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.8 only 14 minutes ago, the United States Geological Survey reported. The quake hit at an intermediate depth of 92.2 km beneath the epicenter near Vailoa, Palauli, Samoa, late at night on Friday, October 7th, 2022, at 10:24 pm local time.

El impacto de Chicxulub desató un terremoto de semanas o meses

2022-10-07T11:14+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Nueva evidencia sugiere que el impacto de Chicxulub, que acabó con los dinosaurios, también provocó un terremoto tan masivo que sacudió el planeta durante semanas o meses después de la colisión. La cantidad de energía liberada en este "mega-terremoto" se estima en 10 elevado a 23 julios, que es unas 50.

El impacto de Chicxulub desató un mega-terremoto de semanas o meses

2022-10-07T10:54+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 7 Oct. (EUROPA PRESS) - Nueva evidencia sugiere que el impacto de Chicxulub, que acabó con los dinosaurios, también provocó un terremoto tan masivo que sacudió el planeta durante semanas o meses después de la colisión. La cantidad de energía liberada en este "mega-terremoto" se estima en 10 elevado a 23 julios, que es unas 50.

El impacto de Chicxulub desató un mega-terremoto de semanas o meses

2022-10-07T10:49+0200europapress (es)

MADRID, 7 Oct. (EUROPA PRESS) - Nueva evidencia sugiere que el impacto de Chicxulub, que acabó con los dinosaurios, también provocó un terremoto tan masivo que sacudió el planeta durante semanas o meses después de la colisión. La cantidad de energía liberada en este "mega-terremoto" se estima en 10 elevado a 23 julios, que es unas 50.

‘Time traveller from 2671’ claims 'huge meteor will bring alien species to Earth'

2022-10-07T10:21+0200dailystar (en)

user who claims to be a " time traveller from the year 2671" has claimed to know when an alien species will crash to Earth on a giant meteor. The creator known as Eno Alric or 'theradianttimetraveler' took to the app claiming to be warning people about five major events that will supposedly change the course of human history.

Dino-killing asteroid set off mile-high tsunami and month-long mega-quake

2022-10-07T10:19+0200wn (en)

One of planet Earth’s single worst days ever occurred around 66 million years ago, when a huge asteroid slammed into Earth and wiped out most life, including the dinosaurs. Now a pair of new studies has identified more evidence for just how bad things got, as the impact triggered global tsunamis....

Lima, Cañete, registra un sismo de magnitud 3.8

2022-10-07T10:19+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.8 ocurrió este viernes 7 de octubre en la ciudad de San Vicente De Cañete , en la provincia de Cañete del departamento de Lima, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 02:56:40 (hora local) y....

Se registra un temblor en Crucecita, Oaxaca

2022-10-07T08:37+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Crucecita a las 1:04 hora local (6:04 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 20 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 68 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca.

Ted Cruz Says Midterms Will Be ‘Red Tsunami’, Democrats Can Only Focus on Abortion

2022-10-07T06:37+0200theepochtimes (en)

Senator (R-Texas) said the GOP would retake the U.S. Senate and House majority during the November midterm elections. “I think we are going to see a wave election,” Cruz told Fox News on Oct. 6. “I think it’s going to be a tsunami.” “Republicans are going to retake both the House and Senate,” he continued.

Los radares no lo detectan y puede portar una cabeza nuclear de unos dos megatones.

2022-10-07T05:33+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Además, cabe recordar que este suceso se presentó en el marco de la guerra contra Ucrania y el daño a los gasoductos Nord Stream, los cuales, según la Unión Europea, no fueron accidentes, sino sabotajes. Según explica la revista ‘Forbes', el “ataque nuclear sería una señal simbólica para que Rusia demuestre que está dispuesto a defenderse”.

Extinción de los dinosaurios y un tsunami global, esto pasó con el asteroide que impactó la Tierra

2022-10-07T04:25+0200am (es)

Un estudio comprobó que existió un tsunami que pudo haber erradicado especies marinas. Foto Especial. Hace unos días se descubrió por un estudio publicado en la revista American Geophysical Union Advances , que el asteroide que acabó con los dinosaurios y que cayó en lo que hoy se conoce como la....

CAP Radio interrupts installed at four radio stations

2022-10-07T04:20+0200antiguaobserver (en)

Four private radio stations are now part of the national early warning system, the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), that will interrupt regular programming to carry specific emergency alerts. The four stations, Observer Radio, Zoom Radio, God First Radio and Radio Lighthouse, have joined state-owned....

Lima registró un temblor de magnitud 3.5

2022-10-07T03:35+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.5 ocurrió este jueves 6 de octubre en la ciudad de San Mateo , en la provincia de Huarochiri del departamento de Lima, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 20:12:23 (hora local) y se....

Updated: Forestry leaders scramble to turn massive new funding into trees

2022-10-07T01:13+0200spokesman (en)

MISSOULA, Mont. — Foresters, nursery managers and urban planners have long sought funding to grow more trees, replant burned areas and help marginalized communities prepare for the effects of climate change. Suddenly, the money isn’t the problem — it’s figuring out how to spend it.

Estudio hizo una simulación de cómo fue el aterrador tsunami causado por el asteroide que extinguió a los dinosaurios

2022-10-06T23:55+0200semana (es)

El asteroide que impactó en la Tierra hace 66 millones de años y acabó con los dinosaurios también desencadenó un gigantesco tsunami que causó olas de 1,5 kilómetros de altura. Un nuevo estudio dirigido por la Universidad de Michigan (UM), publicado en la revista AGU Advances, presenta la primera....

Aparece un pez remo en México, conocido por estar asociado a la ‘predicción de sismos’

2022-10-06T23:55+0200larepublica-pe (es)

En las costas de , fue capturado un pez remo, el 16 de julio de este año, y fue reseñado en medios locales la tarde del último miércoles. La grabación del hallazgo se ha hecho viral en redes sociales y ha llamado la atención debido a que es una especie que se asocia con la predicción de los terremotos.

Así es el "submarino de apocalipsis", la temible arma de Rusia Mundo | 6 de octubre

2022-10-06T23:04+0200el-mexicano (es)

La tensión entre Estados Unidos y Rusia mantiene en alerta a gran parte del mundo, la sombra de una nueva guerra mundial está más viva que nunca con Rusia y Estados Unidos. Tanto Vladimir Putin como Joe Biden cuentan con poderosos ejércitos y armas de destrucción masiva que podrían acabar con la....

Un asteroide de finales del cretáceo causó un enorme tsunami mundial Más

2022-10-06T22:14+0200portalambiental (es)

Washington- El asteroide que impactó contra la Tierra y provocó la extinción masiva del Cretácico-Paleógeno (K-Pg) hace 66 millones de años también desencadenó un tsunami mundial que comenzó como una ola de más de un kilómetro de altura, según un nuevo estudio.

Malaysia: Disaster Management Reference Handbook (October 2022)

2022-10-06T21:49+0200reliefWeb (en)

Executive Summary. Located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is divided in two geographic parts: Peninsular Malaysia in the west and East Malaysia on the northwestern part of Borneo Island. It is a member-state of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Las Choapas, Veracruz

2022-10-06T21:08+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud se registró en las cercanías de Las Choapas a las 13:32 hora local (18:32 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 60 km al sureste de la ciudad del estado de Veracruz y tuvo una profundidad de 10 km.

Così fu lo tsunami dell'asteroide dei dinosauri

2022-10-06T20:11+0200247libero (it)

Accadde 66 milioni di anni fa. Un asteroide di 12 chilometri colpisce la Terra e sprigiona acqua, sedimenti e tonnellate di nebulizzazione, genera un’onda enorme, forma crateri in cui si vede il terreno muoversi su e giù per chilometri. Le rocce e i detriti ricadono poi nell’acqua e sulla terra causando altre onde caotiche.

Forestry leaders scramble to turn massive new funding into trees

2022-10-06T20:08+0200phys (en)

Suddenly, the money isn't the problem—it's figuring out how to spend it. "We went from a dripping faucet to a tsunami wave," said Kasten Dumroese, national nursery specialist and research plant physiologist with the U.S. Forest Service. "It's exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

Dans les Alpes, la fonte des glaces menace des milliers de personnes

2022-10-06T19:53+0200nationalgeographic-fr (fr)

UN DANGER INVISIBLE. Mais tout ne peut être évité. Près d’un ruisseau situé à quelques centaines de mètres de leur maison, la famille me montre les dégâts causés par un glissement de terrain, déclenché par de fortes pluies un soir du mois d’août. Un mur de roches de plus de 6 mètres de haut a....

Encuentran pez remo en Sinaloa, el animal que predice terremotos

2022-10-06T18:55+0200noticiaaldia (es)

Este mito sobre el pez remo y los terremotos se difundió después del tsunami de 2011 que golpeó la región de Tohoku, en la isla Honshu. Foto: Twitter @EarthquakeChil1. Un ejemplar de pez remo en Sinaloa se ha hecho viral en redes sociales y levantado la preocupación por estar asociada a una....

Hace 3 segundos Aparece pez remo, la especie que ‘predice sismos’, en costas de Sinaloa

2022-10-06T18:41+0200zocalo (es)

Sinaloa.- Un pez remo fue capturado en las costas de Sinaloa , de acuerdo con un video que circula en redes sociales, el cual ha llamado la atención debido a que se le asocia con la predicción de un terremoto. En la cultura japonesa, al pez remo se conoce como “ Ryugu no tsukai ” o el ” Mensajero del palacio del dios del mar ”.

Come evitare tragedie come l’alluvione nelle Marche: piccole opere, manutenzione e stop al cemento

2022-10-06T17:34+0200fanpage (it)

Nel frattempo la Procura di Ancona – che sta indagando per inondazione colposa e omicidio colposo plurimo – ha acquisito la documentazione necessaria ad appurare eventuali responsabilità. In attesa che vengano effettuati tutti gli accertamenti del caso, tuttavia, è già possibile ipotizzare cosa non....

El asteroide que extinguió a los dinosaurios también provocó un potente tsunami global, dice estudio

2022-10-06T17:02+0200biobiochile (es)

Hace 66 millones de años, un asteroide de varios kilómetros de ancho impactó contra la Tierra, lo que acabó con casi todos los dinosaurios y con unas tres cuartas partes de las especies. Además, según un nuevo estudio, el impacto también provocó un potente tsunami global.

L'effetto tsunami, ovvero le conseguenze inevitabili che...

2022-10-06T16:43+0200virgilio (it)

L'effetto tsunami, ovvero le conseguenze inevitabili che seguiranno le tragedie che si stanno consumando L'allarme per la crisi energetica oramai è arrivato nella zona più alta del del campo di variazione, la zona rossa, come ha fatto la situazione che la ha generata.

The Asteroid That Killed The Dinosaurs Spawned An Absolutely Monstrous Tsunami – New Research Reveals

2022-10-06T15:48+0200wonderfulengineering (en)

A team that was working on the consequences of the asteroid impact that caused the demise of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago says that the collision also created a global tsunami that destroyed coastlines from North America to New Zealand. They researched archaic sediments from more than 100....

Tenosique, Tabasco, registra sismo de magnitud 4.4

2022-10-06T14:37+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.4 y con una profundidad de 15 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Tenosique a las 7:02 hora local (12:02 UTC) de hoy. El episodio tuvo como epicentro 77 km al sureste de dicha ciudad del estado de Tabasco, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

RHDP : Les secrétaires départementaux font déjà bouger les lignes

2022-10-06T14:33+0200lepatriote (fr)

Près d’un mois, après leur investiture le 12 septembre 2022 au Sofitel hôtel Ivoire, à Cocody, par le président du RHDP (Rassemblement des houphouëtistes pour la démocratie et la paix) Alassane Ouattara, les secrétaires départementaux du parti au pouvoir, confirment déjà les espoirs placés en eux.

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.8 en Huanuco

2022-10-06T13:48+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.8 se registró este jueves 6 de octubre en la ciudad de Aucayacu , en la provincia de Leoncio Prado del departamento de Huanuco, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 06:29:10 (hora local) y....

Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Spawned a Monster Tsunami

2022-10-06T13:47+0200wn (en)

A team modeling the aftermath of the asteroid impact that doomed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago say that the collision also created a global tsunami that devastated coastlines from North America to New Zealand. The researchers studied ancient sediments from over 100 sites around the world, to....

Husband is still diving to find his wife in Japan after losing her in 2011 tsunami

2022-10-06T13:14+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Yasuo Takamatsu lost his wife, Yuko, in the 2011 Japanese tsunami, but 11 years later, he still dives to find her every week. Takamatsu began diving in 2013 in a desperate attempt to find his wife’s body after she disappeared in Onagawa, one of the country’s worst-hit region s.

El colosal tsunami provocado por el asteroide que extinguió a los dinosaurios

2022-10-06T11:09+0200noticiasdelaciencia (es)

El asteroide de unos 14 kilómetros de diámetro que cayó a la Tierra hace unos 66 millones de años excavó un cráter inmenso, provocó terremotos y erupciones volcánicas, lanzó material por los aires y generó infinidad de incendios, además de exterminar a cerca de las tres cuartas partes de la vida animal y vegetal del planeta.

Dataset measuring full-scale tsunami wave attenuation in mangrove forest wins 2022 DesignSafe Dataset Award

2022-10-06T11:04+0200wn (en)

Mangrove trees can act like a sentinel against hurricane-generated or tsunami wave damage. Their roots intertwine to form a dense thicket above water that breaks waves and helps blunt the force of an incoming wave’s energy. Mangrove forests provide a line of defense against storm waves from hurricanes and tsunamis.

Lo Tsunami più potente di tutti è nato dall’impatto dell’asteroide che uccise i dinosauri

2022-10-06T10:51+0200tecnoandroid (it)

Un nuovo studio afferma che l’ asteroide che uccise i dinosauri si ritiene potrebbe anche aver causato uno tsunami globale. 66 milioni di anni fa , un enorme asteroide delle dimensioni di una città si schiantò contro la Terra , spazzando via i dinosauri.

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Ometepec, Guerrero

2022-10-06T10:49+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 fue registrado en las cercanías de Ometepec a las 3:17 hora local (8:17 UTC) de hoy, de acuerdo con el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 80 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Guerrero y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km.

El asteroide que causó un tsunami global con olas gigantes

2022-10-06T10:29+0200ambientum (es)

de Yucatán ( México ) con una fuerza equivalente a la de diez mil millones de bombas atómicas como la de Hiroshima. El impacto incendió los bosques y expulsó tanto azufre a la atmósfera que bloqueó la luz del Sol. Como resultado, un invierno que duró años y durante el cual se extinguieron tres....

End-Cretaceous asteroid caused massive global tsunami, peaking at a mile high

2022-10-06T10:28+0200terradaily (en)

The asteroid that struck Earth and led to the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction 66 million years ago also triggered a worldwide tsunami that started as a wave more than a mile high, according to a new study. The tsunami was large enough to scour the ocean floor thousands of miles from the impact site on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

Sismo de 4.7 de magnitud con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-10-06T09:33+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.7 cerca de Coalcomán que ocurrió a las 2:03 horas en el horario local (7:03 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 69 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad....

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