Overall Red alert Tropical Cyclone for FREDDY-23
in Mozambique, Madagascar

Event summary

Tropical Cyclone FREDDY-23 can have a high humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed, exposed population and vulnerability.

GDACS ID TC 1000961
Name FREDDY-23
Glide number: TC-2023-000023-MDG
From - To 06 Feb - 12 Mar
Exposed countries Mozambique, Madagascar
Exposed population 2.9 million in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 250 km/h Category 4
Maximum storm surge 0.6 m (21 Feb 17:00 UTC)
Vulnerability High (Madagascar)


For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
GDACS JTWC 148 km/h 0.6 m n.a. 2.5
WMO-RSMC La Réunion 53 km/h 0.3 m n.a. 0.5
Single TC: maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge, rainfall)
HWRF 263 km/h 0.7 m 1685 mm 1.5
GFS 205 km/h 0.7 m 1068 mm 0.5
ECMWF 112 km/h 0.7 m 1634 mm 0.5
Maximum expected impact (wind, storm surge and rainfall) using different data sources.
Virtual OSOCC
Meteo assessment
Satellite products
Analytical products
Mauritius, Reunion - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY (ECHO 17 Feb 2023)Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:39

  • A new Tropical Cyclone named FREDDY formed in the south-west of the Indian Ocean and is moving westwards. As of 17 February at 0.00 UTC, its centre was located about 1,500 km north-east of Rodrigues Island (eastern Mauritius), with maximum sustained winds of 222 km/h.
  • FREDDY is forecast to continue moving westwards as a Tropical Cyclone, approaching Rodrigues Island on 19 February, and then Mauritius and La Reunion on 20 February. 
  • Heavy rainfall and strong winds are forecast over Rodrigues from 18 February and over Mauritius's main Island and La Reunion from 19 February.
Mauritius, Reunion - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY (ECHO 18 Feb 2023)Sat, 18 Feb 2023 12:14

  • Tropical Cyclone FREDDY formed south-west of the Indian Ocean - currently classified category 4 - is moving westwards towards Madagascar with maximum sustained winds of 213 km/h, current coordinates Lat -16.4; Lon 69.1, as of today 8:45 CET.
  • TC FREDDY continues moving westwards and is forecast to approach Mauritius Island and La Reunion on 20 February, before hitting the coast of Madagascar on 21 February.
  • Heavy rainfall and strong winds are forecast in the next days over the islands.
  • The ERCC is closely monitoring the situation.
FREDDY-23 - JRC emergency reportSun, 19 Feb 2023 14:03

A new JRC Emergency report is now available
Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 20 Feb 2023)Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:24

  • Tropical Cyclone FREDDY continued moving westward over the southern Indian Ocean toward eastern Madagascar. On 20 January at 6.00 UTC its centre was located offshore approximately 135 km north-northeast of Mauritius and 270 km north-east of Reunion, with maximum sustained winds of 243 km/h.
  • On the forecast track, FREDDY is forecast to continue moving west, well off Mauritius and Reunion, and it is expected to make landfall over northern Vatovavy-Fitovinany Province (central-eastern coast of Madagascar) on 21 February late in the afternoon UTC), with maximum sustained winds up to 220 km/h.
  • After that it is forecast to pass over central-southern Madagascar on 22-23 February, weakening, then enter into the Mozambique Channel on 24 February, toward central-southern Mozambique.
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surge are forecast over Reunion and Mauritius (while moderate rainfall is forecast over Rodrigues). Cyclone warnings are in force for Reunion and Mauritius
  • The Copernicus EMS was activated in rapid mapping mode (EMSR652) on 19 February for Madagascar, in order to support the impact assessment.
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapMon, 20 Feb 2023 18:36

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 21 Feb 2023)Tue, 21 Feb 2023 11:46

  • Tropical Cyclone FREDDY continued moving westward over the Indian Ocean toward eastern Madagascar and well north of Mauritius and Reunion.
  • On 21 January at 6.00 UTC its centre was located offshore approximately 150 km east of the coastal town of Vatomandry (central-eastern Madagascar) with maximum sustained winds of 178 km/h.
  • On the forecast track, FREDDY is forecast to make landfall in Madagascar on 21 February early in the afternoon (UTC) with maximum sustained winds up to 175 km/h. After that it is forecast to pass over central-southern Madagascar on 22-23 February, as a Tropical Storm, then enter into the Mozambique Channel on 24 February.
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surge are still forecast over Reunion and Mauritius and over central and southern Madagascar. Cyclone warnings are in force in Madagascar.
  • The Copernicus EMS was activated in rapid mapping mode () on 19 February for Madagascar, in order to support the impact assessment. So far, two satellite maps were produced as reference products.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationTue, 21 Feb 2023 12:01

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Madagascar, Mozambique, Mauritius, Reunion - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 22 Feb 2023)Wed, 22 Feb 2023 11:36

  • Tropical Cyclone FREDDY made landfall over northern Vatovavy-Fitovinany Region (central-eastern Madagascar) on 21 February in the afternoon (UTC), with maximum sustained winds of 165 km/h. On 22 February at 6.00 UTC its centre was located inland in the northern Atsimo-Andrefana Region (south-western Madagascar) with maximum sustained winds of 63 km/h.
  • Authorities in Madagascar (BNGRC) report on 22 February four fatalities, 16,600 affected people in four regions, Vatovavy, Fitovinany, Atsimo Atsinanana and Amoron’I Mania. 11,047 people are displaced, 2 276 houses flooded and 2,267 are damaged.
  • Media report, as of 22 February, one fatality and around 500 evacuated families in a number of shelters across Mauritius main island.
  • Around 25,000 power outages were also reported in the peak of the event across La Reunion while 80 people have been hosted in emergency shelters. 
  • On the forecast track, FREDDY is expected to enter into the Mozambique Channel as a Tropical Storm on 22-23 February. On 24 February, it is forecast to strenghten and to make landfall in the morning (UTC) over southern Mozambique, with maximum sustained winds up to 125 km/h.
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 23 Feb 2023)Thu, 23 Feb 2023 11:14

  • Tropical Cyclone FREDDY passed over Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Haute Matsiatra, and northern Atsimo-Andrefana Regions (central-southern Madagascar) on 22 February, as a Tropical Storm. On 23 February at 6.00 UTC its centre was located over the Mozambique Channel approximately 300 km east of the eastern coast of Mozambique, with maximum sustained winds of 74 km/h.
  • The National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 23 February, four fatalities, 8,644 displaced people (a part of these across 37 evacuation centres) and a total of 16,709 affected people across 4 regions: Vatovavy, Fitovinany, Atsimo-Andrefana, and Amoron'i Mania Regions. Thousands of houses have been flooded, damaged or destroyed. Assessments are on-going on the humanitarian situation. On the forecast track, FREDDY is expected to strenghten and to make landfall close to the Inhassoro Town (northern Inhambane Province, southern Mozambique) on 24 February very early in the morning (UTC), as a Tropical Storm. GloFAS forecasts indicate a Reasonable Worst-Case scenario of 1 in 100 year flooding, with a risk of directly affecting up to 130,000 people.
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surge are still forecast over central and southern Madagascar and over central and southern Mozambique.
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapThu, 23 Feb 2023 19:07

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 24 Feb 2023)Fri, 24 Feb 2023 10:55

  • On 23 February, Tropical Cyclone FREDDY continued moving westward over the Mozambique Channel toward the coast of central-southern Mozambique, as a Tropical Storm. On 24 February at 6.00 UTC its centre was located over the sea approximately 60 km east of the coast, with maximum sustained winds of 114 km/h.
  • In Madagascar, the National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 24 February, seven fatalities, more than 27,800 displaced people and a total of over 85,224 affected people in seven Regions across central and southern Madagascar. 12,594 houses have been damaged.
  • In Mozambique, media report some closed roads due to floods in the central Sofala Province.
  • On the forecast track, FREDDY is expected to strenghten and to make landfall over the area of Vilankulos Town (southern Mozambique) on 24 February around 12.00 UTC, with maximum sustained winds up to 145 km/h. After that, FREDDY is forecast to weaken and to continue moving inland on 24-25 February.
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surge are forecast over Inhambane, Gaza, Sofala, and Manica Provinces. The Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) has issued a red alert for cyclone for these Provinces.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationFri, 24 Feb 2023 14:28

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationMon, 27 Feb 2023 11:02

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 27 Feb 2023)Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:17

  • Tropical cyclone FREDDY made landfall over the area of Vilankulos Town on 24 February, with maximum sustained winds of 95 km/h (tropical storm). On 25-26 February, it continued inland over Inhambane, Gaza and southern Manica Provinces (southern Mozambique), weakening into a tropical depression. Then FREDDY entered in the neighbouring eastern Zimbabwe further weakening, and it is forecast to dissipate on 27-28 February.
  • In Madagascar, the National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 27 February, seven confirmed fatalities, more than 37,700 displaced people and a total of approximately 116,700 affected people in seven regions across central and southern Madagascar. In addition, over 9,700 houses and more than 300 schools have been destroyed.
  • In Mozambique, UN OCHA reports as of 26 February, a number of people evacuated in some evacuations centres, more than 1,000 damaged schools, several damaged health units and roads across Maputo, Inhambane, Gaza, Manica and Sofala Provinces.
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service was activated in rapid mapping mode () on 19 February for Madagascar and three maps were produced so far.
  • Over the next 24 hours, drier conditions are expected over the whole Mozambique.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 01 Mar 2023 15:49

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 02 Mar 2023 09:52

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 02 Mar 2023)Thu, 02 Mar 2023 12:20

  • According to the latest report of UN OCHA, as of 1 March, more than 389,300 people have been affected by the passage of tropical cyclone FREDDY over Madagascar (21-22 February) and Mozambique (24-25 February) that brought heavy rainfall, strong winds and caused widespread floods.
  • In Madagascar, seven people have died, 37,700 others have been displaced, and 226,000 affected. More than 28,800 houses have been destroyed or damaged as well as several schools, some 16 community health centres and two hospitals were partially damaged.
  • In Mozambique, seven people died, 9,268 have been evacuated in 26 accommodation centres across the Provinces of Inhambane, Gaza, and Sofala and more than 163,300 were affected. Over 27,811 houses were destroyed or damaged. Damage to schools, public infrastructure and services have also been registered.
  • On 3-4 March, moderate rain with localized thunderstorms is forecast over most of Mozambique while heavy rainfall is expected across south-western Madagascar.
  • In the meanwhile, the remnants of FREDDY are forecast to move east-southeastwards across the Mozambique Channel over the next 24-48 hours. 
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapThu, 02 Mar 2023 19:03

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationFri, 03 Mar 2023 03:52

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY and its remnants, update (ECHO 03 Mar 2023)Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:12

  • The remnants of FREDDY are located in the Mozambique Channel and, on 3 March at 5.00 UTC, its centre was located over the sea approximately 550 km west of Morombe City (south-western Madagascar) with maximum sustained winds of 55 km/h.
  • FREDDY is expected to strengthen gradually, moving slowly towards the southwestern coasts of Madagascar and it could approach its coast on 5-6 March.
  • Following its passage across Madagascar (21-22 February) and Mozambique (24-25 February), the number of deaths reached 17 people (ten in Mozambique and seven in Madagascar) while almost 390,000 people have been affected across the two countries.
  • For the next three days, heavy rain and strong winds are expected in particular over most of southern Madagascar while moderate rain is forecast over south-eastern Mozambique and the rest of Madagascar.
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 06 Mar 2023)Mon, 06 Mar 2023 12:06

  • On 2-4 March, the remnants of tropical cyclone FREDDY continued eastward over the Mozambique Channel, from Mozambique toward Madagascar, strenghtening. On the afternoon (UTC) of 4 March it re-formed, as a tropical storm. On 6 March at 6.00 UTC, its centre was located over the sea approximately 90 km south-west of the coastal City of Toliara (Atsimo-Andrefana Region, south-western Madagascar).
  • Due to the heavy rainfall caused by the re-formed FREDDY, the National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 6 March, one fatality, 362 evacuated people (a number of these across some evacuation centres), 210 damaged houses and a total of around 2,300 affected people across Atsimo-Andrefana and Menabe Regions (south-westestern and western Madagascar). The previous passage of FREDDY on late February caused 17 fatalities across both Madagascar and Mozambique.
  • On 7-11 March, FREDDY is forecast to strenghten and to continue northwestward over the Mozambique Channel, again toward central-northern Mozambique, with maximum sustained winds up to 145 km/h (Tropical cyclone).
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surges are forecast over south-westestern and western Madagascar. A Red Warning is in force over this area.
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapMon, 06 Mar 2023 17:14

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 07 Mar 2023)Tue, 07 Mar 2023 11:45

  • The re-formed Tropical Cyclone FREDDY continued moving, strenghtening, over the Mozambique Channel, very close to the coast of the Atsimo-Andrefana Region (south-western Madagascar), as a tropical storm. On 7 March at 6.00 UTC, its centre was located over the sea approximately 145 km west of the coastal City of Toliara (Atsimo-Andrefana Region).
  • Due to the heavy rainfall caused by the re-formed FREDDY, the National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 7 March, four fatalities, 5,435 evacuated people and a total of nearly 15,300 affected people across south-westestern and western Madagascar).
  • On 8-10 March, FREDDY is forecast to further strenghten and to continue northwestward over the Mozambique Channel. After that, it is expected to make landfall on 11 March over the central Zambezia Province (central-northern Mozambique) with maximum sustained winds up to 190 km/h.
  • Over the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surges are forecast over south-westestern and western Madagascar. A red warning is in force over this area.
Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 10 Mar 2023)Fri, 10 Mar 2023 12:12

  • Tropical cyclone FREDDY is the longest-lasting cyclone ever recorded. As of 10 March, it marks 33 days of lasting, since it was named on 6 February off the coast of north-western Australia.
  • On 8-9 March it continued northwestward over the Mozambique Channel, well off the coast of western Madagascar. On 10 March at 6.00 UTC, its centre was located over the sea approximately 170 km south-east of the coastal City of Quelimane (southern Zambezia Province, central Mozambique).
  • The National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC) reports, as of 10 March, ten fatalities, three missing, more than 24,300 displaced people and approximately 72,350 affected people across south-western and western Madagascar.
  • FREDDY is forecast to make landfall on 11 March around 6.00 UTC in the area of Batela Town (just north-east of Quelimane City). After that, on 11-13 March it is expected to continue inland northwestward over the Zambezia Province, weakening into a tropical depression.
  • On 11-13 March, heavy rainfall, strong wind and storm surge are forecast over most of Mozambique. Heavy rainfall is still forecast over most of Madagascar on 10-12 March.
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapFri, 10 Mar 2023 17:21

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 13 Mar 2023)Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:20

  • Tropical cyclone FREDDY made its second landfall on Mozambique early in the afternoon (UTC) of 11 March very close to the coastal City of Quelimane (southern Zambezia Province, central-northern Mozambique), with maximum sustained winds up to 175 km/h.
  • On 13 March at 6.00 UTC, its centre was located inland over the southern Tete Province (northern Mozambique) approximately 40 km west of the border with southern Malawi, with maximum sustained winds of 63 km/h (tropical storm).
  • Media report, as of 13 March, at least one fatalities due to the second landfall of FREDDY in Mozambique, while needs assessments are still ongoing. The real impact of FREDDYs second landfall in Mozambique will only be known in the coming days.
  • On 14-15 March FREDDY is forecast to continue north-west inland over the Tete Province and to turn south-east over southern Malawi and Zambezia Province (Mozambique), weakening into tropical depression.
  • Over the next 48 hours, very heavy rainfall and strong wind are forecast over these Provinces in Mozambique and over southern Malawi.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationMon, 13 Mar 2023 13:14

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - JRC emergency reportMon, 13 Mar 2023 09:09

A new JRC Emergency report is now available
Mozambique, Malawi - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 14 Mar 2023)Tue, 14 Mar 2023 11:14

  • After its second landfall on central Mozambique on 11 March, tropical cyclone FREDDY continued northward inland over Zambezia and Tete Provinces (Mozambique) and southern Malawi, weakening. On 13 March at 12.00 UTC, its centre was located in the southern Tete Province very close to the border with southern Malawi, with maximum sustained winds of 51 km/h (tropical depression).
  • The UN OCHA reports, as of 13 March, 101 fatalities, over 16,600 affected, more than 11,100 displaced people, 40 evacuation centres and 16 people missing in southern Malawi, bordering with Mozambique. Media also report five fatalities across Mozambique, due to the second landfall of FREDDY.
  • On 14-16 March FREDDY is forecast to continue inland over southern Malawi and the Zambezia Province and re-enter into the Mozambique Channel, further weakening and dissipating.
  • Over the next 48 hours, very heavy rainfall is still forecast over southern Malawi and over Zambezia, Sofala, Manica, Tete, and Niassa Provinces (Mozambique).
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationTue, 14 Mar 2023 15:08

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Mozambique, Malawi - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 15 Mar 2023)Wed, 15 Mar 2023 10:22

  • As of 15 March, tropical cyclone FREDDY is dissipating and it is moving as a low pressure area between the Zambezia Province (central-northern Mozambique) and the Mozambique Channel.
  • Very heavy rainfall associated with the passage of FREDDY (after its second landfall on 11 March) across central-northern Mozambique and southern Malawi caused severe floods and mudslides that resulted in casualties and widespread damage.
  • In Malawi, UN OCHA reports as of 14 March, 190 fatalities, 16 people missing, 59,000 affected and approximately 19,000 displaced people across the Southern Region. The President of Malawi has declared a State of Disaster for this region.
  • In Mozambique, the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) reports ten fatalities, 14 injured and around 37,780 displaced people across Nassa, Zambezia, Tete, Manica and Sofala. 
  • Over the next 48 hours, very heavy rainfall is forecast over southern Malawi and over Zambezia, Sofala and Tete Provinces (central-northern Mozambique).
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 15 Mar 2023 11:07

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapWed, 15 Mar 2023 18:33

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
Malawi, Madagascar, Mozambique - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 16 Mar 2023)Thu, 16 Mar 2023 11:19

  • The Southern Region in southern Malawi has been affected by heavy rainfall and strong winds due to the passage of FREDDY on 12-15 March that caused floods, and landslides (including the deadly landslide in Blantyre Town) and resulted in casualties and damage.
  • According to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA), as of 15 March, at least 225 people have died, and 88,312 others have been displaced and sheltered in 165 accommodation centres.
  • Humanitarian actors are starting to provide immediate response where access is possible and EU Humanitarian staff is being deployed.
  • For the next 24 hours, light to moderate rain is forecast over most parts of the country.
  • Since 21 of February, FREDDY has hit twice Madagascar and Mozambique, affecting overall nearly 800,000 people and displacing over 120,000.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 16 Mar 2023 12:53

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationFri, 17 Mar 2023 11:18

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Malawi - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 17 Mar 2023)Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:31

  • As of 16 March, tropical cyclone FREDDY is completely dissipated and it is a low pressure area over the Mozambique Channel.
  • Very heavy rainfall and strong winds, associated to its passage across southern Malawi, caused severe floods and triggered landslides that have resulted in an increased number of casualties and widespread damage.
  • The Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA) and World Food Programme (WFP) report, as of 16 March, 326 fatalities, 201 people missing, 796 injured, more than 183,000 displaced, about 500 rescued people and a total of approximately 501,000 affected people across the Southern Region.
  • Over the next 48 hours, more heavy rainfall is forecast over the whole country.
Malawi - Tropical cyclone FREDDY, update (ECHO 20 Mar 2023)Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:07

  • Very heavy rainfall, associated to the passage of the tropical cyclone FREDDY and its remnants on 12-15 March, affected southern Malawi, causing severe floods and triggering landslides that have resulted in an increased number of casualties and widespread damage.
  • The Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA) reports, as of 19 March, 476 fatalities, 349 people still missing, 918 injured people and nearly 491,000 displaced people (a number of these in 533 accomodation centres) across the Southern Region.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall with locally very heavy rainfall is forecast over the whole country.
Malawi - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY and floods, update (ECHO 21 Mar 2023)Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:28

  • Heavy rainfall, associated to the passage of the tropical cyclone FREDDY and its remnants on 12-15 March, affected southern Malawi, causing severe floods and triggering landslides.
  • The death toll continues to increase across the country. The Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA) reports, as of 20 March, 499 fatalities, 427 people missing, more than 1,300 injured and nearly 508,250 displaced people (a number of these across 534 accomodation centres) throughout the Southern Region.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall with locally heavy rainfall is forecast over most of the country, while moderate rainfall is forecast over the southern part of the Southern Region.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationTue, 21 Mar 2023 11:34

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Malawi, Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY and floods, update (ECHO 22 Mar 2023)Wed, 22 Mar 2023 10:36

  • The passage of the Tropical Cyclone FREDDY and its remnants on 11-15 March, affected southern Malawi and central-northern Mozambique (in particular Tete and Zambezia Provinces), causing severe floods and landslides that have resulted in an increased number of casualties and widespread damage.
  • In Malawi, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA) reports, as of 21 March, 507 fatalities, 437 people currently still missing, 1,332 injured people and 553,614 displaced people (a number of these across 543 accomodation centres) throughout the Southern Region.
  • In Mozambique, the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) reports 165 fatalities, 511 injured people, approximately 163,456 displaced people (a number of these across 213 accomodation centres) and a total of nearly 886,487 affected people across Zambezia, Tete, Niassa, Manica and Sofala Provinces, mainly due to the second landfall of FREDDY occurred on 11 March.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall with locally very heavy rainfall is still forecast over most of Malawi, northern Mozambique and most of Madagascar.
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 22 Mar 2023 12:10

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationThu, 23 Mar 2023 14:48

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
Malawi - Tropical Cyclone FREDDY and floods, update (ECHO 24 Mar 2023)Fri, 24 Mar 2023 10:48

  • Heavy rainfall, associated to the passage of the tropical cyclone FREDDY and its remnants on 12-15 March, affected southern Malawi, causing severe floods and triggering landslides.
  • The death toll continues to increase across the country. The Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi (DoDMA) reports, as of 23 March, 511 fatalities, 533 people still missing, 1,332 injured people and 563,771 displaced people (a number of these across 577 accomodation centres) throughout the Southern Region.
  • On 23 March, Malawi requested support from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism for shelter, health, WASH, non-food, and food items.
  • Over the next 24 hours, more heavy rainfall is forecast over Northern and Central Regions, while drier conditions are expected over the already affected Southern Region.
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapFri, 24 Mar 2023 17:28

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationMon, 27 Mar 2023 11:35

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationTue, 28 Mar 2023 09:50

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationWed, 29 Mar 2023 10:51

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - EC/ECHO daily mapFri, 31 Mar 2023 15:55

A new EC/ECHO daily map is now available
FREDDY-23 - UNITAR-UNOSAT ActivationMon, 03 Apr 2023 08:57

UNITAR-UNOSAT Potentially Damaged Buildings has been activated
FREDDY-23 - JRC emergency reportThu, 18 May 2023 23:48

A new JRC Emergency report is now available
Detailed event map. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.
The boundaries and the names shown on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the European Union.

Updates on volcanic activity (Smithsonian)

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Malawi – Les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver d’éventuels survivants enfouis dans les décombres après le passage du cyclone Freddy dans cette région d’Afrique australe. Ce cyclone « hors norme » par sa trajectoire a fait près de 200

Estimated casualties (PAGER)

USGS estimates the number of casualties for each earthquake for the Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) product.
The graph shows the current fatalities estimate.

Exposed population

Data, images, links, services and documents

For this events, GDACS has links to information from the following sources: EC-JRC (40), (2), WMO (1), INFORM (2),